IF YOU WANT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS, READ THE HERALD. WE PRINT IT FIRST. VOLUME IX HEPPNER, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1922 NUMBER 16! J ii "WOODSON TELLS MAYOHS PARTY WHAT LOCAL SEXT1MEXT IS Portland Party of Fair Boosters En tertained At Luncheon Here Yesterday A party of some" sixty Portland men headed by Mayor George L. Baker, who are touring Oregon in the inter est of the proposed 1925 fair, were Heppner visitors yesterday for a couple of hours at noon when lun cheon was served at Hotel Patrick for the, visitors as well as for a num ber of representative business men of Heppner. i C. T. Berg, of Porth.nd, acted as toastniaster at the luncheon and after a few inspiring selections by the 1925 quartette, he explained that Mayor Baker had not yet arrived being de tained on the road by car trouble trouble and invited F. A. McMenat'-io to fill in, for Portland's mayor aud say a few words for the fair. M;ic, being thus placed in a rather vicar ious if not delicate position, told the Portland visitors that the people of Morrow county, with perhaps the ex ception of two or three disgrunutled individuals, were for the fair and would back it strongly. W. P. Mahoney was next called upon and in a few words expressed the belief that the yeople of this county, in his opinion, were gun shy of anything that pointed towards; mere taxes aind that he had been un able to discern any large amount of enthusiasm for the fair among the "customers of his bank who are hav ing a hard row to hoe with taxes at their present level. C. E. Woodson was next called up on and commenced his remarks by saying that he had r.ever been alle to lie to an intelligent body of men like the one he was then addressing and that if he should unudertake to do so he felt pretty cure he would get caught in the act so he felt con strained to tell the truth about the attitude of Morow county towards the fair. Jus't then Mayor Baker en tered the room and was seated and the toastma&ter requested Mr. Wood son to repeat his remarks for the mayor's benefit. This the speaker did and continued: "We are glad to have you gentle men with us and we will be glad to hear your arguments and ideas as proponents of the fair, but in all truth and candor I must Bay that the people of this county are not for any propo sition at this time that will mean more taxes. We are mot narrow about t'lis thing nor : have wo any grudge against Portland, but we are up against a proposition in this part of the state that cr.lls for conserva tism as regards ar.y additional taxes or any other unnecessary expcn.ve. Wo understand that all ycfi gentle men are asking for on this trip if that the people of the stato vote to enable Multnomah county to bond herself for the fair but we have a pretty strong idea that if that vote carries, a strong lobby will go up to Salem from Portland in 1923 to put over other legislation that will fasten several millions of dollars expei se for this fair on the pccple of the state. We have quite a sprinkling of citizens here who come from Mis souri," the speaker concluded," and wo will have to be shown several things before we can become first class boosters' for the 1925 fair." Mayor linker followed in reply to Mr. Woodson's remarks saying Unit he v.-as indeed glad to hear the first mn n ppMit piiit nu ! 1 TAX PENALTY, INTEREST ; Speaking of high taxes the other dr.y a prominent citizen of Heppner who is closely in touch, with financial . conditions, exprcsh-ed the idea that if it could be done the county auth orities would be doing a iod act by rmeittiicg at least a iart of the pen-, alty and interest thit has aectucd on delinquent taxes. T;:e gentleman stated to (he Herald that he knows cases where penalty and interest on delinquent taxes already amounts to 27 per cent on the principal which approaches confiscation. "The men who arc not paying their taxes in times like these are the men who cannot" possibly get hold of the money to pay with," this gentleman said, "and the excessive charges are working a hardship which in nmiry casts arc lable to spell ruin to the property holder. The county only pays fix per cent o:i out standing warnunts then? why, ii such times as the present should the county insist on its pound of flesh by demanding the full 12 per cent prescribed by statute." The go'.tlman says he has reliable information that this plan has been adopted in several counties in Idaho and that no objection is 1: jing made by anybody . The Herald does rot know whether such a plan could be put in practice under tho present tax laws but wo will be glad to publish all communi cations on the s'ubject submitted by citizens or taxpayers. WOOL MEN FOP.r.1 POOL: BUYERS COME TO Mi The following taken from the Pen- j dleton East Oregonian is of interest i to Morrow ccunty sheepmen, some of j whom have been considering a wool pool for next season: j The Lincoln County Wool Grow- j ers' association with headquarters at j Cokeville, Wyoming, recently sue- j cecded in making what is termed a satisfactory sale of about 1,000,000 pounds of wool in a pool from Coke- ville, Sage, Foss'il, Kemmerer, Cum- I berland, Carter in Wyoming and Montpelier, Idaho, according to a letter which has been received by Mac Hoke as secretary of the Oregon Wool Growers' association, from J. D Noblitt. The wool sold in the pool was of fered "as sacked without discount for tags or buck wool." To this the buyers objected at first, but later they got in and bought. Some observa tions drawn by Mr. Noblitt from the experience of the Wyoming and Idaho follows:, "Coordination of local units under proper regional heads selected with dueregard to geographical conditions would be a valuable impr venient on tho plan generally. If the plaai was carried out on a large scale and the wools graded at shearing plants or storing quarters, an clement of com petition would materialize that has not been experienced in the' wool vame within the memory of mail." The wool market is decidedly. "bul lifh," according to figures given by the writer, and his advice to sheep men is to hold on to their flocks as the best investment they can expect to own for some time to come. to all of Oregon in the way of In creased population and material development. Another argument for the exposi tion the mayor advanced was that C. C. Chapman, of the Oregon Voter, who o:,po,sts the f.iir, is a parasite and fly-by-night, chr.rrring that the people of Morrow county had gotten discordant note of the trip inasmuch i tl"--ir Il, ''(' leal views from reading as it afforded him an opportunity of tlle Voter which the speaker see- i';d making h's first argument for U'e!to ,Ilin'K w"s a rather jrrlevo'in sin. fair. Everywhere else) we have shop ped," the mayor said, "everybody has been s-rmngly for the fair at least on .he surface," he amended, which indicated th:.t at lest hizzoner had found an honest man without carry ins; a lantern. Mayer Baker then preceded with his argument for the fair which con sisted mainly of intimating that up state people who do not favor the Portland show a:e, well not exactly progressive citizor.g, that they are breeding section-.l hatred aud had feeling and that they should remem ber how mv.ch Portland has done for the rest of the state in loads and other improvements. Ke tt.cn ccn eluded with a rehearsal of th-i wcn-'ln-cu' ,otle a)'l O'.t-x where derful advantages the fair will bring 1 b'?s c-' to be made. W. Ii. B.u ratt was ah;o called upon and spoke in favor of the fair t orn the e'.andpouit of rJ-jtc development which will follow the completion of the st.-ite highway syst m and the re lation the fair will have towards' srch , development. Mr. liarratt told the ' mayor's party that they were not go ing far enough i i their tour of the ! Bute. "You should take the trip I ', have just completed with other mem- j bers of the highway commission and I the governor," he said, "then you ! would have some sort of i.n idea of what Oregon's litest resoun cos pre and of the'r need for development." M.-.ye;r Baker's ,a'ty left e.-e for Condon rbout 2:30 going via. Lex- short Does Newspaper Advertising Pay? . 35?' In this day and ago the above question would sound ridiculous were it not for the lamen table fact that so many country merchants and business men seem to think that advertising does not pay, particularly when times are bad, or at least that is what they tell the local advertising solicitor when he calls. When times are good and people have plenty of money and are keen to buy everything that strikes the eye and pleases the fancy, most country merchants are liberal adver tisers. Business is fine and they feel that they can afford the cost of buying newspaper space, but when times get bad, money scarce and people are buying only what they have to have, the merch ants either cut down on their advertising or dis continue it altogether. That newspaper advertising does pay is pro ven everytime you pick up any city or large town' newspaper or national magaizjne. If it does not pay then the men who own and direct the big business enterprises of the country must be the greatest fools on this earth because if advertising does not pay they are spending millions or dol lars every year, yes, every month, for something that is absolutely worthless to them. Does any country-town merchant or other business man who has something to sell believe that these cap tains of industry and of commerce are crazy that they are burning up their money for the fun of seeing the smoke? A Heppner merchant once told the writer that advertising in city and country papers is very different. "Look at the circulation the Oregon ian has as compared with the Herald," he said. "Yes," was the reply, "and compare the size of the Portland stores with yours and the amount of bus iness they do and the hundreds of thousands of customers they have and compare the prices they pay for advertising space with what you arc asked to pay. Don't you realize that the country paper covers the same ) Ad that your store covers and covers it just as effectually as the city paper covers its field? The difference is in degree, not in kind, after all." What would the average country mer chant think of a farmer who, because times are bad, prices low and the general outlook poor, would refuse to clear out his irrigating ditches or cultivate his suinmer fallow and just sort of sit down and whittle a stick and let nature take its course? Would that farmer's credit be very good at the local stores? And yet that is, in effect, what the merchant does who quits advertising when business is poor. If advertising ever does pay it is during periods of business depression when business drags and people sidestep the stores and buy as little as pos sible. Then is when the attention of the public should be directed, through the advertising columns of their local newspaper, to seasonable lines of merchnadise in an attractive manner. Merchants who do not believe this should re member that just because they quit advertising in the local paper the big mail order houses do not quit advertising through their catalogues. The mail order catalogue, like Jesus said of the poor, is always with us, and the merchant who lays down on local advertising at such times is simply playing into the mail order fellow's hand. When the big slump in business hit. this country two years ago and the average country merchant began to trim his sails by culling down or out his local news paper advertising, did the big department stores in Portland follow his lead? Not by a jugful. Instead of doing that they at once began to double and treble and quadruple their, space in the newspapers. We recall an in stance when one department store in Portland carried ten pages of advertising in each of the Sunday morning newspapers. They turned their high priced stock as quickly as possible, took their loss and got other goods on their shelves that they could sell at a profit. Did their advertising pay? Well, they are still doing busi ness and sending their catalogues into Morrow county and selling lots of goods here that Mor row couunty merchants should be selling and making a profit on. Advertising, like farming or any other thing that is worth doing at all, is worth doing right and we hope next week to have something to say about that feature of this very interesting subject. XOUTIHVFST WHF.AT CUOWDliS SAVKS l'AH'U'.ltS $7,0O( Conditioning and blending 1.600,000 bushels of last year's wheat crop handled by the Northwest Wheat Growers association saved the grow ers $70,000 or about 4 cents a bushel more than would have been possible had the grain been sold on a straight federal grade without treatment or blending different crops thereby in days of the marketing association. Forty thousand dollars of this gain wai due to gains in grade through blendin gdifferent crops thereby in creasing the" average test weight and $30,000 resulted from the avoidance of smut penalties by washing and otherwise cleaning the wheat. j Another abuse that operated to the detriment of the grower under the old system was the practice in vogue , among buyers of discouuntins; low I weight wheat heavily but allowing no premium on over-weight lots. The dealer would then make a neat profit on the side by blending the over weight and underweight wheat and selling the mixture as No. 1 wheat with no discount. This abuse is also cut out, according to The Producer, by marketing through the co-operative associations. Miss Kuby and Violet Corrigal have reluruned from an enjoyable vacation at Portland and Seaside. They were accompanied home by Miss Beulah Kimmerly, of Portland, who wili make an extended visit here. "I'LL PUT ROUND UP OVER BIG"--iIIr IM I'KOYKM F..NTS AT l li.VC K SOW VMlKIt WAY Carnival Feature- To He Limited, Make Own Amusement, Keep Money Home, Idea i I PUGSI.FV si ";;usts N ICW (.AN I'OIt COMMU.IICIAU CI "Our Farmers Tluit Wo Nave lte Accorded Conditions Of Success" Sl, -AHS Shall OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LUCK, Corvullis, Or., Aug 7, C. W. Pug.sk'y, assistant, secretary of the United States department of agricul ture, has completed his Inspection, of Oregon agriculture, including the leading Willamette valley and central Oregon farmin gdistricts, and has left for Washington, I). C. In IiIb tour under the direction of Paul V. Maris, director of the agriculture college ex tension service, Mr, Pugsley visited the intensive truck growing in the Portland district, the diversified farm ing of the Willamette valley, the Mc Kenzie crop and livestock area, the livestock industry of central Oregon, the irrigation farming of the Ochoco project near Prineville, the dry farm wheat belt of the Columbia basin, land the famous fruit orchards of the Hood River valley. "This birdseye view of Oregon ag riculture has shown me Hint an goes I the agriculture here so goes the town' l wild Mr. Pugsley before hiking the train for the Fust. "The degree of farming prosperity lH intimately re flected in till; volume of busiiK i;s and the growth of the town supported by the farm. Oregon is cMtcnl hilly, though by no niieanu exclusively, an 1 agricultural slate." i Because of this intimate relation ship between the Success of the country mid its urban, oonlcr Hie as sistant secrelary wished p:. flouln ly to impress chambers of commerce and other organizations of business men in Oregon wild the imperative neces sity for Intelligent and lympat hel io co-operation Willi the farmers. S;ea'!t ln,': el' the turn (Ms co-operation cn l)( f I. take for the good of all, he said : "Let chambers of commerce make the success of their farmers a plank In their platform, 'i'lili r slogan might, well be chunked from 'Mori farmers with more dairy cows for our community,' to 'Our farmers that. wf, have shall be accorded condi tions of i:uccit,s.' This of IWelf will mean more farmers in tho lonj; run, as well as farmers with more money to spend ami a diiipniltion to upend it where It was made. It Is or. light ened) self interest." Attention was called to examples of thiH relationship In all tho dist ricts vi.'lied. Where the fartnnli; w.-lh up the town was up ami where farm ing was down the town was down, o.:e such town nhowlng a loss of KO per cent, of its' former population t. dim 500 to 100 where many farms had I boon abandoned or allowed to ran ' down. "How's Hie Round-Up coming on," atSked a reporter of C. W. McNamer yesterday. Coming on!" repined Me, who Is chairman of the Round-Up general committee, "you can toll the world if. is coming on fine and that Ileppt.er is soing to put t':is thing over and put it over BIG." And Mc's opinion seems to be re flected in the mnid of everybody in town. Everybody seems to feel thaj. Mor row couuty people are entitled to u few play days during the year and what better form of amusement could be devised for reel-blooded buneh grassors than a Round-Up? There is1 southing about, tho bucking bronco, tho charging steer, the hil arious cowboy, that western peoplo take to, as witness the great success attained along this' lino by Pendle ton. Yes, Heppner will "pi t 'er over big," because Heppner !.n,3 the spirit to do it, and we also have as leaders in, the onterprisa three of the :ivosj. live wire's in this part of the state C. W. JIcNamer, L. V. Gentry, and Charlie Latouroll all men woo havo the disposition and the ability to make a success of any project they undertake. Work Is now under way nu'lilng' improvements at Gotitty Field whom the spectacular entertainment will bo staged, which include a now iuurter mile track which will be fenced and ainpl,, bleacher accomodations foe htiectators. Tho lay of the ground is siicii mat s'iuu can be placed at sm, 11 expense and while no attempt will be made to put on a roof tliirt year, II Ik prob.-ible thai, by another season a regulation grand stand will be completed. ( The committee announce that nr raugements are being completed to have a lot of first-clasfi bucking slock: here from tho TtMidlcton show and this will Insure plenty of thrills' fop I ho spectators and . Idorw as, well. The committee has practical! agreed to cut out any outside car nival features unless It. might bo a morry-go-round or Ferris wheel for the youngsteis and Instead the com mittee will put on a '49 dance in tha pavilion each mlght. htrin,- the meet ing. All sorts of old time western run-making stunts will have a placo at) tiio'.fo dances bi-j the objectionable features of the regulation t.raveliag '4!) (lances will, or cour.se bo absent. The dances' liko all o!h r parts of the entertainment, will bo of homo folks, by liiiimi folks i nil for homo folks and Veo (ioniry is willing to bet that when the ai'i'al Is over thu newspaper can tniUifiilly nporr th Ki "a good time was hail by all. SAYS lli:l! Ti:i..S KOMI-: TA I , Tlt( HIS The following letter from orj;. S. Turn bull, member of the faculty of tin- University or Oregon Sche-ol of Journalism, is of inti-ie. t. in connec lion with the "Campaign tin en.--papcru" art.ieies now miming in U, i Il-rald: "In the confusion im iil. nt to our tie lire I lost, I regret n .nay, or things all but one m il Iho Herald thai, had come the fi,.;, f ,;,y, ,VI read only one of your ai i h I- s "Campaign for N':apoi:" No. ?,, on .Mutual Obligation.!. "11 seems to me you have to readers some vital truths in that i.r Ucle. I am sory tho oiIioih uro miss log. If it is not. too nnn-h trouble, would you mind clipping tlo-m out and sending them to me in an en velope, for study'.'" m nth- Jiie.s 01' about; I' loin in, thu d your COUNTY TKI.ASf Ul li s Notie o Is h r. by g:- i .i Gem ral Fund (,'ou:.iy War ten d up to ami including UCM, wi'J l,i tut Ion at my oflic NOT ( i: that all Ijeccmber paid upo-i p re.sen. on and alter Aug- -.11.' wi h i. d. te i::h ust 2'), I22, CM will tea:-..-. T. .1. HUMPIirtLYf?, Count:' Treasurer. Dated at lIopi::or, Oi g'.ti, ' Auguwt 15, 122.