Tuesday, May 30, 1922 : THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON IS L t" j ! 5 .J. 4 ! FANCY WORK i . j i'KOFESSlOXAL CARDS .J. j, 4 ACT COVERS o O I 1 CD D SPLENDID IINE JUST RECEIVED AT CASH VARIETY STORE Where You Get Big values for little money Helen V. Smith Prop. HEPPNER, OREGON. Where wiH You , be ' At 65? ' ' Out'of 100 average men, at the age of 25 II 54 Will be Dependent on Others 36 will be'dead 5 Will be working for a bare living I 4 Will be well to do I 1 Will be Wealthy You may be one of the hundred today, . but where will you be at the age of 65 ? j It depends upon how you can answer jj the following question Are You Saving Systematically? One Dollar Opens A Savings Account With This Bank Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank Heppner, Oregon NORMAN S ICE CREAM "Best in the West" Always ready to Serve TAKE A QUART HOME FOR LUNCH McAtee & Aiken A Bargain if Taken at Once 640 acres, every foot in cultivation, all fenced good drilled well with plenty of water to ir rigate garden, four-room house, one-half mile from school, 11 miles from raihoad. Price OInly $20.00 an Acre. $2,000.00 down, Terms on Balance Roy V. Whiteis Fruits and Vegetables Fresh, Clean and Palatable. Fresh Shipments Received Daily. We Specialize in Things You like to Eat Fresh Strawberries Sam Hughes Co. The following article ia taken from the Extension Service News, published by the Extension Service of the Oregon Agricultural College, and will .be of interest to employers of farm labor: i'Tb.e farmers of the state may not generally know. that, finder a decision bf the Oregon supreme court made in April, 1917, they are subject to the operation of the Employers Liability Act .with practically file sapie effect as any of the most hazardous occu pations. It was' decided In that case that an injured farm hand had a right of action for damages against his employer even though there was a contributors! negligence on his part. "The knowledge of this condition has caused maritf farmers throughout the state to embrace! the protection afforded by the Oregon Compensation Law as administered by the State In dustrial Accident Commission, which is a state institution not operated for profit, but for the benefit of Oregon citizens and which furnishes a guar antee to the employer against law suits. "An employer who is operating un der the Industrial Accident Commis sion pays a certain percentage or h payroll into the state fund, his work ers each contributing one cent a day to the same fund. When accident happens and a workman is injured he is entitled to medical attention and care, lalso compensation for loss of time, and in such cases of accident, as result in death, the widow and children or other dependents receive substantial relief, the widow for all her life, unless she remarries, and the children to the age of 16 years. "All this is paid from the contri buted funds, the beneficiary requir ing no lawyers or other costly agen cies to obtain it and the employer being relieped of legal liability. "All this is done at the lowest pos sible expense because the Industrial Accident Commission is a state fun ctionary, existing and operating, not for profit, but for service to the whole people. "Farmers who may feel interested in, the matter can obtain all particu lars and instructions by applying to the Commission at Salem." MISS EDNA H.U-MAX Gl'KST OK HU.MJU AT SHOWKIt PARTY ! Mrs Edna Viola Bauman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Bauman, of near Lexington was the "guest of hon or at a bride's shower party given at Lexington last Tuesday evening with Mesdames Ray White and'Ralnh Jackson as hostesses. Miss Bauman was maried last Sunday morning to Mr. Walter L. Lyons, of Portland. 1 The party was given in Leach hall, at Lexington, which vas beautifully decorated for the occasion, the color scheme being orange and white and, carrying out the same idea, the re freshments consisted of oranges, ice cream and cake. Many beautiful and costly presents were showered on the bride-to-be and the occasion was a most happy one. m Mrs. Pylo was in from Parkers Mill Saturday arranging for a big cel ebration at that place July 2, 3, 4 and 5. Dr. Hayden, of Monument, was a guest at the Patrick Wednesday evening. SKVEX WO.MHX DK UVX OX Jl KY l'AMX A panel of 31 jurors has been drawn for the coming term of cir cuit court which will convene hero on Monday, June I2th, of which seven are women. Following is the list: Hiatt, Elma Heppner, housekeeper. Pringle, Joseph, Lexington, farmer. Linn, P. J., lone, drayman. Gammell, Robert, Heppner, farmer. 'Moore, A. M., lone, mechanic, i Wright, Raymond, Hardman, farmer. Burnside, George, Hardman, farmer. Akers, Fred, Eightmile, farmer. Cork, Marion, Hardman, farmer. Johnson, Nels M., lone, farmer. Anderson, Leonard, Gooseberry, far. Parker, Frank S., Heppner farmer. ' Akes, Fred,' Eightmile, farmer. ' Hager, Lula, Heppner, housekeeper. Minor, W. O. Heppner, retired. Sibley, Jos., Lexington, farmer. Carmlchael, park G. Lexington, far. Robison, Harriet J., Eightmile, lioune keeper. Johnson, J. R. Boardman, farmer. Pomeroy, Elmer, Lexington, farmer. Davis, Clark T., Lexington, farmer. Forbes, Oliver D., lone, merchant. Ruhl, Otto, Lexington, farmer. Klncald, Clara, lone, houskeeper. Rippee, T. W., Lena, farmer. Hill, Nellie, Lexington, housekeeper. Whiteis, Anna D., Heppner, house keeper. Benge, Ella, H,eppner, housekeeper. Beamer, W. J. Heppner, drayman. Kirk, Merl, Lexington, farmer. VAUGHAN & GROVE DENTISTS Permanently located In Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURtlQ . PHYSICIAN aa$ SURGEON Telephone. 122 Ofnce Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN " LAWYER Office Phone Main 6 43 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON Same E. Van? Varol ii. II. Butler Van VACTOR & BUTLER ATTORX EY S-AT-LA W Suite 305 First National IJiuik Bldg. THE DALLES, OliEGOX. WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner Have You Ever Tried Calumet Baking Powder? . If not why not give it a trial? Igeooiesi! 1 Like the "Ford" it is fool proof 35c lb. helps Grocery Company y'sf.il pi am hli n nir v Baamwiririt maga Safety and Convenience - Do you know that nine-tenths? of the business of the United States is done by some form of check? This convenient condition is possible because the banking system of this country has been placed on such a safe basis that corporations and individuals have faith in it. The welfare ,of the banks de pends in a large measure upon maintaining this confidence. ( A checking account with this bank is an absolutely safe proposition. Your1 money is safer than it is in your pocket and your check is as good as your money in any busi ness transaction. We shall be pleased to have you open a checking account with 'us. You will find your account to be a means to safety and convenience. First National Bank Heppner Ore. Korald Want Ads bring home the bacon. The price is about 40 per cent less than some other brands we sell and it is guaranteed to give you 100 per cent Satisfaction. FFDEUAL REieRVrJ