-J 01? ml J 2 THR HTCPPNF.P HRPAT.n WT7rrMi?r tt7..t . - a. a iiuiiv. rv t.r i civ n a tti " : !-r- . " frtUa 1 HKliK .. . - ' j FOIt SUE I r 1 I , II I I Tuesday, April 25, 1922 When you. met a sheepman on the street Thursday morning you met the biggest, broadest smile you had en countered since wool hit the 30-cent mark last winter. That big, warm rain Wednesday night and the bright warm sunshine that followed was enought to make a wooden Indian smile. John Kilkenny, who was in town Thursday for the first time in a week or so, declared the grass on his range grew three inches or less Wed nesday night. S. R., Woods, forest ranger in charge of tne GKirdane district, spent B-everal days in town during the week and expected to return to his post .-1 Hff n . an. nuoa says tnere la an unusual amount of snow in the mountains this spring and the season for stock entering tho reserve will be delayed at least ten days. Mr. Wood and his assistants have been engaged lately repairing the forest service telephone line up Willow creek but had to stop the work at the Moore mill on acoucnt of the depth of snow. Mosquitoes Prevent Rice Production. Although rice is the staple diet of the population of Ceylon, it is nearly all Imported. Malarial mosquitoes breed so freely in the rice fields that laborers cannot work there. Case Bus & Transfer Co. We Thank you for past patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. Our best service is for you. Leave orders at Case Furniture Co. or Phone Main 393 BAGGAGE. EXPRESS. FREIGHT. COUNTRY TRIPS & GENERAL HAULING Has Your Car a KNOCK? If So See FELL BROS, about the NO ..KNOCK BOLTS for any kind of car Absolute Satisfaction Come and talk it over and leave your order .... ZF.ROLENE OILS AND GREASES At Right Frices Have your motor flusned out and refilled with Zerolene. We carry a grade for all cars and trucks QUART 15c. Up To 5 Gallons 60cts per Gal. Over 5 Gallotns 57 i cts per Gallon WHY PAY MORE Try Us For Service Fell BROS. Repair Shop 1 Block East of Hotel Patrick Mot D rinks-Sandwiches Hit the right spot this time of the year You Get the Best ; At McAtee h. AiKen A Bargain if Taken at Once 640 acres, every foot in cultivation, all fenced good drilled well with plenty of water to ir rigate garden, four-room house, one-half mile from school, n miles from raihoad. Price OInly $20.00 an Acre. $2,000.00 down, Terms on Balance Roy V. Whiteis KELLOGG'S SHREDDED KRIMBLES "Whole Wheat Ready to Eat" No cooking; just a little cream, a bit of sugar and Let's Go. Of course you'll like them Try a package at Sam Hughes Co. Where Your Taxes Go How Uncle Sam Spends Your Money in Conduct ing Your Business By EDWARD G. LOWRY Aathor "Washington Close-Upn," "Banks anil financial System." tc. Contributor Political and Economic Article to Leading Periodical! nd a Writer of Recognised Authority on tha National Government's Business Methods. Copyright, Wee tern Newspaper Union xvn. NO REWARD FOR LOYALTY What cun a man hope for who en ters the government service as a career? Let us look at some actual cases. Here Is the story of one as told by E. J. Ayers, chief clerk, De partment of the Interior. He cites, it as a case similar to that of many oth ers In his department, and says there are many others who are in worse cir cumstances : "The records of our department show that he entered the service as a lahorer at ifOOO a year, after a service of three and a half years in the Uni ted States navy as a first-class lire man, with an honorable discharge. He has been with us for more than tliirty- ' three years, and is sixty-six years old, and has given more than' half his life to the service of the government. "He owns a little property three miles beyond the Chesapeake Junc tion, and he gets up early In the morn ing, before daylight, and comes In to work and goes out after dark at night. Today he Is getting $840 a year. He lias raised a family of nine children three of whom are now dead eight boys and one daughter. His elder sons are married and have established homes of their own. Two of his sons were In the military service iii France, and his daughter, twelve years old, lives with her grandmother, where be is supporting, educating and clothing her. j "He Is a white man, a very Intelli gent mnn, eminently qualified for this particular line of work. His wife is dead. He is his own housekeeper and he does the cooking and the washing and the Ironing. "His home was established In Its present location because it was not thought practicable to raise a family in the district, and he bought a piece of property in Prince George's coun ty three miles beyond the railroad terminal, which distance, as I said, he walks twice a day, leaving In the morn , ing most of the year before daylight, I and returning home by dark. This small place consists of a shack and a few acres of land on which he has a mortgage of $1,000, and you can judge that he enjoys no conveniences other than the small bouse, which protects him from the elements. "The bouse Is divided into four rooms, the partitions being of paper i tacked to the framework, there being no laths or plaster. "The small stove standing In the center of the room he has used for more than twenty years, and the pot on the stove contains his Sunday din ner, which he has prepared for him self, consisting of white navy beans and fatback. These beans are now costing him twenty-five to thirty cents a quart, and the fatback costs him forty cents a pound. It could have been purchased a few years ago for seventeen cents a pound, and the beans for ten cents. He does not get any fresh meat because he cannot afford to buy it. "To my mind It seems a pity that the United States government should employ men of Unit type, or any other type for that matter, and not give them enough to live on decently. It is particularly n pity In this case he cause he Is somewhat superior to many of the employees. He has stayed with us as a matter of faithful ness to the government, and has stayed with us when be could make more in one week outside of the gov ernment than we pay him for one month. "Others have left us, hut Instances of that kind have been very few. At one time I bad In our auditorium our employees and I made an appeal to mem 10 siana ny us during the war period, and there were more than 800 of thein present, and they all of one accord assured us that they would stand by us and would give us the benefit of their labor In our depart ment during the war period, notwith standing the fact that the price for labor outside was a great deal more." This curious pride In their work and loyalty to the government and the government service was a thing that cropped up In the most unexpected places. As one employee put It: "I think you will find that every service seems to be quite proud of Its work. I know you will find It In our service as far as compensation and such as that are concerned. The pay In this office Is small, but that element, that feeling in a man's mind that he Is really help ing to accomplish good work and helping this government to function well, is really part of It. I find In all my talks with employees that they really feel proud of their work, and that pride Is really what gets things done. I think that Is true everywhere In the whole service, and particularly throughout the executive depart ments." That Is curiously true, and It Is on of the reasons, possibly the chief rea son, why men stay on In the depart ments year after year at a low rat of pay and not mucb possibility ot promotion. Tragically new "Country Home" lighting plant. Capacity 1000 Watts la first class condition. Call on or address, 49 tf J. STARKEY, Heppner, Or. Webster's New International DICTIONARIES are in use by busi ness men, engineers, bankers, judges, architects, physicians, farmers, teachers, librarians, cler gymen, by successful men and women the world over. Are Ycu Equipped to Win? The New International provides the means to success. It is an all knowing teacher, a universal ques tion answerer. If you seek efficiency and ad vancement why notniakedai!y use of this vast fund o inform ation? 400.000 Vocabulary Term. 2730?aes. 6jl(M) I'lustruriiins. :t;r:'il l'Otos. 3!,009 Geographical Subjects, ilit) Biographical Entries. Regular ar.d India-Paper Editions. V.Titofarppco- wiou reigns, illustrations, ete. Free, n set of Pocket Map;j if you numo this paper. G. & C. MERRIAM CO.. Springfield, Mass. CORRECT ENGLISH Monthly Magazine Authoritative Exponent of English For 22 years i Edited and Founded Ily Josephine Turck Baker Famous World Authority on English Send 10 cents for Sample copy Correct English Publishing Company EVAXSTON ILLINOIS Agents Wanted Everywhere. I ' 1 Hungry for Success? Then good bank service should appeal to you. There are so many ways you can make our bank service useful to your interests, so many services that you can use in your plans, that it is well worth while to look for new ways in which you can make service active in your work. t Keep this in mind good bank service is always rendered by men who have your best interests at heart. With us, we are ever on the watch to find new ways to serve you. First National Bank Heppner Ore. Heppner Herald Want Ads brlnghomo the nacon. What Are Vitamines ? It is a name used by an eminent English scientist to distinguish the vital elements found in food. If you want Cereals containing Vitamines use Whole Grain Products GROSES I We have just stocked a full line of Whole Wheat Flour Southern Corn Grits Breakfast Rye Wheat Granules Natural Brown Rice Scottish Oat Meal Phelps G rocery ompany