THE HEPPNEK HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, Mav. q. 1022 PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER GRAIN" GROWER.-) MEETIXq 19ih UY -mm Put at trie r.--,- f.ce 53 se-r.i-c.i5s Mitwr On- Terrr.s cf Subscription Yr .$2 00 Si. 00 Three Months So. 30 By C. C. Calk:-.) Th annual ejif of the mem---r? cf Oregon Oy.perative Grain j--.--- of Mvrriw ouay will h-l'i is Ke-, oa Miy ltth at : c-'clc-ik Th L'rHMrs are asked to bnr.g '.heir tailct.3 with them inas as this is the regular day for Tcorcpsoa's raticri near Heppner. George W. Wiliin left his horn f,i: behind him Sunday wh'n he boarded the locai for H'.ppner. Mr. a ad lira. Roy Sfn-W. ''f Sl dim -en, also Arthur Turner, of Ijo thehevs H.Ii and s'-'-vra! o'V-r friends ire re ufclcg'm the sir-hta at Isoi-rd-man 02 Hue day. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Henricksen ar.d daughter who have b'-eri ion their Hamilton ranch abovr, Heppner for "THE INVISIBLE EMPIRE' election cf district delegates. The grain growers in any district should several months, retrrned to Willow ges together at least once a year and creek ranch on Saturday. Oral has the By-aw of this association pro- decided to locate here for good. He rides- that the regular annual meet- now declare that there U no place In? be held on the third rViday of' as rood as Sunny Cecil after alt May of each year for tie purpose of electing district delegate and trans acting any other basfnes,tha.t houid come befor the meeting. Bark in Maachusctte a Congregational minister, Up-.- koSrrt G. Armstrong-, was solicited to become a mem ber of th Ku Klux K'.mn and in a public address given irom i R;Ee' it is worth while Vi- r.-i'-,if in the CoRsrregatior.&l church at Spencer, Mass.,ft9 grow wheat it u certainly worth r '.." , rWt of the address printed :n a recent-while to mariet n property. . l? W'r.rrritrr 'Mas- ) Telegram, these are a tew of rur Cooperative Mwela- eworted Miss Eleanor Faney to e ';V 0i ; g -v'taf'on- itios ls in to depend upon the in- the sights at the Egg city on Sunday. I the reaiOHi tie gave tor dechnw.g t.,e .Vuat,on. Uereat which you M members manl-; Gor?Hayae8 who has been icok- t,. .t,A'.t k".-v KIpti betrays his Iack: n managing. We select the' !ne after a band of ewes and lambs! M. j.a .... - - . . dist-jct delegates, they select the di- vo-.-t" to f f the real spirit o: American cemocracy. How do j ou .me the m he mana l R. A. Thompson, accompanied Mis Reita Neil, cf Heppner Cecil guesu on Sunday. E. A. was rounding up the last cf his ewea and lambs which hare teen feeding at Cecil. Harold Ahalt, government trapper the me F . t . -! ' i ! ( fj I V f-eCi" 1 ; -..r-'erf cry of "Thr - t r.' .'Oil life"- the ,-ant 1 h :n n:gr.tgo,vn ... need the .vordi, 'Imperial Palace. 'Invisible Lmpire: it m.Ke h::.k of the kaiser and his vain boasting or atamand ,,,.i as described in Paradise Lo:t. Ernpir-.; W hat d -t:s a true American f-r-r',:rt. - Whit America wants and ne r.t -r. who fiht under ci,ver para-tir.g :ld bett'.-r be a-.v.-p. r;ut men orave enou ug'r. to come out in trie open ami r.giit t -ee. i he wore! is never going i r-. an democracv does not Ku Klux Klan. man who joins the Klan shows his lack or appre-, the men who have made this country what it i. ,V!-,v v.i',1 -av that Chief Justice White was not a true American because he happened to be horn a Catholic!' et be -Tvoi. as few men have served, in one of the h;ghe-r l;f.-i-io;,- in this nation, placed there, not by a fellow , Catholic but by a Protestant President of the most extreme position of faith. 1 j "Who will sav that Morganthau was not a true Ameri- o-cau.-.e l;e happened to be bom a Jew? And yet he; d America a- lew men nave in ms critical position t.-ador to Turkey bt-fore we entered the war. if g'r. This is yoar opportunity to speak for yourself and it would be : weli for every member of the Coop erative Grain Growers Association in Morrow ootsr.ty to be present at the L-.-eting on May 15th. HUPR.VKR TF I.RPHOVE v PLANT OW K T TO XO.VE The telephone crew that has been working here for several weess re iuidir.jr the plant have com pleted the work and Heppner can now congratulate herself on having a tele phone plant second to. none of the smaller c'.ttej Oreeon. Cables now supercede the old wires in the busi ness district and' the entire system has been thoroughly overhauled with in the city limits. Mr. Pickens, local manager for the company, u well pleased with the work done by the construction crew. Minor & O'Connor at Cecil, left Moday with, his band for He;pn';r. Iavid Hyr-d .of Sand Hollow who his been visiting the mayor for sev eral days left for home Wednesday, a : ompinied by his sister, Mrs. T. H. Lo"e. cf Cecil. It wo- a ?ocd thin? for Herb Hyad and his car load cf your.z ladies that Ccnttahle j;ha was on hand when i.: car in a ?r.nd bank in Eisht nr.'.e Sund.-.y a; or Miss Reita Ne.l wocli ever hive reached her school ty otening time Monday. to an order of the Honorablo Wra. T. , taxpayer here since before Morrow Campbell; Jud-re of the County . county was organized. I have no Court of Morrow County, Oregon, ' platform to announce r.or promises trmde and r.rjt:.-ei on the third day of to make enly that, if elected, I will March 1522. ' ; endeavor to serve tr people of the r. A. McMENAMIN", county to the best of my ability. Attorney for Plaintiff, i R. L. EEXGE Residence and Postcffice paid Advertisement, address Heppner, Oregon i Date of first publication, April IS, I'iZl. Date cf last publication. May 20, 1322. xotice OF SALE OF FF.OPERTT REAL nSSrSS-" - - - ---UU. - . ,1 , . LEGAL NOTICES jjjj IV THE riRCCIT CO CRT OF THE , STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COCNTY OF MORROW ) SUMMONS f t. -1 r -;.i.r HEPPNER TO HAVE .NEW JEWELRY STORE we were to tarie out or our government tne men 'rding to the term-'of the Ku Klux Klan. are not ami American, we would lo-e many of our'nio-t t r:t -T wnrt rt v trlOoc n.e!,. t 1- lOwV to -av trid . a his birth cr i.i A: e; a' hoi 1 -i r a man oi t'.rcign parentage i- not. can-i.t-nt Ameruom. American denocru'y. mak.t all men fumi! How far a man fellow-men dep-er.ds upon himself, not upen his -i religion. Ku V. K I Frank T. Harwood. of Portland, has leased the south section of the erst floor of the Oil Fellows build ing, formerly occupied by the dry gofjds depar' of Minor k. Co.. and will open, a jewiry store and watch r-pairinj shop therein. Car I'.t'er.i are now working in the room t:n? it in readln-.-j tor Mr. Har-vo-;,i who is .vp-cted to here ".th.r. a dy or two. The l-.-.-r was handle,! by iicy V - agency. : r. r. :: ; h- i- j... :: ere nt a--urauci i - t er-t Uen; in o- lurma- .MOTHERLV RiXiTKRS n- em it m t! .: a to n a i n t;iat tne wmt - vsorid unie--sU'-reme. !i e race w;,, remain . by its own ir.teg atred. ar.itriu.Mtv and strife have never pioduced a great people. " I n the ap; .-a! -et.t out bv in t : s ior !.. o: ic-.c v.ord- .v,;t'e-. ' yal an ;er. l; Ann ot i. he K lan soliciting new kind cf men wante! i- .an. t:atie burn citizen of the -,;e-tant, lcnti!c. intelligent. ; ! a man ur;0!o; ar!e- If you don - 1il--ft that fowls of the malr p.-r.-uasion ever rr.oth-r" young chicks, juit go down to the Corr.ett k. M-r;tt 'poultry yards and beoon.e convinced that you were wrong. They have -eve big, husky capons rearing as many broods of chicks and Jtidtre Cornett says they are doim: a hne join. The firm are p'.annine to have an exhib.t of s-v- ral rape lis and their chick bands at the coming county fair. Hazel Leathers. Plaintiff, vs. Otto Leathers. ) Defendant. To Otto Leathers. Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE CF OREGON: You are hereby ie-C'-ired to appear ?.al answer the complain, hied against you in the above emiflcd suit -ilthin six weeks of the dr.e of the Srst publication of this Summer.-; and if you fail to so f-resr and answer for -rant thereof, he plaintiff will j-roced to rsk the C'ju.' that the bonis cf maerncny row eii.-tin? he: cen the plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved and hi -1 1 for naught and that plain tiff te crtir.d. a a ahso'u'e divorce from said def-tndant: That the pbin-l dr'- l ($:' 0) Dollars as a reason able attorney's fee in this suit to gether wUh her costs and disburs ments: That plaintiff be granted the permanent care, custody, and control cf Evelyn Luciie Leathers, the- minor child of plaintiff end defendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court nity seem equitable. This summons is published pursuant In the CoantT Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Connty. In the matter of the Gnardianship of the Person and Estate cf Bessie Wi;lesworth. Gladys Wig resworth and Walter Wigles-worth, Minor heirs of Bitha Wiplesworth, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the nn dersigned a3 guardian of the person and estate of Bessie Wiglesworth. Gladys Wiglesworth and Walter Wig lesworth, minor heirs of Bitha Wig lesworth. deceased, will on and after Wednesday the ISfh day of May, 1512. at the hour cf ten o'clock A. M. at the First National Eank in the City of Heppner. Morrow County, Oregon, offer at private sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the righ. title and interest of said minors in and to the following described real property, to-wj:: Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Section Thirteen (13) Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter and Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Twelve (12) in Township Three (3) South Range Twenty tight, (23), E. W. M. Such sale is made under the pur suance of a license and order of sale granted by the county court of Mor- FOP. COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the nomination to the of fice of County Commissioner, subjt to the will of the Republicans of Morrow Connty, to be expressed at the primaries in May, lfj22. G. A. ELEAKMAN, Present Incumbent. Hardman. Or. Paid Advt. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce tnyseir as . candidate for the otfl e of Joint Rep resentative of Cmatilla and Morrow counties, on the Republican ticket. If elected I promise to faithfully and honestly perform the duties of the office, working at all time for tr' interests of the people of this district and the state of Oregon. E. M. HCLDEN. Paid Adertisement. FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy On the Republican ticket for Joint Rep resentative cf the District of Morrow and Umatilla counties in the May primaries. I have lived in Umatilla county 2 4 years and own property in both counties. I was a member of the 1515, or War Session, and the spe cial session of 1520 of the Oregon Legislature and otherwise have devo ted my time to public matters. I have no platform except to offer the best judgement I have and to pursue a conservative and economic course. I believe in applying strict business methods to public matters. When we can pay for public development we should have betterments, but when taxes grow burdensome we must be content with the old ways until we can do better. Just now taxes must be trimmed wherever pos- row County,-State of Oregon, on the sible and no new appropriations ITth day of March, 1522, in the mat ter of the guardianship of said minors authorizing the sale of said property. Dated and first published this 15th day of April. 15 2 2. W. E. WIGLESWORTH. Guardian of the Per son ar.d Estate of Bes- made; and, the pressing needs of the farmer and stockman must be the main issue in law making and in the sphere of public influence. E. P. DODD, Hermiston, Ore. Paid Advertisement. COUNTY TREASURER'S All Morrow NOTICE Wiglesworth. Countv General Fund sie Wig'.eswcrth. Gladys ; Warrants registered up to and inclu-WU-lesworth. and Walter' a 5fDtemher 19?1. will he naid upon presenta'ion at my office on or r . after Mar 10, 1922. Interest ceases. after that date. T. J. HUMPHREYS, County Treasurer 52-2 Political Announcements FOR COUNTY COMMLSSIO.NER After being urged by citizens and taxpayers in ail parts of the county to announce myself as a candidate Icr the nomination for County Commis sioner, I have decided to do so and will be a candidate fcr such nomina tion on the Democratic ticket at the coming primaries. I been a MKE ORuGON SAFE F03 THE REPU3UCAN PARTY nt Wlit he u v.b.i) .1. flit ee tne miiiity o; vi 11 recognize hi ll a', e !H ip. ! bit- rati m ii. u.i r li h iue m. Jin; men a- ha - be !:o,.i not ! , n u i i - : . .. u ! , i 1 iii'- W'-b'ar ; I..- bro;i, Ci.M'e debt t 'ne If lie minion tr.: a five and tab rior.k hi- l:ub.i rm cr i i dark oder and c' ,J- i- I'M per CcT.t THE STORK REPORTS ale : - ie ! 'n U ii ! n n am! un; ' , : .0 ' ' f hi v. ;:i,i ..:,h mm. li h ;:v .'.' ; man ami umr no con- t'i t Is-.; n. ' ; ii. 1 1 iie i- Chn-tian his me iiii io rfcer.c Jew and ilemne. Yu bib and w h re. .n flu-ir i.u-n'-. Dr. McMurdo repo.-'s the followins r""-nt fiijditor,s to the population r th- Hep;r.-r c"i.,:;. ir.:ry: Rom V. .-di, div. .pril 2. to Mr rnd M.-:' Lloyd .Met. h.n-on. a d iucie'r. Tu :-'ay. Mav 2nd. to Mr .and Mrs U.'ilph .-' '"tt. tif UU kh.i-, a h:.. sun. Sunday. 'M; y T'h to Mr and Phil I'.r.idy. '-on. All n- w i.'r.i .u- U ' man a in:- Ann nctii. le- titan a true ie n ay Mid. v.;'h:n hi- own narrowed -on!. i o;:;o -ucb an i ; miniai i-m a- the Ku at.- .l-.iiv f.Rf ar.d rn v.f.e f,t. tif, '--- "" ,s . . , , , vr. yr.-i. i--.::--.' . . . v . . , i'SiO .j.v .... ... : tro xs- . cecil v f,:v- '' v bA s- v I : : : v Ml- E A E fion: P(".t ed. v . J, .-V H-- M ' '! Uf.' Mis w ' r.' v:-eors in RE-ELECT RALPH E. WILLIAMS REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN V V e PROFESSIONAL CARDS VAUGHAN & GROVE DENTISTS Permanently located In Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO l'HYSKTAX and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER. OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HUrrNER. OREGON CASH VARIETY STORE UlADQL'ARIERS for Summer Hats, Sunshades Children's Hats WATCH OUR WINDOWS Helen V. Smith .... Prop. hum,. ii": j S.if.r Mr u- in v r. I. K I- m trd- ; r ; :d ie , a; 1 i. ( ..';. U ' i-i ;.vt i'.wr I-ilttU'il Vi-p-1iaiiTO:in of th RiHil.llaii Nu lonal ; t oininit't i KEEP TWO WEST IN POWER nd i.lid: -h sv 1 t 1 ..Mi V. :! V. i,.e !;ei;i 1:1 li 'r;v .. ' en e , r ti "i ul ? nd.ty :i : . ..rit ' r t'i- Wiii m. r lid o k i.e..- ;n !h.:t tuwri niai'crs in .'ore n tutn.r.c Set-S-ttS Heppner Herald $2.00 per Year rrsr-ir . .ac.-.-..-.,-r:r-r. f t - ,.! T .1.1 a hi J W H. p; n. r It- ill o nr. b'.siiu home. Mr. and Mrs. C-.:rt M.lier of lli-hv icw. were c.ill.nj on their Mor Kun fri.nds Sunday Ray lUliVrty of 'Shady Dell accora- , paniej by Miss Grace Pain; ite. r, j teach.-r of the Kmirmile fohool. . spir.t Sunday wish fn-ei.'s r.-"ar lone. j W. Carson ! ft the Shepherd s Rest M-mday wi'h a band of ewes and lambs betonRinjf to Minor Thomp son. They are bound for R. A. !v - i ii!i;ii t v u: ; : i-.'.eo.;. o l'i,.i.t .eel l;-2i a - v: V ,n ( ..' (" : ; - ::i r I'H'ae sr.-ii-'s t f one member !t-e.. e i; 't e pi::;oai ui i i.-n if '!:' party. e,,. r--'.- :": - a.'.-r th- e: :: ; -r ima II u-.'.Hi. v. : v r,.-r 5 Vi.t e S '.'.'! V. v,v.pi . ;-..-! of ti.e (".".-. !,-,r;, r . -1 i ; ;-r by .: ;- utnl at.i.'y as a i-aier to nil ;h . . ,, .;.;. of A Vet-- ' " r 'V. ft va h- v ' ,.e H pei.i,.' ,:i .;:; 11. .us. F Wj : fr.r Reptlbli. .in N 'te.-:.l ' or ; .fe-'un i : S' 'v-. i.'iu s'ates tn eitrr 1: , ; -ha I' O.T...1;:.::t,;t.-r, a p-'seiitn n-e.-r , i.-ic- h-id l-y a t:..:, '; E. W . i lnUi. st position L'ra ..... ; ttairt ' Or e-n. , a vioe-.-hairn .n of :':e Republican .t.r-.eiy in line to t'-ceniv N. n nul chiiiiman, the ''ii-'h. K-put li : .u urE.-.r..? lion. A Natonal Coiiimitc't;::;n on the N. cr...l Coi.miittee docs not make cr extvuto tN- laws, b-u cm-'-s out the r';li i" and piat'orm of the party, ado?' ! by the d-Mceatcs at eich previous National Convention. Mr. WillUm is st-m.-r mt-!..b-.-r of National Commi.tiv. Seniority in this rumuuttte uives one the -.une row. r .is juniority in the U. S. Senate. VOTE TO KEEP HIM THERE S. E. NOTSON Al riUlNKY-AT-LAW Of'1'-' in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON LALi K. VAN VACTOR 1 i i m liY-A T-l.AW I ii-i i.i;iunal Pank Dldg. HEPPNER. OREGON -ATERS & ANDERSON i im: insi cam e Success. i's to C. C. Puilorson HEPPNER. OREGON (Paid Adv. by Committee cf Republicans, C. Trade liMf , IMrtlikad, Oregon.) L. Starr, Sec'y. 617 Board of Paid Advertisement DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. WOODSON & SVVEEK A TTO K X K Y S-A M.AW MaioDic BuHdlni HEPPNER, OREGaN 4