V Tuesday, March 14, 1922 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE THREF SHOWER GIVEN" NEWI.YAVEDS AT LEXINGTON' A shower was given Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson at the lodgehall by Mrs. R. E. White and Miss Edna Bau man on last Thursday evening. The hall was neatly decorated in pink and white and the color scheme was carried out in the refreshments. Mrs. Jackson was formerly Miss Cecile Scott. Many beautiful presents were received by the happy couple. Those present were: Mesdames Josie Frederickson, Em ma Millett Peck, Myrtle Reaney, Fannie McMillan, Trannie Parker. Ursula Holmes, Karl Beach, Frank Munkers, Eva Lane, Ola Ward, Laura Scott, Fred Lucas, Ethel Jones, L. H. Frederickson, Minnie McMillan, W. O. Hill, F. R. Bennett, Cora Warner, George Broadley, Claud White, J. M. White, Ira Lewis, and Misses Pearl San'key and Elizabeth Scoggins. G. U. Krebs, formerly engaged in the stock business on Balm Fork, now a resident of Portland, wao in town yesterday and made this office a pleasant call. Mr. Krebs has been visiting with his sons on their Cecil Has Your Car a KNOCK? If So See FELL BROS, about the XO ..KNOCK BOLTS for any kind of car Absolute Satisfaction Come and talk it over and leave your order .... ZEBOLENE OILS AND GREASES At Right Prices Have your motor flushed out and refilled with Zerolene. We carry a grade for all cars and trucks QUART 15c. Vp To 5 Gallons GOcts per Gal. Over 5 GalKwis 57 Vi cts per Gallon WHY PAV MORE Try Us For Service Fell BROS. Repair Shop 1 Block East of Hotel Patrick Hot D rinks-Sandwiches Hit the right spot these frosty mornings and blustery afternoons. You Get the Best At cAtee &. AiKen A Bargain if Taken at Once 640 acres, every foot in cultivation, all fenced good drilled well with plenty of water to ir rigate garden, four-room house, one-half' mile from school, u miles from railioad. Price OInly $20.00 an Acre. $2,000.00 down, Terms on Balance Roy V. Wbiteis TABLE NEEDS How about giving us an order for your table needs for today? You will find us well stocked with Veget ables and Fruits, Package, Bottled and Can ned Goods, Cured Meats and all seasonable commodities in our line. Sam Hughes Co. ranch for a couple of weeks and took a run up to Heppner to say hello to his many friends here. He admits having a preference for eastern Ore gon and likes to spend some of his time here. Joe Eskelson, well known wheat farmer of the Lexington district, who last fall decided to retire from active business and went to Seattle expect ing to locate there, was in town Sat urday visiting with old friends and attending to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Eskelson did not like Seattle and some time ago went to Salem where they have purchased a home and expect to make their home in that city. They are both at the ranch for a short time preparing for the move to Salem which will be made in a few weeks. Political Announcements FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER After being urged by citizens and taxpayers in all parts of the county to announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for County Commis sioner, I have decided to do so and will be a candidate for such nomina tion on the Democratic ticket at the coming primaries. I hr.ve been a taxpayer here since before Morrow county was organized. I have no platform to announce nor promises to make enly that, if elected, I will endeavor to serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. R. L. BENGE Paid Advertisement, I ' T I 4. PROFESSION AL CARDS A 1 - - - 1 VAUGHAN & GROVE DENTISTS Permanently located In Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN- and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 66S Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON FOR COMMISSIONER, I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the nomination to the of fice of County Commissioner, subject to the will of the Republicans of Morrow County, to be expressed at the primaries in May, 1922. G. A. BLEAKMAN, Present Incumbent. Hardman, Or. Paid Advt. ' FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself as candidate for the off! e of Joint Rep resentative of Umatilla and Morrow counties, on the Republican ticket. If elected I promise to faithfully and honestly perform the duties of the office, working at all time for ti interests of the people of this district and the state of Oregon. E. M. HULDEN. Paid Adertisement. S. E. NOTSON ATTORN' EY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNE-K, OREGON k -or x -- 1 ' . 9 mm Amu :: M 1 ii H How Your Bank Account Is An Investment You have an ambition for a larger suc cess. We are with you in your desire to forge ahead. ... fi While a bank account goes hand in hand with business success, we arc interested in you and can assist you in other ways. We invite the confidence of our patrons, and are ready with honest counsel and finan cial guidance. Thus, your account here places you in line for other services. It is an investment that pays you dividends in the form of helpful service. First National Bank Heppner Ore. THE HEPPNER HERALD. ONLY $2.00 A YEAk FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for Joint Rep resentative of the District of Morrow and Umatilla counties in the May primaries. I have lived in Umatilla county 2 4 years and own property in both counties. I was a member of the 1919, or War Session, and the spe cial session of 1920 of the Oregon Legislature and otherwise have devo ted my time to public matters. I have no platform except to offer the best judgement I have and to pursue a conservative and economic course. I believe in applying strict business methods to public matters. When we can pay for public development we should have betterments, but when taxes grow burdensome we must be content with the old ways until we can do better. Just now taxes must be trimmed wherever pos sible and no new appropriations made; and, the pressing needs of the farmer and stockman must be the main issue in law making and in the sphere of public influence. E. P. DODD, Hermiston, Ore, Paid Advertisement. j 19c SALE 19c More than 0 useful household articles offered in this ale at only 19c each. I he values will astound you at this price. This is in Reality a Mutual Benefit Sale CASH VARIETY STORE FREE GARDEN' SEEDS -"Foremost In The Field"- The Herald hag a supply of free government seed for distribution In cluding vegetable and flower seeds. Call and secure what you need for planting. tf PHONE 872 ALEX ;iim. Plumber At Starkey's Electrical Store I Fix Any Old Thing Auto radiators, Ranges, Heat ers and Tinware. Dirty Chim ney Cleaned. Key Fitting Glazing Etc. A AAAA. ?.AAA .., V V NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice i! hereby given that the un. designed has been appointed by the county court of the State of Oregon for Morrow county, administratrix of the etiite of Hurley Wright, dere.-ised and that she has qualified as su'h administratrix. All persons having claims asrainut said estate mut pre sent them properly verified, at the of fice of Woodson & Sweek, my attor neys in Heppner, Oregon, on or be fore six months from the date of the first publication hereof. MARGARET WRIGjIT Date of first publication, March 7, OLYMPIC FLOUR We have just stocked a complete line of the "OLYMPIC" products including the regular Olympic Flour Olympic Wheathearts Olympic Pancake flour Olympic Farina Etc. If Your Home Baking: Has Not Been Proving Satisfactory Try OLYMPIC A favorite with all the women who are acquainted with it's merits Ph elps Grocery Company I 7"'"T. I t If; it 1 1 - ! :; . 1922. 45-4$