Tuesday, June 13, 1922 THE HEPPNEK HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE FIVE PROFESSIONAL, CARDS A A, .J. Jt. ... ... .J. .,. .j. BARGAINS 0 r For PICNIC DAY, JUNE 15 At CASH VARIETY STORE Save money by patronizing our Bargain Counters Where will You be At 65? Out'of 100 average men, at the age of 25 today 54 Will be Dependent on Others 36 will be'dead 5 Will be working for a bare living 4 Will be well to do 1 Will be Wealthy You may be one of :the hundred today, but where will you be at the age of 65 ? It depends upon how you can answer the following question Are You Saving Systematically? One Dollar Opens A Savings Account With This Bank Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank Heppner, Oregon NORMAN'S ICE CREAM " Best in the West" Always ready to Serve TAKE A QUART HOME FOR LUNCH McAtee & Aiken A Bargain jf Taken at Once 640 acres, every foot in cultivation, all fenced good drilled well with plenty of water to ir rigate garden, four-room house, one-half mile from school, 11 miles from raihoad. Price OInly $20.00 an Acre. $2,000.00 down, Terms on Balance Roy V. Whiteis Fruits and Vegetables Fresh, Clean and Palatable. Fresh Shipments Received Daily. We Specialize in Things You like to Eat Fresh Strawberries Sam Hughes Co. Where Your Taxes Go How Uncle Sam Spends Your Money in Conduct . ing Your Business By EDWARD G. LOWRY Author "Washington CloM-Upe,' "Bankl and Financial System." etc. Contributor Political and Economic Articles to Leading Periodicals and a Writer of Recognised Authority on tba National Government' Boainasa Method. Copyright, We tern Newspaper Union . XXIIT. WHY GOOD MEN QUIT Go today Into the Treasury depart ment, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, or into any other establishment of the govern ment doing important technical work, and they will tell you that their chief difficulty Is to retain competent em ployees in the supervisory and tech nical positions. Their turnover is ab normally high in those positions. Every day men leave tiie service to accept private employment at ma terially increased salaries, so that the departments are continuously going through a process of selecting and training executives and technical em ployees, only to lose them, as they be come really valuable, on account of the inadequacy of their compensation. The second factor which contrib utes to the present ineffectiveness of the government as a business estab lishment is found In the improper or ganization of the executive branch of the government for effective service. You are familiar, at least in a general way, with the defects of the present administrative machinery. You know for example, that the In terior department now has jurisdiction over a great number of bureaus of a miscellaneous character that have nothing to do with each other or with the functions which the Interior de partment was originally established to perform. You know that many agencies have"1 been located in the Treasury depart ment, the great fiscal department of the government, which are purely non fiscal in character, such as the coast guard, the public health service, the supervising architect's office and the bureau of war risk insurance. You know that the great bulk of the civil public works of the govern ment are executed under the super vision of the War department, although the bureau of public roads is located In the Department of Agriculture, and the reclamation service in the Depart ment of the Interior. You know, furthermore, of the in dependent existence outside the juris diction of any of the great executive departments of some 40-odd boards, commissions, ollices and bureaus. These are merely examples of a con dition that would require volumes to describe fully, but it is generally known that the executive brunch of the government is at the present time 11 logically and uncconomically organ ized in many important particulars. It should be remembered, however, that even with an ideal personnel and a' perfect organization it is doubtful if the high degree of economy and elliciency that characterizes .private business can ever be attained in the government ollices. This is so because economies made by government ofli cials are not transformed into divi dends for themselves as they are in private business. There is an impression, in congress and throughout the country that men of great ability are not found in gov ernment service; that the salaries are not sutlicient to attract and hold them. On the contrary, there are a great many people of distinguished ability In the government service. One is more and more impressed by that fact, especially since the war sent to Wash ington so many men of large means and famous names with whom the government employees could be com pared. The comparison was time and again to the advantage of the govern ment employee. Iiut the salaries are not the attraction ; It is the work it self. Tills is well understood by some eminent observers of public life. Sec retary of Stale Hughes declared him self as follows before the advisory Committees of the war risk insurance bureau : It has been my experience t Im t with tile liiRher oniceiH. Uie olllc-ers of greater ilistiluikme, wheie uti'H'ncy is rewarded by public repreHcrilaliun while the ilelu 1h a limile'l one l,e au.se of the ircat op portunity to men of abililyit i.4 -still en tirely posHiljle to ury.w to the public wet'v i e moil of gie;it ability urci -lisuuct lun, be, aUKe of tbe deh.re to relcicr public r.TUie. anil tbe number of n:'.-n way ul avu.btble for tbl purpose, Mnile rela-Li-veJy fcinali, is fctill &uliirie1,t i( he ap pointing oltirer vam.y men of that class. In order to obtain thein, huwintr, be nniHt give a free h -Id, He mont not in terfere as to policial m-tion to control adniiiiisl: aiion tendi ii e-n and ni'ist. per mit, them If: be Kl'en tile repaid which & vudi-conduet,-,! otlbe of imp-uian e will ie to ilH ira uifibenl in toe public tuli inatiolt. Now the ufn. ulty increases v. hen you pawi tf o.ni huaii that K-t tiie Ucilt mid come to the technical expert nhu has Kot to do the reiiuur work aid upon whobe efficiency the operation of die de partment finally depends Tt,ene men are little known. The public haun t tune even to learn their names. They are interested In work to a deijree of beiritf willing to make sacrifices. There is active competition for men of brains and isn-at ability of that sort, and i the government will never b! served un less it pays the price for thoiw men. Now I think that Is a plain situation. You may be able to Ket a director in the bu- i reau of war risk irmuranee for iL un a ; Vear. r,r for nmhln f oil ..,, ...- ! not am an actuary, you cannot (jet In. suranre men. You rannot ret superin tendent. That would be my Judgment. R. Z. GROVE DEMIST Successor to R. J. Vaughn Permanently located In Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN' and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON Same E. Van Yaclor 11. 11. Butler Van VACTOR & BUTLER ATTORX E Y S-AT-I.AW Suite 304 First National Bank Bldg. THE DAI EES, OKKUOV. WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE INSURANCE Successors to C C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1,00 Over Case Furniture Co. WOODSON & SWEEK AT'rORXEYS-AT-IjAW Masonic Building HEPPNE-R, OREGON Hoppner ave You Ever Tried Calumet Baking Powder? If not why not give it a trial? GR9pIES! Like the "Ford" it is fool proof Phelps G Company SiiijMi H, ft IK I M w Send Your Own Check When you want to send money to dis tant points the most convenient way to do it is .to send a check. When you send a check by mail you insure yourself against loss. Payment on a lost check can: be stopped and a duplicate check issued. You lose nothing. , Ak m; We offer you the best of facilities for handling your checking account. We can give you prompt and efficient service. Your money is absolutely Isafc and still just as available as in your own pocket. We invite you, to open a checking ac count with us, and assure you that we will give you the best of service. First National Bank Heppner Ore. Herald Want Ada bring home the bacon. The price is about 40 per cent less than some other brands we sell and it is guaranteed to give you 100 per cent Satisfaction. 35c lb. roce iy 1 1