I: PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. I'ATTISON, Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Terms of One Year Six Months Three Months CECIL NEWS NOTES ,,Mi.3 Grace Palinit.fr, of Shady Dell, spout the week end with .Miss Edith Swie.k atjlhea .Siding. Herbert Hynd, of Iiutl.erby Flats, ; man last week that while the pres .irrd Miss A. C. Lowe, of the Highway : ent lamb crop will only mafk out House, were the dinner quests of about GO per cent of what, it should .Air. and Mrs. DwiKht Mistier at Day-, have been, the sheepmen are by break ranch, on Sunday. jiio means discouraged. "Nothing to Roy Slender, of Seldomseen, Ar- j worry about," the sheepman said Ihur Turner, of Hotheboys Hill and ( "there is a big shortage of sheep and several other friends were callers in j lambs all over the range country and l'"JI auuuay. jvtira r.leanor Furney returned to Cecil on Sunday after spending Sat- ' urday with friends at the county 1 .seat. I T. W. May, of Lone Star ranch, ' was in Cecil on Sunday accompanied ' by M. F. Yates of EightmHe, who left : on the local for Pendleton. The Mayor left, his home town c- j companied by his better half on Tues- ' lay (l.'claring ail sorts of trouble fori 1he Heppner weal her man unless we j were treated with some better weath- ' t. After spending a couple of days; chasing the weather man around '' Heppner they returned home and be hold, the weather; was all that could lie desired. Should the warm, sunny weather leave us again we will ship i our Mayor and his better half to town j again in search of I lie weather ma n. A lunge parly of charming young ladies from Hcmmer, chaperoned hv ! Mrs. F. Tolle.son arrived in Cecil Sat urday morning and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd at Hutter- by Kbits. They attended tho dance Saturday evening In Cecil Hall. It niiuuini in.ii. nil mi! aiiio alien- ded the dance but. he arrived in the dark to escape the watchful eyes of the Mayor and Constable John. II. i:. llaribson, grain buyer from Morgan spent, a short time in Cecil on Sunday lu'lore leaving on the local for Portland. Oiiiyit Ciirliss left for the Crand itc:--, on Saturday where he will rpend a few days before r turning to his r; i y . -h near Kliea Siding. Unr! ! ai'n:-'v,'orlh, of l;lna Sidini; bit for I'e.rl i.iitnl on Monday where lie will remain while receiving Inut '".cnt by i is ducliir in I' ll I land. Mr. and Mrs. .1. .1. .McKnlire ;uil children, of Ki Harney, were doing business In Arlington on Wednesday. .1. J. experts to have Ills shearing crew at work at Killarney in a few days. Mi's Annie Hynd returned to her lioine at i'.u'tcrby Monday after iiiiRni; a few days jvith friends in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Davis accompanied by I,. I). Wiley made a short slay in Cecil Tuesday before leaving for Ihcir'j l espei I i r ranches n, Willows. 1 Henry Kreb--,, of the Last Came, loaib a hurled (rip o Itardman Wed Jicsdny. C. A. Mime', of ll"pii"r, w.is !' Ine-.v i ii :i u amend t'ecM on Tnes.lay. .Mil:, Mabel Si 'II I In or ! e I d I . of 1'i'lt land w ho has been , Isiting '-villi Mr. and Mi l. i; vi;r K rebs for some time b it WcPie.. ,b,y for Presser, Wash iaj'tm Ke:h in ,,n the l.ir-1 fur lieppmr Friday where !' will isit b!s old p:U,i for a few hours. Jack llvml. of llulterby Flat", nc conipaniril hv (ieorge W. Wilson Made a trip to lloardiuan on Sat n r lay to view the country around and compare it with Suiliiv Cecil Cooir declares the only good thing he saw was a lo elv young lady just anheil , Irom the Emerald Isle, and he is! i i rioii'dy thinking of taking up a liome at ol'aidnian. : Kd Melnni spent Saturday in Heppner mid returned to Cecil Sun clay. He left for Pilot Kock Mondavi where he and his brother, lieorjre, have boui'.ht a home. , Miss Alniit licln, of Heppner.' wiuj the veoli end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ceorgo Krcbs at the Lust Camp Airs, ollorne Krelm lit The Last Camp Misses M ildn d IHincan of Busy llee ranch and Crystal Roberts, of Fwing wi re fallen on their Cecil )i ietuls on Saturday. M H I II AM) I I I I II M KI 1 I ln TO I, null III III II 't I . I'll ( I'v Janet Cirlsnn. -tlH tirade rVh I Inst. No. 37.) The tee!!i are a very import; I'l part of our body. We could not liio ery Well if we had no tetth, Tin) thi-retot e should be taken c ue of. They should last a lifetime, lli.t there are ho many diseases new that it is laud to keep them from being diseased, l.itile children otten neglect their teeth . Therefore I hey liavo poor teeth. It Is hard for theiu to learn to brush Editor and Publisher Postotflee as second-class Matter Subscription $2.00 $1.00 $0.50 sheepmen are not a;it DISCOIR- j A well known pioneer sheepman of I tlii county remarked to the Herald you can take it from me that the fellows that buy our 60-per cent crop of lambs next fall will pay for the' 40 per cent we lost. The sheep business is alright," he continued, '"and one of these line mornings the sheepmen will be sitting n top of the world again smoking the finest cigars ever brought from Cuba." I'Altl.Y WHEAT SEK.IiINt; MAKES ISEST SHOWING (By C. C. Calkins.) That it pays to seed fall wheat early has been clearly demonstrated this spring from the results of the different dates of seeding over the country last fall. It is almost uni versally true that the man who' seed ed early lias a good stand whereas the man who seeded late is wonder ing whether it is going to 'be neces sary to re-seed or get along on a greatly reduced yield this year. i We have been checking up on the early and late seeding in Mor Sherman ronnfioa n,i i.. 4, Jen the matter up with I). E. Stephens huPerintenfletit ,.f ll. t. .inn ii x pert inent station, where they are doing considerable work along this line. We find that the early seeded fall wheal in Sherman county is the wneat winch is giving the Mr. Stephens slates that. promise. in their of seeding mats of dales and rati "oner wheat that the wheat seeded on. the two dates, September 2(511, and October mm, are the wheats which look the best at the present moe. .Mr. Stephens alio stati that It lias beep his observal lion that fall wheat should be scrip d before t he .'nth hat of October, which m ua !ly means most farmers will have ( start Heeding wheal prior to that time. Many of the more successful farmers in Sherman county, however, have "'i'le it a practice Tor a number of years to start seeding by the joih or October, whether the moisture comii- ' are invorable or not that they take less chance feeling in dry seeding ihan n,e ia, seeding. 1 1 iii:i: u i tksts to hi: ma dm AT III ). RDM ' Tests conducted by Dr. H. R. p,M- hnger, deputy state veterinarian he made on all milch cows mi I! 1 . will the 1. .-.in. man project next week to dis- I'd V e i- 1 r t.il , . . . " . iiiiei tiiiar irouote exists in the dairy herds. The tests are I made w ithout any e'xpon,',. t t the fai-l niets and dairymen, the , mmi,m being I born by the state. Cattle found af- j I'erted by the disease will be killed I and where the disease is not (,. tar; advanced th,. meat may be sold for consumption. The state and county v 'II Pay up to $35. no t make up the difference between the appraised and the salvage prices and up to $M on pure bred stock, and the federal gov ernment will pay 33 per cent of any balance of the dillercnce remaining. Matt T. Hughes went to Hutter creek today to buy cattle to stock his Rock creek ranch. Mr. Hughes thinks the cattle business Ib coming back and he wants to be ready for It. their teeth when they ct their per manent set. Their teeth need ood care then. There are twenty teeth In thu temporary set. There are several kinds of teeth. The fm't two front teeth are Incisors, and back or the incisors are the canine, then back of the canine are the two bicuspids, end the six year molars. Fach is suit id to its special purpose. Only a clean hiush ;n,l clean feed should be put In the mouth. All other tluncs are harmful. IVutal floss is used to remove small particles tioni between the teeth. Nits should lo ver be racked between the teeth, be water c. o craok the enamel of the t.th and e.iuos decay. There fore in order to h:n i good he: Id we should care for our teeth. The permanent sot should be taken very good care of. They are very important. They are thirty two in number. We should go to the dentist about twice a year. If there are any de cayed he should fill them at once. THEHEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON CARD OF THANKS On behalf of myself and family I wish to express our thanks to friends and neighbors for kindly assistance and sympathy extended at the burial of our son, husband and brother, Walter Bartholomew. MRS. MARY BARTHOLOMEW AND FAMILY. Pointing in America's Early Days. The first printing press In New Eng land was set up In Cambridge iu 1639. The first book printed was the "Free man's Oath," the second an almanac for New England, and the third the Psalms. There were five printing presses running in Boston in 1719. and it Is very probable that during that SO enrs from Ki.'i9, numerous books were orlnted. ' i ! PHONE 872 AI.EX GHSli, Plumber At Starkey's Electrical Store I Fix Any Old Thing Auto radiators, Ranges, Heat ers and Tinware. Dirty Chim ney Cleaned. Key Fitting Glazing Etc. WJ.WJ. IV THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON Foil THE COUNTY OF MORROW Hazel Leathers, Plaintiff, vs. SUMMONS Otto Leathers, Defendant To Otto Leathers, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit r.:thin six weeks of the date of the first publication of this Summons; and if you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will proceed to ask the Court that 'the bonds of matrimony now existing betvyeen the plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved and held for naught and that plain tiff be grantedjan absolute divorce irom said defendant; That the plain tiff be decreed the sum of One Hun dred ($100.00) Dollars as a reason able attorney's fee in this suit to gether with her costs anil disbnrs ments; That plainUff be, granted the permanent care, custody, and control of Evelyn Lucile Leathers, the minor child of plaintiff r.nd defendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court limy seem equitable. This summons is published pursuant to an order of the Honorable. Win. T. Campbell, Judge of the Cor.nl y in compliance with command of same, Court of Morrow County, Oregon, I will on Wednesday the 3rd day of made and omtereilf on tho third day of Jlay, 1922, at the hour of 1,0 o'clock March 1 9-22. ; in the forenoon of sakf day, at the F. A. McMENAMIN, i front door of the County Court House 1 Attorney for Plaintiff, of Morrow County, at Heppner, Mor Resldence and Postofflce row County, Oregon, sell at public address Heppner, Oregon auction (subject to redemption) to Date of first publication, April 18, the highest bidder, for cash in hand paid, all of the right, title and inter Date of last publication, May 3ft. est ol the above named defendants, or : either of them had, or now have in XOTICK OF SALE OF rKOl'FKTV SEAI, In the County Court, of the State of Oregon for Morrow" County. In the' matter of the Guardianship of the rcrson and Fstate of Itessie Wiglesw'orfh, Gladys Wig losworth and Walter Wi.-lesworth, Minor heirs of Hit ha Wiglesworth, deceased. .Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as guardian of the person and estate of Itessie Wiglesworth, Gladys Wiglesworth and Walter Wig lesworth, minor heirs of liitha Wig lesworth, deceased, will on artd after Wednesday the 18th day of May, 1112 2'. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the First National Hank in the City of Heppner. Morrow County. Oregon, offer at private sale to the highest bidder Tor cash in hand, nil of the right, title and Interest of said minors In and to the follow ing described real property, to-wit: Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Section Thirteen (13) Southeast quarter of Southwert quarter and Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Twelve (12) in Tow nship Three ( 3 ) South Range Twenty eight, 2S, H. W. M. Such sale is made under the pur suance of a license and order of sale granted by the county co'.rt of Mor row County, State of Oregon, on the 17th;day of March. t!;e. in the mat ter of the guardianship of said in in oi-si antheming the sale of said property. Fated and first published this ISth day of April, 1922. W. K. WICt.KSWORTlt Guardian of the Per son and Estate of Pen sle Wiglesworth, Gladys Wlslesworth, and Walter Wiglesworth, 51-3 NOTICE OP SALE IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGOX FOR MORROW COUNTY H. A. Emry, Plaintiff, vs. Fred Ashbaugh, Clair Ashbaugh, and Sarah Ashbaugh, Defendants. i Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a foreclosure execution, Judg ment, Order, Decree and Order of Sale, issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause fe me directed, dated the 4th day e April, 1922, upon the judgment and decree rendered and entered in said Court and cause, on the 4th day of April, 1922, in favor of H. A Emry, plaintiff, above named and against the above named defendants, F. A. Ashbaugh, Clair Ashbaugh and Sarah Ashbaugh, for the sum of $3,896.76, principal and interest, $3 50.00 At torney's fees, the further sum of $3,748.00 principal and interest, and the sum of $3 50.00, attorney's fees, and the further sum of $24.00 costs and disbursements of said suit and costs of and upon this writ, command ing me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wit: The Southeast quarter of section 2; The Southeast quarter of southwest quar ter, the west half of the southeast quarter and Southeast quarter of south east quarter of section 11; the south half of southwest quarter of section 12; the north half of northwest quarter and southeast quarter of section 13; the east half of the northeast quarter of section 24; in Township 4, south range 24, also the south half of southwest quarter and northwest quarter of south west quarter of section IS; the northwest quarter and the west half of the north east quarter of Section 19, in township 4, south range 25, all East of the Willamette Meridian, in Morrow County, Oregon, save and except from the above des cribed lands, the following tract to-wit: All that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, lying North and West of the County Road, and consist ing of about 2 0 acres, more or less. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of said foreclosure, execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale, and and to the above described real prop- erry, or any part thereof, to satisfy said forecDasure, execution, judgment, order and decree, interest, costs, at torney fees and accruing costs. GEORGE McDCFFKE, Sheriff for Morrow County, Oregon Dated' this 4th tfay of April, 1922. A A .t. riiOIT.SSlONAI, CARDS VAUGHAN & GROVE DENTISTS Permanently located In Odd Tellow's Building HEPPNEK. OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN ami Sl'IUJKON Telephone 122 Office Pattison's Drug Store HEPPNER. OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN l.AWYKU Office Fhone Main 643 Residence'-phone Main 665 Roberts Puilding HEPPNEK. OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATlOl-.Ni V AT I. AW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOHXKY.AT-I.AW First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER. OREGON The Eats That are TREATS We make it our business to sell meats for eats that are real treats. And we don't comply with the food laws because it ia compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good service and fair treatment from merchants and professional men with whom we deal, and because we know it is our busi ness to sell only the best. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would like to see your meat order. ft' rfi Central 25 Cents out of every $1.00 You are now paying for insurance can remain in your pocket when you. renew that Fire Insurance policy in the Oregon Fire Relief Assn. F. R Brown Agent For Morrow County Phone Office 642, Res. 29F14. Heppner, Or. Ail Cats All prices read about the same But there is often a wide gap between what you expect and what you get Come in and compare our prices with our garments Lloyd Hutchinson Where they Political Announcements JFOU COCTNTY COMMISSIONER After being urged by citizens and taxpayers in all parts of the county to announce myself as a candidate tor the nomination for County Commis sioner, I have decided to do so and will be a candidate fcr such nomina tion on the Democratic ticket at the coming primaries. I have been a taxpayer here &ince before Morrow county was organized. I have no platform to announce nor promises to make enly that, if elected, I will endeavor to serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. R. L. BENGE Paid Advertisement. FOR COMMISSIONER ; l '"atllla counties In the May I hereby announce myself as a can- : P' ""arl,ls- 1 h"ve lived in Umatilla didate for the nomination to the of- coun,y 24 years and own property in flee of County Commissioner, eubjeet t'Oth counties. I was a member of the to the will of the Republicans oMniO or Wir ?eKinn o.k Morrow County, to be expressed at ' fe.,,on, and the gpe the primaries in Mav, 1522. :rml n of 1920 of the Oregon . j Let-slnture and otherwise have devo- VVATERS & ANDERSON: IT1 '"y "!ne ,0 public matters- 1 FIRE IN'scii t ; have no platform except to offer the '" ,'"","M'n Put C. C. I'EPPNER. OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNtR, OREGON Tuesday, April 25, 1922. r fit Market Look Alike Night G. A. BLEAKMAN. Present Incumbent. Hardman. Or. Paid Advt. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myseir as t candidate for the off! e of Joint Rep resentative of Umatilla and Morrow counties, on the Republican ticket. If elected I promise to faithfully and honestly perform the duties of the office, working at all time for th interests of the people of this district and the state of Oregon. E. M. HULDEN. Paid Adertisement. Von JOINT REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for Joint Rep resentative of the District of Morrow uesi judgement I have and to pursue ia conservative and economic course I1 bolipve applying slrlet businPSS ' till U ..1- A. - . , . u.imus IO pudiic matters. When we can pay for public development e snoum have betterments but when taxes prow burdensome wo must be content wi,h the old wavg until we can do better. Just now taxes must be trimmed wherever pos sible and no new appropriations made; and. the present; nedg of ,he farmer and stockman must be the main issue in law making and in the sphere of public influence. E. P. DODD, Hermiston, Ore. Paid Advertisement. Clean lothes lean I