Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 22, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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v -t
Tuesday, August 22, 1922
1 .
Picture of Indiana Beauty, Lost on
Battle Fields, Badly Wanted
. by the Owner.
Vliiit Tiiciniicr of t lie unny, niivy or
tlie (lusty engineers, or the (in.irtor-niiisli-r
coriis. 11111-
rin; rorps, tunic
r-dt-ni iiu'!if(; nr
( , ytj V.-i tin II 00 11 corps,
f jk Ptc, ell.-., who
1 .... 1 ....
ilurinj; tin; World
wiir ever fomid a
photograph simi
lar to tin; one re
produced here? If
that iiieiiiher of
tlio etc., etc., will
surrender it to It3
owner, who prizes
It most lilKhly for sentimental reasons,
iiaturully, two hearts will hi'ut violcnt
ly as one.
The photograph Is that of Miss Har
riet I'linn of Indiana. It was carried
next Ills heart hy her soldier sweet
heart, ami In the well-known tumult
and confusion of a buttle around
('haleau Thierry, or at St. Mihlel, or
In tin- ArK'onne, or while his liiitfKW
was heini; very considerately cared
for soiiii; place fur hack of the lines,
the photograph was lost. Men who
went through the same mill will know
that neglect didn't lose the photo, hut,
as some one- has so well said, hut few
girls not Into those buttles.
The photograph shown here whs
made from Die siune jiljite us the hat-tle-sriirral
one that. Is being sought.
The gentleman who found II, If any,
may communicate with the Legion',
lieadijuarlers ut Indianapolis, Ind.
Philip Burger, Legion Man of Troy,
Wears Decoration From Portu
guese Government.
.Spending eighteen hours holding to
the edge of a life raft In icy water
nfler saving u
shipmate's life,
made l'hlllp .1.
liurger eligible,
for the. unusual
honor of u dec
oration from the
Portuguese (j,)V.
eminent and the
American 1)h-'
tlngillshed Serv
ice medal, liurger
w a H a second
class gunner's
111 a t e o n t h i!
American destroyer Jacob Jones, when
Fhe was torpedoed by u (Icrinun, sub
marine off Lands L'nd, Knglund, In De
cember, 1!)17. liurger anil the shipmate
whose lil'i he saved were mining the
few survivors picked up by a Ilrillsh
warship after eighteen hours in the
lie Is now receiving vocational
training in his home city, Troy, N. Y.,
ami Is a mainstay In the Noble ('illin
ium post of the American Legion ut
m igj
Former Service Man of Omaha Aids
Sufferer and His Own Family
at Same Time.
if man lias not
under the shadow
of awe Inspiring
mountains, 011
rock I m Minn
of the sea
the busy,
led wins of
a great city, l-'ivcl
V. S m I t li o f
I Imahn has never
111 the pres
of those
mngnilU'ctit 11 11 il
noble works of
or man. In
his d a n
II 1 1 1" 1 1 1 .11 11 lr
The heroic splrll
tilwa.vs been born
Cy hkw - or I"
? V -TOWd
1 jj .n.i I
Jf-f V lv Hve.1
tj , 1 1 i i nod
'1-11 soi'iit on all
liae In
Nel r
iska farui, In an iMnuhu packing
and in ( In- kitchen of a base
ml In Fiance.
these iliings have nut kept him
being the I rue hero. Nut hint'
when a man was dying In an
tHuaha hospital, and the doctor he
thai a pinl of human hlooil
save his life. Krcd Smith weal
ili.nclv to the hospital and of
to lei as much blood as was
1 be t ikeu from his body. "I
.iroiig ami a little blood didn't
much to me If It would save the
fellow's hie," be said,
ni l giiue.l all the more eola
tion because he had U wife and
small ihdilren to suppiHi and
was out of a Job.
was !
1111 an
1 IN
un it In
Silk and Lisle Mixture Shown in
All Shades, With or Without
Colored Clocks.
Stnckinps of silk and lisle mixtures,
In nil .shades are shown, with or with
out colored docks. Combinations of
silk and wool in similar shades are
worn for golf and one of the smartest,
perhaps, of all the sport stockings is
a heavily ribbed, coarsely woven all
silk white slocking, which has a very
dull finish.
Woolen stockings, woven In plaids
to match the Argyle sweater, are still
very much in favor, but these bril
liant checkerboard effects have been
so overworked that they should only
be recommended in the soberer com
binations of black, brown, gray and
beige with white. For use with white
canvas or buckskin shoes for sports
or country wear, plain white lisle
stockings are being shown.
Two-tone silk stockings are offered
for country wear in two new styles.
One skilfully woven stocking (which
combines a color with white) gives the
two-tone effect at all times. These
may be bad with or without embroid
ered clocks, In many color combina
tions. Including navy blue and white,
black and white, and cordovan and
white, Nile green and gold, or royal
changeable, present one color in one
light and the other In another. This
changeable stocking Is of medium
weight and may be had In such com
binations, for example, as mauve and
while, Nile green and gold, or royal
blue and gold, to mention only a few.
In conclusion, it Is perhaps unneces
sary to repeat that the trend of the
mode as exemplified by the selections
made by women of breeding, Is more
and more away from the overelabor
ate shoe. Vogue.
Midsummer Frocks Are Charming In
Their Simplicity and Varied
In Their Colorings.
The showing of little girls' dresses
seems to grow more varied and inter
esting as tlie season progresses, and
organdies of summery shades add to
the rainbow hues that distinguish the
average showroom. Midsummer dresses
now on display nre charming In
their simplicity and varied In their
colorings, and are distinguished by
an unusual variety of design. White
and colored organdie often are com
bined, and as a rule there Is some
band embroidery to add a note of
distinction to these pretty little
"dress-up" frocks.
Hotted swiss In colors, combined
with while, often is seen and In the
dainty parly dresses an additional
color note Is Introduced by use of
a knot of Bayly colored flowers here
and there. An especially pretty
organdie model has two tiny hoti
(piels of organdie flowers In pastel
hues to add to its charm. Small
ornaments of bakellte frequently are
used on children's dresses, usually as
a finish to the sash or as pendants
on a contrasting neck cord.
Turquoise a Coming Color.
From many sources comes the
prophecy that turquoise blue Is to be
the next popular color not In sweat
ers alone, hut In millinery and for all
purposes that Jade has proved such a
success. It is a color which lias possi
bilities since In some of its tones It Is
possible for practically all complex
ions. In Knglund, where a good many
of our sweater fashions originate, tnr-
piulse blue has already attained con
siderable vogue.
Freda, lllshop, )
lMiilntiff, )
Andrew J. lllshop, )
Defendant, )
To Andrew J. Uishop, tho above
named defendant: ,
OF OREGON, you are hereby requir
ed to appear and answer plaintiff's
complaint filed against you In the
above entitled court on or before six
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this Summons, and if you
fail to so appear or answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
said court for the relief prayed for
in her complaint, to-wit: That the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you and the plaintiff be for
ever dissolved and that the plaintiff
have an absolute divorce from you,
and for such other and further re
lief as may be just and equitable.
This summons is published upon
you in the Heppner Herald once a
week for six successive weeks pur
suant to an order of the Hon. D. R.
Parker, Judge of tho above entitled
court, which order is dated the 6th
day of July, 1922, and the date of
the first publication of this Summons
is July, 11th 1922.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Postoffice address,
Heppner, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed by
the County Court of Morrow County,
Oregon, Executrix of the last will and
testament of John B. Natter deceased
and has qualified as such. All per
son having claims against the estate
of said deceased are hereby notified
and required to present the same to
me duly verified as by lw irequired,
at the office of my attorneys, Wood
son & Sweek in Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
first publication of this notice.
Dated and published the-flrst time
August 15, 1922.
16-20 Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administrator of the es
tate of Andrew J. Warren, deceased
has filed his final account with the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, and "that said
court has ordered that said account
be settled on the 16 th day of Sep
tember, 1922 at the hour of two
O'clock P. M. of said day, in the
Court room of the County Court in
Heppner, Oregon.
Objections to said account must
be filed on or before said date.
13-20 Alexander Warren
Button Button
who wears this Button?
ONLY the Fuller Men
representatives of the
largest brush manufacturer in
the world!
I'm one of them, and will
call on you soon to give a free
demonstration of Fuller Brushes
in your home.
Fuller Brushes are making housework
easiti in over 5,000,000 homes. I'll
show you W'y and hrlp you select
biushrt you actually need,
?, . .. l ., ,f, ,.,
Walter Jones, Demonstrator
Box 641
v Pendleton, Oregon
Carrying On With the j
American Le;;ion
A (oiii'lst park for tired fordster-i l
projected by tlie American Legion pest
of Tuny, Minn.
T pin' tlie town a tlieroupli clean
111)! and briKlileiiinu' up for tlie Minj
inei'. each inenilier of tlie l epion post
of Vlllaid, Minii., donated a day's
A new detlnllion of the well known
army phraw "S. O. 1." ban het-n
sjvohed by the IMikIii county Legion
Httlr'S of OniHlia, Neb. It la "St,vln
Outa I.t'trion."
At ;nint' Tomb In Nfw Tork
tree ha om UHimplaiited from tin
doorvanl f the Ucrn'rnl's old hmn
In M'.sMi' r liy the l.epl. n nud rb
AnuTlcai r,)rt'8trjr Mo,-it'.n.
iiiiimiitm minium MMiimiiiiinaiiiiiHiMiiiiiiiniitinijiiiuiiMimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHUMiiMiiuiniiiititiJtitiHnHiiuiitiiiiiliiliiiiiitiH!
lt' A '
7' R ) ' Business must use Printing in some- j
Business Cins, Letter llcuJs and
I We know just how to handle this kind of work
1 to get the most attractive display and
1 The Best Results.
Kirk Bus & Transfer Co.
Wm. M. KIRK, Proprietor
, v 1 1 ;mk you for past patronage and solicit .
iituiiiance of the same. Our host scrvici i
1 1 .i-ave orders at Case Furniture Cm
Phone Main 845.
Note these New Prices
QN July 29, 1922, the lowest
prices ever quoted on U. S.
Passenger Car Tires went into
effect Royal Cords included.
These new prices should give
confidence to dealers and car
owners that no lower basis of
quality tire prices will prevail.
Bear in mind that these prices
apply to the most complete
line of quality tires in the
world. Remember, too
as vou read the follow
ing table that U. S.
quality has been posi
tively maintained.
SIZES Cord Nobby Chain Uco Plain
30x3 CI. $12.55 $11.40 $9.75 9.25
30x314" $14.65 15.60 13.00 10.65
31x4 " 23.00 21.35 18.65
30x3'2SS. 14.65
32 x 3Vl " 22.95 20.45 16.90 15.70 .
31x4 " 26.45 J
32x4 " 29.15 24-35 22.45 20.85
33x4 " 30.05 25.55 23.65 21.95
34x4 " 30.85 26.05 24.15 22.40
32x4V4" 37.70 31.95 30.05
33x4!" 38.55 33.00 31.0S
34 x 4'2 " 39.50 34.00 32.05 V
35 x 4V4 " 40.70 35.65 33.55 J
36x4'" 41.55 36.15 34.00
33x5 " 46.95
35x5 " 49.30 43.20 39.30
37x5 " 51.85 45.75 41.70
federal Excise Tax on the above has been
absorbed by the manufacturer
The dealer with a full line of U. S,
Tires at these new prices can serve
you better than you have ever
been served oetore in cne His
tory of the automobile.
If there ever was any fan-
cied advantage in shopping
around for tires it disap
pearedonjuly 29, 1922.
O. S. lira Oc
30x3 Clincher
and Straight Side
Royal Corfl4
United States Tires
United States Rubber Company
iT &jLL M ft
Where You
Can Buy
U.S. Tires I
Vaughn & Goodman, Heppner
E. R. Lundell, - - lone
The new Qoodyear
Cross-Rib Tread Cord
A Real Cord Tire for Small
Cars at a Popular Price
The new Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord in the 30 x 34
inch clincher type is a tire that the small car owner will
warmly welcome.
It gives him, at a price lower than the net price he is asked
to pay for many "long discount" tires, every advantage of
quality cord tire performance, for it is a quality tire through
and through.
It is made of high-grade long-staple cotton; it embodies the
reliable Goodyear quality of materials; its clean-cut tread
engages the road like a cogwheel.
The scientific distribution of rubber in this tread the wide
t center rib and the semi-flat contour gives a thick, broad
surface that is exceedingly slow to wear.
The tough tread stock in this tire is carried down the side
walls clear to the bead, making it rut-proof to an extraor
dinary degree.
In every particular it is a representative Goodyear product,
built to safeguard the world-wide Goodyear reputation.
Despite its high quality, and the expertness of its construc
tion, it sells at a price as low or lower than that of tires
which lack its important features.
The 30 x 3)4 inch Cross-Rib
Cord clincher
! $12.50
This price includes manufacturer's excise lax
Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord Tires art also made in 6, 7 and S inch sizes for trucks
Vaughn & Goodman