Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 09, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Page six
Tuesday, May 9, 1922
Mrs. Johnson, county nurse left
Monday morning on an official visit
to Boardman and Irrigon.
Ab Miller, clerk at the Standard
Oil station here, went to Portland
Friday for a fchort vacation. He re
turned Monday.
Fred Lucas was up from Lexington
yesterday and reports that the wheat
is growing but that a little warm
weather would he welcome.
l'atl Foley, proprietor of the Hotel
Patrick, aiid Kennith Evan's, auditor
for the Foley hotels, were here on a
brief visit during the week.
Jack Hynd was up from Cecil Fri
day and Saturday and seems a hit.
betuT !li..4ed with the weather than
on his latest previous visit.
Mr. am! Mrs. Jason Diddle have re.
turned from it ten-day motor trip to
Portland and Willameeto valley
points where they visited relatives
and friends.
Farmers are not well satisfied
with (he brand of weather we have
been getting the last week. Too cold
and too much drying wind for wheat
to do its best, is the complaint.
Rev. Dubois will hold regular ser
vices at the Episcopal church next
Sunday, May 14th, both morning and
evening. All are cordially invited
to attend these services.
Mrs. Fred Akers, olj Kightmile, un
derwent a very difficult operation at
the Heppner Hospital last Wednesday
and is reported Ho be recovering rap
idly. Dr. Me.Murdo h:s charge of the
Miss Tenny who has been em
ployed i Sam II. Van Vactor's law
oflicofor sometime went to The
Dalles yesterday morning where she
will continue In a similar position in
the oflices of Van V actor & Iiutler.
It. J. Carsner came in from Spray
Ffiday eevning on a short business
trip. Mr. Carsner sold his wool last
week for 3 5 cents a pound, Tom Iioy
len acting for eastern purchasers, be
ing the buyer.
10 (1 Itugg was in town Friday but
didn't tarry long. Ed says a fellow
lias1 to keep moving these mornings
to keep from freezing. Jieing'an op
timist, however, Mr. Rugg reports
everything lovely on the river of
Frank Parklow, well known
rancher of the Boardman project,
was a Heppner visitor Friday com
ing over on business. Mr. Parklow
will hold a public sale Saturday,
May 20th when he will dispose of
cattle, horses and farm equipment.
E. M. Hulden, Morrow county's
candidate for joint representative for
the 22nd district, returned Thursday
evening from a trip throough Umatil
la county. Mr. Hulden reports that
the wheat is doing fine on his Black
horse ranch.
The Brotherhood enjoyed a suc
cessful dinner last evening at Hotel
Patrick where a company of about
70 persons enjoyed! an appetizing
dinner. The occasion was ladies
night and the presence of numbers
of the fair sex added much to the
success of the evening.
A pair of parketeers, or Australian
love birds, have attracted much at
tention in the Case Furniture Co.
show windows the last few ; days.
They are about the size of a caiiary,
green lfke a parrot and look as
though they had their faces chopped
off. Some queer looking specimens
come from the antipodes.
Mr .and Mrs. Sam E. Van Vactor
drove down to The Dallea Sunday to
make arrangements for moving their
family there a little later. Mr. Van
Vactor has formed a law partner
ship with R. It. Butler at The Dalles
an d recently traded his home in
Heppner to M. L. CuAan for his resi
dence property in Th eDalles. They
expect to get finally settled in their
new home about June 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Maxwell and her
mother, Mrs. Gauvereau left last
week for iSeattle where Mrs. Gauv
ereau will spend (lie summer, the
(National Printer Journalist)
Somebody sent the editor of the
PolTctown Gazette a few bottlea of
home brew. The same day he re
ceived for publication a wedding an
nouncement and a notice of an auc
tion sale. ,
Here are the results:
"William Smith and Miss Lucy An
derson were disposed of at public
auction at my farm, one mile east of
a', beautiful cluster lof roses on her
breast and two white calves, before
a background of farm implements
too numerous to mention in the pres
ence of about 70 guests, including
two milch cows, six mules and one
bob sled. The Rev. Jackson tied
the nuptial knot with 200 feeto of hay
rope and the bridal couple left on
one good John Deere gang plaw for
an extended trip with terms' to suit
the purchasers. They will be at
home 'to their friends with one good
baby buggy and a few kitchen uten
sils after ten months from date of
sale to responsible parties and some
50 chickens."
The Morrow County Sunday School
convention will meet at the Federa
ted church tomorrow (Wednesday)
morning at 10:00 o'clock. All per
sons interested in the work are in
vited to attend.
Maxwells continuing their journey
to San Francisco where they expect
to make their future home. Mr. and
Mrs. Maxwell have resided in Hepp
ner about six years and were engaged
in 'the confectionery business. Their
Heppner friends will wish them suc
cess in their new home.
Rolled Barley
I am prepared to furnish the finest
quaity Rolled Barley at fair and honest
I also handle a complete line of gasoline
Kerosine and Lubericating Oils. Satisfac
tion to customers is my motto.
Manager Van Marter announces
that the Heppner ball club will give
a dance in the pavilion Saturday, May
20th, the proceeds going to the
treasury of the club. Good ' music
will be on hand and every attention
will be given those who attend to in
sure a pleasant evening. Tickets will
be offered for sale in advance and
whether you dance or not you should
buy one. A dollar invested in the
ball club will help buy more than
100 cents worth of real sport during
the coming weeks.
Andrew Bycrs
MAIN 733
Running through the telephone cord
are a number of delicate, flexible wires.
"Kinks" are formed when this cord n
allowed to become twisted, and 9orac
of these wires may be bent or broken.
This means a "noisy" telephone
line. You cannot hear or be' heard as
well. In fact, a twisted cord may
cause a complete interruption of your
Keeping the telephone cord straight
will give you greater satisfaction in the
use of your telephone.
if t: -J w
The Pacific Telephone
And Telegraph Company
Varieties of Spiders' Webs.
The common house spider spins a
web quite different from that of the
garden spider. The house spiders
web consists of a silken tube h dden
in a dark corner, with an Irregular
sheet of closely woven meshes spread
before it. The tube is the spider's
lurking hole and place of refu.e; the
outspread web Is its snare. The woif
spider makes a tubular hole with a
hinged door for a refuge and spreads
no snare. Still another species of
spider constructs a far simpler tube of
silk without any lid or duor.
Historical hack.
Redemption ock is in the town of
Princeton, Mar, neaT Mt. Wauchu
sett. It derivts Its name from a
treaty made on Its surface with a
tribe of Indians Aiay 2, 1676, for the
ransom of Mrs. Mary Itonaldson, of
Lancaster, a captive of the Indians.
The treaty was made on behalf of the
whites by John Hoan of Concord. The
rock has a larjje flat surface, on which
about twenty-five persons can stand.
Boston filobe.
Many fans went to Condon Sunday
to see the Condon-Heppner game and
came back with the idea that their
homo town is not in It with theSum
mit city when it comes u cold wind
and dust storms. "No wonder our
boys fell down in the final score,"
was the general verdict. "They were
not uesed to that kind of climate."
Alfred J. Smith, candidate for the
nomination for joint representative
for the 22 nd district, and W. O. Sta
yer, an attorney, both of Pilot Rock,
were visitors In Heppner Thursday
afternoon in the interest of Mr.
Snath's campaign. The gentlemen
say the campaign ,is quiet all over
the district, the voters apparently
doing more thinking than talking
just now. , I
A Bank Balance built
up by careful economy
and self-denial will give j
1 you greater satisfaction
than an equal sum se-
I cured without difficulty
I or exertion. f
1 The advantages of such
1 a reserve are worth a
I genuine effort. I
2 S
1 We welcome accounts
small and large.
i I
Farmers and
Heppner Oregon
Program May 10th to May 17th
"THE I .AST OF THE MOHICANS" By James Fenimore Cooper
20c arid 40c
"THE SriiVEB CAR." Drama of sizzling speed 'and
Larry Semon in "The Grocery Olerk"
"GODLESS MEN," from the story "Bleck Pawl"
"WESTERN (HEARTS." Fine horses, good riders, beautiful
scenry. EVERYBODY 10 Cents
s" one-eleven cigarettes
mm m
Three Friendl
In a new package that fits the pocket
At a price that jits we pocket-book-
The same unmatched Blend of
Tvrkjsil Virginia and BuRLEYTobaccos
Before gummerfallowing use a
Disk, we bare them in tandem, or
What has become of Morrow
Bounty's' early settlers? We don't
know. They har surely left the
country or may b with their Heay-
euly Father, for there is Tery little
sign of any early settlements around
our plac,
A Rotary Rod Weder pulls them
out roots and all and leayci them on
top of the ground.
We are well supplied with aifalfa
and garden seeds.
We have plenty of poultry supplies
suitable for baby chicks up to old
Come to us for sheep marking
ink. Red Black and Green. Sheer
shears and sheep dip.
Sporting Goods
Wc carry a good supply of
Baseball equipment
Wright and Ditson
Bats, Balls, Ball Shoes, Gloves,
Mitts, Masks, Ankle Braces,
Cleats Etc.
Come in and see our
" Big Bill " line of Fishing
Get ready for that big trout you
lost last year.
Peoples lidw. Co.