Tuesday, June 12, 1923 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice Is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Morrow County, Oregon, will hold the regu lar examination f applicants for State Certificates at Heppner, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, June 13, 1923, at 9:00 o'cloclt a. m and con tinuing until Saturday, June 18, 1923, at 4:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY FORENOON U. S. History, Writing (Penman ship), Music Drawing. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Physiology, Reading, Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in V Arithmetic. THURSDAY FORENOON Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods in Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. THURSDAY AFTERNOON Grammar, Geography, Stenogra phy, American Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate. FRIDAY FORENOON Theory and Practice, Orthography, (Spelling), Physical Geography, En glish Literature, Chemistry. FRIDAY AFTERNON School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. SATURDAY FORENOON Geometry, Botany. SATURDAY AFTERNOON General History, Bookkeeping, v - Yours truly, J. A. CHURCHILL, Sup't Publio Instruction. LENA SNELL SHURTE, County Sup't. 6-7 Buy your grain sacks now Brown & Lowry. laiHsifloiiniiHaHiiia ELK HORN: Restaurant j Come in and look over our new location in the Odd Fellows building, where you will find one n of the best equipped dining rooms in eastern Oregon. And when you have in- spected the front, come back and take a look at our sanitary kitchen. You will be able to get H quick service at our" lunch counter. GOOD MEALS AND SERVICE m at m POPULAR RATES ED CHINN, Propr. " i I9BBIIII CECIL Mr and Mrs. J. A. Allyn arrived in Cecil on Sunday from Oakgrove and will spend a few days visiting among their numerous friends be fore leaving for Prineville. Mr. and Mrs Hazel Dean and daughter of Fourmile were visiting at the Last Camp on Sunday. Jack Hynd and Noel Streeter spent Sunday together discussing all the numerous topics of the day and both are pleased that their schools are closed this ho weather. Al Henriksen and son, Clifford, from the Moore ranch near Heppner were visiting at Oral Henriksen's near Ewing on Sunday. Miss Violet M. Hynd of Butterby Flats was the guest of Mrs. Geo. Henriksen at Strawberry ranch on Sunday and Monday. "Anticipation Realization" The haymakers of a certain ranch not one hundred miles from Cecil, anticipated a jolly night at the lone show and dance Friday night. Care--fully grooming themselves to perfec tion they stood patiently waiting for the chauffeur to give the order "all aboard." They are all waiting yet, for from soma unseen cause the last thing seen of the chauffeur, who was wearing a white shirt, he and his car, instead of going to lone, were speeding over the Old Emigrant Trail to parts unknown, without one of his passengers. Sad to say, the haymayers have tar and feathers in readiness for the missing chauf feur's return, and sadder to relate the gentler sex was represented in this "waiting at the gate" party. E. Balcomb, postmasted and store keeper of Morgan, was visiting in Cecil, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomson and family of Heppner, who were trying out the new road near Heppner Junction on Sunday, made a shori stay iu Cecil to give Mrs. Thompson a chance to see all the improvements which have been made since she left Cecil a few years ago. Mrs. T. H. Lowe and daughter, Miss Annie C, of the Highway House visited with Mrs. M. U. Logan at the Willows on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardesty and family of Morgan spent Monday at the home of Mrs. H. J. Streeter at Cecil. Miss Ester Logan of lone, who is visiting at the horne of her uncle, Leon Logan at Fourmile, accompan ied her aunt, Miss Olive Logan, to Cecil on Tuesday and spent the day with friends. j Miss Edna Keeney of Monument is visiting at the home of Mrs. Karl Farnsworth near Rhea Siding. Fred Buchanan and W. E. Ahalt of lone were calling on the "Mayor" on Sunday. I Miss Gertie Pettyjohn of Morgan was calling on her Cecil friends on Tuesday. Mrs. P. White, who has been vis iting with her son, Joe, on his ranch near tlya Willows, returned to her home in The Dalles on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Tyler of Rhea Siding spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. G. A. Miller at Highview. Congratulations are extended Miss Lucille Logan, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. U. Logan of the Willows, formerly of Cecil, who was .ft Was the most direct trans continental route when it was blazed and IS NOW But it's easier to "negotiate" now than then, and the REDUCED round trip SUMMER EXCURSION FARES in effect dally between May 15 anJ vSeptember 15 ' 6vcr tba ' UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM ! will make it very attractive. Stwly thU ttbl. Denver. . $64.00 Buffalo . J?g gmaha . . 72.00 Plttabnrfh . 119.7 an.a.Clty . 72.00 Waahinmon l-52 St. Louie. . 81.66 Phllad.T.hi 144.93 Chicago . . 88.00 New York . 147.40 Den-olt . . 105.82 Boston . . 183.50 Cincinnati . 106.30 Atlanta . . 117.55 Toronto . . 113.79 Montreal . 132.75 with corresponding iarrt to other important center. Final return limit October 31. Liberal atop-over privileges going and returning. A tide trip to Yellowitone at email additional coat will afford the experience of a life time. Call u by phone and let ua make all your arrangement. It coste no more and willaave you lota of worry. O. DARBKK, Agent .Heppner, Ore. Wm. MiMinAHY. (ten. Pusseiiner, Agt., Portland, Ore. otvt Then! HEAR THE The Most Wonderful Phonograph, at HARWOOD'S Odd Fellows Bldg. Phone 1062 Heppner, Oregon rliiTj :Z'" ' p" " B' cETRO,T I Stilt Lower Hauling Costs are open to every line of business because of the present price on the Ford One-ton Truck. This dependable form of motor de livery is in general use where ever hauling at low cost and good speed is essential. Original installation in your ser vice costs so little and the sub sequent saving in delivery cost is so great that further delay in putting a Ford One-ton Truck to work is needless extravagance. List your order at once a small down payment convenient, easy terms. Ford prices have never been so low Ford quality has never been so high LATOURELL AUTO CO. Heppner and Boardman j Mr. and Mrs. Oral Henriksen and daughters of Ewing spent Wednes day and Thursday in Heppner before beginning their haying. Mrs. Mary Chandler of Willow Creek ranch was visiting at Butterby Flats on Thursday, married to Glenn H. Kesterson of Gresham in Portland on June 5. Haymaking is the one thing in par ticular around Cecil at present. All busy among their alfalfa and stack ing on ail ranches will commence la a day or two. Weather ideal for the hay. Heat registered 96 in the shade at noon Thursday at Cecil. Don't forget the dance in Cecil on June 16, the last of the season. Sup per served, in "summer style at mid night by Mrs. T. H. Lowe. Good music; good management; all wel come. Mr. and Mrs. Al Troedson from their ranch near lone were calling in Cecil on Tuesday. "Wid" Palmateer of Windynook, who was entertaining the people of lone on Tuesday with big stories of the future of the wheatgrowers of Morrow county, landed in Cecil store on Thursday with a proof of the val uable growing qualities of his ranch. These results can be gc-n ; one lot lot of Galgalis wheat grown in the canyon at Windynook measures 5 feet 7 inches. Keep smiling, Wid. Congratulations are extended to Miss Bernice Franklin, of Milton, formerly of Cecil, who was married recently to Clarke Hey of Weston, Oregon. Archdeacon Goldle of Baker will hold a service in Cecil hall on Wed nesday, June 20. All welcome. FEDERATED CHl'ItCH J. R. L. Haslarn, pastor. Rundcy cchool 9:45 a. to. Sermon 11 a. m., 7:4S p. m. Christian Endeavor 6:45 p m. Rev. Glllanders of the Congrega tional church of Lexington will fill the pulpit Sunday morning. The pupils of the Vacation Blblo School will bring a special program Sun day evening at 7:45. There will also be a display of Home of the work done during this school period. There are 43 enrolled In the Va cation Bible School and a splendid interest is being shown by the chil dren. The school will close Friday of this week. You may fiend your children yet if you wish. We invite you to any or all the services. Hear Rev. Gillanders Sunday, 11 a. m. Hear the boys and girls 7:45 p. m., Federated church. argin Leave an ample margin between your income and your expenses. What you lose in immediate pleasure will be amply repaid in the sense of assurance and self-respect which go hand in hand with a good-sized bank account. Living on margin is diametrically op posed to the principle involved in buy ing on margin. The former is wise con servation, the latter is speculation. First National Bank Heppner Ore. We Are Headquarters FOR .... i X Camp Equipment for Auto Campers Fishing Tackle, Guns and Ammunition Out-Door Equipment of all kinds Call and inspect our line before starting on that summer outing trip GILLIAN & BIS BEE "THE WINCHESTER STORE" Phone 333 ' HEPPNER, OREGON ' IBBBBBBB H caw t5