PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON k4, 1 1 4'P M': 6S "1 i Noted Men's Concert Group Coming to Chautauqua inSSSS R.m.rk.b., Cif.ed Haded Or,..i,..k, It ,b, N.w York Ci.. n L "SAL N0TICES Appear Here as Delightful rhnt r t . . o . enure on ine iasi uay Tuesday, June 13, 1923 CREDITOR'S NOTICE r IjOVtTS Of rfullv L'Ond rrlluln lmva o .rnl., j. i ,. . ... ew York musical n,.,S, ,t the ensemble effect i . ,.Tti o V . are a" 80,0 artlsts note in the GUY MARRINER7 PIANIST, IS " PROMISING FOREIGN ARTIST To Be Heard Here With Steelman. , Marriner-Taylor Trio. The New Zenlaridors are nafunilly a musical iconic. KiiriirishiL' s it may seem they have reached n liljrh Plate of iiuikIcmI development in this far-off corner of the world, and have liroduccd some very fine artists who In the County Court of Morrow county, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Nuncy M. Gentry, deceased. Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned, L. v. Gentry, has been amy appointed by the County Court or Aiorro-y County, Oregon, adminis trator of the Estate of Nancy M. Gentry, deceased, and has duly quali. tied for such trust. All persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, duly verified at my home on Hinton creek, near Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 23 day of May, 1922. L. V. GENTRY, ' Administrator. NOTICE POU rVBLICATIOX. ISOLATED TKACT Case Bus & Transfer Co. We Thank you for past patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. Our best service is for you. Leave orders at Case ' Furniture Co. or Phone Main 393 BAGGAGE. EXPRESS. FREIGHT COUNTRY TRIPS & GENERAL HAULING Rolled Barley Chancellor Bradf ord Will Point the Way Noted Speaker to Lecture at Chautauqua Will Give His Platform Classic, "This Way Up" i sm.vess on this side iffy "ms,. 4 ' i- 1 Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 18th, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Hnnirnisoinnor r,f tl,Q General Land office, under provisions Of Sec. 2455. R. S.. nnrsnnnt tn ,thc application of Oliver A. Devin, of Keppner, Oregon, Serial No. 021586, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.25 per acre, at 10:45 o'clock A. M., on the 11th day of July, 1922, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NE& NE&, Sec. 24, Tp 5 S..-R. 26 E.. W. M. This tract is ordered into the mar ket on a showine- that the s-rpntpr portion is mountainous and too rough ior cultivation. The sale will not be kept open, but win oe declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the hisrhest bid will he renntrort tn immediately pay to the Receiver the amuuuc inereoi. Anv persons clamine- adverselv the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. 5-10 T. C. QUEEN, Receiver. Think Eelskin Cures Rheumatism. It is a singular commentary on the many faiths and creeds and notions prevailing amid the uneducated of New fork and many of the educated, foi that mutter 1 that a certain fish prod uct should be on daily sale as a sup posed cure for rheumatism. This is the eelskin. It is sold In various sizes. The skin is tied around arm or elbow or wrist or ankle or thigh or elsewhere near the affected part. And there are those who swear by its effectiveness. Scientific American. I am prepared to furnish the finest quaity Rolled Barley at fair and honest prices. I also handle a complete line of gasoline Kerosine and Lubericating Oils. Satisfac tion to customers is my motto. PHONE Andrew Bycrs MAIN 733 I The Eats That are TREATS We make it our business to sell meats for eats that are real treats. And we don't comply with the) food laws because it is compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good service and fair treatment from merchants and professional men with whom we deal, and because we know it is our busi ness to sell only the best. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would lfke to see your meat order. r f$ tfa Central Market have met with of, the I'acille, Chautauqua folks will have oppor tunity to hear one of these young art ists, (luy Mim-iner, horn nml raised In New Zealand, will appear here as pianist w ith the Sleelinan Marriner Taylor Company, This ,yoiiii man has altraeted considerable intention nnioiur the musical people of New f hind, ami also Australia, where rjl'.aiit plimi)',' has stamped hlin V i young ai-lis! of rare talents. He Is making his mvoihI tour of the Paci fic ("oast states this summer. MARINES PJZZLE NEW YORK Queer Uniforms on "Le.ith ei necks" re.plex Experts of th M"tropcha. Somethhi:: with w!,i.-h even the war didn't familiar, lean public, or New York city, line IV-.pilo e li l.-ei-ain Anier :. I I. .i .1 I lie people of mii- Ihe III a.'ilhni ma til I he x aric.l t) pes of untf. Mies seen am1 not n u I. ,; a ;,.hi there woio ln;.h " II! Pl'ie s,t;i!v il.e i'ii. I Hint eirks" ahie to tell liiini. . Moo I alely Jil ,1 ,a 'or Ihe iv,-. nl II mufoi m haneellor George Henry liradford Is coming to Chautauqua. The mere announcement of his appearance Is usually sufficient to insure a capacity audi ence, for there is no abler lecturer on the American platform today "This YSay l'p," Chat Ilor liradford's masterpiece, is the theme which will inspire ( hanlauqiia patrons to the- higher and nobler things of life. lecture's success can he measured only by its results. It may entertain, educate, arouse the euiolions-hut its real value is the lasting effect which inspires to greater en.ieaxor. i ins way i p is a lecture which is meant for you. Hear Chan-1 icuur inaiiiorii on me nnn lilglll. 25 Cents out of every $1.00 You are now paying for insurance can remain in your pocket when you renew that Fire Insurance policy in the Oregon Fire Relief Assn. F . R Brown Agent For Morrow County Pho no Office (4 Ros. j)l-14. llqtpner, Or. in murium 1 1 mil man n m niimiiwM i -. HJi ' ' i.'l 1 . 1. ti. J'l i-.,I - vM.a,tf 1 M la Printing that Pleases - The Herald iti'S.A. nV '"S . jmi Jt l.-1'.uv - r-s w Cmal lues of Ihe I'.ra ,-. ail hallle .'lin.'s en aos nt H... New York . ay .11 .1 w as a s,.'i.i,-k to many ex peris. TI.e Po-i.-il :jii laai-'r.e and ihi're are oni a iViv i.f I linn, iimmihi.'!i a Pra -il I, -is 1. 111 one lar;:e l.a 1 1 lesfiip -is ilii-.,,t in H u,,,si unique iiml'onu. It Is a i-o!,.hoiiiM-ii ,. . -hanlVeur's lei; lihu.s. a v,., I, I litMaii.ler's l.onnel Willi the sir, amor-., ami a blouse of red. t'.i-hi, m-.l h:,,. il.;-t of a mounted , polleemao, an, I .!:m k trousers. The sinnnier dress n-.d aboard ihe buttle ship Is the same Mle, but In white drill cloth. Ken tie dwellem ahoiit Sands Ntreet and I liisluiiu umihu', who have i teen the dress of eery navy III the 1 world, wete rather irim lookini;. dark I lined men, who rarely left the navy ' yard, but could be seen Inside the UHles, Oct-;, lonally one would walk around the vui'd a hit, but they were ! not mini out ami iilon the streets .frequently. They finally discovered flint thcKo were the "leathernecks" ef ! Hindi. Now York Sun. No Disappointment "Always on Time" Unit's our Reputation Careful work long experience is at our sen ice when you Bring your Clothes to Us. Lloyd Hutchinson Clean lothes Un 3 ' S.VVs. -V s- jj vVsi - V I Any One Anywhere Any Time Forty-three years ago between San Francisco and San Jose the first long distance telephone line on the Pacific coast was constructed. Today every city, town and ham let has long distance service, and, more wonderful, long distance serv ice with practically the whole United States. The telephone directorv gives full information as to rates and classes of service available. Every Bell telephone is a Long Distance station. 0i h MA is) The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company i 1 1 i