THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, May 16, 1922 PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATH SON, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Heppnd, Oregon, Postoifice as Eecond-class Matter I;. M. HI MUX FOR T.TIE IiKl'ltKSf V- E. M. Hulden, candidate for the rotuination for joint rtprfcfciitativ; en the Republican ticket in the dist rict embracing Morrow and Umatilla cohntk-?, is entitled to the support of v.t.v member of his party ia this ot my for the following reasons: Mr. Hulden is a Morrow county Man. His every interest 1s vested in Morrow county and, what is still i;re to the point, he is identified v 1th the baric industry of the county, that of growing wheat, and he has l.een successful in that line of busi ness simply because when he entered it only a few years ago without prev ious experience, he at once applied his intelligenceand energy to master ing the details of the business just sib he had mastered the details of the hanking business in which he had previously been engaged. Starting work in a hank at Ralem when only a hoy he advanced rapidly in the linsinessi and wilhin a few years was offered a heller position' in a Port land hank where he soon worked his way up to the position of vice-president and director. A 'few years ago Wr. Hulden disposed $ his interests in Portland and came to Morrow county -w hero 'he invested in wheat land and, in spite of lack of previous farming experience, and in the face oMiad conditions in that industry the past couple of years, ho has been suc cessful. All will admit that upon the suc cess and prosperity of the farmers and stockmen of this county depends the prosperity and wefaro of every citizen and it is only right that the larmcrs and stockmen should have !irect representation in the legisla ture. Mr. Hulden is a real farmer. He liiiK no other business interests any where outside hia lilackhorse wheat larms and, having made a close study ol farming in this county, he is well liialilied to look after the Interests' d the farmers and stockmen in the legislature. In uddltjnn to this-, his1 previous business and banking ex perience and his wide acquaintance all ov. r the .stale will make him an exceptionally usi fill fr.iember (,r the lower hotl.-'e. I'nder the present, apportionment plan, .Mot row county has1 be n left without either a senator or represen tative ol her own. All the represen tation, we have jn the legislative halls Sit Salem, are of the "joint" variety and usually this county has been gianieil the cuurlesytol naming the joint representative between Morrow and I'matiHa counties. This ar rangement it is uudertsood, is agr able lo the people of I'laaiilla this yo'ir, and throughout the district, ac. online, to the wise ones, the nomina tion of Mr. Hulden net Friday is couiedeil. This assurance, how- vi r. does not relieve any Morrow eounlv voter in the i Republican pri I'lanes from the duty of casting . i te lot' him. Mr. Hulden has been an active member of the Morrow cornty farm llunau since its organization. He i pent weeks in Portland last T inier ci npi-r it ing w H h other lead Ini' faniH'ts and (Wianciers hi an lort to untangle some of the intri cacies ol the War Finance board I an i I lot I to make some of that iiiote y available tor ttie farmers i rtockmeii of tins county and in many other wa;s la1 has shown his loyally to the producers cause. He is en titled (to the unanimous support of his party in this county not, perhaps, to insure his nomination, but to show the world that Morrow county app ciates the services of a man of their own who has the qualifications tc serve them well. t FORMER HKPPXER LADY PASSES j . AT .MOSCOW, IDAHO ! The funeral of the late Mrs. Helen : 3. Lyon, was held Sunday afternoon from the Christian church, I Rev. i Charles M. Yearout conducted the services.1 Mrs. Lyon is survived by her husband, Otha Lyon and five small children, also five brothers; Harry S. j Morgan, of Moscow; Milton Morgan, of Winthrop, Wash..; A. E. Morgan of i California; Levi Morgan, of Portland; and W. Morgan, of Pendleton; and two sisters, Mrs. W. L. McCaleb and Mrs. J. P. Conder, of Heppner, Ore. Milton Morgan and Mrs. W. L. Mc Caleb were in Moscow to attend the funeral. Moscow Star-Mirror. i LEGAL NOTICES v - trr' '. VV- ' , , - ' Alfred J. Smith CANDIDATE FOR JOINT REPRESEN TATIVE FOR MORROW AND UMATILLA COUNTIES 22nd District The Next Legislature Seems Likely To Be The Most Important in the History of the State Appropriations Must Be Cut to The Bone TAXES MUST BE' REDUCED A Heavy Tax-payer himself Mr. Smith Will Stand for a program Of Economy All along the Line IX THE CIISCCIT COl'KT OF THE i STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW Hazel Leathers, ) Plaintiff. ) vs. ) SUMMONS Otto Leathers, ) Defendant. ) To Otto Leathers, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE 'STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks of the date of the first publication of this Summons; and if you fall to so appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will proceed lo ask the Court that the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved and held for naught and that plain tiff be grantedj an absolute divorce from said defendant; That the plain tiff be decreed the sum of One Hun dred ($100.00) Dollars as a reason able attorney's fee in this suit to gether with her costs and disburs ments; That plaintiff beigranted the permanent care, custody, and control of Evelyn Lucile Leathers, the minor child of plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court nicy seem equitable. This summons is published pursuant to an order of the Honorable. Win. T. Campbell, Jude of the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, made and onteredjon the third day of March 1922. F. A. McMENAMIN, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and Postofflce address Heppner, Oregon Date of first publication, April 18, 1322. Date of last publication, May 30, 1922. j of the Person and Estate j of I Bessie Wiglesworth, Gladys Wig- j lesworth and Walter Wirlesworth, Minor heirs of Bitha Wiglesworth, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- j dersigned as guardian of the person ! and estate of Bessie Wiglesworth, j Gladys Wiglesworth and Walter Wig lesworth, minor heirs of Bitha Wig lesworth, deceased, will on and after Wednesday the 18 th day of May, 1922, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the First National Bank in the City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, offer at private sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the right, title and interest of said minors In and to the following described real property, to-wit: Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Section Thirteen (13.) Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter and Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Twelve (12) in Township Three (3) South Range Twenty eight, (28), E. W. M. Such sale is made under the pur suance of a license and order of sale granted by the county court of Mor row County, State of Oregon, on the 17thjday of March, 1922, in the mat ter of the guardianship of said minors authorizing the sale of said property. Dated and first published this 18th day of April, 1922. W. E. WIGLESWORTH. Guardian of the Per son and Estate of Bes sie Wiglesworth, Gladys Wiglesworth, and Walter , Wiglesworth. 51-3 NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY REAL In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. In the matter of the Guardianship Political Announcements FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER After being urged by citizens and taxpayers in all parts of the county to announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for County Commis sioner, I have decided to do so and will be a candidate for such nomina tion on the Democratic ticket at the coming primaries. I been a HON. WILL H HAYS EX-CHAIRMAN. REPUBLI CAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE ft 4' S TELEGRAPHS RALPH E. WILLIAMS A 152XY 9:? Blue l'i New York XY 1203 P .May 5 1022 Ralph E. Williams, Republican National Comniittemtitn Portland, Oregon. Mutual friends have told me that you are 11 candidate for re-election as Republican National ('oniinittee. man this year, imxl I am constrained to send just this word of appreciation for your splendid service on the com mittee all the time tluitv I was chair man. Your election as vice-chairman of the national committee was 'he fullest Missil)le evidence of the com mittee and to the party. In this I Join most heai'Mly. Kindest regards and best wishes always, RALPH E. WILLIAMS Vice-Chairman Republican National (ommitte VOTE X 13 EDITORIAL from the MORNING OREGONIAN taxpayer here since before Morrow county was organized. I have no platform to announce nor promises to make enly that, if elected, I will endeavor to serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. R. L. BENGE Paid Advertisement. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the nomination to the of fice of County Commissioner, subject to the will of the Republicans of Morrow County, to be expressed at the primaries in May, 1922. G. A. BLEAKMAN, Present Incumbent. Hardman, Or. Paid Advt. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myseir as . candidate for the offl e of Joint Rep resentative of Umatilla and Morrow counties, on the Republican ticket. If elected I promise to faithfully and honestly perform the duties of the office, working at all time for th" interests of the people of this district and the state of Oregon. E. M. HULDEN. Paid Adertisement. FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for Joint Rep resentative of the District of Morrow and Umatilla counties in the May primaries. I have lived in Umatilla county 24 years and own property in both counties. I was a member of the 1919, or War Session, and the spe cial session of 1920 of the Oregon Legislature and otherwise have devo ted my time to public matters. I have no platform except to offer the best judgement I have and to pursue a conservative and economic course. I believe in applying strict business methods to public matters. When we can pay for public development we should have betterments, but when taxes grow burdensome we must be content with the old ways until we can do better. Just now taxes must be trimmed wherever pos sible and no new appropriations made; and, the pressing needs of the farmer and stockman must be the main issue in law making and in the sphere of public influence. E. P. DODD, Hermiston, Ore. Paid Advertisement. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE All Morrow County General Fund Warrants registered up to and inclu ding September 30, 1921, will be paid upon presentation at niy office on or after May 10, 1922. Interest ceases after that date. T. J. HUMPHREYS, County Treasurer 52-2 1 - I PROFESSIONAL CARDS - - 1 A RALPH E. WILLIAMS HIRES ORIENTAL! WHILE HUNDREDS OF EX-SERVICE MEN NEED WORK President of Disabled Veterans' Auxiliary Scores Williams il.-n: 1 i 1.' 1 1 Wi I lll'! 1 I.I . r... I.. William 111... I l.-d V. 'lei -.. , a I' M' r to ;, pivM- U'S' IH'X- K.ilph K. 1.1 .vi. O'l- ill 1 ..l.iy 11. 11 of m-diiiimul- hv he m- ! Willi il I.1I...1 In l'.is hop yan.s u ma 1 vice mtii of ihe largest bop i .11101 n mil la ill tlii'K'Ml. ,. W! 1 i.'s li-tlef .olUiws: l)l.;.!i! KI V KT !' HANS' At Xll.lAHY p.i Oregon, May 11. 1922. H.ilph K Williams, 0 1 1 l'.o.i I of Tiade HulldK-, I'.T .land. OrcKOii. 1. ar Sii : l'ofltie evidence having come to tnv knoHleiU that you employ oricn- Ul .ilu.i- 111 jour hop yard. Mr. i-hlie IV..d Adv. by K. V. Van Horn, over si'iin Veteran ol tin. mpleved war vetcrar.H and ni'ier A'ueiie.ui ciliens are vainly seeumi; vvmk. 1 feel it my duly j!M preMilent of t!u Disabled Veterans Auxiliary to imiiure jour reasons for tins nttiliidi'. t'opl tolllim: as ; on do, the stock in sever. 1 banks and ra'ikinc as one of Pol th ud's vviallhy men, there would appear to be no financial rea son why you should not employ at a t disenable wuiie your fellow Ameri can cilUons who need woik to cup port tin uiselves mid dependents, and exclude all oriental labor. One feature that lias Impressed Itself forcibly upon my attention is the fact that the example set by you ls one that may Influence other employers. You are not merely a private citi zen. You are the Republican nation al committeeman and. as sueh, t be head of the party h":;ici :.n 1011 in tlus state ami you therefore oue it. to the Republicans of Oregon to t utpsh by vour own conduct a correct - vumple for otl'cr employers to follow. I have no racial prejudice against orientals. 1 simply fe-1 that the un employment problem sine.- ihe ar mistice has become so ueute that our own Aiueruan folk should be taken care of to the entire exclusion of or iental labor. You are a wealthy man and can easily afford to em, ley Am erican help at proper wa;ej. Yours ery truly, MRS. GEO. L. WILLIAMS. President, Disabled Veterans Auxiliary. Will H. Hays, who but lately re tired as chairman of the republican national committee, pn.,v tribute in a telegram to the service performed to the Republican party by the 0111 l.iittcc man for Oregon, Ralph E. il liams. Mr. Hays should know. His testimony may be accepted as some thing more than a mere polite and formal expression of approval, to be expected troni'one member of the 01 gnnization for another; for it is sup ported bytbe entire committee, wliieu, not many months ao by unanimous vote of the representatives of forty states elected Mr. Williams vice-chairman. He is the oldest met.i- 1 l.ei in point of service, and it is 0I1 ' vie.i;s - it is not denied by anyone--- that l'.is standing with the heads of tt.e Ucpuhlk-an parly are very hi:H. Ti.e national committeeuiaiisliip is a p:.r:y job. It pays nothing in sal , ir: but it carries many responstbil j ilitie:: and calls for work. Its rewards are, 01 eo.i's. recognition of leader- VAUGHAN & GROVE DENTISTS Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building REPPNER, OREGON DR. A, D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON ship, and the prestige and influence that go with it. Mr. Williams has been the committeeman for Oregon for fourteen years, and is a candidate for re-election. There is no good reason w hy he should not be re-elec ted; there are good reasons why he should be, the most obvious and answerable of which Is that he has a high place with the committee, is on terms of intimacy and confidence with the national leaders of the re publican party, is in line for the national chairmanship, and can, and doubtless will, perform service which no new man, whatever his (futilities, can possibly perform. The Oregoman is reluctant to in terfere in the contest for national committeeman; but the'advantam's to the republican party In Oregon of Mr. Williams' election are so plain that il feels it should point them Mil. (Paid Adv. by Committee of Kep ublieaas, '. L. Starr, Secy, 6 1 T Hoard of Trade Iildg.. Portland. Or-') F. A McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 66 5 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON VOTE X13 (Paid Adv. bv Trade lildg.. P Oomr'tttee of Republicans. C. Jfllaud. Oregon.) L. Starr, Set C 1 T rhvrd of Vote for FITHIAN for NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN Fell Bros. AUTO REPAIR SHOP Fords a Specialty -OIL AND REAR GREASE "No Nock" Bolts S. E. NOTSON ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR a rnn:i:v-.T-i.AW En-si National Bank Bldg. HETPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE I.XSl UAXCK Successor to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER. OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. WOODSON & SVVEEK ATTORNEY S-AT-LAW Masonic Bulldinf HEPPN&R, OREGON