Tuesday, April n, 1922 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, ORESON PAGE THREE Case Bus & Transfer Co. We Thank you for past patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. Our best service is for you. Leave orders at Case Furniture Co. or Phone Main 393 BAGGAGE. EXPRESS. FREIGHT. COUNTRY TRIPS & GENERAL HAULING Has Your Car a KNOCK? I So See FELL BROS, about the NO ..KNOCK BOLTS for any kind of car Absolute Satisfaction Come and talk it over and leave your order .... ZEROLEXE OILS AXD GREASES At Bight Prices Have your motor flushed out and refilled with Zerolene. We carry a grade for all cars and trucks QUART 15c. Up To 5 Gallons COcts per Gal. Over 5 Gallons 57 b cts per Gallon WHY PAY MORE Try Us For Service Fell BROS. Repair Shop 1 Block East of Hotel Patrick Hot Drinks-Sandwiches Hit the right spot this time of the year You Get the Best At McAtee h AiKen A Bargain if Taken at Once 640 acres, every foot in cultivation, all fenced good drilled well with plenty of water to ir rigate garden, four-rooni house, one-half mile from school, 11 miles from raihoad. Price OInly $20.00' an Acre. $2,000.00 down, Terms on Balance Roy V. Whiteis KELLOGG'S SHREDDEE KRUMBLES "Whole Wheat Ready to Eat" No cooking; just a little cream, a bit of sugar and --3Let's Go. Of course you'll like them Try a package at Sam Hughes Co. Don't Overlook Our Display of Spring and Summer Underwear A SPLENDID LINE OF GOODS AT LOW PRICES CASH VARIETY STORE CECIL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harbison, of Morgan, were calling on their friends in Cecil on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Tyler and child ren and also Grover Curtis from Rhea Siding were all visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan at Cecil on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Philips were vis iting at Butterby Flats on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Halferty'and son, Ray, of Shady Dell ranch, accompaned by Misg Grace Palmiteer, teacher o Fourmile school spent Sunday with friends near lone. Surely the county weather prophet has been at work again with his evil eye on Cecil especeially. Friday, Aprl 7th was a beautiful warm day everybody busy out of doors. Satur day, April 8th was cold, windy and any amount of ice on all ranch fwat- ering troughs. Everyone crawling into their winter furs once more and hugging the 'old heater and mutter ing, "With all thy faults I love thee still." Many inquiries have been received since last Saturday night regarding a sign post which has been erected near Cecil bridge. No one can give any information but the sign reads "B. B. 8 miles to Kork." The mayor and Constable John aro at their wits end tokno w where Kork is for they are sure that B. B. means Bottled Beer Oh ! They are so dry. Mrs. Roy Scott, of the Lookout, spent Wednesday at the Highway house in Cecil as the guest of Mrs. T. H. Lowe. Bob Ballentine who has been work ing on Willow creek for several i months left on the local for Pendle- ton on Wednesday. I R. A. Thompson, of Heppner, made vi hurried trip to The Shepherds Rest Tues'day. His shepherds certainly got no rest for R. A. soon had several bands of ev.'ea and lambs on the trail for his Heppner ranches in charge of I Lon M'erril, Gene Penland and Al (oosen. Bill Carson is left behind at , the Shepherds Rest and we heard him say he will take a good rest before j he leaves with hi3 band of ewes and : lambs, or know why. Bob left him I alone without even a coffe pot. ! I- Mrs. J. E. Crabtree and children, , of Dotheboys Hill ranch, also Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stender of Seldomseen ranch were callevs in Cecil Sunday. Jack Hynd accompanied by his daughter, Miss Annie and also Miss Eleanor Furney, teacher of Cecil school, autoed to Castle Rock Satur day for a change of scene. Mr .and Mrs. A. ' Henricksen, of Willow Creek ranch and George Hen ricksen of Strawberry ranch returned to their respective homes on Tuesday after attending the Golden Wedding festivities of their parents in Portland A large party of young people from Cecil vicinity took in the big vaudeville show in Morgan hall Tues day night. They were in charge of Constable John and of course were well behaved bunch who throughly enjoyed the evening show. f Misses Doris and Dana Logan spent Saturday with Miss Crystal Roberts at Ewing. Master Noel Streeter was exploring on various parts of Butterby Flats along vith Master Jackie Hynd on Sunday. These two future ranchers were so engrossed in their exploits that the dinner gon failedj to bring them to time but by evening they were the first at the supper tabhl and the last to leave. Mr .and Mrs. Van Schioifch and children from Arlington were the guests o," Mr .and Mrs. George Krebs at the Last Camp .on Sunday. Mrs. George Noble of Rhea Siding and also Miss Edith Swick, teacher of Rhea Siding School were callers in Cecil on Tuesday. Elmer Williams, government trap per left on the local, for Portland Tuesday. Harold Ahalt who is now trapping for the government was a caller in Cecil on Wednesday and had succeeded In getting seven coyotes in a very short time. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Gentry, of Heppner made a short stay in Cecil Monday on their return journey from Arlington to Heppner. . State Engineer Baldock,' of La Grande and Resident State Engineer Smith, of lone, were in Cecil on Wed nesday for a short stay. . Ellsworth Rickett and friends of Heppner were callers in Cecil Thurs day. C. A. Minor, of Heppner, made a hur. rled trip to his Cecil ranches on Thursday.' Old Age, To those who iiuve mi rerntirne In themitelves fur living well, every age I burdensome. We must tight uKiilnMt JiRfHKe. IUviml must be paid to health. ll'idcr i' exerolw- must he adopted, hi., miidi of meat and drink must be takfn. Kenlle folly, which l commonly caltai dutai", belong to weak old men, but nat to all. For, an I like youiiy rjh In which there la something of the old, so I like old men In whom there li tocnetblog of tbt jemng. One who always lr to thea panolU awl labors tat U welfare tt te atst dws act parle wkm aid for iukglaiuzixg (iAKAGE Harry Jackson, Mulvey Parker and Joe Mulvihill are in the county jail here on a charge of burglarizing the Morgan garage at Boardman. The men are transients in the country and are traveling in a Ford. They have been held for the grand jury. Sheriff McDuffe arrested the men at Pendleton Wednesday. Coming to The Dalles & Pendleton Dr. Mellenthiii SPECIALIST In Inteiliial .Medicine for the past eleven years. DOES XOT OPERATE Will be at The Dulles, The Dalles Hotel Monday and Tuesday April 17 & 18 And ut Petndleton, St. George Hotel, Wednesday & Thursday April 19 & 20 Office Hours: 10:00 a. m. to 4 p. m. TWO DAYS ONLY No Charge lor Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular grad uate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He visits professionally the more import ant towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free consultation except the expense of treatment when desired. According to his method of treat ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail ments. If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improp er measures rather than disease are very often the cause o your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that, consul tation will be free and that his treatment will be different. Married women must be accom panied by their husbands. Address: 336 Boston Block, Min neapolis, Minn, 1 THE HELD What Are Vitamines ? It is a name used by an eminent English scientist to distinguish the vital elements found in food. If you want G80OIES! Whole Wheat Southern Corn Natural Brown Phelps Grocery Company Hungry for Success? Then good bank service should appeal to you. There arc so many ways you can make our bank service useful to your interests, so many services that you can use in your plans, that it is well worth while to look for new ways in which you can make service active in your work. Keep this in mind good bank service is always rendered by men who have your best interests at heart. With us, we are ever on the watch to find new ways to serve you. First National Bank Heppner Ore. HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR Cereals containing Vitamines use Whole Grain Products We have just stocked a full line of Flour Breakfast Rye Grits Wheat Granules Rice Scottish Oat Meal ttnii 'eir - t'..."' a ""'w 1 Hi 1 11 1