Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 30, 1923, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, January 30, 1923
-I-T nr AT . WF.W5 TTTT M5-
Oral Iienriksen wa;; in town from
Cecil rfiitui d;iy.
Dr. C. C. Chirk and If. -J. liiddlc
in ado a business trip to Pendleton
Thursday, returning Friday.
WANTED-Clean cotton rags at
I lie il'-rald office. No 'knit goods or
woolens. Will pay 10 cents a pound.
Miss I.oula Ilcnge lias recovered
from an attack of i II in -ss dial, kept
Jn-r Loin school all of last week.
C. V.. U'o'iil.rni went (0 1'orlland
Ti ii-sdsy to a'I'lid the ronvoeii t ion
if SMrhi'T:; in ri ::.! on there Setur-
. Hit., hears
1 'A i II -' I oil, i
driving II
Hie mail messenger
ul'.i1 iii.-: right aim
mail Friday ea it-
t J
Mir. WMi'T Moore nlerlaim d ul
In id"'' Tlnir.iday evening at her home
011 Halo street, A very pleasant eve
inn,' was reported.
Morrow county has 92fi licensed
molor cars registered in J'J22. Of
these 834 worn passenger cars and
the 11 sL trucks, stages and buses.
Mr, and Mrs, W. T. Mattock came
over from their ranch at Alderdale,
'Washington, yesterday, and are at
Hotel Ilcppner.
Mrs. Find Farrier of Heppner is
(lie hou'-o guest of Mrs. Joseph Ar
thur Trimble at her homo on Wil
laiiH'l 1 e 1 1 1 df; Ms. .Sunday Oregon inn.
Mis. A. D. Mc.Muido pleasantly en
t rlained at a bridg party at her
home on Chssn street Friday after
noon. Honors went to Mrs. Chester
Hail "Hutch" Cordon, former
If dim r hoy now opcrnliung a drug
liloic al Arlington, came up Saturday
and spent Sunday wit ii Heppner
The Christian Endeavor Society
will hold a. St. Valentines tea lit I ho
home or Hot. mill Mrs. Livingstone,
Wednesday, February 14th. l'ublic
putninaga will bo appreciated. 40-4 J
Xlrs. Boo Fleming -writes to have
their copy of tlio Herald sent to
Longviow, Washington, where they
are. now located, Mr. Fleming being
employed by the Long Hell Lumber
A pleasiuit social afrair was that
given at the Nys home last Wednes
day evening when Mrs. Nys cnler
laini',1 a parly of friends ut card, Re
fresh men Is were served ami the af
fair was a pronounced success.
C. Mitchell an, I!. Kelly, of
lleaiiliiiau. have received a permit
1' " II 1 the nlt'lce of Stale Engineer
u PI" I' to appi 1 1 j . i late w al er I mm :l
M"'iiig a nd f i nui I nlumli,,i ii-, ,- in,
douio,t o- uf at a cost $ ;,i,i.
Hr. Mi' iI urdii repordi Mrs. Win.
Insloiie in be , ,,,, if,,. r,,;1, I,,
'"Very at the lleptmer Surgical Hon
pilal lollowlng tlic ditlieiill cae.ai jan
i I" i alien vhi, h W:is pet formed ,-,
week aen. The Lilly's life was al
iiiosl despaired of lor a lime hut at
this writing both the nioiher and
' liihl are doing well.
l."ST t)H LOA N 1)1) A lit! inch
Still: oil wrench has bee,, bin I'.. Wed
or en tried itwiiy from the court house
and not leiuined. If if,,, .;,riy hav
ing it will noli l' y ine 1 wi'l e(, ;:(),,,
it and carry it hack as 1 need it m
ley wot k. Win. Am is, court house
janiler. (J
WANTED M mi, women and chit
iIitii in every community to send n
I'"' '''aid lor SI NSHT's bin, inieivsl-
ill- Hilt t'
el l: rfilt.
tor a liit
Cil.il - ii,.
r.tNK, S it
ihe; i list oul
lu ihle lew ar.
"r-l'sre lime.'
I i'l . SI .s.-'l-
lliindi , ds
s in return
T Mi;
S'.l 12
lll'll Hell. ,
!' I tie ' ,
ll''i:a 0.
Ciniiiti r
: -ao:e r
' I
Mar j, u
'. F. a I I
I bs I.,
im;loil lud:;e, I
teeei ins he ! Tl.ui r
j' wel beiti,- a 1,1,.
I I;
rre.l en nii'iii . v le
I i ii coed , . ii. r i
''.ii A do.a n m
'' of llilipuer led-.e
'1 "' me. tins: to con
1'' Ufa' on the interest
S. F Nelson i.f ii, io
; occasion.
' ' made ih iiiescntatloti speech.
H. Ho.udman and N. J. Conley
'lroe over iiaiiu Hoardiiiau Sundny
and took a look m (f,,. n,.ppner
Joins hill section f if,,, l,jefIWa
Monday iiiornuii;. Mr. Conley Is a
member t,f n. contract in,; firm f
1'otter Conley iui,t built nuist of
the Columbia highway from ivs
chutcs to Vmatilla. Ho expivts to
Mitnnit a bid on tlio Jones hill work
at the March iiieetinK of tho highway
commission. Mr. Hoardman, who has
been frequently mentioned for ft posi
tion on tha state highway commission
and as chief liinhway engintw, Jla
clannea hiving any ambition to
wards a political Job and declared
that he has .sked nothing from th
new uduilnistiatlon.
i PT7.CTT.
! .Mi.sKc-3 Ituby and Lucy Corri-'al,
i Miss Norma Frederic of Hejijmer,
made a short call in Cecil on Sun
day before leaving to visit friends in
; Ar'ingion. Miss Ruby was driving
I her new Dodge car,
Arthur Turner, Accompanied by
J J. K. Crabfreo. of Dotheboys Hill,
wen- calling in Cecil on Sunday.
' Messrs Keisay and Erickson of
lone, accompanied by Miss Mildred
i 1 1' iu i'lisen of strawberry ranch, and
Miss Violet lied ford of Hhea Kidinu,
; were visiting in tlio Ci.-'ll vicinity on
.Jac k Hynil and Geo. Krebs of Cecil
left on Monday for Spokane to take
in the Wool Growers meeting held
I here during Die wf ek.
wn. Chandler of Willow Creek
ranch and Oral iienriksen of Kwing
left for Heppner on Tuesday.
Miss Annie C. Hynd of Uuttcrby
i'lals, is spending a few days with
her aunt, Miss Hynd, at Rose Lawn
Sand Hollow.
Miss lieita Neil of Heppner vras
looking up lier friends around Cecil
on Tuesday and Wednesday.
L. Williams, government trapper,
was visiting tho ranches on Willow
creek during tho week and was the
t uest of Herbert Hynd at liuttcrby
Flats during his slay in Cecil.
i... A. Miller and son, Elvin, of
Iligiiview, were taking in the sights
at tho county seat on Thursday.
Mr. and Mis. Usher and Mr. and
Mrs. Ilroakbush of Hhea Siding were
doing business in Cecil on Wednes
day. V. G. J'almateer and daughter,
Miss Cleta, of U'indynnok, were visi
tors in Heppner on Monday.
Leon Logan of Fourmile spared
time from his labors on his ranch to
make a call on his friends in Cecil on
Friday. Leon says the fine weathei
is making the wheat look good in liis
end of the county, and he hopes that
"Mack," the weather man will still
hold his line mouther wand over this
Tho Heppner doctors who havi
been treating our friend J. W. Os
born for noiiiu time, have certainly
worked woudera with their patient,
who walked from Cecil to Arlington,
eighteen miles, on Tuesday. J. W.
Unborn has panned tho three scort
and ten mile post and was sufferini;
from a bad leg too. He would put
many a man to shanio with his walk
lug (inalilies.
The many friends of Teter Hauern
fiend, a well known annd respected
pioneer of Cecil, will be pleased to
hear that l'ete is feeling much bet
ter and all being well he expects t(
lie ba''k amongst us In Cecil bofori
long, l'ete has been at l'aso Koblei
Springs for several weeks taking tin
ililleieni kinds of baths, waters, etc..
under the supervision of good doc
tors, and last accounts heard from
l'ete he felt a great benefit from hii
t real incuts.
.Mrs. Geo. Iienriksen of Straw
berry ranch visited with Mrs. Tylei
at Hhea on Saturday.
G. II. llaitvlgsen, of Idaho, is busj
on the highway near Cecil stee'
bridge putting up fence for tin
"II can't be beat." That is what
Hob Thompson of Heppner says o
Cecil, its weather, its good hay, ano
everything suitable for good laiubin;
luaiters. We knew that years ago
but mi one would believe us. llol
Thompson has been busy preparhu
"The Shepherd's Kesl" at Cecil fot
bis men who arrived with their slieei
yesterday fioin Heppner,
Mrs. Melville Logan of The Wil
lotws. spent Friday at the home o
Mrs. Kail Fa lusvvort li at Rhea.
Hoy Chandler of Willow Creel
ranch, left on Friday for Lebanon
where lie will visit for some lime.
mi vut.i: imh w wnii sn:i.iM
Two young while men, Hiamiei
and W.ir.ncr were brought to lowr
Sa'uidny charged with having stolet
a small inutility of wool from Flu'
Hrady at the Athlone Cottage nine!
below lone. The men claimed tliev
bought the wool from an Indian am'
were innocent purchasers. They be
lievo they can locate the Indian ami
prove their statements. One of the
men was placed in jail and llo olbei
admitted to bail and allowed to gt
after the Indian. The Indian has not
been found and the men are undoi
bonds for appearance before tin
grand Jury.
We take this method of expressing
our thanks and appreciation to all
friends and neighbors who extended
assistance and sympathy to us dur
ing th la-st Illness, death and burial
of our mother.
The basket ball games with Board
rnan last Friday evening resulted ii:
victories for both teams. The girls
won by a score of G-4, and the boys
13-5. About seventeen rooters ac-
couipanied the teams which added
much to the enthusiasm of the game.
I At the end of the first half of the
boys' game the score was 7-1 in Irri
gon's favor.
Sunday afternoon a picnic party
i composed of Winifred Steward, Lylf
Seaman, Margaret Seaman, Ishmae!
Hendrnit, Gertrude Grnyheal ar.
Wayne Steward, took a trip aciw
tho river.
The dance given by the farm 1
reau Saturday evening was a decider'
success. A number of people fr,
Hoard man attended the dance.
Clifford Caldwell, wlio has leen
visiting relatives here , was called
to his home in Hermiston on account
of illness.
' Mrs. Rebecca Knight and daugh
ter, Hazel, " entertained the girls'
basket ball team with a chicken sup
per on Saturday evening to celebrate
the victorious game with Boardman
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Glasgow en
tertained a number of their friends
Thursday evening with a progressive
five hundred party. The first prize
was won by Harvey Wolfe and the
consolation by W. L. Suddarth.
About thirty people-were present to
enjoy the hospitality of Mr. and
Mrs. Glasgow.
Rev. Mumah will spend several
weeks In southeastern Washington,
where lie will hold revival meetings.
Ray Lamoreaux took a party com
posed of Mr. and Mrs. Jess White
Hazel Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Freder
icksen and Mrs. Lamoreaux, to Her
miston Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Graybeal were
confined to their home with colds
last week.
Batlo Rand, accompanied by Fred
Caldwell, N. Seaman and B. B. Lane,
drove to Arlington Saturday evening
to her a Ku Klui Klan speaker.
James W. Warner is recoTerlng
from an attack of la grippe.
Ethel Kulght suffered so severely
from the toothache Monday that her
brother William took ther to a den
tist in Hermiston.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown and twe
small daughters were in Irrigon or
business Friday afternoon. Mrs.
Drown visited with Mrs. Hendricks.
Mrs. Francis Rand returned to hei
home in Fortland Monday morning
after a two weeks' visit with her
mother, Mrs. W. . Walpole.
Mrs. Debbie Hell McCune is visit
ing at the J. A. Graybeal home.
W. II. Howard and family drove (.
Hermiston Sunday whore they at
tended church.
A meeting will be held Thursda)
evening in the school auditorium ti
organize a local grange. A grang
organizer will be here at that, time
The Children's Farm Home is an
'Uterprise mothered by the W. C. T.
V. to provide in a group of cottages
an a farm near Corvallis a
home for homeless ileoendent
ullage now tinder construction,
hildron. The adminlstrat ion is plac
ed in the hands of a board of 10
well known men and women of Ore
gon who serve without salary. The
home is incorporated under die laws
of Oicam with the proviso that if
:t any time it should fail to func
tion under present management all
piopoity shall revert to the state to
be used for the same purpose.
The home is non-sectarian in char
acter and will have a capacity for
3 JO children. Tho farm has been pur
chased on a contract the terms of
which have already been met for
m my months in advance and i!,e
arm is now rented for cash suffi
cient to pay interest on unpaid bal-
iic'C, taxes and insurance with a bal
ance in the treasury to meet cos: of
.ott.tge now wunder construction.
So far the home has been financed
by voluntary subscriptions with a
turn! of $12"i.000 as the goal. Of
this amount $30,000 has already
been raised and the plan now is to
raise the balance in u.iit.s of i.'S-
000. Portland is expected to con
tribute one unit and other sections of
the state will also be asked to pro
vide additional units and the legisla
ture is being asked to provide the
funds for one unit.
The enterprise is a worthy one.
There are many children In Oregon
who need the advantages of such a
home either bein? buffeted about or
are Inmates of the Reform School,
which Judge Catena, for years
Judge of the Juvenile court at Tort
land, recently characterlied In a pub
lic address In that city na a school
for crime.
Mrs. Bert Pal mat ter returned
home Friday from Portland.
A number of the young people of
Morgan attended the boxing match
and dance in loue Friday.
Cecil Throne returned from the
Valley Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Maloy were in
Lexington Friday.
J. W. Fulford, who was removed
from his home to the Heppner hos
pital, returned home Sunday.
A surprise party was given Ellen
Ely by a number of her friends Sat
urday afternoon. The afternoon was
spent in playing games and dancing
in the evening. Everyone enjoyed a
fine time. Those present were: Elvin.
Edith and Margaret Ely, Sheila, El
stor and Lueila Williams, Katie and
Eleso Morgan, Harvey, Irvin, Carrie
and Gladys MedLock, Hazel and Ker
ni It Edwards, Miss Gladys Pierrot,
Cleta Palmateer, Mary Holiday and
Ellen and David Ely.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Maloy and
Inice and Ralph Chatham were in
Lexington Monday.
F. C. Maloy made a business trip
to Arlington Tuesday.
H. 0. Ely made a business trip to
lone Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Maloy, accom
panied by Inice and Ralph Chatham,
were visiting at the S. C. Runyan
home at Arlington Thursday.
Mrs. II. 0. Ely entertained a num
ber of her friends at her home on
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Edwards and
family motored to Vancouver Friday
to attend the funeral of his brother,
Mrs. C. A. Watkins of Heppner is
visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. M.
A number of our local Odd Fellows
attended a meeting in Lexington on
Thursday evening.
Washington, D. C, Jan, 25. The
story of how a farmer on the Pen
nsylvania railroad between Harris
burg, Pa., and Baltimore, Md., eoIv
ed his coal supply problem, Is going
the rounds in congress today, doubly
interesting because It concerns a
prominent member of the house.
The farmer was unable to obtain
any coal, although he saw a hundred
trainloads a day passing his house,
situated in a curve in tha line. Shiv
ering, he watched the trains go by,
and finally an idea struck him. Hi
put up a huge KjKn which could b(
seen by all the passing trains, an"
on it painted:
"Hurrah for Volstead."
The result: Every passing train
man on the coal cars heaved a hunl-
of coal at the sign.
To date the sign has netted eight
and a half tons of coal.
Coming to
Dr. Mellinthin
In Internal Metl cine for the
past eleven years
Will be nt the Dalles, Friday, Fcb
unrv (Mil, Dalles Hotel, and at Pen
dleton, lot'in Hotel, Saturday, Feb
ruary 10. ..Office lions 10 a. m. to 4
p. in.
No Charge for Consultation
Dr .Mellethin is a regular graduate
in medicine and surgery and is licens
ed by the state of Oregon. He visits
professionally the more important
towns and cities, and offers to all
who call on this trip free consulta
tion, except the expense of treatment
when desired.
According to his methods of treat
ment he does not operate for chronic
appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of the
stomach, tonsils or aduoids.
He has to his credit wonderful re
sults In diseases of the stomach, liver,
bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart
kidney, bladder, bedwetting, catarrh,
weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg
ulcers and rectal ailments.
If you have been ailins for any
length of time and do not get any
better, do not fail to call, as impro
per methods rather than disease are
very often the cause of your long
standing trouble.
Remember above date, that consul
tation on this trip will be free and
that his treatment is different.
Married women must be accompar
led by their husbands.
Address: 33S Boston Block, Min
neapolis, Minn. St-40
G'nrnne District
A summary of the reports of Fred
Casteel, salter on the Five Mile cat
tle an dhorse range of the Umatilla
national forest, during the past se;
son. has been prepared by Rang
Woods. The summary shows t
1,204 head of cattle and 44 head of
horses grazed on this range and that
they consumed 8,650 pounds of salt
which would be 6.93 pounds per head
during the five months' season. The
summary shows that during June,
the first month that the stock were
on the forest range, they ate 2.62
pounds of salt a head. In July con
sumption of salt had dropped to l.SC
ponuds a head. During August it
was only 1.2 8 pounds a head, and
during September 1.12 pounds a
head sufficed, and it is probable,
states the summary, that a much less
amount would have been sufficient
for the actual needs for the last
month but the Salter put out extra
amounts to supply the stolk through
October. The services of the saltet
terminated September 30.
The summary concludes: "It is,
therefore, apparent that the need of
salting is greatest when the stock
first come upon the mountain range.
At this time the forage is fresh and
lacking in mineral substance. Salt
partially supplies this mineral and,
to some degree, tends to prevent
washing, or scouring."
The need for having experienced
men ready to stamp out rabies .when
ever an outbreak appears, especially
in the western states where stock
raising Is a major Industry.and where
the disease is rapidly spread from
small beginnings by coyotes as well
as dogs, has been demonstrated bv
Star Theatre
Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1
Wfi ifJhe Timber Queen
b iiCjfi V "J An outdoor thriller of the
Friday Free Prizes:
A number of Free Season Tickets will be given away to the
persons holding the lucky numbers. These Season Tickets will
admit the winners FREE every Friday during the showing of
THE TIMBER QUEEN. In addition to, the chapter play each
Friday, we will have a complete program, special feature and
short subjects, and we have one of the best line-ups ever. For
full details see STAR NEWS, our weekly illustrated program.
Saturday, February 3
from James M. Barrie's fa
mous nove'. A motion pic
ture classic.
Comic scenic
Sunday and Monday, Feb. 4 and 5
Here's the combat of David and Goliah staged In Virginia
mountains. It's got the "Down-in-Diiie" flavor.
Get our illustrated, descriptive Program
Issued Weekly
serious conditions during the past
year. Outbreaks occur more or les3
regularly, but by prompt inaugura
tion of poisoning campaigns under
the supervision of the biological sur
vey, Vnited States department of
agriculture, to destroy coyotes in a
wide zone surrounding the infected
area, the danger to human life and
live stock can be appreciably les
sened. The past year witnessed the most
serious outbreak of rabies that has
occurred since 1915 and 1916, when
the disease was spread by coyotes
and dogs through Washington, Ore
gon, Idaho, northern California, Ne
vada and western Utah. This year
the disease appeared in virulent form
in seven counties in Washington, and
was brought under control only after
the adoption of the most vigorous
measures by the bureau's predatory
animal inspector in charge, co-operating
with the state department of
agriculture, the state and county
health officers and the state agricul
tural college. Quarantine measures
were rigidly enforced, and the entire
force of hunters which it was possi
ble to maintain was concentrated in
this region to destroy infected ani
mals and possible carriers. Af
1,800 coyotes were taken in fire
Sporadic outbreaks of rabies also
occurred among the coyotes In Ore
gon, northern California, Nevada and
Utah. The disease made its appear
ance among the dogs In Arizona and
New Mexico, but its spread to coyote
was prevented by poisoning campaigns.
Porter: "Dah next stop am yo'
station, boss. Does yo' all wish to
be brushed off?"
Passenger: "No, thank you. Just
call out the name. I'll get off In the
regular manner." Selected.
More laughs
Don't have to tell you
about this
1 :L wyimM
,Ot32.'iii Tin-
t '." t !r I