Tuesday, May 16, 1922 PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON LOCAL NEWS ITEMS j. J I Z J ! I I- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beymer went lo Portland Thursday for sever., days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes of Lone Rock, were registered at the Patrick last Friday evening, i Mr. andiMrs. Bert Stone were in Portland the past week where he was receiving some medical treatment. C. C. Anderosn, of te Columbia Batfn Wool Warehouse, was a busi ness visitor here during' the week. Mr .and Mrs. Andrew Rood jr. have moved to the Walter Hood house on Terrace heights in the BOuth part of town. Henry Schultz, who recently pur chased the business of R. M. Hart and Vf. W. Hammer, is here this week and is invoicing his stock. Jack Howard, of lone was in (own Satnrdny getting a line on the poli tical situation, lather, that is the reason Sam Notson given for him be ing here. A. L. Larson, who teaches school on llutier creek w.is in town riainr day getting some squirrel poison. Mr. Larson has made up his mind that either he or the squirrels are going to leave and he doesn't propose to do go until he gets ready. Kd Reitman.'well known wheat far mer north of lone, was in town yes terday. Ho Hays the wheat Is begin ning to grow since the' advent of warm weather and the outlook for a good crop is quite 'favorable. DISTRIBUTOR WANTKD Fo r Morrow county by one of the tour leading tire manufacturer:) of Akron. , Address C. V. Hemic! t, Factory rep resentative, G54 Alder street, Port land, Oregon, if Interested advising tired now handled, if any, and sales last year. All replies treated con fidentially. 3-4 A marriage license was issued yes terday to Charles F. Groom and Etta doom, both of Heppner, and the happy couple were married the same evening by Judge Coniett. Mr. Groom is the new .forest ranger in charge of j the station near Parkers Mill, where lie succeeds Roy Langdon who lias j resigned from the service. Mr. and i Mr. (Jroimi will spend the summer In this vicinity. Louis E. Tlean, candidate for the nomination for governor, was a visi tor in Heppner (luring the week ill the interest of his campaign. Mr. Henn I making a vigorous campaign, Ilia platform culling for reduction of the tax burden, elimination of use less ommiKsions and the enactment of 11 fitii'c income tax. Ho also lUVT better distribution of the tax burden, pointing out that at present $1,000, 000,000 worth of property in Ore gon carries all of the tax burden while $1,000,000,000 worth of wealtii escapes all taxes. Ed Huston drove to Portland Wed nesday in response to a telegram ad vising him of the serious illness of his son, John W. Huston, at Good Samaritan hospital. Mr. Huston, who is a medical student and has been acting as Interne at the hospi tal the past winter, Is suffering from form of kidney trouble and it was thought for several days that an op eration would be necessary but his condition beng improved Sunday morning, the operation was post poned. Mr. Huston sr., returned to Heppner Sunday evening and expects to hear of. his son's continued 1m-provemet. .j. -j. .j. .j. .t, .j. .j. .j. .j. .j. .j. CECIL 4 j 4 '4 I I I I 4 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and family of Rhea Siding were I week end visitors in lone. Mrs. George Noble and Johnnny Shufelt of Rhea were transacting business in Cecil on Friday. Cecil was well represented at the county seat this week. Jack Hynd and son, Herbert, A. Henrieksen and Henry Krebs were tfaking in thb sights. Miss Eleanor Furney, of Butterby Flats, visited at the BusyiBee ranch, the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Dun can, on l Saturday. Frank Gilliam accompanied by C. C. Patterson and S. E. Notson, of Hepuutr, were seen driving around funny Cecil on Tuesday. Mrs. Hazel Logan, of lone visited with MisslOlive Logan on Saturdvy. E. P. Dodd ,of Hermiston, who it limning for Joint representative called in 'Cecil Wednesday while on Mb way to Heppner. Miss Elma Rufener, of Hilleboro arrived in Cecil Friday and will visit . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Krebs of the Last Camp, for an in definite time. j H. Harbison, of Morgan, was a Cecil caller Thursday. Three large bands of ewes and j lambs belonging to Smythe Bros., of 1 Arlington, pased through Cecil this i week on their1 way to the mountains, j Everett Logan, of Cecil was a I business man in Arlington Wednes , day, Herbert iHynd and Annie C. Hynd of Butterby Flats and Mrs. Roy Scott of The Lookout, were calling on Mrs. George Henrieksen of, Strawberry ranch on Sunday. A. Henrieksen left for Portland on Thursday, ha was accompanied as far as Arlington by Mrs. A. HenricTcsen and son Oral. J. J. McEntire, of Killarney, trans acted business in Heppner during the week. We understand John sold his wool while in town, so therefore is wearing a big smile these days. Constable John has left the vicin ity for a few days, so the mayor has his hands full watching all the young folks. Willie Ahalt who has been plowing for Leon Logan left for Heppner on Friday. , W. G. Scott, of Lexington, wa A PRACTICAL MAN FOR A PRACTICAL JOB WILLFM A. DALZIEL Republican Candidate for Labor Commissioner Primaries May 19, 1922 31 Years in Oregon 10 Years Depiityl l.alHir Commissioner, Under Mr. Hoff in Eastern Oregon. 18 Years t Practical Mechanic. I have known Mr. Dalziel for many years, both person ally and in his official capacity, and can give him my unre stricted recommendation. Truly "A PRACTICAL MAN FOR A PRACTICAL JOK." Cecil visitor Thursday. Mrs. Everett Logan and Mrs. Jack Hynd called on Mrs. George Krebs during the week. Herman Havecost was looking up his Cecil friends on Sunday. BACCALAUREATE SERMON Members of the class of '22, Hepp ner high school, were honored guests at the Federated church last Sunday evening when Rev. W. O. Livingstone delivered the baccalaureate sermon to the class. The church was. beautified with many flowers and a large and appre ciative congregation filled he edifice. SPRAY FOR WORMS SOON All those 'who desire to have their apples free from worms should pre pare to give them the first spray about the timeithat the last petals fall. They will need another spray ing about the middle of July or when ever the second generation of codling moth appears. Arsenate-of-lead should be used, putting two poundslof arsenate-of-lead to 100 gallons of water, the July spray will still beistronger. J. O. Hager is operating the County spraying outfit and those small or chard ists should arrange with Mr. Hager to get their spraying done. Gilliam & Bisbee have consented to handle the arsenate-of-lead and those owning their own spray outfits MOTHERS DAY FITTINGLY OB SERVED : "Mothers Day" was fittingly ob served at the Federated church, mem bers of the Sunday School having prepared a splendid program for the occasion. The church was hand somely decorated and a large congre gation was present to enjoy the inter esting exercises. FATROX TEACHERS HOLD LAST MEETING OF SEASON The last meeting of the Patron Teacher association for the present school year, was held at the school house last Tuesday with a good at tendance. Prof. James gave a re sume of the school work for the past year and C. E. Woodson, chairman of the school board, gave a statement of the financial condition and resources of the district, both of. which were in teresting. Routine business was disposed of and the following officers were elec ted for the ensuing year: Mrs. Jeff Beyemer, president; Miss Quisen berry, vice-president; Miss Fahy, secretary; Mrs. S. W. Pruyn, treasurer. HALL TEAM WILL CilVE DANCE SATURDAY MGHT I (Paid Advertisement 11. (i. SKiSUEE I Manager Van Marter announces that the Heppner ball club will give a dance in the pavilion Saturday, May 20th, the proceeds going to the treasury of the club. Good music will be on hand and every attention will bo given those who attend to in sure a pleasant evening. Tickets will be offered for sale in advance and whether you dance or not you should buy one. A dollar invested in the ball club will help buy more than 100 cents worth of real sport during the coming weeks. s! ' a 5t JOSEPH T.HINKLE Republican Candidate for 19tli Sena torial District, Comprising' I'niatilia, Union and Morrow Counties. PRIMARY ELECTION MAY 10, 1922 Reduce Taxes by cutting donln expen ses. KnpiKirt the schools with M Hinge Tux. Maintain present plan of highway anil market road construction. Fewer mid simpler laws. ....Faithful aliid consistent sendee to all parts of the district. Taxpayer In all three count ies GOOD RECORD IN LEGISLATIVE SESSION of 1913-1915 Paid Advertisement Merchants who display this ,sin recommend Oregon Quality merchandise. They are active co operators in the upbuilding1 of a greater state.. .They guarantee the goods they sell. lUiy ( h ogon-made products. Buv them mi MKR1T. Konn t ho habit of looking- for the Associated Industries sign and saying, "(live me an Oregon brand." Hy acquiring this habit you are sure of quality merchandise. You art helping the industrial expansion of your community. You are help ing yourself to greater prosperity. liny Where You See The Associated Industries Sign Write for handy directory of Oregon product!. Refer to it when you buy. The Associated Industries of Oregon 702 Oregon Building, Portland, Oregon. STAR THEATRE Program May 18th to May 24th THURSDAY "THE SPOILERS" and Harold Lloyd Comedy FRIDAY Louise Glaum in "I AM GUILTY." and "THE SKIPPERS FLIRTATION ' SATURDAY Bebe Daniels in "TWO WEEKS WTH PAY." SUNDAY MONDAY Priscilla Dean in 'REPUTATION" , TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Winifred Westover in "ANX OP LITTLE SMOKY." SEE OUU PRINTED PROGRAMME FOR DESCRIPTION OF THESE PICTURES one-eleven cigarettes Three Friendly Gentlemen TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLEY r'i,. -f.y. FIFTEEN GILLIAM & BISBEE'S COLUMN Before . summerfallowing use a Disk, we have them in tandem or single. What lias become of Morrow county's early settlers? We don't know. They have surely left the country or may be with their Heav enly Father, for there is very little sign of any early settlements afound our place. A Rotary Rod Weeder pulls them out roots and all nl leaves them on top of the ground. We are well supplied with airalfa and garden seeds. We have plenty of poultry supplies suitable for baby chicks up t old roosters. Come to us for sheep marking ink. Red Black and Green. Sheer shears and sheep dip. In a new package that fits the pocket At a price that fits the pocket-book' The same unmatched blend of Turkish. Virginia and Burley Tobaccos Guaranteed by 1 Sporting Goods Wc carry a good supply of Baseball equipment Wright and Ditson Bats. Balls. Ball Shoes. Gloves, Mitts, Masks, Ankle Braces, Cleats Etc. Come in and sec our " Big Bill " line of Fishing Tackle Get ready for that big trout you lost last year Peoples lidw. Co. WE AIM TO TI.EASE AND OUR AIM IS TRUEf :gilliam & BISBEE'IIL