Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 30, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, May 30, 1922
Mr. and Mrs. James Carter have
jxeturned from Pendleton where he
Tecently underwent an operation for
i mastoid trouble which was entirely
1 successful. Mr .and Mrs. Carter
speak in highest terms of the skill of
-Dr. Boyden who performed the op
eration and of the care and attention
; given the patient by the sister nurses
of St. Anthony hospital.
Yesterady was a losing day for the
Heppner ball team. They lost the
umpire; they lost their pitcher, who
got a broken arm; they lost the game
to Condon to a 6-13 score. Wise
ones say it will be different today. A
new pitcher arrived last evening.
The Famous
S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, I'ostolfic; as second-class Matter
Terms of Subscription
One Year $2.00
Six Months .' $1.00
Three Months $0.50
J J J J j J J J
r " !
J J J J J vj J J J
Harotit Afialt, Kovernmnnt trapper,
niitit ttift iwSK end fa !tlie lone dist
rict. ' '"' t. . . . i-r
W, G. HynrJ and brother Dave, of
Rami Holiow, 'orient the , week end
with friends'in Cecil. ' "
Walter Pope and J. Peterson, of
The WMloyrrWere looking' up ; theiT
fiio.nds arouhif Ce'oM on1 Sunday..
Mr. and Mrs'. H. If. Tyler and chtld-J-n,
of Ithea and also Mr. and Mrs.
Zennith Lojranj'of Fourmile, ' were
'visitors at the hiitrie of Mr. and His.
Kverett I,or;ah in Cecil on Sunday.
Mists Eleanor Funiey and her pu
jnils of the Cecil Hchool Rave a short
program at the closing oil their school
.Friday evening which was thoroughly
enjoyed hy a large number of friends.
After the program, through the
-absence of the chairman, Mr. A. Hen-
.'irickscn filled (lie vacancy with honors
and a ceiigntful evening .was scent.
VThe young people enjoying them-
j'HelVeg imrnenBely" with all sorts of
'games, ice creatn, cakes and coffee
were served during tile evening.. '
' Migs Furney left on the local Sat
urday morning for Pendleton, ' The
Dalles and Portland 'to ' visit with
friends before-going oh' to' her home
at Astoria.' " ' ' '
We offer our congratulations to
Mildred Duncan and Jackie Hynd
who (succeeded' in winning their
eighth grade diplomas.
Hay Rogers and Burrel Gurdane
accompanied hy Misses Odile Gr6shen
and Isabel Wilson all from Heppner,
made a short visit with' Mis'. T. H.
Lowe al The Highwa;' House on Sun
day, before leaving for Arlington.
The ladies were taking lessons on
"How to Shoot Squirrels with both
eyes open." We heard the gentle
men declare that they will give no
more lessons this season for by the
time they reached home they were
quite exhausted and were certainly
witter but sadder men.
No Disappointment
"Always on Time"
That's our Reputation
Careful work
Long Experience is at your service when you
Bring your Clothes to Us.
Lloyd Hutchinson
icre they
TJie Eats That are
We make it our business to sell meats for eats that are real
treats. ' Aod1 we dbfl't coiiiply with the rood laws because it is
compulsory we do it because we want, and expect'to get 'good
service and fair treatment from merchants and '"' professional
men with whom we deal, 'and because we know it is our busi
ness to "selfonljr tne best. -j '
' ! .,-!.. .. ,
For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no
matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang
ed to fill ail orders and would lfke to see your meat order.
An An An An
Central Market
We can outfit you with ehing
modem in Ha ! jiwtfcgg Mach
inery, made by a company of long
established reputation for pro
during Machinery of merit.
Dain Mowers
Side Delivery Rakes
Self Dump Rakes, Buck Rakes, Stackers and
all other necessary May-making
25 Cents out of every $1.00
You are now paying for insurance can remain
in your pocket when
you renew that Fire Insurance
policy in the
Oregon Fire Relief Assn.
F. R Brown Agent For Morrow County
Phone Office 642, Res. 29F14. Heppner, Or.
Peoples Hdw. Co.
Printing that Pleases - The Herald
IlKtVARI) Ol'I'KKKI) iov relum or
ladies watch stolen recently from
owners home. A small jrol 1 watdi,
rinsed fua', gold fob altael.eil.
4-f!il W. P. LEATHKKM.-.'
m tJ m X ! tl . 0d
s. mmmmmm
liuy jr om merchants -who
display this sign.
Merchants who display this sign
rocoiumi'iiil Oregoii Quality Roods.
Tlu-y k mi in nt co tho morchiiiullat they
w'U. Tliry ari community upbuildei .
They merit your jiatronano.
JF EVERY resident of Oregon
diverted 50 cents a day of
his or her present normal ex
penditure to the purchase of
Oregon-made products the im
mediate result would be:
25,000 more people employed
in Orccgon industries.
SMOWAV increase in annual
. payrolls of the staff
$120,000,000 increase in vcarlv
output of Oregon factories.
Insist upon Orog-on-nuule pnuhti'ts
They successtullv compete with the world's
Ihlv Oreyuu nunle o-oods on MKRIT.
Ous hall dollars will build a greater
Send for directory of product manu
factored in Oregon. Refer to itwhen
you make your purchase
Associated Industries of Oregon
702 Oregon Building, Portland, Oregon
"rrsL'i-:x ,' - --H'7vir
II VWWWV.WXWvX.-iSVX f i lit M mt I HH SVX J
II ', I UI V
I ir
The tire section above at the left shows
the condition of a Firestone 33x4 Cord
Tire after 20,931 miles on a Yellow Cab
in Chicago.
The section at the right was cut from
a new Cord of the same size. Careful
measurements show that only 13 of the
tread of the tire on the Yellow Cab has
been worn away after this long, gruelling
test. The carcass is intact after more
than 11,000,000 revolutions.
Firestone Cords have averaged over
10,000 miles on Chicago Yellow Cabs
(1,200 cabs all Fire
stone equipped). In
thousands of in
stances, tjiey have
t A CC given from 15,000 to
1 1 a 2 30'000 miles-'
r Look at the tread
scientifically angled
against skid, massive
30! 3 '-i FABRIC
30 x 3 size SS.95
KffeiiV lit JO
and heavy in the center where the wear'
comes, tapered at the edges to make
steering easy and to protect the carcass
against destructive hinging action of
high tread edges. The carcass is air bag
expanded to insure uniform tension and
paralleling of every individual cord. It
is double "gum dipped" to make sure
that each cord is thoroughly insulated
with rubber.
This is the reason why Firestone
Cords unfailingly deliver extraordinary
mileage. It explains the unanimous de
mand of thoughtful
tire buyers for these
values. The local
Firestone dealer will
continue to provide
the personal service
that makes Firestone
tire comfort and econ
omy complete.
T' T.
30 x 3 size 57.99 PT
""' Urn Tw