Tuesdav, October 31. 1Q23 -w i-i -i- -i- r t- -r r - T -w- t -r rA T T T T"i T-v -v " T l- T T T Tl i I IJ I. I J I J I l. I II.' I J f . PAGE TWO 11 IK i J J'.t i i UK ij U.KAi-. x xjiv. '-'im.wu.'' prw-..., w, .-y it?-hwi ' ! v v v v v v v v v v v v . " I j 1 ' " f" .- v rJ:oi i:ssFO AL (.wnns : sssisSHSi k-1 IT'S TOASTED t'-i ' .'. ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 !!' M " F1 1 I ; : : II AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER VS. A. lWTTlSOX. Editor and Publisher Entered at the Hepi-iier, Oregon, lostlfiee as Btcouu-class Mutter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Monllis $1.00 Three Months $0.50 one extra process which gives a delicious flavor COME LET US REASON TOGETHER That hi: islory il ,!St 1 I'll i is P e:i us )'rja 'mini P1- -irin;.1; h : I'ferc-ni'i. amc s t It. ; t!i I M 1! ( repeats it sc '1 ho.-j v. ho ! i'KiiT n-;r ; .i ! !. .re i is a truism r lyc jiondcred rno.-t as !, pa-- 1 -J f , & p I 1 I, i R. Z. GROVE DKM'IST Successor to R. J. Vaughn Per.-uan'-mly located in Odd fellow's Building KKPPNEU, OREGON a '. ell I I I I V ilr.d ; a nee ih." nan hem; a 1 ' , . 1 .- as 1 ,i, 1 1 ir any i.t:!'. were tortnn lr,'nw of (11 riv;. reason 1 or slair relirrioi.r- j DR. A. D. MclvIUEDO I'HVSK'IAX and Sl'iWiKO.V i Telephone 122 i Office Patiei .son's Drug Store ! ' KKr.'WKIt, ORKCON 'It r nil e iiiilmv down the ai're er'.iijiii..- out 4;cs we Una 1 1" . ; a ; : i and a'ain. p. veil m the ei.!M,iial am 01 oni ovn emuiii it i,ieu an important pari, darkening what otherwise would have been a glorious bi-torv of tliO.e men and women who i (raved the terrors of the new world wilderness that they might be permitted 'to Worship Pod according to the dic tates of their own conscience. That was a right they held as dear as life itself and yet how strange that they were not broad enough to grant the same rig-ht to others. In i heir efforts to make all men think alike they blackened many pages of American history. It is not pleasant to read of how those who differed from them were thrown into jail or driven out into the wilderness in winter there i ) face wild beasts and savages because their conception of how best to follow the teachings of the Prince of Peace did not exactly agree w .it h the beliefs of those in authority in the colony; of the cropping of ears, the boring of tongues, (lie hanging and the burning at the stake of those condemned as witches or heretics. Mitt it should not be forgotten that even in the early col onial days in America they wore not all fanatics they did not all follow the example of the early Massachusetts Pur itans. Rhode Island, the colony of refugees, and Mary land, founded by Pord Maltimore as a refuge for perse cuted people regardless of religious belief, Protestant and Catholic alike, were the exceptions. They set the example of religious toleration as did also the Quakers and other later colonies. Toleration finally became the rule in Amer i a. It has been proved and tried and found safe and sound as a foundation upon which to build a Republic. Mut history repeats itself. That same old spirit of intol erance is again .abroad in the land bringing with it a fac tion which arrogates to itself not only the right to regulate the education of their own children but those of yours and mine as well, and they have embodied their ideas this time in the sc called Compulsory School bill. Jesus of Nazareth is acknowledged by the Christian world as the greatest of all law-givers. Pet us apply one of his precepts to the present problem and see if this cry ol "Americanism," being so loudly proclaimed by the pro ponents ol this measure, rings IntV. Is il not a reversal ol the Ciohlen Rule, "l)o unto others as you would have liiem do unto you," for one man to say to another, voti musl educate your child as I say, not as vou w.isli. Kven the title of (Ins measure is misleading since we already hae a compulsory school law that was declared by I I'. Cl.ixloii, I . S. Commissioner of Kducaliou a few ears ago, to he the best law of its kind in the United Slates. The intent of the measure is to put over on the people ol Oregon a law that will prevent you or me sending our ciiiuircn id any school where religious instruction is given to take away I nun the parent the control of his chih 'ducation and give it lo the state. Tl,.. I I I . l )..,'. i i i 1 1 i 1 Ni ' '""no mis mo win receive nut scant sup port in Morrow county. Our people, without regard to race or creed, have stood shoulder to shoulder for their coimu'iou country through the dark ages of war and the darker daws that have followed. They have been neighbors and Irieiuls through eery catastrophe that has isited us. I hey have tolerantly sjranted to each other ih. ,-, il ..,!,, and relmioiis liberty s't.i nl e.l i, -ill l.v tl, lion and we believe l ie same mi en.11,1 mih-h ,r agam nrevai . We will n,,t ulir feet h cn.-li ,-,,m.; 1. .. . .1 .: . il , i ' " - " s'K. ii i ii i 'in mi ii his so-i :i el ei ii- calioual hill hut will continue to maintain ihe same stand ard ol ju.stice, tolerance and charily as in the ikki . . . ... .. much ot Oregon's "fre.-ik Inu-c lcn such IONE .i e i.r hi.--, f r ."i n 1 !t arifl Mrs .lark id boy to Mr. jeul A. McMENAMIN LA UV IH Office Fhone Main 643 Residence Phone Main C65 Roberts Building IIEFPNEIt. OREGON l-Vrris ;i:.d a nm r Mi's, NP'Mi Thompson. Louis Ii.nl youi.K son of Mrs. -M;iiy Mull v':-s painfully innm-'l ly a mtiP'. 7hf: animal k irked liim in t'le fn- rrrshiiiK the bones oT tlie nose and V.id left side of his face. The swelling is so f-Teat tlia.1 it is nt known whether of not he has lost his left rye. Thtt Kastern Star initaitrd a elass ot" four candi'ldt rs on Tuesday even in . After rliajiter ehised a bountiful lunch of doughnuts, ridef and pumpkin pie was served. Kred Lumr-r suid it was I he first time in his life that he'd ever had enough pumpkin pie. lie vas so well pleased that lie laughed aloud. Anions visitors werr Mr. a.nd Mrs. FJender, of Heppner; .Mr. and M rs. I larbison, of; Morgan and Mr and Mrs. Morrison, el' I (erm iston. 'rank Chnstensen, of Portland is in lone on business. Itert Mason returned from Oreat Falls Montana, where he lias been on a hunt ing trip. He sueceeded in killing a five point elk the first day he was in the mountains. He was accompanied liwue by Mrs. Mason's mother, Mrs. Godfrey, who will spend the hw inter here. The Indies Aid of the ISaptist Church held a Silver Tea Thursday afternoon at the home of M rs. L. P. I a v i dso n . A n inttirestin program was rendered and delightful refreshments served. Mrs. Rmmett 'floe h ran was In the city Thursday making arrangements for the Ked Cross drive. A community sinK was planned for November Xth Prof. ueker, K, A .Hrown and Mrs. Karl lilake will have rhart?e of the program, Mrs. Olmer Griffith was appointed chairman r the city. YN'ord was received here on Wednesday the de:tlh of little Marion Holman in North Yakima. Mrs. Ilolman is the laughter of Mr. ;nid Mrs. .1. 1 1. Cochran. The American Legion Mask dance FY1 y niht was a splendid success, both i'ia 1 1 y and financial !y A lat i;e a u in r of masks vce-e on the floor and it was with difficulty that the juduvs made heir dee is ion Tht1 first prize vas wtirded Mrs. Marian MrCitnly for an r elleniiv sustained witch ehararier. Koy Stt't.der in a handsome Toreodor costume i s e.ind lu-i.e. S. E. NOTSON ATTOKXKI'-AT-IjAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON tioual borliuess and he swept ol No wonder we hear i one is even seriously considered. "Eod ijivc us men; a time like this demands y.tron minds, jroat hearts, true faith and ready hands; Men whom the love of office cannot kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; .Men who love honor; men who will not lie; "Men w ho can stand before a demagogue And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking. Tall men, sun crowned, who live above the foy; In public duty and in private thinking; i or while the rabble Willi their thumb-worn creeds Their lar.ue professions and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife, lo! freedom weeps, ' roii;;' rules the land and waiting justice sleeps." DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. Same K.'Van Vaclor R. It. Butler Van VACTOR & BUTLER ATTOKX EYS-AT-LA W Suite 304 First National Bank Eldg. THE DALLES, OltEGOX. HALF PRICE SAL! on Men and Boys Underwear 35c to $1.25 While ihey last CASH VARIETY STORE Biz Values for LiU'e Mcney WATERS & ANDERSON F1KE 1XSUUAXCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOUXEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON at nmmmii Bros. ok Boys and GirPs School Wear iUR Assortment of Boy's and Girl's footwear for the school season were never more complete. Boy's and Girl's Shoes $3.00 to $5.00 Boy's and Girl's Sweaters $2.50 up Boy's Knicker Suits $8.50 to $15.00 Boy's and Girl's Windsor Ties .35c - .50c Boy's and Girl's Blouses $1 .GO and $1 .25 School Hose 25c - 35c - 50c Thomson Bros. Heppner - Oregon GILLIAM & DISBEE' Come and get the county apont's machine for the dry treatment ot your seed wheat with copper carbon- ale. The work is don( rfectly and economically. Get y order ii early as it takes some le to make We have sold all kinds ,ain drills but have decided t the Kentucky Double Run feea is the best suited for this territory. Come IP and look them oyer for yourself. . The Revolving Rod Weeders are the ones that get the weeds. . If you are going to use the dry treatment for your seed wheat you cannot afford to pass up the Calkins machine. : GILLIAM & B1SBEE; e' il i: This is house cleaning HARWOOD'S DIAMONDS -:-WATCHES JEWELRY PIANOS -:- PHONOGRAPHS OREGON Just received a fine assortment of the best brooms money will buy. -PRICES RIGHT -A white enameled broom holder with every broom. P Sides G roccry Company