Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 02, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Tuesday, May 2, 1922
(By Robert McCabe, 5th Grade
District No. 37.)
An unclean mouth invites disease
germs. A clean mouth is a great pro
tection against disease germs. You
should brush your teeth after the
first, meal of tha day, and after the
evening meal, you should see the den
tist once every month, and to brush
the teeth all directions to be sure
that you have, removed the food from
between the teeth..
We should keep our teeth "in"good
condition bo thatthey can' do their
work of chewing the food. , Decayed
teeth cause an unclean mouth, tooth
ache and diseases of the gums will
do the elame. If the teeth are in bad
condition you must go to the dentist
at once.
There are thirty-two teeth In the
set. Sixteen upper teeth and sixteen
lower teeth.
The temporary teeth are the ones
before the permanant ones come in.
They should be taken care of just as
well as the last set. They 'do the
most important work of the child
therefore they must be taken care of.
The molars come in behind the
baby teeth, they must be taken care
of or they will decay. You will have
to watch them go that they won't de
cay. Remove the particles from be
tween the teeth with dental floss or
quill toothpick. Brush them down
ward and brush all directions on the
surface of the molars. The inside
must be brushed as well as the out
side. Yo must gel' to the dentist. Do not
wait too long to go to the dentist.
If you do It will be a big operation
for the' dentist and hard on you, and
will cost you more to get them filled
or crowned, or capped. The baby
teeth come out when the child is
about five years old and then a new
set comes in, you must take good care
of them.
Beginning of Manual Training.
The earliest official recognition of
manual training was given In Finland,
where tJno Cygnaeus organized a plan
for such work In primary schools in
1858, and where such instruction was
made compulsory for certain pupils
In 1868. Sweden soon after recog
nized the importance of such train
ing and gave fin Impetus to the movement.
Has Your Car a KNOCK?
' If So See FELL BROS, about the NO ..KNOCK
BOLTS for any kind of car Absolute Satisfaction
Come and talk it over and leave your order
Have your motor flushed out and refilled with
Zerolene. We carry a grade for all cars and trucks
QUART 15c. Up To 5 Gallons 60ct9 per Gal.
Over 5 Gallons 57 M cts per Gallon
Try Va For Service
Fell BROS. Repair Shop
1 Block East of Hotel Patrick
Hot Drinks-Sandwiches
Hit the right spot this time of the year
You Get the Best
McAtee &, AiKen
A Bargain if Taken at Once
640 acres, every foot in cultivation, all fenced
good drilled well with plenty of water to ir
rigate garden, four-room house, one-half
mile from school, n miles from raihoad.
Price OInly $20.00 an Acre.
$2,000.00 down, Terms on Balance
Roy V. Whiteis
"Whole Wheat Ready to Eat"
No cooking; just a little cream, a bit of sugar
and Let's Go.
Of course you'll like them
Try a package at
Sam Hughes Co.
Where Your
Taxes Go
How Uncle Sam Spends
Your Money in Conduct
ing Your Business
Author "WMhingtoo Clvet-Vv." "Bank, and
Financial 8ytem." etc. Contributor Political
and Economic Artlelee to Leedhw Periodical
and a Wrttcr of Rccogniiad Authority on the
National Goreroment'a Baitnm Hetkeda.
Copyright, Weatera Newapaner Union
xvni. "
In his final report to the President,
upon completing hli work as secre
tary of the Interior, Franklin K. Lane
sketched with a sure hand out of the
abundance of his experience the pres
ent Washington condition':
The call is for thinking, planning, engi
neering, statesmanship. For we are quick
ly passing out of. the rough-and-ready
period of our national life, in which we
have dealt wholesale with men and
things, into a period of more intensive
development, In which we must seek to
find the special qualities of the individual
unit, whether that unit be an acre of
desert, a barrel of oil, a mountain
canyon, the flow of a river or the capac
ity of the humblest of men.
"To conquer and to master the same
old task Is ours; but not in the same old
way. We have discovered this land and
made it ours, but this is not the end
of our Journey, for now we are to give
thought, the deepest thought, to the ways
In which it may be made to yield most
abundantly In the things which a com
plex society with a most imperious curi
osity demands.
Washington Is a combination of politi
cal caucus, drawing-room and' civil serv
ice bureaus. It contains statesmen who
are politicians and politicians who are
not statesmen. It is rich in brains and
in character. It Is honest beyond any
commercial standard. It wishes to do
everything that will promote the public
good. But It is poorly organized for the
task that belongs to it. Fewer men of
larger capacity would do the task better.
Ability Is not lacking, but it is pressed
to the point of paralysis because of an
Infinitude of details and an unwillingness
on the part of the great body of public
servants to take responsibility. Every
one seems to be afraid of everyone. The
self-protective sense Is developed abnor
mally, the creative sense atrophies. Trust,
confidence, enthusiasm these simple vir
tues of all great business are the ones
most lacking In government organization.
We have so many checks and brakes
upon our work that our progress does
not keep pace with the nation's require
ments. We could save money for the
government If we had more discretion as
to how we should use that given us.
For the body of the civil servants there
should be quicker promotion or discharge
and a sure Insurance when disability
comes. For the higher administrative
officers there should be salaries twice as
high as those now given, and they should
be made to feel that they are the ones
responsible for the work of the depart
ment, the head being merely an adviser
and a constructor of policies.
As matters are now devised there are
too few In the government whose busi
ness it Is to plan. Every man Is held to
detail, to the narrower view, which comes
too often to be the department view or
some sort of parochial view. We need
for the day that Is here and upon us
men who have little to do but study the
problems of the time and test their ca
pacity at meeting them. In a word, we
need more opportunity for planning, en
gineering, statesmanship above, and mora
fixed authority and responsibility below.
The employment methods of the gov
ernment could be Improved. Under
the civil service law of 1883 a good
system of competitive examinations
and appointments on merit has been
built up for the classes of positions
covered by the law. But beyond cer
tification by the civil service commis
sion for appointment of those appli
cants who are proved by examination
to be eligible, the merit system Is not
fully operative even in connection with
the positions to which It applies. Hap
hazard practices In assignments of
work and In promotions, over which
no central authority has jurisdiction,
have, brought about Inequalities which
are discouraging to the workers. This
condition and the relatively low sal
aries paid by the government cause
a "turnover" In government forces
that Gould not long be withstood by
a private business.
The readjustment of government
salaries In the District of Columbia
has recently received the attention
of the Joint commission on reclasslfl- j
cation of salaries, which was author-'
Ized by a provision In the legislative, 1
executive and judicial appropriation
act approved March 1, 1919. The re
port of this commission Is now In the '
hands of congress and Its fate remains !
to be seeu. The report represents j
many months of work and an effort to
present data which will enable con- ;
gress to understand conditions as they
The present civil service law was
enacted to correct the evils of the
"spoils system" which hud become In
tolerable. That the plan provided by';
the law, that of appointments through
competitive examinations for certain
positions, has been a vast Improve
ment over the old patronage method
Is generally conceded; but the law
failed to be a completely effective In
strument by not providing fo the ap
plication of the merit system to the
more responsible and, therefore, the
more remunerative positions.
The administrative offices, aside
from the cabinet, which do riot come
within the scope of the civil service
law, are postmasters at offices of the
first, second and third classes, col
lectors of internal revenue, collectors
of customs ; registers, receivers, and
surveyors general of the land office;
assistant treasurers, surveyors, special
examiner, appraisers and naval offi
cers In the customs service; super
intendents of mints, aaaayers In mints,
supervising inspectors In the steamboat
inspection service, commissioners of
Immigration and naturalisation, as
sistant secretaries and beads of bn
reeoa of tht departments at Washing
Old Age Protection
When you are young and your earn
ing power is at a maximum is the
time to save your money. Then as it
accumulates invest it in standard
Bonds that will yield a substantial
income when you have passed the
producing stage of life.
This entire institution is at your command to help you
to decide upon a' savings plan suited to your needs and
we will also be glad to tell you about the different Bond
Issues which make good investments.
First National Bank
What Are Vitamines?
It is a name used by an eminent
English scientist to distinguish the
vital elements found in food.
If you want Cereals containing
Vitamines use
Whole Grain
We have just stocked a
full line of
Whole Wheat Flour Breakfast Rye
Southern Corn Grits Wheat Granules
Natural Brown Rice Scottish Oat Meal
helps Grocery
too. ttt. about 15,000 poeHtiocs In all j