Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 11, 1923, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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i? J J J J l J J J
Mrs. Hen Cox, of Hinton creek,
roporU throw;'' Jim Kirk that alio
li:is a hillybbrk that measures 11
t 2 iin hi'.s which makes it almost
ii winii"!-. Mrs. Di'vina still tops the
list with ;i record of 11 feet 4. This,
of coui -ie, uiiilies an exception of the
Cleveland prorl 1(41 i;s which are un
doubtedly of a mammoth variety uoi
la the .mom clans with ordinary
8peciru'-u.4. Mr. Cleveland, by the
way, is -.till hunting a portable saw
mill wiUi which to reduce some of
lii.-i hollyhock Iokh into lumber.
Ji rry (!ro:sn:in, one of the soumy's
l!'-:t .'id iimut respected pioco'r,
who h:i.i been very ill for yv,;.al
w(i (.i I 1-. life beiiiK despaired of at
tii. M s, to;k a turn for the better last
wee k end I'tiday was able to unite
the trip to rendition by auto wliera
ho will rt-inv.iu for Home time at ll.e
liospiUI. II M believed the change
will ."iu restore hhu to Ills usual
' Mr. and Mrs. CharleB II. Latourell
left Sunday for San Diego, Califor
nia, wh"ie liey will visit his par
ents and other friends for a week or
so. Cbailie took his rifle and shot
gun uloni; and expects to get him a
deer or two a well as Binaller game
as they pi-.ss through southern Ore
eon. Ilrry lfu.-ey, for the past yehr
coimi (led with the Ilcppner I,lgnt &
Water (Jo., bus purchased the tailor
ing and 1 leaning establishment of i!,
'ai;'.eii and will take over the bti.si
iiess in a few days. Mr. HiiN'y has
lnd ),;. vioim experience in th" bu.-iL
ness having been engaged in lha'
1'iie bed. re coining to Heppner. He
is one of the town's most popular
yo.ing men and will no doubt make
a hi'cce-t.-, of tlm business. Mr. Kran
zui, it Ih understood, will remove
his family ti Cortland where be lias
I). G. Sig.itMMi and two daughters,
Misses Itornico and Klaine, have re
turned from a pleasant vacation
wyent at Victoria, It. C, where Mr.
Hlfisbee attended a meeting of Hie
I'holograiihr'H association of the
Northwent. Mr. Sigsbeo says they
had a d.ligliJI'nl time and the con
vention was a most interesting meet
ing. Victoria is a fine city and not
1,0 much thoroughly Knglish as Mr.
.Sigsbeo had been led to ex t.
Mis. S. I'. Notson expects to
leave in a day or two lor Dunlap,
Iowa, whein she goes to visit their
sun. I.ee Nol.'.on. who is engaged in
limine.,,' I here. Mrs. Notson';;
mother is al.10 a resident of that
place an. I she anticipates a mighty
pleasant vi.nl Willi the home, folks.
Mr. a.'id Mrs. ('. S. lliesini, ol
('.union, weio lleppner visitors 1'ri
il.lv nigtii.
I Mrs. Ben Patterson, who has been
I here for a couple of weeks auperin
I tending the packing of her house.
1 hold goods for shipment to their new
home at Pasadena, left for that place
I this morning. Mr. Patterson has
I bought a drug storo th(ero and she
says is already enjoying a fine busi
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sorter ol
Washougal, Washington, are t'ie
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gay M. An.
derson this week, Mrs. Anderson be
ing their daughter. They are plan
ning to go to Los Angeles for the
Pelo Greenwood and Art McAtee
returned Monday evening from the
Long Creek races where they report
there was a fine meeting. Henry
Cohn and L. E. Van Marter also at
tended the meet.
Key. Father Geis returned Sunday
from a visit at his old home in Iowa.
He also visited friends in South Da
kota. He left for Baker Monday and
expects to do missionary work in
southeastern Oregon for the next few
John Kilkenny jr. left Friday
evening for Notre Dame, Indiana,
where ho will re-enter the university
to resume his studies. Mr. Kilkenny
is specializing in law at that famous
institution of learning.
L. Winfield and G. M. Blakely,
well known sheepmen of tho Monu
ment country, shipped four cars of
lambs from the local yards Monday
morning billed for Kansas City. Mr.
Blakely accompanied tho shipment.
Judue and Mrs. W. T. Campbell
left last Thursday for their old
home in Ontario, Canada, where
they go to visit relatives. They are
making the trip in their car going
via Spokane where they will visit
his brother for a few days enroute.
Cecil Lieuallen, a member of the
state highway traffic department, is
hero for a few" days spending hia va
cation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lieuallen, and other
We have grasshopper poison mix
ed ready for use. Brown & Lowry.
Wis. M. L. Curran returnod
Thursday from a visit at Portland
where she accompanied her daugh
ter, Miss Helen, who has entered the
nurse's training department of St.
Vincent's hospital.
KOlt SALE Furnished house for
$2500. Terms. Call at this office
or write me at lone, Oregon. Mrs.
Walter Cason. 19-tf
Ten cars of cattle left the local
yards Sunday morning lor the Port
land market. Chance Wilson and A.
llenriltstn were tho shippers.
FOR SALE 12 Hampshuro ram
lambs. Cleveland ranch. Phone
8F11. 19-20
H. E. Crawford, of the Turn a-Lum
Lumber Co., at Walla Walla, was
here during the week looking after
matters at the Heppner yard.
gain prices on Grain Drills. Call
and investigate at Peoples Hardware
Co. 18-tf
Percy Hughes and family have
moved Into their new homo on Court
street recently purchased from B. R.
Ray A. Seymour, of far away Ca
vite, P. I., registered at the Hotel
Heppner Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Musgrave, of
Monument, arrived in Heppuer fiom
theii home Saturday morning.
gain prices on Grain Drills. Call
and Investigate at Peoples Hardware
Co. ' 18-tf
Chas. F. Groom, forest ranger at
the station near Parkers Mill, was
a business visitor hpre Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simas and fam
ily are the guests of Mrs. Emmett
Cochran for a fjew days.
Leonard Wingfield will ship sev
eral cars of lambs to Chicago Wed
nesday or Thursday.
Pesirablo Home for Sule
Nearly half an acre of fine garden
ground with comfortable house of 7
rooms besides pantry and closets.
Built in cupboards; good cellar;
screen porch; store room, two chick
en houses with ample runs. Sub
stantial new fencing around prop
erty. Lots of fruit of all kinds in
cluding apples, best varieties plums,
prunes, pears, peaches and all small
fruits, and four fine shade trees.
Splendid water system with both city
and ditch wa.ter. Four 1 1-2-inch
ditch dydrants for irragation. Place
well protected from -winds and dust.
Price reasonable, terms easy. For
full particulars enquire at the Herald
office. 2-t
Subscrlbo for the Herald, only $2
a year.
Your Home
may be more pleasant
with a
Everything in Jewelery
Star Theatre
Program SEPT. 11 to 17
Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 11 and 12
Alfred Hunt in The Ragged Edge
Thursday, Sept. 13
Betty Compson and Tom Moore
in "Over The Border"
Snub Pollard in " The Mystery Man"
Friday, Sept. 14
Gaston Glass and Pauline Staik in
"The Kingdom Within"
The Gang in "Back Stage." Pathe News Weekly
Saturday, Sept. 15
Special cast in "Above all Law"
Two-reel Comedy, "Squirrel Food"
Sunday and Monday, Sept. 16 and 17
James Kirkwood and Lila Lee in
"Ebb Tide"
The Gumps in "Get to Work"
There will be no descriptive program covering
this week's'pictures, as we were delayed in get
ting back from the photographer's convention.
VjOOU uve-iuuill nuuru: wmi uugt:
lot and shade trees. Price $1500;
$300 down, balance on time. Apply
at the Herald office. 20.22
Coming to
The Dalles, Oregon
Dr. Mellenthin
,sii:ci ai.ist
iu IjiIoiiihI MtNlirino for Iho
pus. twelve yon i-i
' NOT OI'Klt.TI!
t .
Will be nl
i iu; i 1 1 i s lion i,
Monday, October 1
IHIu.' II mux: 10 a. in. I" ( . in.
om: dav om v
V tlbmi;i tin ii.sii:ilion
li'. Mrli' iilhiii is , uvular lir.iihi.ilc
In no dii iiin soil Niii'Krry and is li
i'i-iisod lv I lie ht.itv u( Oi i'non.
Ilr visit pi ofcKsionally the more
nirportuiil lnwns and cities ami ol'
id's to ail who call on lliiti dip free
I'ufi.nillatioii, mccpt the expense of
1 1 ciUuent when desired.
Aivoi ilini; lo his iiii'lhud of treat
li. Out he does tint operate fur chronic
appi'tulit iti.s, i;.ill Moneii, nlceia of
hluuuich. Ion. lis or adenoids.
Ho has lo Ins cii'dit wonderful re.
nuJib in dieit.ii'M of the atiimucti,
Uwr, biiwoU, blood, kni. nerves,
heart, kjJui'jr. bladder, bed weltiilit,
catarrh, weak HniK, rheuinnlisiui,
wl.itica, l.'S ulcers and reclal ail
If ou vi' been KilinK for mi)
K iJ; (li of lime and do not Ret any
luta-r. dii mil fail lo call, as improper
iM.vi.iiir,K i.tilifi' Hum disease arc
Vij)-, olt 'ii the can.ie of your lout;
MSiidnii; trouble.
K. iiii'iuIti above date, that consul
lation im tins trip will I"' live "'
lb ft his licUii;it is different.
Married wiwiicii wuot bti accom
piitiii d by Uieir husband.
Adilre.a: 211 ltiadluny llhl(! . I.os
Alleles. t'iUf. 20 ii.
Ice Cream Season
Place advance orders for Brick
Ice Cream for Sunday
McAtee & Aiken
SEPTEMBER 2 0, 21, 22, 1923
Ihe yhoi W.irM llu-re U n.
t'tiiiicst intt-;iM'l i'i iliHf(, utKl
w tth m.'ir Mu i llsn tin. I Nm.ifii.
I.ir ; Hutu the nlin f
'outlaw" tMiiiutio I'y cbo)s
Ullil COW fill i.
Tlifw ronlrsls. a'o the wild
huiM lii-i!i, wild tfi'r r"imi(
nu. I liuliaonilil't!. lndi.'in il.in-os
iitut p. w Hulls re Hll 111. il re
ii'slii of tlir v.'iintf. wilil. ;.ir
i'iis, jVt livable tt.
t.j'T i-.ni:s and r.virna i.vus iium yoi h i.ocai. aciat
VM. M.MIKIUV. C.-mriil PilsSi'miT Aellt
I'm ll.md, O; 1'ii'ill
Make a Four-ton Truck from
Your One-ton Ford
Price of Ford Truck as Shown above $471.50
f . o. b. Heppner.
We are now building a Trailer at
tachment for the Ford Truck that,
with the Ruckstell axle, giving four
speeds ahead, will handle 3 to 4 tons
with ease.
Ccme in and let us show you this new attachment.
It will interest you.
Latourell Auto Company
Authorized Ford and Fordson Sales and Service