Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 07, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, March 7, 1922
S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter
Terms of Subscription
One Year $2.00
Six Months $1.00
Three Months $0.50
Karl Troedson and U. Reitman and
party of friends of lone made a Bhort
May in Cecil Saturday before leaving
for Hermiston to attend a meeting of
the Oddfellows of that town.
Gordon Hall was called to Hood
Jllver Friday night to the home of
iis mother who waB taken seriously
G. II. Krebs, of Portland arrived
jn Cecil Saturday and will visit with
Tiis sons at, the Last Camp for a few
Congratulations are extended to
Jlr. and Mrs. H. V. Tyler on the arri
val of a fine, bouncing boy, weighing
3 0 12 pounds Feb. 23.
Mrs. PalmiLecr left Sunday for
Hood Itiver alter spending a few
lays with her daughter at Shady Dell.
Karl Wright of the State Highway
iffice in lone took dinner with
Jriends In Cecil Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Henrirksen enter
lained Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd and
Mrs. T. H. Lowo at dinner Sunday.
Mr. Gorton, of oMrgan, honored
'ecil with a visit Sunday and declar
ed the times must change for the
fit Iter for everyone are wearing
Hiniles. Wo have wondered why
Mr. G. Honored Cecil so much. We
Fhall always welcome him in Cecil
where the sun Is always shining.
The Missws Gertie and Hazel Pet
tyjohn, of Morgan were calling on
friends in C 1 1 Monday.
Hob Montague and George Shane
were cullers in Cecil Monday before
leaving for their homes in Arlington.
Carl Yambert and Elmer Mohr ar
rived in Cecil during the week and
will work at untterby Flats during
the busy season.
Mrs. A. Henrickson left On the lo
cal for Portland where she will visit
friends for some time.
Walter Pope made a short visit in
Cecil Sunday before leaving for the
Oscar Nash, who has been visiting
at the home of his uncle. Leon Logan
at Fourmile, left on the local Thurp
day for Portland.
George Henricksen was doing busi
ness in Arlington Monday.
J. J. Kelly, of Heppner, was a cal
ler in Cecil Thursday arranging fo
a band of sheep to be fed at th
Strawberry ranch near Cecil.
Cleorge Branders who has beer
spending his vacation at Gresham re
turned to his work Friday.
W. L. Copenhave of Heppner, war
a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Logan Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Johnson, county nurse, visit
ed the Cecil school Friday morning.
The res'ut of the examination was not
at hand at time of writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dean, of Four
mile, were passengers for Arlington
We are glad to hear that Dwtght
Political Announcements
' After being urged by citizens and
Jaxpayers In all parts of the county
1, announce ii.!'eli us a candidate for
the nomination for County Coniniis
l ioner, I have decided to do so and
ylU be a candidate for such nomina
tion on the Democratic ticket at the
rnnilng primaries. 1 hcvo been a
jUxpnycr here since beforo Morrow
county was organized. I have no
lilatform to announce nor promises
to make cnly that, if elected, I will
ndeavor to servo the people of the
ounty to the best of my ability.
It. L. UKNO10
IV.id Advertisement.
I hereby announce mysvlf as a can
didate tor the nomination to the of
fice of County Commissioner, subject
to (he will ef the Republicans of
Morrow Comity, to be expressed at
, he mlinaiies in May, 1922.
G. A. lll.KAKMAN.
usrtit Incumbent. llardmiin, Or.
Paid Advt.
i ok in rniisiovr vm r.
I hereby announce myself as
i.'.mli.Lile tor the oltl o of Joint Rep
jesmiUtivc of VmrUllu and Morrow
counties.-on the Republican ticket.
If elected 1 prumltw to faithfully and
)metitly perform th dntl.n of the
. Mice, working at nil t'"10 tl,r 11
inUTOHia ol the peoi-'.o of this district
ind the st.ito of Oregon.
If. M. liULDEN.
Tftid Adcrtlsemeut.
1 hereby announce uiy candidacy on
tn Republics ticket for Joint UP
rentative of the Distrlci of Morrow
and VinatllU counties in the May
primaries. I have lived In Umatilla
county 24 years and own property In
t.oth counties. I was a member of the
1919. or War Seaslon, ami th "l"'-,-ial
"session of 1920 of tbo Oregon
i ....ImI-,1,11,. nd otlierwiso have devo-
i,. i,i nubile mutters. I :
uive no pl.il form except to offer tbo
best Judgement 1 have and to pi.rsu.j
a .-.nisi i vative and economic course.
1 beliexo in applying strict IiumhoS
...... I.,,.! 10 i.ubtiv matters. When
o;..i for public development i
Kh.mld have betterments, but i
vheii luxe (-.row bmdei'some v ,
imist be r silent with the old way
we cau do better. Just now
irs must he trimmed wherever pos- ,
,lll T '
and no " uit'"i -
and. the pressing needs of the
- .,.., Workman must bo the
wain Isiue in law making nud in the
iphere of public Influence.
K. P. DODD, Hermiston, Ore.
J'ald Adti'rtlsuunt.
The Public Want Low Prices
But Good Tailoring
We Supply Both
We have 1200 patterns of choicest woolens now
on display for your inspection
Featuring our
$25 $30 and $35 Suits
Lloyd Hutchinson
Misner has recovered from his re
cen tillness and is able once more to
keep his end of the county in order
regarding rabbits, wheat etc. Also
that Wid Palmateer didn't go up in
fho smoke which caused such an ex
citement at his home at Windynook
Friday morning.
Our sympathies are extended- to
Constable John who 19 trying his
level best to keep all things in order
in and around Cecil, but the sheep
dogs do seem to get the betterofhim
everytime. Several dogs were miss
during the week but Constable oJhn
has failed to locate them yet.
The Herald has a supply of free
government seed for distribution in
cluding vegetable and flower seeds.
Call and secure what you need for
planting. tf
Duck Lee left Wednesday for Port
land where he will attend school for
the rest of the year.
!- .
PHONE 872 ' .J.
ALEX (JIKU, Plumber .J.
At Starkey's Electrical Store 4.
I Fix Any Old Thing
2 Auto radiators, Ranges, Heat- .J.
era and Tinware. Dirty Chim- .J.
I' ney Cleaned. Key Fitting 4
! Glazing Etc. ' .J.
Notice is hereby given that the un.
dersigned has been appointed by the
county court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow county, administratrix of
the estate of Harley Wright, deceased
and that she has qualified as such
administratrix. All persons havine
claims against said estate must pre
sent them properly verified, at the of
fice of Woodson & Sweek, my attor
neys in Heppner, Oregon, on, or be
fore six months from the date of the
first publication hereof.
Date of first publication, March 7
1922- 45-49 '
25 Cents out of every $1.00
You are now paying for insurance can remain
in your pocket when
you renew that Fire Insurance
policy in the
Oregon Fire Relief Assn.
F. R Brown Agent For Morrow County
Phone Office 642, Res. 29F14. Heppner, Or.
Heppner Herald $2.00 per Year
l -. -.
The Eats That are
We make it our business to sell meats for eats that are real
treats. And we don't comply with the' food laws because it ia
compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good
service and fair treatment from merchants and professional
men with whom we deal, and because we know it Is our busi
ness to sell only the best.
For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no
matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang
ed to fill all orders and would lfke to see your meat order.
rt fit &i r$
5- TT
Central Market
I iii! l m mm
Protect Yourself
l'y subscribing to the only daily newspaper
in Umatilla county, which is not afraid to
print the news. Unless you read the Pen
dleton Tribune important, news items con
cerning; public affairs of your county seat
may not become known to you. The Tri
bune believes its readers are entitled to a full
accounting from public officials and it pays
especial attention to news of Pendleton and
local communities throughout the county.
National and internationa'l news is covered
bv the standard ami reliable Associated
No matter how delicate or dangerous the
subject, readers of the Tribune are guaran
teed a full and fearless treatment of it. That
is the reason the circulation of the Tribune
jumped 800 in less than a month. The people
have come to realize that the Tribune is a
By Mail, One Year - - $6.00
Three Months --$1.50
Mar. 10 th Until Moved
Dry Goods Mens' and Boys Wear
l'loase scud the iVndleton Tribune to the follow- j
I inn addrx'SB:
! Name !
j Town j
i Stnte i:...!....'.;.'.'...'....'.. County
' Street and Number i
; 1 herewith inclose in payment of the j
; above subcrlption.
Yours Truly,
i , Name i
j 1 1 v, 0 .. ', . Address..... ;., j
Tribune Advertising Pays
If you have something to sell, when you
want help of any kind in your business or
your home, when you need a boy to run er
rands ordo office work, sit down ami write to
the advertising manager of the Tribute: he
will li up a classified ad for you that will do
the business. Tribune classified ads bring
Eastern Oregon's Leaung
Wants to get acquainted with you It serves
vour best interests.
HARRY 1.. Kl'CK. Publisher
R. W. Kl.inVUKR, Circulation
1.. R TACKKTT, Advertising.
Philipine Nightwear
I $2.50 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50
Removal Price
$2.00 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00
Outing Flannel
1 7c and 20c
3G in. White and Striped
27 in. White and Colors.
Dry Good3 Dept.
Wool Yarns
Knitting worsted 2 or.. 38c
Saxony yarn 1 oz. 27c. 2-50c
Shell and floss 1 oz. 21c
5 for $1.00
Zephyr 1 oz. 2 7c 2-50c
Formfit Girdle
Reg. $2.50 Removal $2.28
Curtain Scrims 33c
Cream with colored borders'
White colored and lace
Boys Overalls .
Special Lot of Light Weight
Regular $1.50 Sale 89c
Men's Furnishing Dept.
Hair Ribbons
5 Lots Reg. 35c now 19c
Few only 1 14 lengths 25c
Reg. 50c Removal price 39c
90c camisole ribbon 59c
100c camisole ribbon 69c
Men's Bib Overalls
Heavy Weight
Domestic Dye
Regular $2.00 Sale $1 43
All Silk Shirts
New Popular Pattern.-!
Regular $7.50 Sale $5.75
Towels and Toweling
Regular 35e bath towels 29c
Hand towels. 25c & for
, $1.00
15 in. roller toweling 17c yd
1 in. All Linen ....29c vd.
10 In. nil white 23c yd
10c Hand Towels 10c
Corsets 20(c Off
Royal Worcester and l!or. !
ton. H.'sular Stock
All Sizes j
1 m
Your Choice
Lot No. 1 4c
Lot No. 2 1.98
Lot No. 3 19c
r ' .
Men's Dress Shirts
Starched Cuffs
Fleured Strined Plain
Reg. to $3.00 Sale $1.43
Silk Dresses
Special Bargains
! I
! Remnants
Muslins Pillow T'lbinps i
1 O'ltins Cri'to-u f 1
I Scrims GiPc'. nii.t I
! Devonshire Itoir.p 1 cloth I
I Ktc.
Boys' Suits
Long Trousers
New Models in neat stripes
Res. $25.00 Sale $19.50
Baby Par.ts ?oc
M.'Jium '-U! 1 L;v-e
C rochet '1 h-e-'.d 10c !
i U -r.i.i- ' - i
I Colors Oti'i-. I
Wool Underwear
2 Piece Suits
Flat Weave and Ribbed
Reg. ' $4.50 Sale J2.9S
Fleece Lined
2 Piiw
Regular $2.50 Sale $1.49
Present Location