Tuesday, May, o. 1022 PAGE THRESH TUTT" tirnnnrrn tirn a t t- nnnn.... . Ijv , ""j ' WSX i 4m Buua Now! ' 1 W " wMMfZ We carry a comPlete linc of Building j fl Materials of first- class quality and at prices that (lF Let Us Subnrit Figures On Your New Home. 'iX Martin Reid Lumber Co. f 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 Plumbing For That New Home Sanitary plumbing is no luxury but a modern necessity. Our prices are reasonable, our material and workmanship first-class through-' out. New work and repair jobs receive the same careful attention. Peoples Hardware Co. Take Out Fire Insurance Whether your new home is already completed , or in the course of construction, it be . hooves you to take out a Fire Insurance policy on it. Let us supply this need and thereby protect every dollar you have invested in your new venture. RoyV. Whiteis Plastering, Brick, Concrete Work Tho Plastering, Concrete work and Brick laying are important 'items in the con struction of every new home. It is our aim 1 to please in this capacity! and yet accom plish the task at a cost that will be satisfactory to the owner of the new home. Call, Phone or Write E. L. Bucknum Our Stock every Your Of Building Material is complete and in item our reputation for High Quality is guarantee. 'Builders' Hardware, Paints, Roofing Let us figure on your Plumbing and Heating Plant Gilliam & Bisbee When You Build That New Home Let Us Figure On Furnishings Of Quality Many Staple- articles now priced at pre-war figures. Case Furniture Co. Carpenters and Contractors Approximately one half of the work in a new building is in the hands of the Car penters. We'll do this work to your entire satisfaction and at very reasonable figures. Johnson Bros. Painting and Paperhanging A good part of th cost of a new home comes with the Painting, Varnishing, Stain ing and Paperhanging. I use Sherwin-Williams pro ducts which insure the best in materials and my esti mates on such work w ill save you money. , F. E. Rummell A Reliable Contractor That is tho title I have earned through years of con structing iirst-cluKs build ing ii this city. Consult me and I will give you estimates show you plans and he of every service in carrying out your ideas. T. G. Denisse BUILD NOW SAVE MONEY L umber has taken an awful drop at Tum-A-Lum. We will Sel L U a bungalow for $3150.00 todav which would have cost yo U M ore than $4500.00 a year ago. A barn bill, that cost a su M B eyond $2700.00 at'that time can be had for $1800.00 now. To B E xact, a 2 X4-14 ft. sold then for 45 cents, we- now sell it at th E R edtiGed price for'25 cents. See our new plans. Let's Talk it ovc R Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. HEPPNER LEXINGTON IONE If It's Mason Work You want to bo sure that It is done right. I learned my trudo In a country whero stone buildings stand 1000 years. i For economy In construction and a butler appearance build Hook Foundations. Vic. Groshen 1 ..5mVi i - it ii v i i . S mmw m&wM mm JO") Ah .3Ci J