Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 12, 1923, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, June 12, 1923
. tfc J A J
Attorney Switzer, of Arlington,
was i town yesterday attending to
business iu the circuit court.
Mm Kathleen Mahoney went to
Portland Wednesday for a visit with
friends to remain until after the
Koso hIiow.
Miss Neva Hayes, former popular
Heppner Kill now residing at Pen
dleton, is here for a visit with her
many friend,.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fee, e,f
Pendleton, were visitors here yester
day. Mr. Fen is interested in sumo
cases in circuit court.
E. If. Ilcdiick left Wednesday to
ppi-nd his vacation in western Oregon
and expected lo tarry for some time
at Eugene.
Mrs. Chester Uarbeo has returned
from Redmond where she visited for
several days with her daughter, Mrs.
It. M. Rogers.
Frank Smith and John Monahan,
well known Gilliam county citizens,
were hero from Condon a cpoulo of
days during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. ISayless have
moved from tlm Oilman apartments
into the Cupeuliaver house on Jones
Mr. and Mis. Haley left yesterday
for Portland where they will reside.
Mr. Haley wan formerly in charge of
the Standard Oil interests here.
Peter Farley and family have
moved into lh Walter Hood resi
lience. Mr. Farley will leave for the
mountains with his sheep in a day
or two.
H. E. Van Vactor and family came
in from Tim Dalles Sunday evening
itnd visited friends here while Mr.
Van Vactor was in attendance at cir
cuit court.
Mrs. Phil Cohn entertained the
bridge club last Friday afternoon In
a most delightful manner. Sixteen
guests were present. Honors went
to Mrs. S. A. Pattison.
Mayor E. G .Noble returned Sat
urday evening from Hot Lake where
he has been under treatment for sev
eral weeks for an affection of the
knee joint. He is almost fully recovered.
Miss Ora Gentry left Sunday morn
ing to join her brother, Emory, at
Arlington from where they will drive
to Portland to spend the week tak
ing in the splendors of the Rose Fes
tival. Tom O'Rrien is in town for a few
days from Butter creek. Not much
rain had fallen In his section up un
tilSaturda y morning, Mr. O'Brien
says, although a good rain would be
It. L. Benge and daughter, Miss
Luola, expect to go to Portland Wed
nesday to see the Rose show. Mr.
Benge will also attend the wheat
growers' meeting as a delegate from
Morrow county on Friday.
The benefit dance given by the
base ball club Saturday evening wa3
well attended and a most pronounc
ed success. The prize offered for the
best wallzers was awarded to Jared
Aiken and Mrs. K. K. Mahoney.
Mi', and Mrs. C. L. Sweek and his
mother, Mrs. Lawrence Sweek, are
driving to Portland today wh
they will visit the Rose festival.
Mrs. Sweek will also attend the
state convention of the O. E .S. and
Mr. Sweek will attend to busini.K'i
matters at Portland and Eugene.
Ed Clark has just completed a
neat filling station on the highway
at the lower end of town opposite
tiie Brown & Eowry warehouse. Mr.
Clark has mad,o his station attre
tive and convenient for customers
and will no doubt find a good trade
with auto travelers.
Mr. and. Mrs. C. F. Groom, wh' ItEAL ORGANIZATION TO BE
spent a few days at Hotel Heppnerj LAUNCHED BY HAYGROWERS
last week, left for the forest station!
near Parkers Mill Saturday. Mr.' The haygrowers of the whole
Groom is forest ranger in charge of northwest met, through their repre
sentatives, at Kennewick, Wash., on
June 4th, some eighty delegates be
that district.
Mrs. Blanch
Watkins and son,
Dale, of Irrigon, and Mre. Blanc
Thome Hummell and her little
daughter, of Portland, were Heppner
visitors yesterday driving over from
Irrigon Sunday evening.
A. L.
ing in attendance.
A general discussion of co-operative
marketing was held, in which
Director French of the Washington
Agricultural Commission; Boyd Oli
ver, of the law firm of Aaron SaDiro.
Strait was in town from I and L. A. Hunt of the Oregon Co
canyon Wednesday on a OD(!rative Hav Growers. Darticinated.
short business trip. Mrs. Strait has
been in Portland for several weeks i
, In addition several good papers were
Diesented uDon increasing consuniD-
under treatment of a specialist and ' tion of h"ay
is improving in health.
Miss Bertha Minert, a niece c'
Mrs. J. B. Natter and a cousin of
Miss Katy Minert, arrived a few days
ago from Hamburg, Germany. She
expects to reside permanently with
her Heppner relatives.
W. B. Barratt and family returned
frftm Pnrvnllla SstnrHflV dvonlno !
where they atltended the commence
nijent exercises at O. A. C. Their
daughter, Miss Helen Barratt, grad
uated this year from tho department
of home economics.
Howard M. Anderson was a visi
tor in town from Eightmile Monday.
Wheat is doing preWy well in his
section but a good, soaking rain
It was the general impression
that there was never a more favora
ble time to put on such an organi
zation and that this was a time of
dire need as well.
Strong resolutions were passed
and an organization committee ap
pointed to assist in carrying out the
details of the plan, representing
I every part of the hay production dis
The contract and marketing agree
ment will be drawn up by Aaron
Sapiro, who has put more co-operative
organizations upon a sound
basis than all the other lawyers to
gether, and the work of organization
will be carried out under the super
vision of Mr. Boyd Oliver, who haj
would help, ho says. Mr. Andprson just retUrned from Texas, where he
will attend the directors' meeting of j asgisted ln forming a similar organ
the Wheat Growers association at ! tzatlon
Portland next Friday. It is aK,.eed that a 75 sign.up
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rugg were in I of the haygrowers of the northwest
from Rhea creek Saturday afternoon.
Star Theatre
; in
Fifth Episode of "SPEED"
The citizens of Heppner
have arranged to hold a
They cordiaity invite all
the people of Morrow
County to come in and
enjoy the
them. Come and
camp in the park. You
will enjoy every pro
gram. Have your tickets
reserved before prices
Remember the dates
Haying will begin on the Rugg
ranches in a few days and the crop
is not as heavy as usual on aUcount
ot tho cold weather and late frosts.
The second crop will probably be
heavier than tho first.
Elmer Griffiths, merchant of lone,
was in town yesterday attending cir
cuit court. Wheat north of Iono,
Mr. Griffiths says, is now in the
dough and harvesting is expected to
commenco about the 2 5th. Prospects
in that section indicate a good crop,
Mr. Griffiths says.
Mrs. Ed Clark and Mrs. Leonard
Barr and daughter, Miss Edna
Vaughn, left last evening for Port
land where they will spend several
days visiting the Rose Festival.
While below Mrs. Clark will also at
tend the wedding of her father, O.
G. Bretz, at Forest Grove.
J. W. Beymer drove to Echo Sat
urday to meet Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
Spencer on their return from Hot
Lake. Mr. Spencer was in the hos
pital there for four weeks when his
life was almost despaired of but he
is now gaining rapidly and is on the
way to complete recovery.
Lester Wade, Sherman Wade, 1'
M. Sturgill and Judgu 1. R. Parker
drove over from Condon Sundn
evening and registered at Hole;
will be secured, as it is claimed that
a less tonnage would only invite dis
aster. Mr. Buckner appeared at the
meeting and assured the growers
that the Intermediate Credit Bank
which ho representd would do all in
its power to assist in financing the
growers. Plans along the line of fi
nance will be worked out during the
coming two weeks. It is generally
understood that the association will
arrange to care for all pressing
needs of growers, within reasonable
The present plans appear to come
nearer guaranteeing the realization
of the dream of cost of production
to the haygrower and cost of opera
tion to the dairyman than anything
suggested for many years.
The association plans to pay par
ticular attention to the disposal ot
the surplus hay.
Aesop's Fable, "The Hunter and His Dog'!
Wallace Reid in "The Dictator."
"The Man From Glengarry."
"Loves of Pharoah."
Harold Lloyd in "Number, Please."
Get a Copy of Our Descriptive Program
lleppner. J mine Parker came over
to preside over the term of circuit j sweep
court in place of Judge I'help.'. who
was detained at his home in Pendle
ton by illness.
m t- iiii.i m. n. W. McKamer
-V real dear, sweet creature exaueu,
Jim Huddleston, former commander-in-chief
of the O. W. II. & N.
depot in Heppner, now fast becom
ing a sheen king on Rock creek, was
in town Saturday looking for a wife
Mr. Huddleston says he is growing
tired of trotting in single names:
and would like to double with a
suitable partner and take a try at
double of tandem traveling. He
wants a rare creature who can
dust and sew; who can feed
him when hungry and prod him
when slow; who can handle a scis-
sows. a hoe or a rake and is able
'bove all things to make a good, cake
have gone to the Des Chutes coun- j '
try for a few days' fishing. During
the trip Mr. McNamer will look over
the beef cattle situation in that
country and later will probably
make some shipments from there.
Ho has recently shipped four cars of
prime beef from around lone to th,
Portland marked.
Manager Sigebee of Star theatre,
is to be commended on the high class
of entertainment he is presenting to
his patrons even during the season
when attendance is not large. Last
Saturday evening he presented the
California Colored Jubilee singers,
ami alt star male ouartoete and the J
entertainment was away above the I
average. l no prom uui wis uniu
and was thoroughly enjoyed. The
has;; voice was particularly good.
Willard Herren received n ship
ment of Flemish rabbits from Kansas
City last night and today is taking
them to his fur farm on upper Wil
low creek. The Flemish are prized
both for their flesh and fur and at
the age of 12 or 11 months attain a
l weight uf from 18 to 2 pounds. Mr.
Horren 1" expecting a shipment of
: the famous Chinchilla rabbits this
week coming directly from Paris.
France. They are rrized mostly for
their flue fur which is said to closely
resemble the famous Chinchilla fur
which is becoming very rare and c
refined, a sort of an angel and
housewife, combined.
Mr. Huddleston is not particular
whether the lady is a blond, brunette
or medium, but confesses to a slight
hankering for a widow with three or
four well grown sons who could
pitch hay, herd sheep and make
themselves generally useful around
the ranch.
W4i W "' &wh
V Zm
! i ii fir
M Zm
'nit it w ,tWA
Once etery jeVenty minute?
3400 square miles of marvels, beauty
and color notli ing like it on earth
leanine eevsers. erowlineerottos. boilinir
cauldrons, nature's most fantastic; form-
ationa, m tiie midst of which are nuig
nificenthottIs,ch:irniing cottage villaees.
300 miles of matchless boulevards ana
ail the comforts of homo.
Send for our booklet. It tells the thril
ling story of nature's wonderlaud- Our
throuch sleeping car
Operatod DAILY during the season
Portland and West Yellowstone
Mm Pacific System
Let our representatives explain the
various tours which enable visitors to
see the Yellowstone at minimum cost;
tilso quote fares, prepare your itinerary
and.make vour reservntinns. Call on
t PAKIM'.K. Agt.
Heppner, Ore,
or address
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregoa
Notices have been poted announc
Ing the regular school election next
Monday, June 18, when one director
and a clerk are to be elected. Usual
ly two or three electors constitute a
school election in Heppner but it is
said on the street that more interest
will be taken this year and a better
attendance is expected.
Mrs. Sweek, of Monument, is vis
iting at the home of her son, C. L.
Sweek. Mr. Sweek drove over to
Condon Saturday afternoon to meet
his mother.
No more baking failures If you use
Kerr's Best Brown & Lowry.
Strayed from my camp near Castle
Rock. Oregon, the following ani
mals: 1 bay mare about 1400
pounds, bald face , branded three
quarter circles on left stifle. 1 bay
mare, branded S V on le?: shoulder.
1 white mare branded B W. Old
range of these horses is around
Heppner. Suitable reward.
T-Spd Heppner, Ore.
Ust for Marble.
"I owe my lutest Idea in home besu
tifylng to the marble contest," any
a Detroit housewife, who Is net un
willing to pai her Idea nlenjc. Mar
ble that blend with ttie coloring of a
room ranks an artistic bae for flowers
that grow from bulbg planted ln bowls.
I'nslghtly pebbles, roots and bulbs
theuiselvM may be concealed o that
the flowers seem to sprlnj from
colorful bed of marble. Detroit
Utilln Alaskan Lumber.
About S(l per cent of th lumber
used in Alaska is cut from the national
! forests, neeordlns to tbe forest service,
I United States Department of Agricul-
Boardman, Juno 10. Mr. and
Mrs. Hirshel Binns left on Wednes
day for Portland where they will reside.
Charles Wicklander returned the
first of the week from the meeting
of the State Grange.
Mrs. M. A. Brown and daughter.
Mrs. William Cone, of Star, Idaho,
were guests at the Gorham home
last week. Mr. Cone, who expected
to see a sandy desert, was greatly
surprised, at the sight of our trees
and alfalfa fields and impressed with
our modern school buildlns.
Mrs. McDaniels and children re
turned Wednesday from the berry
fields at White Salmon. Washington.
This io a bad year fo; berries.
Frank Cramer has been busy the
nast week painting his bungalow
and the wo belonging to Mrs.
Gladys Gibbons. The A. T. Hereim
residence also is receiving a coat of
paint and C. G. Blayden has been
papering and giving his residence a
general renovation.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Stoneman of
Hardman are visiting at the Cramer
and Hadley homes this week.
Miss Blanch Imus left Friday
night for a visit with relatives in
The vote on the city water bonds
at the election Friday, carried 31 to
7. "Pure water" is the slogan of
Boardman citizens.
Mr. Poe and Mr. Imus of Well
Springs were in town Friday and re
port that the recent rains insured
them a bumper wheat crop for this
Jack Gorham'has- been absent
from his place behind the counter
at the Boardman Trading Co. the
past week.
The Music Shop
sold on exceptionally easy terms
We also handle the famous Buescher Saxophones
and band instruments
Latest Sheet music just arrived
Latest Brunswick Records