Rev. George B. Van Waters, Arch! IX'acon of this Dioceso, will hold ser-j vices at the Episcopal church next Sunday, March 1!). Mi; s Vera Mahom-y, who has been fpcnding some time in Portland this winter, returned to her Heppner home Friday evening. It. VV. Fletcher, circulation mana ger for the Pendleton Tribune, came in yeslerday and is spending tne day liere in the interest of that news paper. Mr). Margaret Wri; lit, formerly of n-,ir Ilardman, now living at Port land, loft for that. Hly Saturday mo'KinpT after spending u few days wii h relatives here. Ocrgo Ritchie, who used to cut, in' at. in Heppner markets, now in t Ik- e-aine line of business for hiriself at. Neither did I want to bras. For I thought that wouldn't do But now that you've come back at me I'll chew the rag with you. I told the worst on Hardman, As you could plainly see. But now I'll give the other side And read your pedigree. I did not aitn to brag at all. And did it for your sake, For if I had, I'd told the score Of nine to twenty-eight. You told of the game at Lone Rock, And started out just fine, But you flunked before you finished, For you couldn't make it rhyme. Your poetry I believe, Would be more entertaining It you could fi-o to school with n. And get the proper training We are just a bunch of high school boys. And not so very neat. We don't pretend to know it all. But we do know when we're beat. When we got beat by Heppner You never heard us say. That we were just practicing To pass the time away. You said you never played before. Now really, is that true? How about your game at Condon When the grammar school beat you? We never want to brag and boast For that is not our style. And when it comes to that hot air, You have got us beat a mile. Now if you are all in high scl'ool, It is true, although 'Us sad. For the fellow that I had to guard for Ii business visitor here was TI,M:.-,lay. Hon. It. ,T. Carsner, of Spray, dropped in from over the mountain Thursday evening on a short busi ness trip and reported that "Then? ,s ; uro some snow on the mountain." Mr: Carsner eanie in on horseback which, while an old fashioned meth od of travel is about the surest one this time of year. 'ius Peret, world's champion rifle shot, who was expected to give an ex. hihiiion of fancy shooting here; loiii' tinie this month, has notified the I'eoples Hardware Co., that due ! to Hi" inclement, weather and the h:i '. wardnoss of the season, ho will no: eoiiH! to Heppner until some time in May. The exact date will be an nounced later. .Mrs. Joe Handy received a tele gram Friday evening announcing the serous Illness of her daughter. Miss Aud.'ey (Vogan, at Portland, and I' ll on Saturday's train to be with Ji'T. Miss C-rogan, who is a gradu ate or Heppner high school, class of ';!! is very popular in lleppuer. She has been employed in Portland since last summer. Word received from Perl land Sunday evening was to the effect that she is Improving. Torn Mattock was i ntown Saturday from his Hintou creek ranch and re ports the roads, a part of the way, not. the best In the world. Mrs. Mailock, who Is spending the winter at Spokane attending lo the settle ment of her father's estate, writes from there that, the winter has been very severe and that everything, in cluding the water pipes, have been froze up for months. Kl Reilniiin, Harley Sperry, 10. P. IlL lne and A. ('. Allison, nil well known, of the lone country, in town Thursday interview ins; Juilr.e Cornell on the nulo license ('!.;( Ion. Trafllc Inspector Lieuallen w l;o extended (he Invitations to the ."eiitlemen present, Is probably ge l.'i". to be as popular among auto and Ke Ic owners HH a sore thumb at a lie -king bee. Mr. Cornier left on Thursday's train lor the east, where he was ratlur un expectedly called on business, but in forms this paper that he expects to return In time to carry on a rather strenuous campaign before the May primaries for the nomination us joint representative for Morrow and Vinatllla counties. fir1 - ! FORMER PRICES RESTORED on OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS We take pleasure in announcing that practically pre-war prices again prevail on the OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS, as follow: 16 in. 3 Bottom Gang - $117.50 1 6 in. 2 Bottom Gang - 87.00 Roll Coulters and Jointers 8.50 No. 150 16 in. Shares 2.00 No. 40 12 in. Shares 1.20 Come in and compare our prices with others and let us know you wants. Peoples Hdw Co XK AIM TO I'I.EASK AM) OUK AIM IS TRIE! Was older tnan my Dad 'Tis true, you're not so much looks, So you must have lots of brain. For, he was nearly forty, Are your teachers all to blame? If he had gone to school in Hardman, To the teachers we have now. He would either be thru high school Or there would be an awful row. If Lone Rock is a noted dIaco And that stone had given its fame, It's a bleesing that you've got it Or your town would have no name. You say that people trn for miio To see that one lone stone. If you didn't have that rusty rock, You never would be known. That rock was all that Cod had left vt nen ne made this earth, to fair, He wouldn't spoil a good place, So he dumped it over there. Oh God, it was a blessing That you that rock did give You can carve upon its marble sides: "A town once here did live." I know it was a noisy place, AND Hardman made it all. You never once did say a word, ' That could be heard across the hall. It was you that we were vouching, As I remember well We saw your mouth fly crcn, Hut couldn't hear you yell. You may be too timid, Your high school songs to share, Cut you don't have to see Hardman girls To know that they are there. You may be too bashful, Or you may not have the sand But we all think that Hardman girls Are the fairest in the land. Your shows you have on Friday nights Are just like ours, I fear. We too, have shows nn rvi.i . " ' may Illgius nut only once a year. If you can't pray in church Any louder than you cheer, You might as well tnt ... For the Lord could never hear. Your dances don't amount to much In fact they never can j Unless you have p,! j Ule tne famous Leathers' Band, i Vernio plays the fiddle, In the proper sort of way. Ivan has a clarinet, And knows just ho'w to play Juanita thumps the ivory And Owen blows the horn. Old Hardman has the music As sure as you are born "ou can't play the fiddle, Tuesday, March 14, 1Q22 You can't even beat the drum We wonder how you get alone When Hardman doesn't come. I know your hall is larger, Of this we have no doubt, But we don't have to smn the onm To let people in and out. What difference does it make tn vnn About our little hall. When we always interfere. So you can't get the ball? ou think you can clean n ,,n Just see the awful conceit, vveve beat you three times itrond. auu win every time we meet. Now we have installed some lights, Although they are rather dim, They never have gone out like yours. ceiore we started In. Now come again you little men. And boys both large and small, We'll welcome you just any time, For a game of basket ball. Yes, come again when'er vnn And bring Genet along. And just as sure as we make a seore- biu 11 near our hgih school song. Now, Miss Genet, just write again, ir 1 naven't made It clear. For I can peddle stuff like this, The balance of tle year. MARION HAYDEN. March 6, 1922. wTAD TI dlRh II Program March 15 to March 21 WEDNESDAY- THURSDAY Vallate Itei.l in IMTSK MY DUST. Also Comedy. frTday " " ' Eva Xov;tk 511 "THE SMAIJT SEX." Also WINNERS OF THE AVEStT SATURDAY ' Antonio Moreno in "THRPF SPlTvs n ,, T "Simple Life." AIso Lan' Sem n Hit in id a '1'iir SUNDAY AND MONDAY S. Hart in "THE TOLL GATE.' Also Comedy. TUESDAY Kubye Do I'.einer in 'LUXUHY." Also two-reel Comedy. SEE OUR PRINTED PROGRAMME FOR DESCRIPTION toF THESE PICTURES SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY AFTHNOON March 18th HIGH CLASS Vaudeville Famous Fletcher Family ENTERTAINERS EXTRAORDINARY xue ricuire, Antonio Moreno in "THREE SEVENS" Shown Also Admission will be 20c and 40c w 3 & ? a st a .. ?t . ANSWER TO LOXE IMM'K When I wrote my piece in English As everybody knows, 1 didn't want to slight you, Nor trump upon your toes. GILLIAM & BISBEE'S COLUMN We still have the poultry niblics I'ml the water glass for packing the ;;gs. We arc waiting fur winter to break 'x;iccti!ig to Bell you your equip ment of single trees, bars etc. to prepare for your spring work. TIME I'licre'n a time to part und a time to meet, There's a Utile to sleep and a time to eat, I'here'H a time to Rt in and show your iirlt. Hut there nccr yet ;,us a time to Unit. Wo have alfalfa :-.ed flflti per ( -t pine. lYriiH, (I. Mold for ea.-h .'!'. 2:1 emu by the -i.u k. il cents Y tl eij Ii, d out a l.-sn ,ju, nit, ties !' '.'i a sack. Rolled Barley I am prepared to furnish the finest quaity Rolled Barley at fair and honest prices. I also handle a complete line of gasoline Kerosine and Lubericating Oils. Satisfac tion to customers is my motto. Andrew Bycrs PHONE MAIN,,, , j 00 . U illl'!l i'v )l ' en.-.-1 , 1 1 1 i.i ir ., ' "' ' M't l r. i s , n --: .i M ; . ! e- lit V. e V, !.l ,i ! CILLIAM & EISBEEifl Ex-Service Men You Are to Get Your OREGON STATE BONUS This Month Are urn going to follow the old saying "EASY COME, EASY GO" or are you going to make that money work for you Save It JVJty not putlt into a SAVINT.S ACCOUNT IN THIS HANK ii ml draw 4 per com inter est every si months. Then when opportu nity presents itself you will he prepared to meet it. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank hi:itnl:k. Oregon. St PATRICK'S DAY Ancient Order of Hibernians will celebrate St. Patrick's Day Friday , March 17, 1922 Program: Mass at St. Patrick's Church .8:30 A. M. Work Meeting of A. O. H. at I. O. O. F. Hall . . 10 :3o A. m! Football Game at Gentry Field 1 130 P. M Banquet at Hotel Patrick 6 :3o P M Dance in Hotel Dining Ro6m 9 :oo p! M.' The Football Game will be worth coming miles to see. Real Irish Players in a Real Irish Game. The Dance will be one of the very best of the season Splendid 4-Piece Orchestra A cordial invitation is extended to the public to at tend fcctball game and dance. , ; : j f ii - vie .