THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, Jane Sr rg2? j"Turn to the Right" Play Really Powerful Sermon Case Bus & Transfer Co. Chautauqua Patron Vill Have Opportunity to Enjoy Greatest of American Comedies To Be Presented on Fourth Night by the Celebrated Keighley Players of New York Story Is Clean, Wholesome and Delightful We Thank you for past patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. Our best service is for you. Leave orders at Case rurniture Lo: or Phone Main 393 BAGGAGE. EXPRESS. FREIGHT. COUNTRY TRIPS & GENERAL HAULING Rolled Barley PAGE FOUR J am j H wljji s.''H',Jr yMTf' I am prepared to furnish the finest quaity Rolled Barley at fair and honest prices. I also handle a complete line of gasoline Kerosine and Lubericating Oils. Satisfac tion to customers is my motto. Andrew Bycrs PHONE MAIN 733 i IfH a fmuiliur sum in fverv citv, town and hamlet in the country today, its a danr signal that raifjlit well be applied in traveling along life s high- 1 ways and byways, too. Incidentally, It's the central theme in America's greatest comedy, wmen, paradoxical as it may seem, is also one of Aiurfim fc're.test j nermons. Maybe dial's oiiireason'for its tremendous popularity.. It's clean, wholesome, delightful, and it's a story that pets close to everyone's heart, for I It lias to do with the redemption of an erring boy. Yes, "Turn to the Right" is coming to Chautauqua. It will be produced by the Keighley Broadway 1 I'lavers. Mr. Jim Keighley is one of the best known of nil actor-producers in New York. Through his professional standing he is enabled to secure the i greatest plays while they are still at the height of popularity. Dramatists and authors permit him to produce their efforts, for they know that the presenta- tlon will be standard in every way. Mr. Keighley will be remembered as the producer of the last year's Chautauqua play, "It Pays to Advertise, which ! wade such a decided impression with the Chautauqua patrons here a year ago. Mr. Keighley has given most careful attention to the selection of a capable ! cast to handle the dillicult roles in "Turn to the Right" and has chosen some excellent players to handle these roles. DR. DE VILBISS IS NOTED NEW YORK PHYSICIAN CKKIHTOIt'S XOTK'K Chautauqua Lecturer li Prominent on New York Board of Health. lr. I.ydlu Allen PeVilbiss, noted !Npv York physician, will discuss the most important business of all "The Business of Living" before Chautau qua patrons here on the fourth after- 3 In tlie County Court of Morrow county, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Ni'.ncy M. Gentry, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, L. V. Gentry, hp.s been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, adminis trator of the Eslate of Nancy M. Gentry, deceased, and lu'S duly quali fied for such trust. All persons holding claims against said eslate are hereby notified to present I lie same to me, duly verified at my home on Hinlon creek, near Ileppnor, Oregon, within six months from the date of I he first .publication of tills not ice. Daled and first published Ibis 23 day of .May, !)22. L. V. G KXTKY, '1-8 i Administrator. oi k io 1 01; iTitue viioN. ISOI,.Ti:i Tl!.( T ' l'ulilic Land Sab-. Department of In- interior, 1'. 8. Land Office at. The ; Hallos, Oregon, May IStli, 1!)22. NOTICE is hereby given that, is directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to 'the application of Oliver A. Devin, of Heppner, Oregon, Serial No. 021586, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at. not less than $3.25 per acre, at' 10:45 o'clock A. M., on the 11th day of July, 1922, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NK NE , Sec. 2 4, Tp, 5 S It. 26 E W. M. This tract is ordered into the mar ket on a showing that the greater portion is mountainous and too rough for cultivation. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at. the hour named have ceased bidding,. The person making the highest, bid will lie required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claming adversely the above described land are advised to tile their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. 5-10 T. C. QUEEN, Receiver. i,i. i: iI'i:k iti:i'iti:si:Ts mm: town Pilot Rock Record stiowed enter prise by getting out an Election Spe- lioen. Dr. DeVUbiss is well known as the mi. li, id c.IUiu' or Hie lietter l'.abies' Department fur ,lie Woman's) iloliie I miipiiiiiiiii, and us ;Vsisianl ill leilur of Hie Division for ''liilil lly l ii'iie for ilie New York l'i ;iai'tmcnt of Public lleiillli. In l!M:i ;,1ic was ii poiiilo.l lo (he I'niled Sl.Hes I'ubllo II. ,,1'h Service. IMSSST CN "LirE FOR LIFE" Fell Bros. AUTO REPAIR SHOP , Fords a Specialty -OIL AND REAR GREASE "NoNock" Bolts cial Saturday morning following elec tion for which it is to be commended. As a matter of fact Pilot Rock shows evidence of being the best newspaper town of its size in Oregon; every issue of the Record' showing a'splen did advertising patronage from local business men. Newspapers can help to make a town but they cannot do much along that line without the sup port of the business community, and that the Record seems to have in good measure. i Evolution of Writing. The earliest Greek inscriptions were writ l en from right to left. Next came the method called "bousthophedon," In which the written lines run alternately from left to right, or vice versa. Last ly, writing from left to right became universal. The Eats That are TREATS We make it our business to sell meats for eats that are real treats. And we don't comply with the! food laws because it is compulsory we do Jt because we want, aod expect to get good service and fair treatment from merchants and professional men with whom we deal, and because we know it is our busi ness to sell only the best. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. "We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would lfke to see your meat order. Central Market N.ttivei of New Guoiea Cannot Bo Reasoned Out of Custom Ei L.jiisiifJ Lcrvj Ago. Par in the mountain fas! uesses of New Guinea our part) cuuie upon a liPle huddle of hills thai appeared de-iTlid, writes Temple Mannuu ill the Cleveland l'i, mi Mealer. I'Apeil cine bad laiu'.hl its caution. we wailed until ni) Impatience led me to advance with one of cur hearers. In Maml an n tito iitu tiling happened. 1 ictu the pettiest lull three natives Hicia;ei, crawling mi llu ir hands and Mice... stoiil'iii evcrv feu (ect to l.neck their heads upon tin' ground, j I seen ilUcuvcied Ilie reason. I was the It: si v Idle man lhc ever sci n. 1 ef davs I hey would not permit i,. p leave. ,l last, vvlieti v e insist id mi parting, mv of llicm loincd our .a!) to aci .iiupany us lo lite coast. ! .verv iliiiii; went .sinnotlu) until one 1 Hem fell into a simmi and was drowned. II. s tribesmen upproiu lied ' us t!iic,iieiiiii:l) ; (hey held us lespeu sdile for IP.' mini's death. Tiiev wiiiled and demanded piivmcul. We tillered (belli uiinlels, colored dishes tiiid cloths, hut I hey weuld not be appeased. They wauled u life for a ltle. As Quickly an we could we made ihe nearest coast settlement, eiu lunked upon n "prim" and went back tv civilization. Later 1 learned thai, utter Ihe Invariable custom of their race, the dead man's brother luiliR about (he iwnl until he had killed a while man. His hrother'n death was avenged k iruder hud paid the price. 25 Cents out of every $1.00 You are now paying for insurance can remain in your pocket when you renew that Fire Insurance policy in the Oregon Fire Relief Assn. F. R Brown Agent For Morrow County Phone -Ol'l'ice 6-!, Res. J0P14. Ilenpner, Or. !) 1 No Disappointment "Always on Time" That's our Reputation Careful work Long Experience is at your service when you Bring your Clothes to Us. Lloyd Hutchinson Glean lothes lean 1 "Thank You This acknowledgment of a courtesy or service is somehow the satisfactory end of a transaction. Both parties are pleased and the relations of the moment, however unimportant, are more hap pily closed. There is no occasion when an effort made for the comfort or convenience of others is not worth a "thank you.'' In the daily routine of telephone operations, where the saving of time is the great considera tion, the opportunity of expressing an apprecia tion of a service rendered seldom aiises. But remember that the telephone operator is human. Courtesy to her meaaj more cheerful ness in her work. It will be reflected in your own self-satisfaction. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company vA L I111 Stim y