Tuesday, March 7, 1922 PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON J. "b LOCAL NEWS ITEMS .j. .j. . 4. .j. .j. 4. 4- 'Ik- not deceived; Gh1 is not mock ed: tor whatsoever .shall a man owetii, that shuU lie also reap." Matt. 5:8 Suggested by LIVINGSTONE Mix Zara Snell, a teachor in the Kinimnn Hfluiols. was a visitor in HeppniT Saturday. Mra. C. C. Chick who was confined to I lie hospital for a few days last week is reported to Lo on the streets iiKain. ;l.RANTF.KI Service of a Jer sey bull at J. J. Well's ranch $2.50. Wheat looks pood In the Kifjht mil" eountry since the snow went off repoi'la Howard W. Anderson, who was in town yesterday. Mrs. Jason Iliddle, who was at the Moore hospital a few days last week Jiuri'eving from grippe', is at home again. Hoy ric'kens who succeeded R. E. Crego an local niiinair of the I'aci lic Telephone and Telegraph Co., has arrived from Halter and is get- iiiiK into the harness. His family is expecled to join him here in a short time. Mrs. Ed Adltins, who was confin ed to her room for several months with a severe attack of neuritis, is reported to ho considerably Improved and able to be up a part or the time. 1! yd & Buyers, proprietors of the old Schemp chop mill, are improv ing I he dull season by making a num ber (,' repairs and improvements in their plant which will increase the ft'lileiency and convenience of the mill to a considerable extent. Gordon Johnson who Spent last week hero looking around, went on to Hood Uiver Saturday to look over that district. Mr. Johnson is look ing for a small chicken and fruit ranch close to market. Corset manufacture rs and dealers should he pleased with the recent an nouncement that Dr. Copeland, New York Health commissioner, and Dr. ,orenz, the famous Austrian surgeon declare that the corset is ahout the the in out Important Item of women's apparel from a health standpoint. " Those Portland girls, who the preach ers charged with "parking" theirs at school dances should take warning from this announcement and keep 'em on. M. I'Mtzmarrice, prominent citizen of C indon, and Inspector for the Federal I, and Hank, lit. tnl-tine, was here for a few days during the week on a business trip. "Fit." was a for mer ncWH:mper nii'ii at Condo;:, do ing publisher of the Condon Times before the two pa;.ers were consoli ditej by George Flagg, hi: I after a few years In the newspaper gnme he accumulated eiioui'h money to retire iiinl make his p esent eotnieeUon wlt'i the banking bnslneys. County S irveyor Joe Klis!:t er has le'"i making a survey and platiB for uldewalk approaches to the May otiet bridge that when In place will tidd to the abearance and conven ience of ('.'.at handsome structure, the approaches will start from the sidewalk line about 60 feet from the bridge and connect with the side walks on the bridge on a reverse curve. Consideral le filling will be required under the new walks. Vic Groshen, who is an expert "rubble" stone mason, is engaged building rubble walls laid in cement mortar under the new bridges now being finished by Tobin & Pierce, to protect the bridges from the creek during high water. The walls will be finished with a coating of concrete cement and look as though they ought to stand anything. The new bridges are handsome and substantial structures and reflect much credit on I he skill and integrity of the contrac tors who because of bad weather have been heavy losers in time and ex penses in finishing the work. County Commissioner George Bleakman, of Hardman, was in town attending county court last week and annoitnced that he has secured the contract for carrying the Heppnor-Hardman-Parkers Mill mail, to take effect July 1st, when the pre sent contract held by J.C. Owens, ex pires. Mr. Bleakman, however, may take over Mr. Owen's contract and undertake -the workwithin a short time. :'.r. Bleakman does not seem to be worrying about politics and says he will be money ahead if lie does not succeed himself as commis sioner. Andy Hayes returned from Pen dleton Sunday evening accompanied by his niece, Miss Neva Hayes, who FORMER PRICES RESTORED on OL E CHILLED PLOWS We take pleasure in announcing that practically pre-war prices again prevail on the OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS, as follow: 16 in. 3 Bottom Gang - $117.50 16 in. 2 Bottom Gang - 87.00 Roll Coulters and Jointers No. 150 16 in. Shares No. 40 12 in. Shares was injured some time ago in an automobile accident at Pendleton. Miss Hayes was thrown from the machine striking on her head and at first it was believed her injury was slight. Later, however, she became worse and an X-Ray examination re vealed a fracture of the skull and for a time her condition was considered serious. She is improving rapidly now, however, and it is believed a period of rest and quiet will fully re store her. Miss Hayes is at the Moore hospital temporarily until a quiet place In some private home is found for her. Mrs. Louise Martin, chief operator in the Pendleton telephone exchange, where Miss Hayes was em ployed, accompanied her to Heppner Sunday returning Monday morning While in town Mrs. Martin, who for merly resided here was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Sigsbee. SHEEP LEAVE LOCAL THIS MORNING YARDS W. W. Stabler, of Portland, ship ped out 13 cars of two-year-old wethers this morning, nine cars be ing billed to the Seattle market and four to Chicago. W. W. Stabler bought the sheep from Mike Kenny and Pat Connell a week ago. Mr. Stabler is still here and Is in the market for more sheep. THOMAS DEWITT CUYLER - - - trrr . ft liil ill! 8 llll -.VTa?-? TLXAS ! I vgM 1 I Thomas DeWitt Cuyler Is chairman I of the Association of Railway Ex- 2f I ecutives. ' St b "b 'b 'b 'b 'b "b 'b -b "b 'b v v mi i STAR THEATRE Program March 8 to March 14 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Wallace Reid in SICK ABED. Also two reel comedy. FRIDAY Grace Darmnnd in THE BE A UTI FUL GAMBLER Also WINNERS OF THE WES'O SATURDAY t'annel Mejei-s in THE MAD MARRIAGE, .. Comedy and news SUNDAY Jack London's THE SEA WOLFE, Also screen magazine MILLINERY OPENING MAR. .J. ELEVENTH 8.50 2.00 1.20 Come in anl compare our prices with others and let us know you wants. 'C A remarkable display of Mil- J linery creations, especially ar- J. ranged for the spring season. ? J Opening, March 11th. No . J hats on display until the date J. J mentioned. -U ! Also Suits and coats of the . J latest types. .J. M IIS. I . LUPER A I .J. MONDAY AND TUESDAY David Butler in SMILING ALL THE WAY. Comedy Also two reel I SEE OUR PRINTED PROGRAMME FOR DESCRIPTION T.HESE PICTURES set. 1r BETTKR HOMES FOR OREGON Pictured in Lecture Exhibit .Demonstration. THE HOME Managemeat, Sanitation, Furnishings, Labor Saving Devices and Emergencies. THE CHILI) Nutrition, Clothing, Books. THE FOOD Selection, Preparation and Serving THE CLOTHING Selection, Making Dress Form, Dec orative Touches for Garments, Short Cuts in Sewing. EVENING ENTERTAINMENTS Community Play : Music Noted Speakers Full in formation on any subject by writing Registrar O. A. C, Corvallis, Oregon. reop dw Co WE AIM TO PLEASE AND OUR AIM IS TRUE! St PATRICK'S DAY on Rolled Barley GILUAM & BISBEE'S COLUMN Wo still have poultry supplies. l-'or $700.1)0 and frelRht from Chicago you can buy a 10 "0 Inier n.it ioual Titan Traitor. If winter ever breaks up and the I'.muiul thaws out we have all kinds of tools for working it. It doesn't pay to drive posts with out being treated with tar. we have tUi) tar to sell. A . You will (eel better If J'Ou svnd u: fa check to apply on your account. HoreaTter bur terms to rVery cus tomer will be 60 days with tt S pot cent cash discount for thirty days. Alter CO days K per cent Interest per annum will be added to your account very SO days. Come In and spend u IimW imsIi Vi i'h .V) one e;iii II iii.!tt.V : "At for 1 ! U . ii vi i . .n !n ii the i .. i is III f.l(. GiLUAH & DISBEE I am prepared to furnish the finest quaity Rolled Barley at fair and honest prices. I also handle a complete line of gasoline Kerosine and Lubericating Oils. Satisfac tion to customers is my motto. Andrew Bycrs PHONE MAIN 733 Ex-Service Men You Arc to Get Your OREGON STATE BONUS This Month Are von going to follow the old uaying ' "EASY COME, EASY GO" or are you going to make that money work for you Save It Why not putit into a SAVINGS ACCOUNT IX THIS HANK and draw 4 per cent inter est every six. months. Then when opportu nity presents itself . ott will he prepared to meet it. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HKPPNF.li, OREGON. Ancient Order of Hibernians will celebrate St. Patrick's Day Friday, March 17, 1922 Program: Mass at St. Patrick's Churcfi 8:30 A. M. Work Meeting of A. O. H. at L O. O. F. Hall . . 10 130 A. M. Football Game at Gentry Field 1 130 P. M. Banquet at Hotel Patrick 6:30 P. M. Dance in Hotel Dining Room 9:00 P. M. The Football Game will be worth coming miles to see. Real Irish Players in a Real Irish Game. The Dance will be one of the very best of the season 1 i ; ii Splendid 4-Piece Orchestra A cordial invitation is extended to the public to at tend foctbaSI game and dance. 1 n . ill' Mil' . 1 1 " - - -