V-1"' X V Tues'day, May 20. 1021 DOOMED BY POOR FARMING Mayan Civilization Succumbed Be cause of Crude Methods of AgrU ( culture Then In Vogue. Agricultural limitations probablj caused the final breakdown of the re ayan cW"n. flbou, waMwO A. D., and brought about tlx u-rauon or many of its magnificent cities, turning into a tropical wilder ness a country which formerly sup ported at least 5,000,000 peoplein the opinion of a member of the Carneglt institution of Washington. While the Maya race had worked out a system of time measurement niiicu greatly excelled that of tht Greeks, Romans or Egyptians, their methods of farming were very crude lie claims, like those of the' modern Indians. The process was to burn off the forest and brush on land selectee for cultivation. After one or twe crops had been made on this land, they allowed the field to lie fallow, and iMuceeuea to cut and burn and plant another field, and so on until suffleienl onisn nad accumulated on the first field for reburning It. Repeated burning over of the land causes grasses to come in. In this way, he thinks, the forests were con verted into grass lands. Planted crops were choked out. The rapidly multiplying people needed fresh lands and finally moved elsewhere. Other archeologists have attributed this apparently sudden break-up to a series or yellow-fever epidemics, but Dr. Morley discredits this theory. THE HEPPNER HERALD; HEPPNER. OREGON ABODE OF "THUNDER BIRD" '""I!" .i'9""1 Con"-"lnO Tract In oa i-anas" Never Visited by White Man. Half a dozen miles southwest of RpT ' T 7" m the very hea" the four Ztt iS anarea J Proximately w -"o white man's foot has ever rested there so far as 'earned, the Detroit News says "o juuians rn n fVio ....... makoche," meaning "bad place." Deep lib" , u Korses leaa P to spire like pinnacles, and every attempt to follow their tortuous paths thus far uo cuueu m ranure. Chief Flamintr A the fron ier days, gives what probably tL v, 7 l- Juany 5'ears ago. the chief said, before the pale face came here was the place where dwelt ".o xaunaer wird" high in the pin nacles of stone. This wall of rock kept out unwelcome visitors, the chief contended, and added that the pro tected area is rich in food, sunlight and warmth, and has pure, cold streams of running water. WISE PROVISION OF NATURE Good Old Dame Shrewd In Sending Young People Afield to Do Their Courting. In that part of southern Europe in habited by Slavs it is conceded that a young man in search of a wife should go to a neighboring village to nnu ner. ro such concession is made by American villagers, but Nature as sumes authority and quietly works her wisdom without benefit of man's direction. As a result, at least half of the young ladles who come to our town as school teachers remain as wives They may be no prettier or smarter man nome girls, but they have the charm of newness, and bachelor hearts long Immune to the gentle pas slon skip a beat when they appear. Our own girls do not remain un courted, however. The town boys, having known them and quarreled witn them since childhood, feel no thrill in their presence. But when the girls have finished college, most of them leave home again to teach in distant villages, and In a year or two we hear that young men have designs on them. These young men come a-courting during the summer, and we iook uiem over shrewdly to see If they are worthy. Nature Is a wise old party, and she did more than statutes could do to prevent Inbreeding when she made the hills look green far away. l'hil- aaipnia inquirer. Artistic Ancient Earrings. Within the last decade has occurred the return of the earring, so long laid aside. Few seen today, however, sur pass in taste and den earrings of Biote, the daughter of iKuuue, wnicn were found In Chalcls where the young woman was burled. These ornaments represented doves swinging in golden hoops. The minia ture birds were marvelously wrought the feathers of granulated gold, the wings and breasts enriched with bands of color supplied by inserted gems. Precious stones gleamed like tiny sparks for the eyes. Daintiest of all, the tail feathers were so finely made and curiously adlusteri the slightest motion of the pendant loop, so that whenever the nrnmi er should toss or shake her head two attendant doves would seem to bal ance themselves upon their perches as live Diras do in swinging on a bough. Ancient. Temple of the Moon, believed to be the oldest building on earth, is un covered by scientific diggers at Ur on the lower Euphrates river. It was erected about 7,000 years ago, and was used continuously as a church for 4,000 years. King Tut seems very ancient to us, yet here's a building that was about 40 centuries old when he was born. Discovery of the Temple of the Moon is important. It helps confirm the scientific belief that the first civiliza tion was along the Euphrates. Some where in that vicinity nrohnhlv wo. the cradle of the human race though Chinese claim that their authentic his tory dates back at least 22,000 years. NOTICE OP FIXAI ACCOUNTING Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed final account as administrator de bonis non of the estate of Robert Horn, deceased, and that the court has appointed Friday, the 15th day of June. 1P23. at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said dav as the time and the Countv Court room in the Court House at Hepp- ner, Oregon, as the place for hear ing said account and anv obieetinns thereto GEORGE R. W. MEAD. 3-7 Administratni. rfo ki ,. u VJ UUUlf) 111IU. PAGE THREE NOTICE OV SHERIFF'S SALE UNDER MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE College Rules Little Changed. Here are some of the rules of Ham ilton college, Clinton, N. J., published in itua. it win be noted that Twenti eth century freshmen and sophomores retain the old titles, but, that in this nay tne senior and junior sophlsters nave Decome merely seniors and Juniors. "The undergraduate students shall be divided Into four distinct classes. The first year they shall be called freshmen: the second, Konlmnmroa the third, Junior sophlsters, and the lourtn, senior sophlsters. And in order to preserve a due subordination among the students, the classes shall give and receive, in the course of their col legiate life, those tokens of respect ana subjection which from common and approved usage belong to their standing in the college." Glass Thunderbolts. An exhibition of "petrified thunder bolts" may be viewed bv visitors to Hie American Museum of Natural History in New York. Technically they are known as fulgurites, and the officials of the museum have decided that there are several million persons in the Unit ed btates that have worried along for years without knowledge of fulgurites. ur. O. E. Hovey of the museum's de partment of geology explained that a fulgurite is a gloss which Is oflen produced when lightning strikes a mass of rock or a bed of dry sand and melts the material beneath the imnncr. In other words, It is glass made by nature in very much the same way that men make glass In glass foun dries. The fulcurltes in the come from all sorts of nlnces M Ararat, the desert of Sahara, Michi gan, Illinois and Mehemamehibaka. A W. Gammell was up from Lex ington Saturday and reported every thing going along well in his part of the county. NOTICE IS HERRRV mmjM That under and by virtue of an ex ecution and order of sale Iss.iph k the Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon dated the 26th day of May, 1923, to me directed, in a certain s,,)t the Circuit Court of the State of uregon for Morrow Countv M. S. Corrigall, plaintiff, recoverd judgment against the defend. Leora K. Wyland and Ernest K. Wy land, administrator of tho oott . James H Wyland .deceased, for the sum of $10,500.00. with thereon at the rate of eight and one half per cent per annum from Sep tember 1, 1920, for the further sum of $1,000.00 attorney's fee and the costs and disbursements of said suit taxed and allowed at $28.2 5, and ynerein th,e Court for the satisfac tion of said judgment ordered and decreed sale of the following huo..,-k ed lands situated in Morrow County. The South Half of the North Half, the South Half of Section 36 in Township 4 South, Range 24, E W. M.; Lot 4 of Section 31 in Town ship 4 south. Range 2 5 V, w t . Lots Four, Five, Six and Seven of option t; Lots One. Two. Threo Four, the East Half of the North west wuarter, the Northeast Quarter ui me southwest Quarer. the Sn,.n east Quarter of Section s. m West Half of the Southwest o'rW of Section Eight, in Township 5 ooum, Range Twenty-five. V, . w ur containing 1200 acres. ' ' Also 1,240 acres of land sHmin. ing same, situated in Gilliam nn,, ty, Oregon, described as follows: The Northeast Quarter; the North Half of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the North west Quarter; the North Half nf th Southeast Quarter; and tho South east Quarter of 'the Southeast Quar ter; and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section One (1); the Southeast. Ouarto nf i, Northeast Quarter; the East Half of the Southeast Quarter and tho Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; and the South Half of the Southwest Quarter; and the North west Quarter of the Southwest Quar ter and tho Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twelve (12). The West. Half' of theNorth east Quarter; 'the Northwest O.mrfor of the Southwest Quarter of Section thirteen (13). Also the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Fourteen (14), all in Township Five (5) South, Range Twenty-four (24) E. W. M. Said lands lying in Morrow Coun ty and in Gilliam County, taken to gether comprising 2440 acres and constituting a stock ranch. I will on Thursday, the 28th day of June, 1923, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said dav, at the front door of the County Coin House in the City of Hennner Ir. row County, Oregon, offer for sale and oll ot- ..kt; , !,uuilV; nucuon to the hir' est bidder for casli in hand the fol lowing described real property sit uated in Morrow County, Oregon to-wit: The South Half of the North Half, and the South Half of Section 36 in Township 4 South, Range 24, E. W. M I Lot 4 of Section 31 in Township 4 South, Range 2 5 E. w. AT t,,. Four, Five, Six and Seven of Section numbered C; Lots One, Two, Three and Four, the East Half of the Northwest Quarter, the Northeast quarter of the Southwest Quarter, t.if coumeast Quarter of Section Seven; the West Half of the South west Quarter of Section Eight, in Township 5 South, Ranee. Twpniv. five, E. W. M., or so much of said land as is necessary to satisfy said judgment, including attorney's fees, costs and accruing costs. And if the proceeds of sale of said lands situated in Morrow County, Oregon, and so sold bv me he nnl sumcient to satisfy said iurte-monf then the Sheriff of Gilliam County! ui-egon ,will on Saturday, the 30th day of June, 1923, at ten o'clock A. M., at the front door of the Coun ty Court House in Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash said lands situated in Gilliam Coun ty, Oregon, or so much thereof as is necessary when added to the pro ceeds of the sale of said lands in Morrow County to satisfy the bal ance of said judgment, costs and ac cruing costs remaining unpaid. Dated May 26, 1923. GEORGE McDUFFEE, 5-9 Sheriff of Morrow County. NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, 020489 United States Land office. The Dalles, Oregon, Way 18, 1923. To Richard Floyd Fraser of lone, uregon, Contestee: You aro hereby notified that Fat . uoherty who gives care Woodson & Sweek, Heppner. Oreeon. post-office address, did on April 16 iJ-o, tile in this office his dniv .. roborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your "umesteaa enntry No serial No. 0204S9 made July 3, 1920 for N N4, SE14 NE,y4, Section' 14 Township 2 N , Range 25 E., Wil lamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleires that 0;,i entryman has never establish.., -..o idence upon said land, has never cul tivated or improved said land or any part thereof, but has wholly aban doned the same. That the ahsnn of the entryman from said land has not been due to his employment in the army, navy 0 marine corps of u.b uniteq states or in any other organization for offence or defend authorized by the laws of the United States. You are. therefore fnrtiio,. tied that th,e said allegations will ba taiten as confessed, and vour rum try will be canceled without further ngnt to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, if you fall to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically re sponding to these alleeati ons nf rnn. test, together with due proof that you have served a copy of vour on tho said contestant either in ner- cnnAI .. . ou ur uy registered mail, You should state in your annswer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to bo sent to you. T. C. QUEEN, Receiver. Date of first publication May 23 1923. Date of second publication May 29 1923. Date of third publication -Tuna rc 1923. Date of fourth Duhllcafinn T,m 12, 1923. $100.00 REWARD $100.00 Wa will pay the above reward for Information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the nartv or parties that have been cutting wire rences on our ranches. This ap plies to any and all ranches owned by ua. HYND BROS. Heppner, Ore., April 10, 1923. EO-tl NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed ay the County Court of the State nf Oregon for Morrow County, admin istratrix of the estate of Charles II. Wright, deceased, and all persons having claims against tho estate of said deceased, aro hereby required Fieseiii same, with the proper vouchers, to said administratrix Lexington, Oregon.within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of May, 1923 EMMA C. BRESHEARS, Administratrix CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES Netted Gem seed potatoes, certl ffcd stock, may be had at the Moi row uo road machinery shed in Heppner at $2.75 per sack. These are part of the seed secured by tho county at Weston. See Sherman Shaw, custodian, or call at county agent's office. By Order County Court. Love Affair Quickly Ended. My first love affair began and ended an in the same evening, when I was ooy ot sixteen. Each Halloween our little country town, the young ioiks indulged in what was then called a Halloween hunt. The girls hid themselves somewhere about town and the fellows hunted for them, the losing side being forced to treat the winners to supper afterward. This particular time the hoys found the girls in an old tiuyloft. I spied the first girl and she was a total stranger to me, a visiting girl, I found out later. She was about ntteen and sweet as a peach. I fell head over heels In love with her. then and there. But, alas, the next morn ing, she returned to her home In the city, and I never saw or heard from lier again Chicago Journal. Feature Musical "Episodes" in Unusual Entertainment Patton Brothers Brin. f rk.,.f. t. n - . 1 IOIHIUCIH " a rrogram. ot Sparkl.ng Originality on Opening Day, Look Ahead. There's no substitute for looking ahead. Some folks nrate about bruins I Folks with much of the article seldom say much about it. It s the short end fellow who rants about it and tries to Impress you with what he hasn't got But look ahead anyhow. There'll be plenty of opportunity to duck dla aster If you know iust when to do it. If you've got to buck the world you can do It a lot better when you go at it with your eyes open. Just now we believe in shaping our own destiny. We fashion and build as we see and feel. So once and fur all look ahead. See your task in big letters. Then meet the situation In your blzirest wav. The furnre will bear record to how well you've dune It Grit. - 1 Kl Cloned, Religious. Popular, Oriental and PntHr.H, J ', ? ' , . 1 he VI are railed the Russian. Old men Fnshlonei! sparkling in originality, and all the M,w,h.a . Z " "' u" ''"s'ume. It Is ishec themselves in the he.nrts of West.-rn audiences on IZ n , r " L , ."' "r".,hPrs lurt-jjis 01 eaen or it hrou vrmrw v . . : ". fc 4 ""'i'" 1 ui I'm or meir i.nitrrsir.i. I ... .i,sin.f ,' "h un 11, r t ini inn tir r.f t . 1. .1.. ---.., their efforts. It is a high-class nrocram whi, , Zt n , I , ... .1 1, . ' ' background that lies behind meat - ' covers woo like a dash of original In their eatert different program slab- alii 1 Ice Cream Season NORMAN'S ICE CREAM Place advance orders for Brick Ice Cream for Sunday McAtee & Aiken I DICK ROBNETT PRACTICAL HORESSHOER At CALMUS' SHOP ! Special attention given to, lame and interfering horses I Guarantee Satisfaction. Give me a trial r,i III n Removal Notice n n H co f 1 f r i" customcrs will please take notice that I have removed from my former ocation and for the present I am located in the rear of Dave Wilson's store, pending securing another location. Lloyd Hutchinson Tailoring Where HLEAN Thev LOTHES The Helm Dry Wall System or tressed Cement and Brick Blocks IjL'.MHKK. I.KT L'H BUM VOU A IfOMB I HAT W1U, LAST No palntinc-No repairing-Write us for literature Umatilla Pressed Concrete B rick and Block Co. UMATILLA, OREGON