Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 29, 1923, Image 1

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Heppner High School building
was crowded to capacity last Friday
evening by an appreciative audience
that gathered to hear the graduating
exercises of the class of 1923.
Miss Bernice Woodson played the
processional march as the graduates
filed into the auditorium and took
their places on the platform. Rev.
J. R. L. Haslam offered the invoca
tion which was followed by the
chorus, "To A Wild Rose," by Misses
Velma Case, Willefcta Barratt, Violet
Hynd, Gene Pyle and Dorothy Hill.
The commencement address was
delivered by Mr. Monroe G. Everett,
of Oregon Agricultural College, his
subject being "At Break of Day."
Mr. Evprett handled his subject well
and during his address took occasion
to deprecate the present day ten
dency towards religious and racial
Mr. Everett's address was follow
ed by the song, "Up Sailor Boy, 'Tin
Day," by the girls' quartet.
Prof. E. H. Hedrick, superinten
dent of the cily schools, presented
the class of '23 collectively, referring
in a few well chosen words to their
faithful work as students and the
final successful outcome of their
high school experience.
Mr. W. P. Mahoney, chairman of
the board of trustees, presented the
diplomas to the graduates, a mixed
quartet sang "The Passing Days,"
and the benediction was pronounced
by Rev. W. 0 Livingstone.
The class roll follows:
Velma Case, Opal Lena Craddick,
Christina Doherty, Rose Anna Hirl,
Ray W. McDuffee, Thelma Lucile
Miller, Retha Owen, Ruth Zell Tash,
Willetta Elizabeth Barratt, Florence
Aida Cason, Nellie Taylor Flynn,
Evelyn Elizabeth Humphreys, Eliza
beth Leona Huston, Philip W. Ma
honey, Maude Reliance Moore,
Frances Crawford Parker.
Word reached here Monday morn
ing that Frank McFarland, former
well known resident of this city, had
dropped dead on the street at Hood
River from an attack of heart dis
ease. Mr. McFarland was engaged
in the mercantile busincess here 2 5
or 30 years ago and it was he who
built the Fair building which was
the first brick building in Heppner.
Mr. McFarland was the father of
Dr. Earl C. McFarland, of Portland,
recently appointed collector of cus
toms by President Harding.
C. L. Melville was In town Wed
nesday from the Alpine district
where he says the crops are looking
quite promising. Mr Melville and
his brother recently returned from
an auto trip that took them around
the circle via Bend, Klamath Fall3,
Ashland, Portland, Seattle and Yaki
ma, making the entire trip of 13 50
miles in eight days. They traveled
in a Ford and used 67 gallons of
gasoline on the trip getting almost
20 miles per gallon. Business is
booming in most of the places they
visited, Mr. Melville says, and he ex
pects to see a shortage of harvest
hands in Morrow county when the
wheat is ripe.
Wool Washed
We renovate and clean Feather Beds, Cotton
and Silk Floss Mattresses and Scour Wool
We call for and deliver work in town but cannot
go into the country. Bring in your work at once
as we close here Saturday evening, June 2nd
Rear of Fell's Garage, Chase Street
"Up in Morrow county," says
Judge Dutton, a pioneer of that sec
lion who has made Portland his res
idence, "conditions will be good and
the county will be back on its feet
when the farmers get a good crop
and a good price. The sheepmen are
now well off I was up in Morrow
county the other day and found that
automobiles are plentiful. In front
of a motion picture theatre in Hepp
ner Saturday night there wpre 75
automobiles. Morrow county people
have always been good spenders
when they had money, but those who
bough whpn prices were high and
before the deflation came are still on
the stool of repentance. Wool has
been seeing at from 40 to 4 5 cents
and most of the wool in thp county
is sold. There is not much sale of
sheep, however, as the price is get
ting up and people are thinking of
how it went up before and then the
bottom dropped out. The farmers
are not as well off as the sheepmen,
but conditions look right for a fine
crop this year. Everything is green
and stock is in good shape." Ore
gonian. B TO GET BET
Dayton Wash. (Specail Corres
pondence.) At a meeting of nearly
50 business men and farmers, held
at the Commercial Club rooms plans
were laid for a nation-wide cam
paign to regulate wheat prices. The
plan as proposed by W. F. McCau
ley i3 to secure the signatures of
farmers to an agreement which vil
not be binding until 75 per cent of
the farmers of the country have
sign,ed up Then it is proposed to
recommend the plan to the North
west Wheat Growers Associated for
an intensive national campaign along
similar lines.
Under the agreement it is hoped
that actual control of the price of
wheat will bo possible. A set price
will be determined upon which will
fully cover cosit of production and a
reasonable profit and this price will
be adhered to on all domestic wheat
sales. The surplus to be sold abroad
will be disposed of at the competi
tive world market prices. The 7 5
per cent sign up, it is hoped, will
give the organization sufficient con
trol to secure the desired ends.
Severel committees were appoint
ed at the meeting. These are now at
work in an endeavor to secure the
desired sign-up in this county.
Memorial services were held at the
Christian church last Sunday morn
ing in memory of departed veterans
of the nation's wars. The services
were well attended, the auditorium
being filled. Members of the Grand
Army of the Republic, the Woman's
Relief Corps, the Boy Scouts and the
Girl Scouts participated. Only three
veterans of the Civil war were pres
ent J. C. Ball, Newton Whetstone
and Andrew Rood sr. Rev. J. R L.
Haslam gave thp sermon and Rev.
Livingstone assisted with the ser
vices, of which the special music was
a pleasing feature.
Crops aro fine this season on the
Boardman project and farmers are
encouraged by better prospects for
the future. Fair prices were receiv
ed for last year's hay crop, the asso
ciation having realized about ? 15 a
ton f. o. b. Boardman. Prospects for
a continuance of good prices, for the
coming crop are good, business men
of the town say.
There are about 300 dairy cows
on thp project at present and the
new cheese factory will probably
rapidly increase the number. Many
of the people there are working into
more diversified farming with some
fruit, some cows and pigs and a few
sheep to fully utilize all products.
Charlie Latourell is just complet
ing a fine new garage which will be
operated by J. S Vegas, formerly of
Monument and Heppner. Mr. Latou
rell also has one of the most attrac
tive filling stations and soft drink
resorts to be found on the highway
between Portland and Pendleton.
Many tourist cars aro constantly
passing over the highway and few of
them pass Mr. Latourell's place with
out "filling up" on something
whether it bo free air and water or
soda water, gasoline and ice cream
O. H. Warner, mine host at the
Wayside Inn, who it will be remem
bered used to come to Heppner fre
quently and stand uncovered in the
rain to get his head wet, is install
ing a shower bath in the Inn and
says he is going to try home treat
ment for a while. Business Is so
good at the Inn that he is afraid to
leave homo for fear some hungry
traveler with 4-bits in his pocket
might get by without parting with
the coin for one of Mrs. WanTy-;.
6-bit men's. f 1
Jacob Maivy & Son, practlcalj
i.ini5au uianers, yesieraay opened
their new cheese factory at Board
man and expect to do a fino business
with dairymen on the project.
The new plant is modern and com
plete with a capacity for 6000 pounds
of milk, or about 600 pounds of
cheese a day Prices offered for
milk, Mr. Marty recently informed a
Herald reporter, will scale 5 cents a
pound above Portland butter fat
prices. The new factory occupies the
new Murchio building to which an
extensive addition will be built to af
ford needed room.
Sam H Boardman, father of the
town that b,ears his name, has q
politics and taken up farming In
.earnest. Single-handed and alone
Mr. Boardman is developing an ex
tensive tract of new alfalfa. He ad
mits that he has given up the but
terfly lifp of past years and has be
come an honest-to-goodness horny
handed son of toil. He doesn't ob
ject to the horny handedness but
says he has not yet become alto
gether harmoniously adjusted to the
toil. Mr. Boardman has been doing
his part towards beautifying his part
of the project by planting shade trees
along tho highway and has recently
received assurance from Highway
Commissioner Duby that the state
state will lay pipes and provide
water for irrigating them next
J. S Ballinger, lumber dealer,
mayor and official base ball fan, re
ports business good in his town,
compares what the town was when
he went there seven years ago and
what it is today and then compares
what it is today and what it will be
seven years hence and then he
smiles, because he is a business man
with vision.
Jack Gorham, who sells groceries,
hardware and other merchandise
during business hours and acts as
deputy sheriff and all round booster
the rest of the time, say3 that if
business was any better they would
probably have to put him to bed and
he don't believe in going to bed any
time. He prefers to rustle.
The reporter only had a short time
in Boardman and no doubt missed
more news than he picked up. An
other trip some fine day and he may
do better.
Misses Kathleen Mahon-y and
Dorothy Hill entertained a paity of
friends si a dancing party at 'lie
Mahoney home last Saturday v n
ing. A pleasant evening was reported.
A hearing on the prevailing rates
on farm products In Oregon by the
Public Service commission was held
in Portland beginning May 21. Nu
merous witnesses appeared in behalf
of both the railroads and farm inter
ests. It was brought out at the hear
ings that the rates in Oregon are pro
portionately higher than the ' rates
prevailing on similar commodities in
Appearing for the Northwest
Wheat Growers Associated was H P.
Christensen, traffic manager for 'the
Associated. Mr .Christensen present
ed evidence dealing with the unjus
ly high rates prevailing on the short
line railways of the state. These
charges are so excessive that in the
case of many shippers the freight
costs are nearly prohibitive. The
defense presented by the railroads
was that the cost of operation were
high on the short lines, due partly
to greater grade difficulties than on
the main lines. The chief reason
given, however, for the existing
schedules was that trip business se
cured on these lines was insufficient
to maintain roads at lower rates.
Competition Servico
One reason given for this loss of
business is the competition offered
on the short lines by the automobiles
and trucks. This competition, ac
cording to the roads, has developed
on a vast scale during recent years.
In some cases, it is claimed, the
drain on the railroad's business has
been so hpavy as to threaten the ex
istence of the road, regardless of the
rato charged.
To meet this difficulty it was pro
posed by Mr. Christensen that joint
rates be established between the
.short lines and the main lines. Part
of i.iLe x""ivp rateB on the short
lines will in this way be absorbed
by the main lines This method,
pointed out Mr .Christensen, has
been resorted to in handling similar
difficulties in other sections of the
The matter of joint inter-state
rates was also brought up at the
hearings. At the present time, it
was pointed out, it in possible to
ship from points in Oregon to points
in Washington at. a lower combined
rato than between two equally dis
tant points in Oregon The hay ship
pers of the pastern part of the stain
were especially interested in having
this adjusted.
Rates Out of Lino With Prices
One of the most important argu
ments presented at the hearings In
behalf of lower freight rates on farm
products was the comparison be
tween the present purchasing power
of farm products and that of manu
factured products. These were com
pared with the changes in freight,
rates between the respective groups
of commodities. It was shown that
the farm products group aH a whole
has suffered a sharp slump in tho
power to exchango for other com
modities. The reverse has been true
with manufactured products. That.
Is, the tendency of prices In the two
groups has been in opposite direc
tions. The respective freight rates,
based on a normal relation of val
ues, are therefore severely out of
adjustment. A complete revision In
the entire scheme of freight rates
based on an up-to-date comparison
of values between the two groups of
commodities was urged.
For eggs next winter, use Kerr's
poultry supplies now. Brown &
Tho Heppner-Ionp game at Gentry
field last Sunday afternoon drew a
big crowd of interested fans and the
game was one of the bpst of the sea
Broughton and King for Heppner
and Rocky and Cochran, for lone,
were in good form and both batter
ies were creditpd with excellent work.
At the end of the 5th inning the
visitors had rather the best of the
battle with a scorp of 2 to 0, but in
tho 6th Heppner took the bit in her
teeth and brought in 5 scores.
A featuro of tho game was the
large number of clean hits made by
Iono but because of tight fielding by
Heppner the visitors failed to mark
up the scores to which their batting
really entitled them
Good feeling marked tho game and
altogothpr it was one of the very best
of the season. The final score stood
at 2 to 6 in favor of Heppner, giving
tho home team a lead of one game
over lone for thp season to date.
Heppner team goes to Arlington
next Sunday when a fine gamo is
Pilot Rock plays Heppner hero to
morrow, Decoration Day
Tho three-act comedy, "And Home
Came Ted," presented by members
of the Junior and Senior classes of
Heppner high school at Star thpatre
last Tuesday evening, made a decid
hit with the big audience of parents,
Itiends and fellow students that
t icked the house.
The cast was well chosen to ropre
s nt the different characters, so weM,
Indeed, that many of the young
playtre were able to act quite natur
ally whhe bringing out the personal
ities they were chosen to rep resell
'uniething rather unusual among
amateur as well as professional
The cast follows:
Skeet Kelly, the clerk rhilip
Diana Garwood,
Elaine Signbo.
Miss Loganberry.
Reliance Moore
Ira Stone, tho
the helross-
tho spinster-
Aunt Jubilee, tho cook Retha
Mr. Man, tho mystery Carl
Ryker, tho lawyer Alvin
Mollte Macklin, the housekeepe
Florence Cason.
Henrietta Darby, tho widow
Elizabeth Huston.
Ted, tho groom Ray McDuffee.
Elsie, tho bride Dorothy Pattl
Sen. McCorkle, tho father Fran
cis Doherty.
Bernice Woodson, of tho junior
class, gave two musical readings and
Velma Cast, a senior, sang two hoIdh
between acts, all of which were well
received by the audience.
Richard Peterson went to lone
this morning on busineHH.
No more baking failures If you use
Ken's Best Brown & Lowry.
It is a comfort to know that you are getting
only first-class product, handled in a modern
and sanitary manner.
Every department of our establishment is
open to your inspection.
Trouble has developed in the Ore
gon state farm bureau federation, It
became known Saturday when Geo.
A. Mansfield, president, called a
meeting of all thp members of the
organization for June 1, explaining-
that someone had purloined the seal
and papers of the bureau from tha
office and that he wants a "show
down" as to who ia in control.
President Mansfield openly charged
that three members of tho executive
board, constituting a majority, held
secret conference in Portland Friday
and are back of an ordpr to the Por
land postmaster not to deliver farm
bureau mail to the office in the Piatt
Mr. Mansfield said he was suro
these board members could also ex
plain who entered tho bureau office
during the absence of tho force and
carried away the seal, mailing UhIs
and other papers. This evidently
was accomplished Friday night, ho
Tho executive board members who
once before got at logger-heads with
President Mansfield aro William
Schulmerich, Washington county; O.
R Dougherty, Wallowa, and H. IS.
Kruger, Oakland.
"While I was attending a meeting
of the statp chamber of commerce.
yesterday," said Mr. Mansfield,
"these board members hold a moot
ing in tho Cornelius hotel. They knew
where I was but made no effort to
call mo In. I would not attempt to
aay what took place.
"I am calling a meeting of all of
ficers and menibpra of the farm bu
reau, to bo held at tho public library
at 10 A. M., June 1. I want to get
everybody there and straighten theso
matters out, I want a show-down
as to who is in control and I believo
in going right out in tho open about
tho matter."
Mr .Mansfield proceeded to ex
press an opinion that sinister influ
ences were nt work to umlermlno
the farm bureau, but declined to bo
quoted as lo reasons for his views
Mr. MaiiHilelil's term as president
of the organization will expiro next
fall. About three months ago, how
ever, ho was selected as "chief exec
utive officer" lor two years, lo work
with the Oregon statu development
league, ho said.
This ad Ion was taken by tho
board of directors, a body superior
to tho executive board. There is ono
director for each county of tho state.
Thero are but fivo executive com
mittee members- those already nam
ed, Mr. Mansfield and L. G. Smith
of Columbia county.
May 1, Jared Wenger, ox-manager
of tho belter business bureau of
Portland, was employed by President
Mansfield as manager of tho farm
bureau office. This employment of
Mr. Wenger, at. a salary considered
rallier large by some of tho bureau
officers and members, Is believed to
havo a bearing on the present sitau
tlon, In which apparent attempt 1h
being inailu to divcHt Mr Mansfield
and the manager of all power and
opportunity to carry on business n.i
heads of the bureau.
Buy your grain sacks now Drown
& Lowry.