Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 23, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, May 23, 1922
S. A. PATH SON, Editor and Publisher
Enter id at the Htppnr, Oregon, Postoffici as second-class Matter
Terms of Subscription
One Year $2.00
Six Months $1.00
Three Months $0.50
.J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. I Mr- and Mrs. William Becson, of
.j. I Canby, who have been visiting vith
( PPPTT .j.Mr. and Mrs. George Henrlcksen of
. (Strawberry ranch, returned home
" ttTi Wednesday accompanied by Mrs.
V V v r V v V I ieorge Henricksen ,and MlBS Annl9
. Dorlg Logan spent a few daya in
Ueppuer this week 'looking up her
Hynd, of Butterby Flats.
Joe White, of the Willows, wag a
Cecil caller Tuesday.
Miss Ruby Corrigal, of Heppner
was a Cecil caller oil Friday.
Crystal Roberts was a business
caller1 in Cecil Friday.
Miss Violet Hynd spent a few days
at her home in Sunny Cecil this
Mra. F. Tolleson and children of
Heppner visited with Mrs. Jack
Hynd. Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. Hershal Coy, of lone and A. C.
Hynd, of Cecil took in theballgame
at Arlington Sunday.
Al Henricksen spent a few days
in Pendleton this week.
Grover Curtis was a Cecil caller on
Dick Logan, one of Ione's high
school students, spent the weelt end
at his home near Cecil. He had to
com,e down to see how ,hls father's
crops were progressing.
Mr. and Mr3. George Thomson t.nd
sons of Heppner were looking tip
their Cecil friends on Sunday.
Homer Nash, of The Dalles, was
looking up 'his Cecil pals on Friday.
Miss Edith Swick, of Rhea Siding
was the week end guest of Miss
Grace Palmiteer of Fourmile.
Mrs. George Krebs of the Last
Camp ranch returned home Saturday
after spending a few days in Hepp
ner with friends.
A number of Cecilites took in the
hard time dance in lone on Saturday.
All report having the time of their
Charles Blackert- who has been
visiting in Idaho for the past few
months returned to the home of A.
Henricksen on Wednesday declaring
that Sunny Cecil is hard to beat .
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hardesty and E.
B. Gordon, of Morgan visited with
Mrs. Henry Streeter on Friday.
Jack Hynd made a hurried trip to
the county seat on Saturday.
Members of the Oregon Coopera
tive Grain Growers asociation of Mor
row county held their, annual meet
ing last Saturday when delegates to
represent this county at the state
convention at Portland June 16th
were chosen.
A total of 93 votes were cast at
Saturday's meeting with the follow
ing result: ,
Howard Anderson, of Heppner, 74.
Ralph Benge, of Heppner, 44. Joe
Devine, of Lexington, 46. Jeff Jones
of Heppner, 32. H. M. Olden, of
lone, 41. Henry Smouse, of lone 40.
Anderson, Devine and Benge hav
ing received the highest number of
votes, were declared elected to attend
the Portland meeting where the
board of directors for the association
shall be elected to serve for the en
suing year.
Morrow county has had two direc
tors the past year but may have only
one the coming year for the reason
that a new district in the Willamette
valley has been able to show a suffi
cient ibushelage to entitle it to a di
rector. Members of the .association who
were here Saturday expressed them
selves as well plessed with the suc
C3s of the organization during its
first year of existence.
Bob Alstott jr. who operates a big
wheat ranch In Eightmlle, was a vis-,
itor in town Sunday evening.
ore Than a Quarter Dollars
Worth for
Ml ri
24 Rousing Monday bargains that mean real "money-in-your-pocket" savings for you. It pays big to shop here.
Pink Back-Fastening Bandeaux
Honeycomb Mesh and Novelty Cloth
Brassiere, with tape Shoulder straps
greatly reduced for Monday's selling to 25c each
Half Sox for Children
Mercerized, vari-colored half sox
in all sizes. Buy them Monday, 29th
at 25c instead of regular price.
Large size Wash cloths Men's Hose, Med. Weight Remnants, Wash Goods
(nod quality wasli eloths'with pink
mi- blue edges.
I'or Monday Only at 3 for 25c
Cap-shape Hair Nets
Large size single inosh hair nets in all
.-hacks. Wry special while they last
5 for 25c
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
Ladies fancy white handkerchicl s
with white and colored embroidery,
priced Monday Only at 25c Each
i Evcrlastik for ladies garters
Carter elastic in 4 yard lengths. Art
.silk in imilt i color.-,.
Specially priced lor Monday at 25c
Shirting and Chamhray
A f 'v pieces of striped shirtings and
plain 1 hambravs for Monday's selling at
25c a Yard
Strictly first class hose in brown and
black. Monday only 2 pair for 25c
Soap - Soap - Soap
Don't overlook this bargain of soap.
More than a quarter dollars worth 1
for 25c
Children's Hair Ribbon
A few' pieces of colored hair ribbon,
the value is exceptional Monh.y
at 25c the Yard
Ladies', Childrens Shoelaces
These shoe laces are regular stock of
different lengths, brown and black.
Specially priced Monday at 3 pr. for 25c
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
100 ladies handkerchiefs at 5 for 25c.
Are vou one of the lucky jo who will
lake advantage of this. ?
Only one assortment to a customer.
A table of all kinds of remnants in
wash goods awaits your approval
at 25c a Yard
Women's Cotton Vests
These are in bodice top and Y-neck
styles. All sizes especially priced for
Monday at 25c Each
Old lot Women's Haircombs
Ladies and Misses side and back
combs. All styles.
Buy them Monday at 25c Each
Curtain Material
This is a real bargain, the yardage is
limited.'while it lasts.
25c a aYrd
Children's Cotton Hose
lilack cotton hose for children a few
only. Monday 25c a Pair
Childern's hairbow fastener
In silver and gold, plain or flowered,
these are priced for Monday at only
3 for 25c
Canvas Gloves
A few pair only while they last. For
Monday's sale 2 for 25c,
Men's Handkerchiefs
These come in sanitary packages.
Don't overlook this bargain.
3 for 25c
Children's Garters
Elastic garters for .children in black
and white. All sizes. 25c a Pair.
"Aladdin" Dye Soap
Dye Soaps in all colors. Monday's
pecial 3 bars for 25c
"Colors as it Cleans"
Ladies - - -
Black Patent Strap Pumps
Special Price
Men - Women - Children
Canvas Shoes
White - Brown - Black
A full range of sizes
You Will Find These Bargains in the Balcony at Our New Store