IF YOU WANT ALL THE NEWS OF MORROW COUNTY WHILE IT IS NEWS, READ THE HEPP NER HERALD. WE PRINT IT FIRST PPM I M VOLUME X HEPPNER, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1923 NUMBER 6 HERALD IS SAYS PALE PI CARD A pale pink card was found at tached to the door of the Herald of fice yesterday morning bearing a printed statement of the alleged prin ciples of the Ku Klux Klan. Whether the card, was intended as "copy" for the Herald or only for the personal and private information of the editor we do not know but rather than risk being charged with one-sided nar rowness we assume that the modest individual who left it there under cover of darkness wished us to print it. While it is not in accord with the ethics of journalism to print anony mous articles, we make an exception In this case: "The Ku Klux Klan. This organi zation has been grossly misrepresent ed by some on the outside who are not in position to "know, and by some who fear it on account of their im moral conduct, but we want to say that 'the Klan is anti-nothing. It does not oppose any man's religion or creed,. It stands for the following principles: Protection of pure wo manhood; the tenets of the Christian religion, closer relationship between capital and labor; preventing the causes of mob violence and lynch ings; preventing unwarranted strikes by foreign labor agitators; preven tion of fir(es and destruction of pro perty by lawless elements; closer re lationship of pure Americanism; the upholding of the constitution of these United States; the sovereignty of our state rights, the separation of church and state; freedom of speech and press, and the much needed local re forms. "The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are here to stay. They will never dis band; they will expand. They have a mission. They are for the majesty of the law and will uphold it They love their country and will save it. They are tired of unfaithful officers and will replace them. They are sick of the loopholes in our laws and will close them. They salute one flag and will follow it. "Is thfre one thing mentioned above that any good citizen cannot subscribe to?" To all of the iforegoing principles the editor of the Herald can most heartily subscribe although it had never ocurred to him as necessary to make public declaration of the fact, it being generally taken for granted that all decent, law-abiding citizens stand for these things. When the editor of the Herald wishes to express his opinion about the Ku Klux Klan or any other pub lic question he writes an editorial about H and, if the matter is of suf ficient importance, he prints in on the first page. He does not go about it at night or with a mask on and pin it to somebody's door. There is surely nothing printed on the pale pink card that anybody should be ashamed of, so we are at a loss to know why the distributor did not hand us the card in daylight and ask us to read it, unless that is simply the Klan 8 way or doing rnings. V.'hile agreeing with all of the principles enunciated on the card, there is one statement made to which exception might be taken. The statement is: "The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are here to stay. They will never disband; they will expand. They have a mission." We can recall so many individuals and organizations in the past that "had a mission" and talked about it being a never-dying mission that we may be pardonfd for having a lurk ing suspicion that the Klan may finally go the same route they did. There, for instance, is the Know Nothing party of pre-civil war days and the A. P. A. of 2 5 years ago. Whre, oh where, are they today The card, declares that the Klan is "anti-nothing. Then it must be anti something because something is the opposite of nothing and the Klan must be one thing or the other else why does its organizers tell citiiens: "When we are organized you will have to line up on one side or the other." PnhPrt 1.. Duffus continues his ar ticles on the Ku Klux Klan in the June number of World's Work, the articles are interesting and illumina tive to anyone who wishes to gain an unbiased idea of what the organ ization is and what it stands for. WEDNESDAY'S GAME WAS A PLAIN' SLAUGHTER The Heppner-Pilot Rock ball game played on Gentry field Decoration day was plain slaughter, the final score showing the wide spread of 2 to 10. Although the day was chilly a good crowd turned out to see what was expected to be a close match, information having come to Heppner that Pilot Rock had developed a real phenom team this year and had al ready taclced Pendleton's hide on the barn door on two different occasions. Whether that was true or not did not develop but the first inning de monstrated that the visiting team was altogether out of its class while playing with Heppner. Pilot ock went first to bat and quickly fanned, Heppner following with five runs and from time to lime throughout the game they con tinued to score until their total of ten was reached. Pilot Rock failed to score until the ninth when because cf some errors on Heppner's part they managed to score two. The Pilot Rock boys are a good lot of sports and they took their medi cine in good humor. The pitcher, who is said to be a high school boy, showed a good head and had a smile for every hit made by Heppner's swatters. Heppner goes to Arlington next Sunday and it is expected a fine game will develop there. TO ALL MORTGAGE WHEAT Letters have been sent out to members of the Oregon Co-operative Grain Growers association by A. H. Lea, manager, advising that all wheat raised this year by members of the association will be handled di rectly by the association. This is the definite action taken by the directors at their last meeting, following the demands of many! members that no association wheat be permitted to be sold outside, whether mortgaged or not. Plans for handling the mortgaged wheat were developed and will be carried out with the commencement of the crop movement. Arrangements are being made with the local banks to turn all mortgag ed wheat over to the association for selling. The wheat so received will be sold at the best prices obtainable and the proceeds, after the associa tion's selling charge has been deduct ed, will be turned, back to the bank for the account of tle member. "The association directors have taken a firm stand that we are go ing to sell all the grain of all our members this year," writes Mr. Lea. "That the member may have assis tance in this1 plan, representatives of the associaition will be calling on the bankers of the state during the months of June and July arranging details for the handling of special cases of members' grain which may be in a distressed position on account of an exceedingly heavy obligation. "Your fellow-members are de manding that the association do not recognise any sales or contracts that may be made by any member which does not place that sale in the hands of your joint selling agency, and that the penalty specified in the con tract be enforced on all violations of the agreement." Daily Vacation Bible School for boys and girls of Heppner. Bring your Bible, tablet and pencil. Begins Thursday, 9 A. M., Federated church. See program in this paper. It f from the factory 1 Tm FRESH a I iV TOBACCO J I ROLL YOUR OWN WITH I I RisL,a Croix VmpmAttmAmJ I STATE MARKET AGENT TELLS ABOUT NEW LAW C E. Spence, state market agent recently appointed by Governor Pierce under the new market law passed at the last legislative session, sends out the following information regarding the workings of the new law that is of interest to producers: The last legislature passed the state market agenit law, but other than the appointment by the govern or of C. E Spence as state market agent, there has' been but little news paper publicity as to the scope, pow ers and duties of the department. Hence producers, distributors and consumers are in constant commun ication with the department for in formation regarding the act. . Many producers have the impres sion that they may ship their pro ducts to the market agent, who will sell them and make remittances and some have made such direct shipments. Others write that they have wheat, prunes, honey, hay, po tatoes to sell, and ask for shipping directions, while consumers have asked the market agent, as repre senting the state, that he reduce the price of sugar by buying a supply for the state in foreign markets. The market agent act is broad In the powers it gives to the state market agent, but it does not con ceive of his acting as direct whole saler or retailer for producers, nor as arbitrarily fixing prices for con sumers. But with the help of pro ducers, consumers and co-operative organizations, there are great possi bilities for mutual benefit, whereby the producer may get the full market value and the products go to the con sumer at the lowest cost. The new market department has to be cut from the whole cloth .with patterns and information gathered from various states which have worked out some of the problems. The foundation is slow work. The law states that the market agent shall act as advisor to produc ers, consumers and distributors, that when requested he shall assist, thorn in the economical and efficient dis tribution of grain, hay, livestock, all meat, dairy and poultry products and agricultural implements manufac tured, processed in or transporter into the state. This is but one section of fourteen of the act, but there is a wide field in it for active mutual benefit when producers, distributors or consumers co-operate and work with the market agent. The law states that the state mark et agent shall gather and distribute impartial information concerning supply, demand, prices, commercial movements, cold storage statistics, and shall issue price market reports based on actual sales of grain, hay, livestock, potatoes, dairy and poul try products Such reports would be of great value to producers, but the market agent cannot give' this impartial in formation without active help from the producers from reliable grow ers in all parts of the state who will report the actual crop and product conditions in their localities. Through co-operation, this important informa ton niay be obtained and accurate market values determined. In following letters the different sections of the market law will be taken up, that the people generally may understand the law and the du ties of the market agent before tak ing up more direct work. WILL MEET FRIDAY TO FORM COM'ERGIAL CLUB A meeting has been called for Fri day evening, June 8, at the El'khorn restaurant for the purpose of re- or ganizing the Heppner Commercial club. A dinner will be served and details of the proposed re-organization will be discussed around the festive board. Every business man and citizen who is interested in promoting the welfare of Heppner is expected to be present. A. W. Cobb of Boardman and his son, R. A. Cobb, of Wapata, Wash ington, are Heppner visitors today. R. R. FREIGHT SATES The hearing on intra-state freight rates on farm prolucts before the public service commission of Oregon was adjourned last Friday at Port land, with the completion of the ev idence presented by witnesses in be half of farm products Grain, hay and potatoes were the leading crops on which transportation costs were claimed to be unreasonable. The commission will be reconvened at a date to be determined later to hear the rebuttal evidence presented by the carriers. There was little disposition during the hearings to question the justice of the claims presented by the farm representatives. The attorneys for the roads presented evidence tending to show that farm pries during the last few years fluctuated to an un usual extent. They brought out the difficulty of adjusting rates to take into consideration all fluctuations due to changing market conditions. It was shown, however, by the farm representatives that the exist ing market conditions have been in force now nearly two years, or since the great collapse of 1920, and that there are no immedite indications of any decided improvement in farm prices. The freight rates based on the former high price level have therefore become burdensome, and in the cases of some commodities, intol erable. A technical point brought out at the hearings was tle difficulty of making freight rate reductions with in the state of Oregon wthout dis criminating against shippers of sim ilar commodities In Washington. The attorneys for the carriers contended that the decision of the Interstate Obtnmerefc Commission in he Colum bia river basin decision fixed the parity of rates between Washington and Oregon shippers. To reduce rates within Oregon, claimed the roads, would violate the transportation act of 1920, inasmuch as discrimination would develop against Washington shippers into Portland territory. The commission has not yet indicated Its attitude toward this claim. Representing the hay growers of eastern Oregon was L. A. Hunt, man ager of the Oregon Co-operative Hay Growers, of Hermiston. C. H. Chris tensen, traffic manager of the North west Wheat Growers Associated, pre sented charts showing the compara tively higher rates on grain In Ore gon than exist in Washington. He. also asked for joint through rates grain from points originating on the short lines, and for lower rates In the Willamette valley. The chief interest centered aboul hay. Dairy producers in the Willam ette valley have long suffered, due to the high cost of shipping in alfalfa hay from eastern Oregon. Similar difficulties existed in the alfalfa ter ritory, where, during the recent de moralized markets, the high rates on hay to the consuming markets pre sented a condition that threatened to seriously interfere with the ability to ship out the entire surplus. "The HermiHton district," said Mr. Hunt, in pleading for lower hay rates, "was a desert before the com ing of irrigation and the develop ment of hay production. Now there aren't many more prosperous points on the line. What this means to the railroads is evident. The present high rates on hay threaten to destroy this development and in the end the roads will suffer along with the farmers. What we ask of the rail roads is nothing more than a square deal. When prices were good we made no complaint to a rate increase. Now with the reverse situation we have every right to expect a substan tial reduction. Every item toward the lowering of the present high pro duction costs will help that much in putting the farmers of eastern Ore gon back on their feet." Notice to Firemen The firemen and all citizens inter ested in better fire protection are re quested to meet at the council cham bers, Monday evening, June 11, at 8 p. m. Do not forget, but be on hand promptly. S. E. NOTSON, Pres. Hose Team No. 1. AH LINGTON WIN'S GAME BY ONE SCORE IX SEVENTH Heppner team wont to Arlington Sunday for a game and returned with the record against them to the tune of 6-7 in favor of Arington. The Heppner boys made a good showing until the seventh inning with a score of 6 to 0 against Aling ton. In the seventh, however, the climate or the low altitude or some thing overcome the H,eppner bunch and they all fell fast asleep and ac cumulated five first-class errors while Arlington pranced around the bases seven times. It was one of the unfortunate breakdowns that will happen sometimes in the best regu lated families or ball clubs. GRAIN GROWERS ELECT DELEGATES FOR YEAR At the primary election held May 1st by members of the Co-operative Grain Growers of this county to nom inate, delegates the following gentle men wero placed in namination: Howard Anderson, R. L. Benge, Jeff Jones and R. W. Turner, of Hepp ner; S. J. Devine, of Lexington; H. V. Stuouse, of lone. At the regular election held May 25 th tho following three men were elected: Howard Anderson, R. L. Bonge and H. V. Smousc. FARMERS WILL VISIT EX- T The annual trip of the wheatgrow ers of Morrow county to the Moro ex periment station will take place on June 15 and 16 this year. Arrange ments have been made with D. E. Stephens, superintendent, for the visit and the farmers from Wasco county will be present at tho same time. About forty made the trip last yea rand there should be a larger turn out than ever tills yea1-. The results obtained at Moro have had a great influence to increase yields per aero in the past and will have more In the future. Here is a chance to get first, hand information on the many varietal tests, different meth ods of land cultivation anil seed treatment tests. In addition every farmer should keep in touch with tho development of (.lie smut resistent yarietleB They have several, of these at the Moro station and some of them will be the leading varioties to bo grown in this county in a few years. The schedule calls for leaving Heppner at 9:00 A. M. the 15th; Lexington at 9:45, and lone 10:30. A stop will be made at Arlington for dinner and tho party will reach Moro in time to visit some of the Sher man county wheat fields t hat even ing. Tho 16th will be spent on the Moro experiment farm and tho re turn made on tho 17th, Wheat Is tho most important crop In Morrow county and the growers cannot afford to let an opportunity escape to get all this information pos sible on new developments in this industry that are coming out along this lino. ROGER MORSE, County Agent. H. D. McCurdy and Ray Judy were in town from Iono Saturday. Chautauqua June 22 to 27 Of course you arc coming. While here, and at all times, we are at your service. We know you will enjoy it The Central Market G. B. SWAGGART I : id DECORATION SERVICE HELD LAST WEDNESDAY Appropriate exercises were held in Heppner Wednesday, May 30, in memory .of our departed soldiers The Americal Legion post was In charge of the exercises which were held at the park at 10:00 A. M. with Forbla Gremba presiding. Prayer was offered by Rev. Liv ingstone and Mrs Walter Moore and Miss Velma Case favored with vocal solos. The address was given by Mr. S. E. Notson and was a most forceful and effective discourse. Mr. Notson briefly reviewed the history of our three latest wars, bringing out con siderable unwritten history touching on the causes of these conflicts and giving honor to tho men who pre served and defended the country in its hours of need. The address was one of the best ever given in Hepp ner on a similar occasion. Following tlie exercises a proces sion was formed in which tho two veterans of the civil war present were given the place of honor with tho Woman's Relief Corps, tha American Legion, Boy Scouts and Elks lodge following. At the cemetery the exercises were In charge of the W. R. C and were most imprssive. GRADUATES IN MUSIC AT WALLA WALLA, WASH. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark and daughter, Marjory, drove over to Walla Walla last Wednesday to bo present at the graduating exercises at St. Paul's School whoro their eld est daughter, Miss Mary Clark, com pleted the course and was graduated with honors. MIsb Clark specialized In music in addition to taking the reg ular course work. Tho commence ment exercses were held Wednosday and Thursday, tho Clarks returning to Heppner Friday. CHAITAI Vl'A SEASON TICKETS. The season tickets for tho Chau tauqua this year will bo $2.50 for adults, $1.50 for high school students, and $1.00 for children be low tlie high school. If you should attend every session, paying tho sin gle admission rat,os, you would pay $7.50, just three times tho cost of a season tickets. Tho single admissions for the evening sessions amount to $4.50, and for the afternoon sessions $3.00. It will pay you to buy sea son tickets. Moro than ono-half of the tickets have been reserved al ready. See Mr. Smead or somo other member of tho committee on tickets and reserve your tickets. You can pay for them later. Do not wait to be solicited. Make your reservations at once. FISHERMEN RETl'RX WITH FULL I1ASKETS Leonard and Earl Gilliam re turned Monday morning at 4:30 from a fishing trip to East lako, in the Rend country, well laden with Eastern Brook trout. Tho boys re port a fine trip except that weather at the lako was rather cold for com fort. They hrt the lake at. 12:30 Sunday and reached homo at 4:30 Monday morning with a mileage of 210 miles. Andy Hayes and Charlie Cox, who went with them, remained at the lake for a few days' more fishing before returning home.