Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 02, 1922, Image 1

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E IN 2 100 GAME
Two Southpaw Pitchers Put Vp
Good Entertainment For;
Sunday was "Southpaw Day" on
Heppner Athletic Field, and the en
tertainment put up by the two left
handed boys, Moeller for Heppner
and Rocky for lone, was well worth
the price of admission. Not that the
two pitchers played the game alone.
Not by a long shot. Both principals
in the buttle received fine support
from their teamB and there were few
The day was an ideal one for the
sport and for the first time this
season, warm enough for the players
to get the chill out of their bones
and down to brass tacks. Heppner
won in a score of 2 to 0 but that does
not mean that there were any flies
(common or garden variety) on the
lone boys. Years ago lone earned
first place among all eastern Oregon
small towns for having the real
article in a home-grown ball team
and so far as the writer "knows, they
are still entitled to It. They raise
ball players down there along with
their 40-bushel wheat crops or maybe
they hatch "em with their chickens,
but, take it from us, they are no
puny incubator chicks .at that. The
Reitmans, the Sperrys, the Cochrane
and the Blakes are all ball players
from away back and when one of
them dies of old age or any little
thing like that, they always have a
youngster coming on, as witness
young Linn who fielded for them Sun
day. Linn looks like an eighth grad
er, runs bases like an. antelope, fields
like a ball player and bats' like the
devil. Linn, made the only near
tally for lone Sunday,
Like Moro, Condon, Pendleton and
many othen eastern Oregon towns,
Heppner, not having specialized ' in
breeding ball stars, as lone, is forced
to go into the highfays and biways in
search of material and like the other
above-tnamed towns, sometimes we
get players and Sometimes we don't.
The hillside grand stand was black
with enthusiastic fans when P. A.
Anderson, umpire, called the game
and introduced the batteries and
from the turnloose every player was
on his toes ready to make his part of
the game coumt. Heppner succeed
ed in bagging one tally in the first
inning but the work lone started off
with showed that it was going to be
no one-sided affair. In the second,
third and fourth 'cantos, everybody
was too busy to bother with a little
matter like making scores but in the
fifth Heppner again scored, both tal
lies having been brought in by S.
Hopkins', Heppner's 1st batemau.
That ended the score-making but the
playing real ball playing contin
ued to the end.
lone ws in fline for a killing at
one point with three men on bases
when Rocky batted the hottest fly of
the game square over second and well
over Van Marter's head but the man
ager got it by a long reach and saved
the day. S. Hopkins, on first, played
real ball, all the time and Gleason
catcher, showed a fine arm and a
level head, and, to make ' it short,
everybody on both teams played the
game to a finish. .
The lineup and score:
Heppner lone
Moeller p Rocky
Gleason c Cochran
Edwards 1st O. Reltitaa
Van Marter 2nd W. Cochran
S. Hopkins tri W. Reitman
F. Hopktns as Sperry
Anderson If Blake
Elliott cf t Cason
Bousha rf Linn
Runs' Heppner 2, lone 0.
First on balls off Moeller2, off
Rocky 5.
Errors Heppner 1; lone, 4.
Hits, lone 6; Heppner, 1.
Two base hits, Rocky 1; Sperry, 1.
Struck out by Moeller, 11; by
Rocky 4.
Hit by pitcher Mqeller, 1; Rocky
Rhea Luper and family, of Salem,
were here during the week, being
here to attend the funeral of his
railed here to attend the funeral of
his mother. They returned to Salem
' Will Eder was struok by an auto
mobile driven by Lloyd Matteson last
Saturday night at the intersection of
May and Main streets and seriously
injured. Three ribs and the collar
bone were broken. Eder was on his
way to his room at the Bucknum
rooming house on west May street
when Matteson drove up street and
turned at the intersection. Conflict
ing stories as to how the. accident
happended are in circulation. Mat
teson says that Eder seemed to be
come confused and stepped in front
of the car and when he tried to stop,
his brakes failed to work. Others
iSay that Matteson did not have good
control of the machine. When the car
struck him, Eder caught hold of the
fender to save himself from being
run over and was dragged to the curb
where he lost his hold and was
crushed between the wheel and the
curb. Dr. McMurdo attended the
injured nvan and reported this morn
ing that while his condition is serious
he is doing as well as can bo expec
ted. The ifroken ribs were driven
into the lung but the patient's recov
ery is expected.
Word was received here Monday
evening that A. E. Binns, former well
known resident of Heppner was dead
at his home in Corvallis and that the
body will be brought here today for
interment. The funeral, will be held
Thursday from the Masonic temple.
Mr. Binns was a pioneer resident
of Heppner and was engaged in busi
ness here- for ninny years', retiring a
number of years ago when ms nealth
failed. Mr. and Mrs. Binns moved
to Corvallis about two years 'ago
where they purchased a home. He
is survived by his widow and oncson,,
Kennith Binns who is engaged in
newspaper work at Oregon City.
LiMi ncrrrc
Room for Thirty-Eight Wells On
Lease Held By Lo
cal People
Sheepmen who have just sold their
wool crop for better than 30 cents
are not the only ones wearing a pleas1
ant smiles around Heppner the last
few days. By no means. About a
dozen Heppner, folk who are in no
way connected with the wool business
were feeltag mighty fine when word
was received from Greybull, Wyom
ing, announcing that the first well on
the lease owned by the Greybull Oil
Pool, had just come in with an esti
mated capacity of30 barrels of high
grade oil and 250,000 cubic feet of
gas per day.
The leafle includes 160 acres and
lies in the center of the famous Grey
bull oil district, surrounded on all
sides by produciingiwells. The tract
remained undeveloped because of be
ing in litigation and it was only a
few months ago that the legal tangle
was settled and J. F. Harrison, a well
known oil promoter and operator se
cured an option on the property.
Needing capital to develop the prop
erty Mr. Harrison came to Heppner
several weeks' ago and interested
Sam E. Van. Vactor in the project,
who, after investigating the matter,
wad convinced that it was a good pro
position and recommended the invest
ment to a few of his friends. A pool
was formed with the required capi
tal repreented by 250 units at 125
each and enough money raised to
finance the lease and for sinking the
first well.
In that territory known oil-bearing
property is developed with wells sunk
400 feet apart each way so that the
property controlled by the Heppner
people will require 38 wells for its
complete development.
The oil-bearing strata Is shallow,
the deepest wells In the duftrict not
exceeding 1200 feet( some wells be
ing Bunk only 500 or 600 feet.
The Greybull oil Is rated second In
quality in the world, the raw product
being almost as clear as kerosene,
and Is now worth on the market
$2.25 per barrel. A big oil refinery
costing 1250,000, Is now in operation
only a quarter of a mile from the
Lodge Session, Banquet, Splendid
Program Feature Afternoon
and Evening
Last'Wednesday, April 26th, was a Cecil Leiuallen, trafflc inspector
red letter day with the members of for the State Highway Department,
the Independent Order of Odd Fel- witn Headquarters at Pendleton, was
lows, that date being the 103rd an- ltt town over Sunday looking after
niversary of the organization of that his offlcial dutlei ani visiting with
most popular fraternal order in the fliend9 and relatives.
United States. Talking with a Herald reporter
In common with hundreds of sis- Mr- Lieuallen said that special at
ter lodges all over the country, Wil- tention is now being given to that
low Lodge, No. 66, of this1 city, cele- class ot law violators who disregard
brated the occasion in a fitting man- the rules ot the road regarding lights
ner, having as their guest of honor on their machines and particularly as
for the day Hon. M. L. Watts, of resards the class of "hard boiled"
Athena, grand master of the grand drivers who fail to dim their head
lodge of Oregon. lights when meeting other cars. "To
Members of the various branches of tni" class of drivers, who needlessly
the order from the different lodges Jeopardize theii own lives and the
of the county were present and the lives of other travelers, no mercy will
exercises of the day were opened at be sh0Tn'" Bai(1 Mr- Lieuallen, "but
3:00 P. M. when a special lodge meet- tney wiu be nested and given the
ing was; held to receive officially, the maximum penalty under the trafflc
(rand Master. ' laws."
At 6:30 P. M. a sumptuous ban- Another lighting requirement of
quet was served in the big dining tne traffic regulations is that all cars
room adjoining the lodge room when ar0 required to show at least two
more than 150 members of the or- I'ehts in front, of approximately two
der, Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, -par- ndle power each and,' one red light
took of the hospitality of the lodge. Behind. Every violator of these rules,
At 8:00 P. M. the lodge room was Mr- Lieuallen said, will be vigorously
crowded; to fullest capacity by an Prosecuted but the driver who fails
audience of members of the order and to dim his 1!ehts in passing will get
their friends to enjoy the following a11 that is coming to hiin.
excellent program: . Mr. Lieuallen Is also calling atten-
Ritualistic exercises (anniversary) 11011 of farmers and others who own
Dy Lodge trucks to the requirements of the
Piano solos Mrs. Loa Taylor rules' regarding width of tires and
Reading Miss Addie Quesinberry their relation to loads carried. Far
Whistling solo, Miss Elizabeth Phelps mers who wil1 later be trucking
Address M. L. Watts wheat to market should determine
Grand Master of Grand Lodge
... of Oregon -
Vocal Solo
Mrs. Helen Walker, of Lexington
Address, "Oddfellows and Oddfellow-
ship" ., S. E. 'Notson
Indian Club exercises
Mi8S lBa Moore
Architects drawing for the pro
posed new Christian church to re
place the edifice recently destroyed
by fire may be seen, in the show win
dow of the Humphreys Drug Co. D.
E. Harden is the architect and his
plans for the building were tenta
tively accepted by the building com
mittee last Saturday, subject to ap
proval of the membership of the
church. The building, which will be
of hollow tile construction, will 'be
54 x 70 with a ft 1 1 basement
Which will be used for Sunday school.
The auditorium will be about the
same size of the old church with a
smaller room about two-thirds as
large, the two being separated i by
folding doors which may be opened
when occasion requires. The esti
mated cost of ,the building is placed
at $16,000.
M)ST Tan valise between post
office and Ed Hunt ranch. Kindly
leave at Herald office. Reward. It.
Heppner lease.
Mr. Harrison estimates that the
flow of gas, which is converted into
high grade gasoline at the refinery,
will pay the cost of sinking the next
well, leaving the oil output as velvet
to the owners.
The following Heppner people are
Interested In the pool: Sam E. Van
Vactor,. M. D. Clark, A. D. McMurdo,
Leslie Matlock, S. W. Spencer, A. L.
Ayers, C. W. McNamer, W. A. Rich
ardson, Myrtle-Van Vector, Ruth Van
Vactor and Lula Hager.
The Hotel Patrick
(Under New Management)
The Ladies of Heppner and the surrounding
country to make the Hotel their headquarters
while shopping.
"Service With a Smile"
.Violation of Road Rules Regarding
Lights Causes Many Accidents
Says LieuiiUen
3ust what loads they will haul so that
' their tire width may be adjusted to
suit the weight. This matter is im-
portant, Mr. Lieualkin says, and
strict observance of the rule.s will
Eve trouble and expense later.
Funeral services over the remains
of Mrs. Frankie Luper, who died sud
denly last Tuesday morning, were
held Thursday afternoon in the
Masonic Temple, the services being
conducted according the the ritual of
the Order Eastern Star, of which-she
was a member of long standing. Rev.
Livingstone delivered a short address
preliminary to the ritualistic services.
Mrs. Luper was' a native Oregonlan
having been born In Lane county
62 years ago, the daughter of Elijah
I and Catherine Rhea, Oregon pioneers.
She was married 'to James F. Luper
January 11, 1882, In Lane county
where they continued to reside until
j 1900 when they removed to Heppner,
, where they have since continuously
resided. Mrs. Luper was engaged in
: the millinery business here for many
years and was' recognized as a cap
; able business woman, a staunch
' friend and a kindly neighbor. Sho
was a member of the Eastern St-ir
and also of the Rebekah and Women
j of Woodcraft lodges and wa held In
high esteem by a wide circle of
j friends.
She is survived by her huHband,
James F. Luper, one daughter, Mrs.
i Albert King, of Portland; one (bm,
i Rhea Luper, of Salem; and the fol
lowing brothers and Bisters: C. A.
j Rhea, of this county; T. A. and J. P.
Rhea,1 of Hillsboro; Mrs. Eliza
Bracket and Mrs. Lillian Pies, of
: Portland; Mrs. Peter McCarter, of
Vancouver, B. C; Mrs. Andrew Til
1 lard, of Douglas, Wyoming; Mrs.
Ada Wyatt, of Santa Cruz, California;
Mrs. Nellie Barnard and Mrs. Estella
Veatch, of Fossil.
The Herald has reecived the fol
lowing letter from R. D. Sayers, pre
sident of the Peoples Warehouse, re
garding the ball game played here
recently between Heppner and the
Peoples Warehouse teams:
"We acknowledge, with pleasure,
the receipt of a marked copy of your
publication,! and, we THANK YOU.
for the nice writeiup of the Base Ball
game we played over there with
your city team.
"Thel writer was out on the 3rd.
base line all the time, right where
the Heppner fans were the most rabid
and I am glad to stiy that I never
played in a game where better sports
manship was displayed or cleaner
"rooting" than was given there.
"Trusting that our conduct was
such as to merit your approval, we
hope, some day, when we have better
roads, to meet you again."
Charlie Doherty was in from his
Lexington ranch Saturday and an
nounced to the Herald man that he
has entered the lists as a professional
prophet. Charlie said he can tell
all about weatheiafter a residence of
40 years in the county and he is will
ing to bet thatJhe can come closer
the actual weather conditions than
Lum Gordon, Bill Stewart and Sam
Notson all puti together. Mr.
Dohcrty's system is, In fact infallible.
He simply waits until spring and then
tells whatkind of a winter we had
which showa that he is a canny Scot
rather than an imaginative Irishman
or excitable Yank. Seriously,; how
ever, Mr. Doherty says that the sea
sons are changing, the springs' beng
much later than they were years ago
and he thnks maybe the world may
have wobbled a bt out of plumb.
Eugene Myer jr., managing direc
tor of the war finance board, who re
cently visited Oregon and other wes
tern states to get flnA-hnnd informa
tion regarding the flnrvricial needs of
the farmers and stockmen, has sub
mitted a report to President Hard
ing embodying tho information gath
ered on Ms trip. Tho report, con
cludes with the following recommen
dations for giving needed asHislunce
to the( agricultural Interests.
Mr. Myer's endorsement of co-operative
marketing will mo douK meet
hoarty response among the wheat 'and
wool men of the west.
As remedial measures ho recom
mended:, "Enactment of legislation specific
ally authorized the organization of
Institution to rediscount tho paper
of livestock loan companies, and tho
establishment of a.Hyrtom for the
more adequate supervision and In
flection of (he liveatm k which fur
nishes security for tho .paper.
"Frank recognition of the need for
the orderly marketing 0f ngrlc;ill,iral
products' In a more gradual way and
over a longer period, and the adjust
ment of existing banking lavs and
regulations with (his end n view.
"Establishment of a rediscount fa
cility to make It possible, at all times
for co-operative market Ing organiza
tions to obtain adequate funds for
their operations. i
"Extension of powers. of the fed
eral reserve banks' to Includo tin pur-ch-iso
in the open market of eligible
papr Recur! by non-perishable agri
cultural commodities, properly ware
housed. "Encouragement of state non-member
banks to enter tho federal reserve
system admission, In such cases to
bo conditioned upon an undertaking
to Increase thej capital to tho present
minimum of $25,000 within a defi
nite time.
"Amendment of tho j national
banking act to permit a limited
amount of branch banking within a
limited radius of the parunt Institu
tion." Mr. and Mrs. Alfred King, their
sons, Martin and Norton and daughter
Francis ,of Portland, wero railed to
Heppner liu-.t Tuesday by the death of
Mrs. Kings moter, Mrs. Francis
i Luper. Mrs. King and Martin will
remain here for some tlmo to look
after the estate and busluesa loft by
I Mrs. Luper.
Growers WhoUlefused to Contract
Earlier in Season Had j
Right Hunch (
That the sheepmen.who refused td
contract their crop of wool some time
ago at 30 cents had a good hunch,
has been proven within the past few,
days when practically the entire 1923
crop in this county was disposed of;
at prices ranging from 30 to 33 cents
including all grades, fine, medium,
and coarse.
Early in February W. W. Smead,
representing Holloway, Jones & Mc
Donald, contracted several clips hero
at 30 cents with a dollar a fleece ad
vence, but the bulk of the sheepmen
declined the offer having a hunch
that the market would develop
greater strength at shearing time.
After a few days activity at that time
buyers withdrew from the field and
no further effort was made to buy,
until last Tuesday when Phil Cohn, .
representing J. Koshland & Co., oC
Boston, quietly announced to the
growers that he was In the mar
ket for wool and within the day ha
bought 440,000 pounds at'30 to 30
cents. A day or two later J. W
Beynier, local buyer, took ,the field
with still better offers and about tho
same time W. W. Smead received or
ders to get busy and the result wad
that within a short time all the wool
In the county was sold at from 30 to
33 cents.
John Kilkenny with some 20,000
fleeces', or better than 200,000 pounds
of various grades sold his entire clip
Friday at a flat price of 32 cents, S.
W. Spencer, acting or Mr. Beymer
being the buyer.
Mike Kenny, who sold to'W. W
Smead the same day received 32 Yj,
j cents and at least one other sheep-
I man with a good sized clip is known
to have received 33 cents straight.
Mr, Beymer bought 25,000 fleeced
at Pendleton Friday and was at Baker
Saturday buying wool there.
A recent statement issued by tho
state highway commission showing
the activities of that body from 1917,
the yeait of tho Inception of the stato
highway building in Oregon, up to
tho present tlmo Irf ot considerable
During that time there has boon
1703.51 mlleH of highway graded,
1383.51 miles surfaced and 034.3 1
miles paved. The total cost, of these
improvements is $50,0 08,963.13. ,
This work and expendituro ot
money Is divided between eastern and
western Oregon as follows:
Eastern Oregon Grading, 1041.
69 miles surfacing, 924.23 miles;
paving, 95.90 miles.
Western Oregln Cniding, ,601.83
miles; surfacing, 459.38 miles; pav
ing, 038.05 mlleH.
Total expenditure In eastern Ore
gon, $19,720,082.21.1
Total expendituro lin western Ore
gon, $30,338,880.92.
Of tho total amount expended, tha
statu contributed $35, 1 26,260.08;
the counties expended $8,133,976.27;
railroad companies $208,618.19, and
tho federal government $6,539,
978.50. While the i.tatemont showa that
western Oregon hai secured moro
paving than has the eastern part of
tho slate; eastern Oregon has been
given a considerable greater iiilleag.i
Ik grading and surfacing and of ttio
money expended the country east ot
tho mountains ha.t reecived approxi
mately two-fifths and tho section
went (jf tho Cascade.-) approximate!
thii i.-fltliK of the total amount.
Considering population and ta.';
abb; wealth of the two tied ion.-, it
appears t!i; t this part of the stato ha.4
not fared badly at tho handu of tho
i-oiunil tsii'ii.
United Stales forest projeeU have
been Included In the above statement
but cos, of surveys, administration
and bond interest are not included.