IF YOU WANT ALL THE NEWS OF MORROW COUNTY WHILE IT IS NEWS, READ THE HEPPNER HERALD. WE PRINT IT FIRST wksq i VOLUME X HEPPNER, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1923 NUMBER 8 CHAUTAUQUA 10 OPEN NEXT FRIDAY VARIED AND PLEASING PRO GRAMS ARE OFFERED -Music, Lectures, Travel Stories, Play and Entertainment Will Feature Session Heppner Chautauqua will open next Friday and continue for six days with two sessions each day. Those in charge of the meeting here have been assured that the en tertainment offered this year will excel that of previous years and the public may expect good, values for its money. There will be musical programs, lectures, travel stories with plenty of purely entertaining features running through the entire meeting. A feature that will no doubt meet general approval is the play, "The Shepherd of the Hills," a dramatiza tion of Harold Bell Wright's famous novel which will be produced by the Keightley and Peffer players whic! will be given Sunday evening. The grand closing concert on Wed nesday evening by the Garner Jubi lee singers featuring plantation mel odies, folk songs of the south and operatic numbers will also please practically everybody. Patrons of the Chautaqua should buy season tickets as a macter of economy for themselves as well a.s in justice to the local people who have signed the guarantee with the Chautauqua people. Season tickets sell for $2.50 for adults, $1.50 for students and $1.00 for children and the local committee receives credit for the full amount while single ad missions to all the sessions will cost adults $7.50, of which, the local com mittee receives credit for only $1.8 j, with children's tickets in proportion. HEPPNER LOSES TO CONDON" IN LAST SUNDAY'S GAME Heppner team went to Condon last Sunday accompanied by a record crowd of fans but the cold weather and high wind for which our neigh boring city is famous, was too much for the Heppner boys and they lost the game. Condon is scheduled for a game here next Sunday and the home boys hope for a different outcome. On account of the Chautauqua session in the early afternoon the game will not be called until 3:30 p. m. In addition to the ball game the Rodeo management will have six bucking horsjes on the field and an exhibition of rough riding will be given fre. HEPPNER vs CONDON GENTRY FIELD, HEPPNER SUNDAY, JUNE 24th 3:30 p. m. Biggest crowd of the season ex pected. Turn out and don't dis appoint the home team. Admission 50 Cents Six Rodeo horses and their riders will give a rough riding exhibition during the afternoon with no extra charge. POPCLAR EDUCATOR AVEDS L'. OK O. GIRL Cards were received here a few days ago announcing the marriage of Miss Helen Rorcross, of Central Point, Oregon, to Professor Ercel H. Hedrick, of this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Hamilton, pastor of the Episco pal church of Medford, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Norcross, at Central Point. The brlda is a talented and charm ing girl and popular in her home town as well as at the University of Oregon where she is a junior. The wedding was a quiet affair only the parents of the contracting parties be ing present. Immediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick left for Portland and after seeing the Rose Festival they planned to spend the summer on a motor trip which will include many of the scenic spots of Washington and wes tern Canada. They will return to Heppner about September 1st where they will reside. Mr. Hedrick, who has been tho efficient superintendent of Heppner schools the past year, has been re tained for another year and his many friends here will unite in extennding a warm welcome to himself and his charming bride. L The Daily Vacation Bible School, which closed last Thursday, June 15, at the , Federated church, was a marked success. Sessions were held every morning from 9 to. 11:45. There were 50 boys and girls en rolled In the school with an average attendance of 37. The opening ex el cises. were conducted by the pas tor. Mis .Keller had charge of the primary department during the whole school .Mis3 Harriet Case had tht story telling period; Mrs. Hss lam assisted, in the music period; Mrs Notson took one half hour each day touching the books of the Bible and s"ine tacts' about each book. Several of the high school girls as sisted in various ways. There was also an intermission each morning of ten minutes with games directed by some of the high school students. Sunday evening the students gave a ppler.uid program and a display of their woik also was shown. It is 'hoped that next year a three weeks' t.chool can be put on, but on account of the Chautauqua it was neeessaiy to close this year earlier. o8L.ll HOW TO MAKE FARMING A (By C. E. Spence, Market Agent) There is one way, and apparently one present way, for the farmers of Oregon to make their industry per manently profitable, and that is by united effort by operating as the big industries of our country oper ate. There is at present apparently only one way for the consumers of Ore gon to buy food and other necessi ties at fair prices and that is through th esame means strong co-operative organization. The growers receive but one-third of the average price paid by consum ers so states the U. S. department of agriculture. Between the grower and the con sumer are too many middle classes of markets; too much duplicate dis tribution; too many middle profits, none o which add a dime of value to the products. If many of the middle expenses and profits were eliminated and di vided between the producer and con sumer, both would be greatly bene-. fited. The amazing success of California in controlling farm products from the hour they are harvested until they reach the consumer, is awak ening the farmers of the entire na tion f the necessity of co-operative marketing to save themselves. One half of the total' products of that great state are controlled by co-operative organizations, and the business men of the big cities of the state work hand in hand with the growers to make their organizations power ful. Oregon is far behind California and Washington In this movement, and Its eight organizations do not control enough of the products to have needed market 'strength.' The purpose of the new state market agent law is to help the pro ducers of Oregon to organize and control their industry to enable j them to determine the selling price of their products and to maintain prices which will guarantee them living profits. State associations naturally f ol low successful local organizations, and national associations are the final step. The first important work of an association is strong membership. Twenty per cent control of a product cannot maintain prices, but 60 per cent is a dominant power. Management is of greatest import ance. Men at the head of the organ ization must be fitted for the work, experts capable of developing effi cient and economical sales machines j to market the products at the hlgh H j '.st possible price. Then with stand- j ardizajion, established grades and Jjhiands, such organizations can win a not so much in controlling the j market, but through scientific distrl- i bution maintaining prices by elinii H natlng flooding. Oregon producers must come alive to the absolve necessity of co-operative organization in marketing if they would prosper. They must run their own business it is their only hope. The business Interests of the clths of the Btate are realizing that the first fundamental for success bus iness life is based on successful farming. They know they cannot ! prosper when the producers are go-1 ing broke. Their success depends on the prosperity of the surrounding country, not on the profits of the bioker. They are realizing that they must also co-operate with the farm ers for their own interests. They are ready to help. The state market agent stands ready to help. ( HAl TAIQUA NOTICE Season tickets for the Heppner Chautauqua are now on sale at the following prices: Adults, $2.50; studentB, $1.50; children, $1.00. Single admlHsions to every session will cost adults $7.50, students and children being In proportion. The local committee receive full credit on the guarantee for all sea son tickets sold but on single ad mission tickets costing adults $7.50 they receive but $1.87. Save money for yourself and help the committee out by buying s ason tickets. COMMITTLE. HELD 6-DAY SESSION (Communicated) The Eastern Oregon Convention f t the Churches of Christ that was in session here during the past week and closed on Sunday evening, was & cunvention that towered above the average gathering that is to be ex pected In a town of this size. The progiam was of a high order through out, uid some of the personnel of the talent was the very best. The convention opened on Wed nesuay evening with an address of welcome by S. E. Notson, represent ing ihe mayor. The speaker assur ed the visitors and delegates of their cordial welcome and proffered to them the hospitality of the city. The rtsponse was made by C. F. Swan dei of Portland, missionary superin tendent of Oregon, in a very appro priate speech. W. O. Livingstone, chairman of the convention, then followed with the opening address. From that time until Sunday eve ning at 10 o'clock the mornings, af ternoons and evenings were filled with stirring addresses and confer ences relative to the work at hand, summarizing the work of the year and planning for the future. The program of the church to reach one million converts within five years, launched last year, was shown to be progressing in a very satisfactory manner, inasmuch as the church is now running ahead of its program. The items of the program which attracted the most attention were Dr. Royal J. Dye, of Bolenge, Africa; Miss Goldle Wells, of Mondonibe, Africa; Marion Stevenson and Mrs. Affra Anderson, of St. Louis, Mo. The other speakers on the program were from Oregon. Dr. Dye brought stirring messages of the habits, cus toms, needs and hopes of the Afri can continent, showing How Christian teaching met the needs of those peo ples, the same as all others. Miss Wells, a rather frail looking young woman, in repeated speaking and many conferences, brought the life of savages of Africa before the people of Heppner as perhaps they never saw it before and showed the progress that Christian civilization Is making in that country. Marlon Stevenson delivered two classics, and Mrs .Anderson proved herself to be a real woman orator. The entiru program was of a high order and one that Is calculated to be of real substantial worth to the com munity. The city of Heppner may well be proud of the manner in which they entertained the body of visitors. In addition to opening up their homes to tho visitors, the local Com mercial Club too'k them on an auto ride over the Eightmile country and back to Heppner by tho way of lone on Saturday evening, at which place they were served the evening meal by the Christian church. W. O. Livingstone, of this city, was re-elected president of the con vention for the fourth term. Tho body voted to meet next year at LaGrande, Oregon. I AR.MI.ltS VISIT .MORO STATION About 20 Morrow county farmers visited the experiment station at Moro last week and enjoyed a profi table visit. A communication from the county agent giving details of the trip was received too late for pub- lication Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gemmoll re turned from Portland Sunday even-j ing where they visited the Hose I Festival. resi from the factory FRESH i ZJ TOBACCO 1 ROLL VOUH OWN WIVH 1 I Riz L Croix Papr Atrk-( J PNEH PEOPLE VISIT SOUTHERN OREGON D. E. Oilman has returned from a most enjoyable trip to southern Oregon where he and Mrs. Gilman and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ayers went to attend the state encampment of the Grand Army and the Woman's Relief Corps at Grants Pass, Mrs. Gilman and Mrs. Ayers being dele gates from Heppner. Mr. Gilman and Mr. Ayers improv ed their time whiba the convention was in session by visiting the Oregon caves, the big Rouge river dam where the big salmon congretate in ton lots and many otler points of Interest, including a trip to Medioio. and Ashland and' tho famous Lithla park in the latter city. Mrs. Gilman and Mr. and Mrs. Ayers remained in Portland for a few days' visit before returning to Heppner. ARCHDEACON (AOLD1E HE HE Archdeacon Goldie, with head quarters at Cove, who has charge of the field work in eastern Oregon for the Episcopal church, was here last Sunday and held services morning and evening. Mr. Goldie Is an earn est and forceful speaker and pos f personality mat manes lum popular, not only with the members of his faith but with the public gen. erally. He is making arrangements to place a resident minister In Hepp ner who will have charge of the work In Morrow county. L Fi Oregon Agricultural College, June 16. Practical grain grading will be a feature of an O. A. C. extension .service grading Bchool to be hold In co-operation with the grain Inspec tion department of the office of the state market agent at the court houso in. Portland. This school Is open to men interested In grain in spection farmers, warehousemen, associations or company employes or men desiring to enter Inspection ac tivities. This work will bring to the stu dents tho latest information of the Oregon experiment station and tin, United States department of agricul ture on grain grading and warehous ing problems. It will inform coun try warehousemen in the application f,""uea io grain anu acquaint mom with methods of Inspection at the terminal and with the policies to be carried out by the grain inspection department. Representatives of the federal grain supervision will co operate. Lectures, demonstrations, an practivo in tho determination of grade factors will be Included in t course, which will cover dockage, smut dockage, test weight, moisture testing, how to determine damaged and heat injured kernels, bow to sort for mixture, gluten testing, wheat discounts, warehousemen's resposl bilitles with reference to seed wheat use of the various stale and federal agencies in getting grain grading ser vice, and probably a visit to the tor '"in ill to become familiar with the handling facilities at that place. The four-day school will be packed with practical work In charge of G. It Hyslop, professor of farm crops at the college. i m m D HE Chautauqua June 22 to 27 Of course you arc coming. While here, and at all times, we are at your service. We know you will enjoy it The Central Market n ;:. SWAGGART : E FOR NATIONAL HONORS BERTHA GILMAN IS ENDORSED FOlt W. R. C. PRESIDENT Grants Pass Con vent ion (Jives Ac tive Worker Hearty Endorsement Or,egon is very likely to be honor ed in a national way at the coming national convention of the Woman's Relief Corps which meets at Mil waukie next September, if the move ment started at tle recent state con vention of th.e Corps at Grants Pass materializes, the recipient of the honor being Mrs. Bertha Drew Gil man, of Heppner. Mrs. Gilman was endorsed by the Oregon convention for the coveted position of national president of the Corps last year and at the Grants Pass meeting this endorsement was re.af finned by unaimous and enthusiastic- vote. Her candidacy also was heartily endorsed by tlyi Grand Army men, the young, old boys? ot '61-'65, all of whom Individually and collectively pledged themselves to load their muskets with solid shot and go after the position in tho sania spirit they displayed when storming the enemy works in civil war days. Mrs. Gilman has been an active worker In the Corps both locally and In the state for many years and has attended many national conventions. She is intensely patriotic and has b(een prominent In Americanization work and In promoting respect for the flag in the schools annd else where. A campaign committee that will actively work for Mrs. Oilman's can didacy was appointed at the Grants Pass meeting and work is now being put under way to secure .endorse ments for her from other states. CHECK TO HE MADE ON CARBONATE TREATMENT A field tour to chock on the re sults of last year's tests of copper carbonate treatment will be held In Morrow county June 30. Plans are not complete for tho trip but the htart will be made from Iono or Lexington and several of the demon stration varietal and treatment trials will be visited in tho morning, arriv ing at. Heppner for dinner and visit ing tho wheat nursery In tho after. noon. E. R. Jackman, extension specialist in farm crops, and D. E. Stephens, superintendent of Moro Experiment station, will be present and discuss various phases of wheat growing. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brown, of Eightmile, were visitors In Heppner Saturday night guests at Hotel Heppner. S. E. Notson, Frank Gilliam and Judge Campbell were out In tho country north of Lexingtoji Friday inspecting land on which application has boon made for a soldier's loan. They found crop conditions looking good generally although some fields Willi rank, heavy growth showed some signs of damage from burn or frost. Mr. NoIhou says that Otto Reltman'H garden Is worth making tho trip to see. Mr. ltoltman Irri gates his plot from a well and tho amount of berries and vegetables ho produces 1h astonishing. IBBBBBBI imm 'BHBIBIfliBiaiaCEDUEUDaai