Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 22, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    Tuesday, August 22, 1922
HW rwww
J. v
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I'hil Cohn r -tnrnel Wednesday from
a thort bu. ii; -3 trip to ForUand.
John Kilkenny jr. wis a visitor
Irem vpper liinteu creek Thursday.
Chan. I". (Irooin, (if Parkers Mill
was an u'riviU in Heppner yesterCay.
Mr, and Mrs. L. h. Sliewor, of Pen
dleton. i-eL-it.ierid at the Patrick Sat
urday. Mrs. Jnlay is here from Portland
i,itin- V-r parcais, Mr. and Mrs.
Sim f u ":"!:':-.
j 'Oil I's' il Ford in good
i 1- ior rale cheap. Kniiuire at
Vi'.iv.-i-m-l (iarapo.17-20 pd.
Why pay more for gasoline when
yon ram g"t it at the Byera Chop Mill
fur oU cents a gallon? 8tf
Joe l.ieiialhn went over to Pendle
ton Yv'e-am sday on a short business
T.Iis.s Vera Malioney, vvlif) has been
vi'itiii!,' friends at I'rnial.d for sev
eral weHis, relumed Wednesday.
Mrs. Lena Smll Sh'jrte returned
rim A rliruiton Tuesday arior spena-
iron) A 1 n:ij-,nia jii: u., w . .
iiiB a lew days there visiting her
mm her and other relatives.
Hai:..on limine left Sunday for an
extended trip through the middle
we:i KoiiiR as far as Missouri. He
will be fo-ie iinl il the lat of October.
Mrs. John T. Kirk returned to her
J101.." in 'one Ve.imsda aft.:' a
hhnrt visit with friends in Iloppncr.
Mrs. Andrew Hood jr., left for
Portland tliis niornir.K where she will
visit a few weeks with relatives.
I'o KSAI-H No.it Oliver type
writer, l'rac.ically new and in per
fect condition.
'' It. A. Thompson shipped three
tars and Pilar! French l'o cars of
beef Inutile to the Portland market
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Frank Mon ihan and daughter
left Wednesday morning for Port
land and Seaside where they will
upend 11 few weeks vacationing.
Jack Hynd and son Herbert are
lien; from Cecil this week making
nome Improvement, son their resi
dence property mar the school house.
Freda Seaman and Dolly Knight,,
two lit tli? ejrls from lrri,.on who have
been camping with the Heppiier Gin
Scouts on upper Willcw ere 'it, left
for llieir homes this morn in;;.
Dan llnimhcw had the misl'ortue to
break a rib .Saturday a id is 0:1 the
cripple list in con.4eciicnce. o was
j,ellinn out of his car when his foot
slipped and I.e l'el across (he side
causing the I'racinre.
For Sali- New Overland roadster,
J!)22 model run less than 2 500 miles',
has never been abused and has never
given any trouble. Kniiuire of llev.
F. L. Oeis, lleppncr. ltpd
Itay lingers, popular clerk at
Minor Company's left Friday morn
ing for a (wo week's vacation whirr
lie will upend at differ. nt points on
the coast.
Albert Adklns, local manager for
the Tiim-a-biiin Co., left Monday
morning for (iresham for a short va
cation. Mrs. Adklns has been visit
ing her parents at Gresham for sev
eral weokn.
Misses Norma Fredrick and Alma
Akeis returned Sunday evening from
a pleasant auto trip, to Seaside where
Ihey spent a couple of weeks listen
ing to what the cad sea was raying
ami otherwise enjoying themselves.
Mrs. Lloyd Mntciiiimon and two
children returned from an rxler.ded
eit at 1'orlland Sunday evening, In
const iueii"c of which the r.siirl smile
has re appeared on Lloyd's f. ce. Mr.
Hulchii.snu met (lie family nt Arling
ton. II r. and Mrs. Can.". I.atou-oll left
Holiday morning for the nioi'iitnlns
to 1;, t their tjuota of -deer wliiih
timuiH four. Mm. Li tint roll Is per
fectly capable of m it'll),' her share of
i'.ame in competition with the nvcr
" hunter.
l'Miict Attorneys. K. Not son, who
lias hot n hidi: po:ei for several weeks
ih on M,f streets nimlns but not
tct In 'to- best i- liea;tlt. Ho plans
goiiu; to l oitiiiM,! within a day or two
for a :'e. day's rest ami may run on
to the t oast for a short stay.
Joe W.ine is i;, (own lotlay froin
hi.' whet laiich r.e r l.cxitmtmi. Mr.
Pevitie reports hart
Ing prei tv well el, ;
lielghlmi hood t
"Not I lit . O SO I'iHn
Pays, put vi
Portland market Wednesday. Clifford
accompanied the stock by rail and
Mr. and Mrs. Henricksen drove
through in their Hudson. They will
spend a week or so visiting friends
in Douglas county before returning.
George Sperry received word Tues
day that his oldest brother, James
U. Sperry, died early that morning
at his home in Brownsville, Oregon.
He was 8 7years old and one of Ore
gon's oldest citizens. Four Bisters,
two brothers and a daughter, Mrs.
Cooley, of Pendleton, survive him.
John K. Pattison, of Port Orchard,
Washington, came in Wednesday
evening to visit for awhile with l is
brother, S. A. Pattison and family.
Mr. Patti ion, who is a Civil War vet
eran and in his 80th year, is on his
way to Colorado and Kansas to visit
other relatives and is nuking the
trip alone and enjoying it.
C. H. McDaniel and family, of
Hardman. left Sunday morning for
Lacede, Idaho, where they have pur
chased a home and expect to reside
permanently. Mr. McDr.nicls is well
pleased with the Idaho country where
lumbering is the main industry.
Times are good there he says.
L. E. Van Marter and H. A. Cohn
re'.urned Friday evening from a two
week vacation trip spent mos'tly at
Portland and Ncwoprl. They went
via. Prineville, and the Santmm pass
California. Mr. Case says' business
conditions in California are about the
same as they are here tnd after siz
ing up conditions in the citrus fruit
belt in California .'.nd the apple and
pear districts in southera Oregon, he
would prefer taking chr.nces with a
Morrow counut ywheat farm as a
money making proposition than with
any of them. They met E. M. Shutt
and family at Glendale, near Los
Anglese where E. M. is connected
with a realty firm but business in
that line is none toogood.
Seventeen members' of the He;-p-:ier
Girl Scouts returned Sunday and
monday from a most enjoyable cam
ping1 trip near Herren'g mill on upper
Willow creek.
The girls were chaperoned by Mrs.
Tom Johnson, county nurse, and Miss
Elizabeth Phelps. The girls enjoyed
the camping experience to the limit
and all expressed regret that it could
not have lasted a few weeks longer.
"We want you to feel that the
Pendleton Round-Up is your show as
well as ours for it is truly a great all
eastern Oregon production."
This was the statement of Arthur
Rudd, representative cf the civic or
ganization of Pendleton, who spoke
at the Star Theatre Monday evening
in the interest of the big Umatilla
buckeroo classic.
The 13th annual Round-Up will be
held this year September 21, 22 and ,
23 with Tom Mix and a group of ac
tors and horses on hand to stage a
movie. This stunt is in addiiton to
the regular show, according to Mr.
In addition to telling of the Round-
Up, the Pendleton booster told the
theatre crowd of the interest through
cut the west in the show and brought
an invitation to 'every man, woman
and child in Heppner" to attend the
great weltern production.
While here Mr. Rudd ' distributed
Round-Up literature and met a cum
ber of business men in the interest of
the show.
Frank Shively, the well known
practical horse-shoer, who has been
following that branch of the black-
ami returned by Portland and the 1 smithing business in Heppner for
Columbia highway. They reporc hav- several years, has branched out in
ing had a very enjoyable trip. the business on a wider scale by
Prof. James a:id family returned leasing the Scrivner shop on Main
Friday evening from a 3 500-mile auto street where he will conduct a gen
trip through Oregon and California eral blacksmithing and horseshoeing
going as far as Les Angeles and vis- business. Mr. Shively, who has been
iting about every place worth seeing handling the shoeing at the Calmus
en route. The ony unpleasant fea- shop for some time, took charge of
ture of their trip war, a sudden ill- the Scrivner shop Monday morning,
noss! that attacked Mr. James at Mr. Shively makes a specialty of
Union Creek when returning from horso shoeing and that branch of the
Crater lake, w'.iich delayed them for work will have his special attention
a couple of days. Jin his new location but no branch of
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford the business will be neglected,
have returned from a pleasant visit in I
Good confectionery business in
Lexington with good stock for sale
cheap. Call or write, I
17-18pd Lexington, Oregon
Wallowa county where they visited
his' brother and climbed to Aneroid
lake which furnishes some very high
class as well as high-altitude fishing.
Mr. Crawford says that is a most de
lightful summer country but ho Is
not certain he would choose it as a
winter resort. Misses Cora Mao and
Mary Crawford, who have been spen
ding the summer at JosVph returned
with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasoin Riddle return
ed Friday evening from a five week
auto trip into the west country dur
ing which Ihey visiled Vancouver, B.
C, Porltand and resort points on the
Orej.on coast. Thry had a fine trip
Mr. Hiddle says, Hind found road con
ditions pretty good all along the
route until Ihey left Arlington Fri
day night. The hill coming out of
Arlington, and a few miliu near Rhea
Siding are about its bad as they can
get, ho says.
S. R. Woo.d, forest ranger In the
Gurdane district, is a Heppner visi
tor today. Mr. Wood says his sec
tion of the reserve has been navticu
larly fortunate this season regarding
fires, only two small blazes requiring
attention. Mr. Woods says eastern
Oregon people are more careful about
setting fires than they are in other
scetions of the state, his experience
being that most of the fire occtring
in forests in this part of the state be-
Ing sot by llghnir.g.
Rev. Father F. L. Gels arrived
here from Lakeview last week and
will remniin during the winter In
eh u ge of the Catholic ch;;rh work
in St. Patrick's parish, taking the
place of Kcv. Father Cantwell who
recently went for a visit ',0 his eh!
home in Ireland, where he will spend
the winter. Rev. Oois Is a most af
fable gentleman and says he likes
Heppner. He will no doubt make
make many friend:? dining his' so
Jourun in this county both, within
and without his church. He Just
seems to be built thi'.t way.
M. L. C tte ar.d fau ily, who have
been enjoying a two month vacation
trip through California, returned to
Hei pner Wednesday luuch pleated
with their trip. They went as far
south as Los Angelese via. the coast
route and returned through the In
terior of the slate finding their hot
test weather at Arbuckle, in northern
The supply of copper-carbonate is
not large. Most of it will have to be
shipped from San Francisfco. It
takes time "to get it. It cost
about 32 cents per pound delivered
to your post office. Will he sent im
mediately upon receipt of your or
der to the address you imllci.te. Cash
must accompany order.
It will require two ounces per
bushel or one pound will treat eight
bushels. The Morrow County Farm
Bureau has ordered 700 pounds to
take care of the first orders. Don't
delay ordering and expsct to be ser
ved promptly. Make checks payable
to Morrow County Farm Bureau.
C. C. CALKINS, County Agent
. .J. .J. J.
PHONE 872 4
J. ALEX GIBU, Plumber 4.
4 At Starkey's Electrical Store 4
41 I Fix Any Old Thing 4
4 Auto radiators, Ranges, Heat- 4
4t erg and Tinware. Dirty Chlm- 4
4 ney Cleaned. Key Fitting 4
.J. Glazing Etc. 4
4. 4
4 4 ! I 'h J J i ! J 'l J S
In 1921
Our Business
Now she's dead again. We don't
know where she has gone to, only
trust for the best. But trusting
wont do, that is what caused her
deathe. Bring some money instead of
flowers to the funeral.
s 4 4
Anniversary Sale August 17 at
89c A L U MI N U M
All Large Pieces
Big Values for Little Money
Auto Owners!
Do you Know that I will do your
repair wo rhfora MINIMUM PRICE
and at the same time the
Willow St.
at Chase
B. G. Sigsbee, Mgr. i"
"d " " 5 S
Program from Aug. 24 to Aug. 30
Harry Morey it "THK SEA ltXDEIt, and ljtri'jr Semon In
"SCHOOL DAYS." Full of thrills and laughter. Acombina
tion hard to be;!t.
.Norma Talinage in "THE liHAXDFD WO.MA.V." The story of
a run-away wife, and how a baby figures- in the straightening
out of a maze of domejtic entanglements. Played as only
Norma Talniage con do it.
The gripping story of life in an Italian colony in America, an
old world vendetta and a new world romance.
Maty Astor in "THE BEG(iAIt MAID," From Sir Edward
Burne-Jones' famous painting of Alfred Tennyson's Poem, tvU
direction by Lejr.ren A' Hiller. An r.rtistic treat. '
A special cast in Wintson, Churchill's! "THE IXSIDE OF THE
CTP." A powerful romance of plain worth ar.d gilded hypoc
ricy. A story of love that startled t'ue churches and toppled
over the goda of "high society." ' .
A story that turis the the dregs of life to tue sparkling wine
of happiness. Beautiful lesson., superb entertainment.
AVesley Harry (Freckles) in "DIXTY" also featuring Slarjorio
Daw, Colleen Moore, Xoah Beery, Kate Price alnd Barney
Sherry. Six rushing reels of mystery, drama, romar.ee, laugh
ter and thrill. Enacted right in the Iviart of Frisco's China
town. The freckled face funomenon
Starts a Tong War in Chinatown,
Lifts the lid off a real-life romance,
"Whoops away with the) Swiftest set of laugh-thrill
you ever saw.
"Best in the West"
Always ready to Serve
McAtee & Aiken
F. L. Harwood
Diamonds, Watches
A Portland Man and Portland
Odd Fellows Building
Heppner - - - - Oregon
rami thresh
I up In .r.a
vi ry f;'ir crop,
l.-s! year." he
ly well satla-
J. II. Fixhei , u. u
Vati'lek, ei. i
Mrs. Price, ti ;,: 1 1
this ovi-niii!.' to a,.,
t lie com fort of t
will arrive a few
ami Mr. p-a it h i
morn I ut;.
I'Uin.i . r nf Hotel
is M.-ter-lr.-liiW.
' I': "in 1'ortalud
t i'l Innk i in; ;ier
Mrs. I', -her
I. ' - later. Mr.
'" 1'oril.itwl 1$
Ono ton liepublio truck, express
body, pneumatic tl.es, motor com
pletely overhauled.
1!20 7 passenger HutU'on,
overhaul ,1, rihhI cord tires.
All of the above are veal bargains
at th prices we o.fer them.
Miikc Your Ohii Tonus in Hoa.oii
YVe have lut wrecked a 1917
i Pod.;e and have many pari a almos as
! i:ooi! as ;,ev whU'll wo at'o selling
; e y cheap.
. Al Henricksen ami iMifford
ulilpped live cars of liiu- hei f steers
Jrom their Hamilton i..nea to t'.y '
A Ileal Place For K'iU llargnlus.'
CreeK Ranch Bargain
180 acres. 40 acres under the ditch, 100 acres
in wheat and summer fallow, good house
and other lmildings. Only two miles from
town. On hisrhwav and railroad.
Price Including All Stock and Implements
Only $10,000
Roy V. Whiteis
25 Cents out of every $1.00
You are now paying for insurance can remain
in your pocket when
you renew that Fire Insurance
policy in the
Oregon Fire Relief Assm
F. R Brown Agent For Morrow County
Phone Office 642, Res. 29F14. ' Heppner, Or.
Practical Horseshoer
Lame and interfering horses Carefully Attended
Located atScrivner's Blacksmith Shop