PAGE TWO THEHEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, August 22, 1922 HP 1 HE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTiSOX. Editor and Publisher EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS l.!;l t tin- H.., iiirv as necon' .Viiiltc-i Terms of Subscription One Year MX Tin lonins . . ,e Mom lis $1.00 MAYOR BAKER IS PEEVED Mayor P,corge J,, baker's exhibition of temper at Kla math hall- the other day while a guest of that city on his i'j-5 J;air-Hoost ing-Cara van trip, would indicate that the mayor must have acquired a man-sized peeve and that his nerves bad become so raw by the time he reached Klamath Kalis that the remarks of Mr. Era! Elect, a local speaker who has some reputation as a humorist, were more Uian bizoner could stand and as a last resort he simply lost his temper, saw red and ''blew up." '1 be mayor's peeve probably started in Ileppner where a o.upk- of speakers were honest enough to tell the Port land visitors the exact truth about public sentiment in this county regarding the proposed 19..-5 exposition. in his reply Mayor baker showed quite plainly that he nd not like the truth about his pet project but would have pp. lei-red soil soap, platitudes and mis-statements from the h'ral speakers, rather than an honest expression of condi tions as iney are. 1 te described the Ileppner idea as the first discordant note heard 011 the trip and was glad to hear it be cause it afforded the first, opportunity he had had to make an argument for the exposition. In all candor it must' be said that the ments were not very convincing. His first argument was mayor rgi :i S I 1'i.linni'in, I. i ............. r. .. 1 ... i- , -1" """"" "MT1"-1 1,11 naviiig an opinion o.t her own about the propriety of holding an exposition in 1925, indicating among oilier things that because the people of this section of the slate do not agree with his views absolu u'h -'had we are not progressive citizens; that we are breeders of sectional hatred and bad feeling, that we '"have it in for Portland," and, that 'we probably drew our inspira lion lor opposition to the exposition from reading the Ore gon Voter which amounted to tellingus we have not brains enough to reason out. .a proposition for ourselves. Air. I.aker is a big man physically and, there was a I ime when many eastern Oregon people looked upon him as considerable of a citizen in more ways than one and it is only a matter of regret that he should have permitted his lemper to get so much the better of him while 011 Ins exposi tion tour as to reveal this heretofore unsuspected pettiness and pettishncss-of his nature. His second argument was a rather bitter attack on C C Chapman, of the Oregon Voter. Mr. Chapman was not l'r!-'",' l"dr!end hinis, li'btit had he been present the ma or s characterization of Chapman as a "parasite" and a "lly-b night" would have sounded heller to eastern Ore gon ear... A pari o the buncbgrass code is "Say it to his lace;" w sounds more manly and then it often means a light and we bunchgrassers are still close enough to primeval man to dearly enjoy a light whether verbal, fistic or gun. M'MTnw county people have no disposition to "light" I '"r I land 011 1 he' e. posit ion matter or on an vt hing else un less a light is forced upon thmii. Messrs Woodson and Mahoney, who frankly told Mayor baker and his partv that sentiment here is not favorable to the fair, were cour teous in their remarks, extended a warm welcome to the isitors and wire willing to be "shown." They explained, however, that this section is up against a financial condi tion that is serious. Many prominent stockmen and far mers who enjoyed a high financial rating three vears ago. are lod.n unable to pay their taxes and have been in that condition lor two ears and these people reserve the right to bob! an opinion of their own regarding anv proposal that even remotely threatens any increase in taxation. Mr, Piker does not seem willing to concede anv such 1 ght to eastern Oregon. He wants the fair, he savs Port laud wants I he fair, I herelore all ( Iregon must wantthe fair, ;il b as! must pretend they want the fair in order to re ream in rood standing with the mayor of Portland. Can on beat it ': W hat people of eastern ( hvgon need just now more ihau thev need expositions and "rah, 'rah bovs iroin- arou ml the . the 1 1 he L nited .States Government is the supreme power in the United1 States or it is not. There is no middle course If the L nited States Government is the supreme power m the United States, it must show that supreniacv bv mak ing impossible the dictation of anv man, anv bod'v of men, any corporation, company, labor 'union, or organization of any kind. ; ihc spectacle of one hundred and ten million people : being subjected to discomfort, possible danger, and loss of money and busiiress in order tint tr.v, f!,. ;,n7.t ,-,,... i m the hundred and ten millions mav settle their differences ! by legalized combat, is one at ivh.Vh ih, l,,,,-,,i,-tl .,,-,,1 1 . . ' '-'lI.v.llLHJJUl.lV-ilV-Vl CIIIVJ. I n : millions are looking more and more with disgust. j Ji John works for James and doesn't like the iob. lie 1 quits, f hat is John's business. If James thinks John is a ! poor worker, he fires him; that is James business. But if j John blows up Tames shot), or Tn moQ limine TrJin n ' i-j -1 iimi.ji Willi Cl club, that is the State's business. And if lolin and Tames engage in a yun fmht. which end that is everyone's business, and both of them soon find them sun es in jau. For John and Tames, read uni lnl,- 1 - ' t....v.ii idl'lVIS ttHU tOtll mines and railroads. If they can fight without injuring the bystander, no one cares ; let them fi P'ht Hilt tile niinci- f not cease to produce coal, or the railroad cease to move cars without freezing the bystander, starving the bvstander robbmg the bystander of business, everybody's "business' the Government's business. Public ownership of coal mines and railroads is abhor cnt to American business ideals; but better paternalism in 1J"tui mnu "'an nictation to Government by private in- fruits and Vegetables fresh, Clean and Palatable, fresh Shipments Received Daily. We Specialize in Things You like to Eat Fresh Slrawbeiries Co. Hughes The Eats That are hkatj estate ion sale ( heap HO acres, sheep or dairy ranch on railroad and highway, under irrigat ion. Part down balance! terms1. . Also 291 acres farming land in crop at $20.00 per acre. Part down terms on hnlance .if fi nor ni Tk. -win n . . ... ,,... vune ui'oh-nens, 01 Heppner miles from railroad, tlireo-nnuv, c, o dv,n.. ... H".'-.o L ou, ,n uecu sunflav. iviis. Lena Snoll Shurte nnH am, Carol visited with Mr .and Mrs. Geo.' lar Grove while Mr. Hicks will work for Minor & 'krebs at Cecil. It. E. Duncan made a trip to Hepp ner Wednesday with a loud of honey from his famous apiary at Cecil. Mrs. E. L. Vinton, of Coquille, Ore gon accompanied by her sister, Miss made mile from school, on county road. Good well of; water. For particulars and full information address: HERALD OFFICE, Heppner, Oregon. 17-20 CECIL "-v.,., tn. uic iiisi unmp on Tuesday. Mrs. Miller, of Boardman, has been Visiting with her dnnsrlupv M,-a n Duncan at Busy Bee ranch. Mr. and .Mrs. Zcunith Logan ac companied by their nephews' Hurley and Bill ie Logan left on Friday for a trip to the mountains. Clil'i'or.l Henricksen and W. Chandler left. Peril wno,j,. m. Messrs Herbert Hynd and Elmer flve car loads of fine cattle belonging Schafl'ner accompanied by Misses A. to A. Henricksen of Cecil who war 0. Hynd and Mildred Henricksen took ; shipping the cattle to the Portland in the harvest dance in Ileppner Sat-! markets. ""'"y ni;;llt Georse W. Wilson, of Butterby Ml' rt Farley and family, of T ie ; Flats, who worked hinneli' nearly to Willows', spent Sunday with Mr. and a sitadow, left for Heppner where he Mrs. J. C. McEntiie at Kilhirnev. wri vi,;it his parents for a few days Mrs. Iluseick and son from Hepp- before returning to Sunnv Oecii nnH ner were caning on menus in me hard work- We make it our business to sell meats for eats that are real treats. And we don't comply with the food laws because it is compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good service and lair treatment from merchants and professional men with whom we deal, and because we know it is our busi ness to sell only the best. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would lfke to see your meat order. 1 Market Cecil vicinity Sunday The mayor and his wife who are , "ittjui emu ma wire Jackie Hynd and Bob Lowe were n() worn QUt and mil win tin lav I: m i y , and mure people "to de el op the state," is for o; i,- who are now here to vt their i et en the ground m.-:e. and ml thities adinsieil ilmt 1 1 1 . il.-,,.i,,... it i sheep and rattle for les than thev have to sell lor. I hey need to ;et in shape to be able to pay their ! o. e eeessi e 1 k-na 1 1 and interest eh:irov m,, ,,. 1 - S' """inn '" -i 1 1 l'vr rent of the prineipal ,md mabe an occasional pail pa ment on t heir interest now m tner d.ue. K positions are alright when we can a ford them and so are modern new bouses and -rood barns and main- other things necessary to rii-ht and comfortable li iii-. M'orrow count v iatmet s ami stockmen are not ettm;; much of anv of these things just now and they are not bl-.cly to start iii by buv inr an exposition first. Mr. I'.aker. in his speech here, said all he was asking Irom the people of (lie slate was for state wide endorse ment of a measure that will enable Multnomah county to bond herself for .ixu.uhi for the fair but be later said that he would not promise that Portland would not ask the ne legislature for a state appropriat ion mr the Portland show And rii'ht there's the rub and i is.'l" there is the reason Mor tow count v peoplo are not in f: Juds;inr from the sie of Mav Mr. Fleet joked him a bit at Kl,ie heard more of the Heppner idea at points. an . v r.a' ill 1-dls -,-!: 1 ' " " m i o -peeve h" be must ha .' -'II ( 1f,M v,n. busy boys in Lexington Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar and family spent Sunday visiting friends in lone. Mrs. and Mrs'. H. V. Tyler and family of Rhea were visiting with Mr. anil Mrs. Everett Logan on Sun day. .1. E. Crabtree and son and ah'o Arthur Turner were doing business in Cecil on Sunday. Harvest is (inisli i'd in their s'ection of the country, but the yield is very light. Misses A. C. and M. H. Lowe and Doris Logan autocd to lone Sunday anil visited friends for a short time. , Mr. and .Mrs. W. Chandler win ! have had a delightful vacation spent with their friends Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilenncli.s.'n of Willow Creek ranch., left Sunday t'i r their home in Leb- 1 anon Oregon. , rest from their labors left Thursday tor a well earned rest which they will spend among their friends at Hepp ner. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Van. Schioack arrived in Cecil from Heppner and will v;sit with Mr. and George Krebs before leaving for The Dalles. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin on the arrival of a fine baby girl born Aug. 22 at their ranch r.ear Cecil. Mr. Mc.Millian, one of Lexington, s leading citizens honored Cecil with a visit on Sunday. "Co.-.stable John" left somo time ago for a trip to the mountains. The Constable being alone aii.l no word being heard from him since his de parture. The lonely young bdiea of Cecil are thinkiiiir of niTnri',.,. .mi. aim jus. mens ami eitikin n ward lor anyo-ie finding John dead of Arlington are now residing at Pop- or alive ami returning him to Cecil. Reduced Cash Prices CLEANING $1.50 i-5o 1. 00 75 Men's Suits . ( ) ercoats . . . . Coats . . Pauls . PRESSP1 $ 75 75 50 5 50 Ladies Suits, plain 75 i-5o Coats 1-00 Skirts, ,tl--.i r-50 I )resses. plain 75 50 1-2S UP Pleated Skirts 1 1 ., ( ..t. 1 .... 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 s 1 n-,t nvu a au 1 Hoc Im ; Fancy Dresses 25 per cent lower then c:ty r. -75 .7 ; tin 0 s The Value of A Checking Account THERE is no more effective way of in troducing system, economy and safety into your financial affairs than by opening a checking account .with a strong reliable bank. ' A checking account with this bank pro tects your money, promotes good business habits and gives you a firmer financial stand ing and credit. And all the time your money is just' as much at your service as if it were in your own pocket book. Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank Oregon Heppner, 11, 1 'mm:- Successful Graduates ARE THE BEST RECOMMENDATION OF O. A. C. Thin instil u-ion olf-s :, it,,.,,,,!,, .. ,; . , m-t..m at a cos, M of !he hl'irSe It offers training for collegiate degrees in Apricl,1U"' Home Economics Commerce Forestry Engineering and Mechanic Arts Fharniacy Ml"PS Vocational Education Military Science and Tactics Chemical Engineering EZ S M,c. Physical Kail Term Opens St-ptomber 18 For circulars of information and illustrated booklet write to The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon