PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, February 21, 1922 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Ht-ppner, Oregon, Po.-tut'fice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year S-'.oo Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 , A , IRRIGON Vane K. Jones reports having pur- rhased the BecTcley fourteen aeres.i just east of Irrigon on the higlirray, i known as the old Dell Hlnkle place. This together with the 26 acres Vane owns near Bailey puts him in the farming class right. He expects to put ten acres into early potatoes and Home melons. ' Georsre J. Fredrickson. of Ju'.iatte, Idaho, is here for a few days visit ing his brother, Frank C. Fredrick ton, i Rev. Dr. Allen, an old timer in Ir-' riaon acd who held down the pastor- Political announcements FOF. COUNTY COMMISSIONER After be;n? urged by citizens and taxpayers in all parts of the county to ainounre myself as a candidate for the nomination for County Commis sioner, I have decided to do so and will be a candidate fcr such nomina tion on the Democratic ticket at the coming primaries. I been a taxpayer here since before Morrow county was organized. I have no platform to announce nor promises to make ( nly that, if elected, I will endeavor to serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. K. L. BENGE Tald Adortisement. J OK COMMISSIONER I hereby announce mysvlf as a can didate lor the nomination to the of fice of County Commissioner, subject to the will of the Republicans of Morrow Comity, to be expressed at l he primaries ( I'l n!. Iner. in May, 1922. . A. liLKAKMAN, nbent. Hardman, Or. I'.tid Advt. ! on r.!:i-i;i:si; r un i: I hereby announce myself as candidate he- (he otti e of Joint Rep resentative of I'nii'.tilla and Morrow counties, on the Republican ticket, h' eltcted I to faitlifr.lly and honestly periiUlil the duties of the (luce, wot king at nil time for ti interests of people of this district and the state of Oregon. 10. M. HUI.DF.N. raid Advert isemi'iit. loll JOl T Kl.CKUSl N TH K I h (lie i: l ouni ; both lit in. rial 1. I IV I.. ereliv ;i n nince my candidacy on epi.Uie.ui llcki't for Joint liep- lWliti.tin ! thn Dlstric;. of Morrow and l uiaiill.i counties in the May pi miai tes. I li.'.ve lived in Umatilla 2 ( .1':; and own properly HI romiloM 1 was a i:u'inl r of the or Se sion, and the f pe- ;; -s;on : 1H20 of the Ofgon 'l.,tiii" ; a 1 otherwise have devo- d i.i y tir.' to public mutters. 1 no pi,'" M in i m-ept to otfi r (he M iudg' i, i .lit I have and to pursue a C0Rsevittn ml eiinomic course. 1 b love in aoplying strict business mi thods lo public matters. When vv can piy lor public development we tbould hsvo betterments, but Mhe.tUX'S grow buiJe.iaome w must be cuii'eiil with the old wuys until we can do better. Just now taxes nursi be trimmed wherever poa- and no new appropriation ; and. the pressing needs of the farmer and ,t.iekman must bo the main issue in law making and in the sphere of public Influence. K. r. toni), ltertnlston, Ore Fald Advert lnomMit. tible made ate h'-re when the church was finish ed, was an Irrigon visitor Saturday accompanied by Rev. Seeley, the home mission man in charge of this district, also Rev. B. F. Harper and Rev. Dr. Hayes, who i3 the regular pastor at Umapine, Oregon. Dr. Al len is now holding down one of the chairs at Whitman college, which position he has held since returning from the far east Siberia. A num ber of times it wa3 reported that Dr. Allen had met the fate of many oth ers, but there was no truth in these reports except that they had many hardships and other difficulties in their long stay there. Merril E. Doble went to Pendleton Friday on business matters, return ing Sunday. ' ...... Mrs. Harry Lester arrived Satur day morning from Seattle and ex pects to make her home here for awhile. The Union Pacific system is dis playing their first Farm Marketing bulletin in the station this week. These will be regular things with the company in the future and are J tbe best of its kind. They give lists : of agricultural products for sale and i also list of agricultural product i wanted. It brings the buyer and sel ' ler together and cuts out the profi teers. It does not show how man' cars moved yesterday, this week or last year, but simply shows items for sale and items wanted. Ask the ag ! ent for further particulars and con : suit the list. ! It is beginning to look as if we i might get federal loans in the near ', future. The matter has been taken up by wire with Senator McN'ary and others and they report the release of loans is being recorded and the fed eral appraiser is expected soon. The ladies society entertained everybody Valentine evening in Wadsworth hall. All sorts of old games were played and contests with prizes awarded for each series of such contests. Mrs. Wolfe and Miss Hazel Knight were the luck winners. Ice cream in the form of heart de sign and cake were served. Every I one seemed to have a fine time. i The car of seed pottoes ordered I , early last fall, is expected in this j week. These are coming from Wor- ley, Idaho, and are supposed to be first class stuff". 25 Cents out of every $1.00 You are now paying for insurance can remain in your pocket when you renew that Fire Insurance policy in the Oregon Fire Relief Assn. F. R Brown , Agent For Morrow County Phone Office 642, Res. 29F14. Heppner, Or. v r I - e I PROFESSIONAL CARDS 4. .!. A A Rolled Barley I arri prepared to furnish the finest quaity Rolled Barley at fair and honest prices, I also handle a complete line of gasoline Kerosine and Lubericating Oils. Satisfac tion to customers is my motto. Andrew Bycrs PHONE MAIN 733 VAUGHAN & GROVE DENTISTS Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHl'SICIA.V and SCKGEOX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 43 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON I'HOSiK 872 ALEX GIBB, Plumber At Star-key's Electrical Store I fix any old thing. Auto radiat ors, Kanges, Heaters, and Tin ware Dirty chimneys cleaned Glazing, etc. The Public Want Low Prices But Good Tailoring We Supply Both We have 1200 patterns of choicest woolens now on display for your inspection Featuring our $25 $30 and $35 Suits Hutchinson Lloyd Where they Clean lothes lean The Eats That are TREATS We make it our business to sell meats for eats that are real treats. And we don't comply with the food laws because it i3 compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good service and fair treatment from merchants and professional men with whom we deal, and because we know it is our busi ness to sell only the best. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would Ifke to see your meat order. Central Market S. E. NOTSON ATTOH. E Y-AT-LAW Office in Court House ( HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOItX E Y-AT-L AAV First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIUE I.VSUftAXCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building ' HEPPNE-R, OREGON Star Theatre To-night rf T VC.M. NOTICES lino Tons NOTHK is t .n l y Riwn "bat the umlfi-mnert. W V M.ibuney, V' n (lllly I'l'leel.'"! Riil!l'"is"'!'"Vf , ,.:( of 1"', ule y Williams, dei-ea- .1 uimI 1 . ,!.; nualllieild for sneh IMl-l. 1 ttoMlnc oV.f m".:n- .1 ,. lioliUcd to t'l I'.t the ,lUy vei ili'-d m r- i'iir. ! ,,i ofllee of my iiUoii'.ey. : .111 i:. Van V actor. t H.ppn.r. tireon, .H..n nil month from the .late of the nrxt publication of this notice to .t; within sit months fiv.u Urn lQtu ii-t of January, 192i. W. Y MAIIONKY A ltittiiifctrator of the estate ot Churl V. William, deceased. All !"! ..1 . ne to t' . l.l h . iif FORMER PRICES RESTORED on OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS i We take pleasure in announcing' that practically pre-war pnVes again prevail on the OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS, as follow: 1 6 in. 3 Bottom Gang - $1 1 7.50 1 6 in. 2 Bottom Gang - 87.00 Roll Coulters and Jointers 8.50 No. 150 16 in. Shares 2.00 No. 40 12 in. Shares 1.20 CnuK" iti compare our prices with others ami let Know x o:i wants. Peoples lidw. Co. WE AIM TO I'l.iaot: AM) Ol U AIM H Till E! Big Reductions For February in mien's Furnishings Pure Silk Shirts Reg. Price $7 50 Feb. Price $5.75 fa All Leather Coats Reg. Price $45.00 l Feb. Price $25.00 $25.00 Young Men's Suits Now $19.50 .All Wool Overcoats Regular Price February Price $22.50 ri $17.50 $25.00 $19.50 $32.50 $25.00 $35.00 $26.50 $37.50 $27.50 Real Low Prices on Boy's Hats MINOR & CO. y'mt