Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 01, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, August i, 1922
i 4 1
Why pay more for gasoline when
you can gut It at tlie Byers Chop Mill
for 30 cents a gallon? 8tf
Sain K. Van Vac tor is hero from
The Dalits today on legal business.
T. J. Humphreys returned from
Newport Monday evening.
Miss Helen Cur ran enjoyed a short
visit at Tlie Dalles Sunday.
H. It. Alialt was in from Pal Iters
Mill Saturday.
ElmerCochran was in town from
lone Saturday.
An1 re w Kood, sr., went to 3'ein
dleton Thursday morning to visit
Mis. Velina Keenan and Miss Lois
Iieid left Friday morning for a so
journ at Seaside.
W. W. Howard, Butter creek stock
man, was a business visitor in to win
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ileckett, well
known Kightmilo residents, were
chopping in Heppner Saturday.
Janies Walker and Lester White
were Lexington isitors in town Sat
u rday.
Walter Miller, who registers from
Sixprong, Washington, was among
the many visitors hero Saturday.
Dr. D. It. Taylor, Portland eye
ipcciali.sl, heie for a few days on
a professional isit.
fJlen Jones was in town Saturday
I 'ura the Jones and Sons big wheat
holds on ileppn'T Flat.
Mr .and Mrs. Chas. ISerket, well
known Eig'ilmile residents, were
1 hopping in Heppner Saturday.
A license io wed was ls:.ued . o L.
.',. Williams u.. ft), and Holcn Hodd,
I;1!. Eridaj. l.clh parties rcj-'btor
.'0)11 lone.
S. K. Notson, who has heern rou
tined to his home for several days is
reported better anil expects to be at
his office again in a few days.
Scott Neal came over Tuesday
night from Condon and Mrs. Neal
and daughter accompanied him buck
'J'hu rsday.
Hob Hart, who recently sold his
onfei'l ionei y here, lias bought a gro
cery and confectionery in Portland I
: ml located there. I
Miss Dorothy Hill, who has been
visiting her grandmother in I'oriiairl
lor a couple of months, returned to
'"'! llcppncr home Saturday evtiiiing.
Miss Lucy Duller, who has been
Die house guest of Mrs. 0. W. Mc
Namer for several weeks, departed
for her home near Stevenson, Wash
ington. Wednesday morning.
Miss Polly Alslolt is employed at
Chas. Vauglm'w residence, taking
the place of Miss Kathryn Aiv.lersimi
Mho has gone to the country during
illss Helen llarratt, u student at t).
A. C. returmv.l to Heppner Saturday
evening to spend thc vacation period
with her parents Hon. and Mrs. W.
H. Durratt.
Miss Ruth Furlong, who has been
visiting friends at l'ortlaind for a
i ouple of months, returned to her
Heppner homo Saturday evening. She J happen again
imports having had a most enjoyable
Ji t at tlie metropolis.
Tt. F. Son nson wein to Portland
Vhtir.sdny for a short visit and will
bring tils family hack wllh him. Mis'.
: oreiisun and children have been
i siting in western Oregon for seeral
v Us.
Warner Itcitmnn, well known
heat tanner of tlie lone country and
a star player in the lone ball 'team.
Work is being rapidly pushed on
the Gurdune fiase Line Trail. It 1
has been extended from Silver creek j
to Ellis creek, a distance of five j
miles. The trail is being construe-
few weeks, left for her home Mon
day morning. Mrs. Phelps accom
panied lo r as far as Tlie Dalles to
see lier safely started on her long
Mrs. It. M. Smith, of Monmouth,
and her daughter, Mrs. Goodnight, of
Vancouver were the guests of jir
daughter and sister, Mrs. E. G. N le
last week. They departed for their
homes Monday, Mr. Noble driving
them to Arlington to catch a eight
t fa. i n. from which smoke-chasers may ride '
Miss Eulalia uBtler, who has been t ie location of reported fires. Up- j
visiting Heppner friends for a couple on completion the trail will be four- j
her home in Mon- nines in lengin anu win pasB i
PENDLETON, Ors., July 23 Tal-
of weeks, left for
mouth Monday' morning. She was
accompanied by her friend, Mrs-. Gar
net IJarralt, and little son Billy, who
will visit for some time at the uBl
ler home.
Mrs. King and her two children,
Miss Francis and Master Norton,,
who have been visiting her father, J.
N. I.iii er for a woc'k or s left for
their home at Portland Sunday
morning. Mart King drove them to
The Dalles where Mr. Kink met them
an1 took them the remainder of the
' E. 0. Neel was in town from Pine
City Mondday morning and reports
everything lovely on Butter river.
The second crop of alfalfa cutting is
commencing and wheat on the ridge
country between Butter creek r.:iil
ted along section lines,' the section ! enl al ule i JL' "o""ul-p " e. ..
corners will be plainly marked and i that of othf'r 'ear wording to
signed. Besides being a much need- j word received from the sons and
ed travel route it will be a base line ; dauehters of tne rans and plainS
wno win compete nere sepiemoer ti
22 and 23. .
Kay Bell, last year's champion, who
first rode in the big show when he
was a mere stripling of 14, will en-
through the very heart of the most
hazardous fire region of the Gurdane
district. It. A. Culick is in charge of
The Forest Service and stockmen
are cooperating on the maintenance
of the Arbuckle to Thompson, Flat
road. A smal' crew with a team
have been put on the job. Trees
and logs are beimg removed from the
lord, bruidi cleared fr. 1,1 the sides
and the road straightened. It is
hoped to be able to complete the road
entirely across the district. It will
be passable for cars. It will cross
the Gurdane Base line trail at right
angles and will afford a north and
south base line from which to ride
to fires.
ter the lists again. "Yak" Canutt,
thrice a champion, will be there as
will be Hugo Strickland, also a for
mer champion. Added to these stars
of the Kound-Up constellation will
be scores of others who have won.
laurels in the bulldogging, broncho
riding,' steer roping and races, and
still others who will make new rec
ords. Tom Mix, celebrated motion
picture star, and 50 cowboys, skilled
in the art of throwing a rope and
riding bron'ks, will be entered in the
contests. J
Pendleton is making extensive pre- 1
parations for the show. The grounds
and grandstands are being put into
shape and everything placed in readi- j
ness. The Round-Up is strictly a
Sand Hollow is making as high as 2 5
bushels per aero. Tom Boylen, who the work last Saturday.
is now busy harvesting, is getting
around that yield.
Prof .und Mrs. Suddarth, who have
had charge of the Pine City schools
for several years and who have pro
ven themselves very competent in
structors, have resigned their posi
tion after having been re-employed
for the coming year in order to look
after their fruit and farming inter-
The Hall canyon tlivision of the
Five Mile drift fence is completed. A. i communi'y show, staged by an asso-
D. Hileman, contractor, completed v-,alKm ul 1'eu'u,K' " prominent cm
zens, who serve without salary, and
A report recently came from the ; Who have the backinS of every citi
zen oi me town, me snow pays no
dividends, all profits being used for
camp of the Gurdane Base line trail
crew that a cougar had killed a colt
on East Matlock creek. Archie Mc
Campbell, government hunter, im
mediately went to investigate. It
was McCambell's conclusion that the
colt had died a natural death and the
remains dragged a short distance by
a bear. No sign, of cougar was found.
ests at Irrigon. Prof, and Mrs. Deeg overnm-ent nunier Mcuampoeu
of Portland have been employed for captured a family of five lynx cats
the position in their stead. , at oe cl'P on the head of Five Mile
creek last week.
No fires have yet been reported in
this district. The drift smoke from
prizes and improvements to the
Happy Canyon, the "little brother
of the Round-Up," which will pro
vide entertainment for t':e evening
hour3, wil lbe staged in improved
quarters. The old pavilion is being
rebuilt and a balcony constructed. I
E. Albee, a deputy game warden,
has been sent into this county to look
after violators of the fish and game
laws, will make his headquarters i.
Heppner for the remainder cf the
summer while making frequent trips'
into the mountains. Now Is a pretty
good lime for hunters to get their
license and keep the linger off the
trigger until after hunting season
Dr. John Huston an1 Miss Eliza
beth Beatrice Mcl'arland, were mar
ried al Salem, Thursday, July 20th,
j ltev. J.J. Evans, pastor of the Chris
jliau church of that city performing
i the ceremony. Dr. Huston is the son
fires elsewhere is so thick that
James F. Mulvihill who with J. S. i
the ; Parker and Henry Jackson wis held
lookouts can seldom see more than in jail for several months on1 a charge
about five miles. The timber is get- . 0f burglarizing a garage at Board- I
ting so dry and the atmospheric con-! man, alld who was Iater turned over!
ditions such that a fire might easily : to the Federal authorities charged'
gain great head Way before being di j with ta'king a stolen automobile from '
covered. Every forest officer and California into Oregon, was sentenc
construction foreman is on his toes. ed to two years in the federal peni-'
All persons coming into the forest tentiary by Federal Judge Wolver-'
are urged to exercise great care with ton last week. Mulvihill also went
flre' under the name of Wilson at times.
1 j Parker, who was only a boy and who
RECALL ELECTION IX JACKSON , was evidently drawn Into trouble by
the others was parolled by the juven-
B. G. Sigsbcc, Mgr.
Program from Aug. 4 to Aug.6
"The Woman Gives"
From the inovel by Owen Johnson.
A big Hit you must not miss,
"Peaceful Valley"
"Don't Neglect Your Wife"
By Gertrude Atherton, a fascinating drama of domestic life.
During the first three weeks of August, we will show only
three pictures per week, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays',
a change each day. The show will be closed during this
period on Monday's Tuesdajs, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Our descriptive program will also be discontinued until wo
are running full time again.
We have selected our pictures' with special caret for their
big entertainment value so that everyone who can attend
should do so. Watch newspapers and billboards for announcements.
of E. it. llustooi, of tliis city and hi.v j '
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The special election held in Jack
JamcH F. Mcl'arland, of Portland, son county last Satu day for the pur
I)r. Huston, who recently finished his Jiose of recalling Sheriff Terrill re
medical course, is just entering upon suited in that official being retained
tlie practice of his profession and his in office by a majority of 300 votee.
bride Is a graduate trained nurse. i The attempted recall came as a re
Mr amd Mrs. C. A. Minor returned i ot the bitter feeling, that has
from Portland Sunday viiere Mir.
Minor has been taking treatment in,
a hospitjil for several weeks. He la
very much improved in health and hi
many friends expect hia Bpeedy full
recovery. Mr. Minor Is one citizen
the county can. ill afford to lose, even
during a brief illness and his many
friends expect his speedy full recov
frlonds and associates are i.iolkned to
insist that he does not allow this to
lie court to Bailiff Ayera and has ,
been, making good since. . Jackson, i
whose true name is said to be Murphy
was recently sentenced by Judge Par
ker to seven years in state prison.
Many camping parties are already
in the mountains on upper Willow
creek and Ditch creek, .drawn there
by the cooling mountain breezes amd
tho rapidly ripening huckleberry
crop. The berries are said to be fairly
plentiful but hardly as heavy a crop
as was anticipated some time ago.
Oscar .Minor, who is an authority oil
mountain lore, says, however, that
there are always huckleberries In the
mountains wltliln reach of Heppner
. iidcrwcnt an operathm for nppcmli- j
( lis in a ll.'ppcnr hospital Sunday I If you can only Und the right spots.
..id is icpoiiid in he getting along I
been engendered in that county dur
ing recent months by tho alleged ac
tivities of the Ku Klux Klan. The
organization is charged with a num
ber of masked mob attacks on citi
zens and is now beir.g Investigated
by a special grand jury i:i session at
Sheriff Terrll not being In fvp
pathy with the Klan la staid to have
incurred the displeasure of that o--gauization
and a desire to have a
meuiber.of their body in the sheriff's
office is said to have led to the at
tempted recall. Much bitterness has
henn engendered among neighbors,
old friends and citizens generally and
it is reported that, so high has t:ie
feeling run. that at times the ram-
munilv has been on the eve ol sei ;ous
It Is believed the result of tlie re
call may have a tondemry to quiet the
ill feeling and bring about a better
condition in the count;'.
Miss Pearl BlackwtU is ho' o visit
ing her sister Mrs. E. E. Johns.
Albert Bowker was In town for a
few days the past week.
Bess Huddleson was over from
Lone Rock this week.
Judge Thomas Hughes Is "helping
out" at Woodson & Sweek's law of
"Best in the West"
Always ready to Serve
McAtee & Aiken
V.cly-. j
Mrs, Vivian Neal a:'d Miss Alum j
Iters inotoiel io Lexington Friday,',
. turnlnr. S.ilurl'v. 'I'll y weie ac
e uupaiiicd home by .la.iuita l.e tilers,
,,ho wil his.l Io r mm, 1 1 Mi::. Neal ;
lor a week before uning on to her j
i.oiu" at ll.iidumu.
Mis. M.uraiit I'.isen and her sis
t r, Miss inured Ostcn, were in
, it'll Wednesday from the Oslen
i.mcli near Keid's Mill where they
,.re spending the minimcr with their
, ilhei, I'lmilcs J. O.sten. Miss Os
t u Is a teacher in the Scuttle schools.
Oscar Otto, well known mil
dealer, who ijuil business some time
i-o und engaged In farming at Irri
l on, has disposal of his Interests
i.iere and is again engaged in the
' luUMc work of putting music In
.eiy home. He is in town today.
J. A. Waters returned yesterday
: out his MiuiuoT vacation which lu
,eiu at New pint Willi his fainilv
v ,u ro thev have a cottage. Mr
V. i.lcr s.is he ciijnvi'd tiu,1 vacation
. ul I'l.i 1 1, ul,, i diguing lock oystci
."d ti-ihing i,i (be bev .
Mis. M,V. mid, ol t'ouncil lllul'-'
1 w.t, who has bc.n visiting her li'o
I. i t A M. I'hl.'ps and taintly for u
Joseph Eskelsiin who quit fanning
last year and bought a home in Sa
lem, cannot resist the lure of the liar-,
vesi season ill good old Morrow
county and is spneiling the summer
with his daughter and son -In-law,
Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Wilcox, near Lex
ington. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, who
have been residing at Klamath Falls
for some time, returned to Morrow
county recently und are back on their
old ranch again. Mr. Eskelson and
Mrs, Wilcox were recent visitors in
The "Hard Times" dance given nt
the pavilion Saturday evening. Is said
to have been the most prosperous
dajico of the summer. A big crowd
of dancers were present and overt 20
dance numbers were sold. Mrs. Harry
lioiuilnian, of Lexington and Utty
Hall, of Heppner. divided the gii'.nd
prize lor being the most poverty
stricken looking pair present. The
dance was voted a re.tt success. The
management aniioiuii cd that an auto
robe would be given awry as a prize
for the best. old f.ishu.ucd waltiers
al the next dance August 1J.
Hive Hn'i B ood Jt niprr.Uure.
Moil animals have lii,lnr ,U (,.,.
peratuivs !i:ln man. whiio th, tt,.
peiatuic ef lords runs higher yet.
Mr and Mrs. J. V. Vaughn and
daughter, Caroline, are here on sev
oral week's visit with relatives.
Miss Uubina Corrigal left S.uur
day for a two week's vacation.
Waldo Vincent was in from Leiui
Ford truck in good condition. Write
R. B. Wilcox, Lexington, Oregon, or
call at ranch 4 1-2 miles below Lex
ington. 13-15 pd.
. .J. .J.
i T T
In 1921
Our Business
F. L. Harwood
Diamonds, Watches
A Portland Man and Portland
Odd Fellows Building
Heppner - - - - Oregon
Irrigation Notice
Owing to low water di e
to the extremely hot, dry
weather, all persons using
city water for Irrigation are
hereby notified that irrigat
ion must be governed by the
whistle. Po not connner. e
irrigating until the first
whulle Mows nnd shut
the water promptly when the
second whistle blows. 'e
will give as many t'ours s, r
vlce as possible. Kvery i.ri
gatlonist must use nozzle or
sprinkler. IX I'ASK iip
LY. City of Ileppn,
Hy W. K. I'ryun
12-H Water Superintend, nt
.j. .j. .j. .j. .j. ... .j.
Now she's dead again. We don't
know where she has gone to, only
trust fcr the best. But trusting
wont do, that is what caused her
deathe. Bring some money instead of
flowers to the funeral.
25 Cents out of every $1.00
You are now paying for insurance can remain
in your pocket when
you renew that Fire Insurance
policy in the
Oregon Fire Relief Assn.
F. R Brown Agent For Morrow County
Phone Office 642, Res. 29F14. Heppner, Or.
Fell Bros.
Fords a Specialty