Tuesday, October 9, 1923 PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON LOCAL NEWS J .T .J. .J. J. J. .J. t. ' J J. p WANTED - WaitreBS, by Octobar 2 51). II-t -l Hi'piUH-r. 24-lt JMi.Hii Laura liurn.sido roturn;cl from a visit al Lout Luke last Tues day. F. M. McMi-namin was here from Portland yesterday on a short busi ness trip. Mrs. T. J. Matlock was in from her Hinton creek ranch Monday loo'king alter business matters. Mrs. Pauline Quaid, former resi dent liere, i.s looking after business inib rests in ly-ppner for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Mahoney are KPendin llje week In Portland visit ing friends and enjoying a bit of city life. W. P. Mahoney, manager of the First NatiomU Hank, went to Port land Sunday night on a short busi ness trip. , P. J. Jl.tssler, editor of the lone Independent was a visitor in Hepp ri(:r Monday, lie says they have had fine ruins tli'-re lately, and the farm ers are happy. F-. S. Ackerman, former publisher of I lie Independent uf lone, left last Friday for hi. old home; at St. Louis, Mo., when lie will enjoy a well eurn ed vacation. Dr. F. V. Clark, of the Clark llrower Optical Co., Portland, was in Jleppner a couple days last week and expects to make regular profes sional visits here in the future. John T. Kirk lias rented the Dex ter ranch on upper Willow creek and is moving I here this week. The ranch is stocked with cattle, horses and u small band of sheep, and John T. thinks life there will be worth living. Charlie Latourell spent several days at Itoaidtnan during the week enjoying the duck shooting on his private duelt preserve on that proj ect. Ho returned Monday morning, bringing back 18 fine birds as the roBiilt of bis Sunday's shooting. Mr. and Mrs. Isom of Mounment liavo bought the Freeman property now occupied by Peter Prophet and family and will soon take posses sion. Mr. Prophet will move to the lleppner hospital property ou lower Main street. John Kilkenny was in town Mon day looking mightily pleased about the rains and the line grass weather. I'm i i i :i ill (he trass will get so high the sheep will get lost in it," (Uolh John, hut he had his fingers crossed when lie said It. Judge VV. I'. I t) t ton , former well known rcidetil ol this county, now living In I'm! land, is here for a lew da;i' vimI. hulling utter his prop c r t y Int. rests here. The Judge is a consistent booster for Morrow coun ty around Hi 1 Imperial hoi.el lobby. usually giving p.ntieuhir emphasis to the pro. Im live soil ami the pretl girls. Titer Piopliel. his nephew, Louis l'yle and his InepJ Mr. Van Ktt.i, traveling m.iii ol Portland, have been ill the lul.'li creek mountains for 111 past couple of weeks hunting, anil since the i, nut storm Mrs. Prophet is growing a hit uneasy. Pete d eland when lie !:(, however, thai i he was going to stay uintl he got deer an.! that sometimes takes time as well as patience. The parly re turned he. I ni, hi sale, sound and IlleiltlCnU. A. M, IM vv a ; .Is. well known well driller ol Levi. igt. m, was in town Monda) I'.h a shoit visit. Mr. Kd wuuis ha., ju.t computed a good water well on the i'ulsfoilh I'.imit peal' .Morgan where lie struck plenty ol water at a comparatively shallow depth. Mi. IMwaiils recently sunk a well on the .-,,11110 farm where a pe (Miliar siib..l,ini'e much resembling gold was .Micoiiutei e.l. Samples ha( e been sent in the Colorado School of .Mines, Oiegon Agricultural college and to the Cmver.-.ily of Iowa for analvsis but 11. reports have et lip-cn received. Ohl.IIOM KO LOOKS I.1KF. 11.1 v v 1 .11 ivn:n 1:1 1 rnoN The tug low down In Oklahoma which. Uoveinor Walton and alleged leaders ol (tie Ku Klux Klau were the chief nclois seems to be a fliv ver since the cliH'tioii last Tuesday, at whlcli the g lyeiuor was turu.-'d down aomo lour to one. The return seem to indicate cither that the. (.te U practically solid for the klau or that, a lot of voters who are not iu sympathy with that or gunWatiou were disgusted with Wal toll's spis-Ucular plays and conclud ed to turn luiu down. The matter is now in the com Is, In a case In Mi ll the governor seeks to hav e the election declared illegal. The lew has (tone Oklahoma " good but if the statu could net rid of the agi Liters on hot It sides it would doubt less bo belter oil. NORTHWEST HAY AND GKAI.V SHOW PREMIUMS ....Premium lists of the Northwest Hay and Grian show to be held in connection with the Pacific Livestock exposition in Portland November 3 to 10 has been received by County Agent Morse. More than $2,500 in cash premiums will be given out for the various classes of grain and hay. The premium list includes the six market classifications of wheat and varietal specials on thirteen of the leading varieties grown in the North west. Special tags have been re ceived and any wheat intended for the show will be tagged with the owner's name, the class and lot it is to be entered In, and putj in any car billed to Portland. When it arrives there, it will be set aside, picked up, cleaned down to a one-bushel lot, and exhibited under the owner's name. Morrow county has been very well represented at Pendleton for the past two years and it is hoped that a large exhibit will be sent to the show at Portland this year. Wheat Nurseries Ileing Started Following out the arrangements made earlier in the fall wheat nurse ries are being planted this week on the Lawrence Redding farm near Kigtmilo and at Troy Bogard's north of lone. These will be similar to the nursery put out on the Jake Wells place near Heppner last year, and will contain approximately 4 00 rod length rows, including the lead ing varieties now being grown at the Moro experiment station, all of the smut resistant, wheats and a number of tests using different fungicides for smut treatment. These nurseries not only serve to bring the experi ment station closer to the farmers but give the station officials valu able data regarding the yields and behavior under varying conditions of the grain, being tested out. time for the ATTKNTION, LADIES! I have just received a big line of Ladies' Garments at prices that will appeal to careful buyers. DreBses $10.00 to $45.00. Coats 27.50 $to $65.00. Also a splendid line of Skirts and Sweat ers at very reasonable prices. MRS. L. G. HERREN. 23-24. HOME AT A BARGAIN Wo offer the former Gay Ander son homo at real bargain. Phone Mr. or Mrs. Gay Anderson for particu lars, Immediately. C. C. Calkins, 301 W. Hoone, Spokane, Wn. 22-21 HOUSES- For dralt or saddle horses see Dave Pressley in tow n or at the T. J. Matlock ranch. Prices are right. 2 4 -If 4. CECIL J J J J 1 .... Mr .and Mrs. Gene Noble and party of friends from HeppnV" hon ored Cecil and vicinity with a visit on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Stender of "Seldomseen" made a trip to Her miston for a supply of fruit on Sun day. Mrs. C. H. Crundall of Hermiston arrived in Cecil on Sunday and will visit at "Roc'kcliffe" with her daugh ter, Mrs. N. I. Morrison, for some before leaving for California winter. C. Henriksen of Canby arrived at Strawberry ranch during the week and will visit his son, George. He will also visit A. Henriksen of the Moore ranch, near Heppner, for a few weeks. Carl Troedson, one of Ione's lead ing citizens, was doing business in Cecil on Thursday. Miss La Velle Leathers of Lexing ton was visiting at thp home of Mrs. George Noble at Rhea siding, Sun day. J. J. McEntire of "Killarney" spared time to call in Cecil on Wed nesday. J. J. is increasing1 his Jer sey herd, and expects soon to be second to none amongst the Willow creek dairymen. Melville Logan of the Willows was visiting at the home of Fred Buchanan, near lone, Sunday. L. D. May of The Dalles, who is visiting his brother, T. W. May at the Lone Star ranch, was a Cecil on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and family, and Miss E. Silverton, teach er of Rhea siding school, were visi tors in Heppner Saturday and Sun day. Georgp Perry who has been haul ing wheat from the Hazel Dean ranch In Four Mile to the Cecil warehouse finished up hia work on Monday and returned to hia home at Ewing. Leon Logan's sona, Jim and Dick, are now buBy as bpes hauling their father's wheat to the Cecil ware house. They are looking forward to attending the basket social at Cecil to be held in the- npr future. W. H. Chandler f Willowcreek ranch was in Heppner delivering some fine onions from hia ranch on Wednesday. We always considered Cecil a land flowing with milk and honey but what with Hnyd Bros.' ranch and its abundance of hay stacks; Minor A Krebs' and Henrik sen Bros.' ranches, also thickly dot ted with huge stacks of fine hay; McEntire's herd of Jersey cows, Dun can's busy bees and Belgian hares, Chandler's chickena and oniona, etc., we ought to rename our little town "The Land of Plenty." L. Bisbep, from the Cillaim & Bisbee hardware store of Heppner, waa loo'king up his friends around Cecil on Monday. Halferty Bros, of "Shady Dell" have finished hauling wheat to Cecil warehousp and have now taken .a lease of some wheat land near Ceciil. Miss Minnie Reis, teacher of Four Mile scnool, spent the week-end with her parents in Arlington. Henry Krebs and Walter Pope left "The Last Camp" on Thursday for the McCullough ranch above Hepp ner, where they will stay for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Alt Shaw of Butterby Flats left on Friday, with Mrs. Geo. Henriksen of Strawberry ranch. Miss Violet Ledford and Mr. J. C. Kelsay of Grass Valley for Portland on a shopping expedition. They made the trip by auto. iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiii)Niinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii 1 . 1 Elkhorn 3 m J Best Rating 1 Place 1 in Town We are now serving f All Kinds of 1 Shell Fish J To Order i Our food is best quality, well eooked. neatly served I Special attention given to a s lodge and club banquets Jlestmtrmtt EDWARD CHINN, Prop. We invite your patronage Blllllllllllllll!llllllllllli:illllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllll!llllllllllll!lllllllla 111 m Km Bfl Bfl mm mm a a Ka p a a a a Ea aa Km a a a a mm mm mm a a a a RH a Ka EH KB BiH a KB Ea en EH KB aa sa Show Starts 7:30 P. M. 0 It h His Faith fife 4. - On October 12 we again honor America's dis coverer. And Uk; occasion brings to mind one of Columbus' greatest qualities UNSHAK ABLE FAITH. His was the Faith that beyond the seas was a new world and with the aid of Spain's queen, he realized his hopes. Ni it is with us. Many of us have Faith in the Task at hand but. through the lack of Financial assistance, find ourselves handicapped to pro ceed. The moral is this Save. Save all you can now, so that when Opportunity aain "crosses your path you can carry riyht on. Start a Sav ings Account with us. We'll help with 4 per cent interest. US mm IS FIRST NATIONAL BANK p wm mm mm mm mm Ka KB KB KB KB KB Bfl KB KB BB Bfl BB BB Bfl BB mm mm mm Bfl aa KB Hfl Bfl Bfl nm mm mm a m PROGRAM Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 9 and 10 BETTY COMPSON in ' "Kick In" BABY PEGGY in "THE KID REPORTER" Thursday, October 11 ALICE BRADY in "Anna Ascends" SNUB POLLARD in "WHERE AM I?" Friday, October 12 IRENE CASTLE in "SLIM SHOULDERS" RUTH ROLAND in Second Episode of "HAUNTED VALLEY" Pathe News Weekly Saturday, October 13 MILTON SILLS in "Skin Deep" IflBBBBB HflflflBBB THE MIRROR, this number being oictures of the San Francisco Earthquake. You should see it. Sunday and Monday, Oct. 14 and 15 PRISCILL'A DEAN 1 in "The Flame of Life" ALSO COMEDY Next JFeek: ALL STAR CAST ill "ONLY A SHOP GIRL" I1K1JK I1AMKLS in "THK WOKI.D'S APPLAUSE" WILL IMMiKltS in "THK HEADLESS HOUSEMAN" IlICHAKP 15AHTHELMESS in "THE UOXD BOY" SPECIAL CAST in "DHIVEX" ftHnHflflflBflaflqnnflaBnftnRnft"iBBi ou Can See Wh it You are Buying when you fill your tank from a Dayton Visible Gasoline Pump I have just installed one at my Repair Shop. Let me fill your tank next time. M. R. FELL Chase Street OF INTEREST TO THE LADIES For the latest and best In MILLINERY, CORSETS and WOMEN'S WEAR -See Mrs. L.G. Herren Phone 502 Job Printing SEE US When in need of any thing in the line of neat and attractive Printing. lli' 1 II j Prices Have Dropped j We are now offering new stock at lower prices MILL RUN BRAND MIDDLINGS CALF MEAL KERR'S MILK MAKER and MILK RATION ALL KINDS OF POULTRY SUPPLIES Seed Rve for Sale Brown &, Lowry HEPPNER, OREGON Phone 642 a a KB Kfl 11a KB bb Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl BB Bfl Bfl mm mm Bfl bb bb bb Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl BB BB BB BB BB Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl Kfl BB KB Efl Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl BB Bfl BB BB a Mi Bi K a BB Bfl Bfl BB Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl BB BB Bfl Bfl Bfl Bfl BB BB Bfl Bfl BB Bfl Bfl Bfl BB Kfl BB BB