PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, February 14, 1922 ' THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISOX, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Pustoffiee as second-olass Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 Kmmett Jones went to Portland Sunday on a vacation trip during which he will visit relatives at differ mt valley points. DON'T FORGET: : March 15 .s the final day for tiling returns. Tax payers who fail to flio by that time' Rill be liable to heavy penalties. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS yon county commission ion After bcins urged by citizens and taxpayers in all parts of the county to announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for County Commis sioner, I have decided to do so and will be a candidate fcr such nomina tion on the Democratic ticket at. the nming primaries. I been a taxpayer here since before Morrow I'ounty was organized. I have no platform to announce nor promises to make enly that, if elected, I will "ndeavor to serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. K. L. IIENGE Talil .AdortlBenient. i l'OU COMMISSIONKIt : ? T CECIL v v v v ! V I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the nomination to the of fice of County Commissioner, subject to the will of the Republicans of Morrow County, to be expressed at (lie primaries in May, 1922. O. A. 1ILEAKMAN, Present Incumbent. Hardnian, Or. 1'aid Advt. l'0 1 1 1 1 i:ri 1 1 :sk x tat i v k I hereby announce myself as candidate for the of II e of Joint Rep riKentiitive of Umi'.lilla and Morrow (unities, on the RiVjblirun ticket. K elected I promise to faithfully and beni'slly perform the duties of the nllice, workiu;; at all time for ti liferent:! of the people of tin's district mil the stale of Oregon. K. M. liri-DKN. J'.lid Ad i "I" t i:ii III i II I . J OR .HUNT KKI'M .sK VI A I i i: I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for Joint Rep resentative of (lie Dlslric:. of Morrow and I'nialilla counties- in (he May piimaries. I have lived in I'matilla county 24 years and own property In both counties. I was a member of the VJl'.l, or War Session, ami the spe- iiil session of 111 20 of the Oregon I.i i-'islalui'c and ol!u rwine have devo ted my tine to public matters. 1 have mi platl'onii except to oflir tin best Jiidceiiient 1 have and to pursue a conservative and ennomie course. 1 believe In upplying strict business mi thuds to public mallei::. When v.e call pay I'm public ib I'lopiiirnt we should have bedel inenls, but when laves crow burdensome wi uiust be content with tin' old w ays until we can do better. Ji;t,l now I M s iiiusi be triiinind w herever pos t Ide and no new apprnpiial ions made; and, I lie pressing needs oi' tin fanner and stockman must be the is am Issue In law making anil in tin i pliere of P'lbUc influence. E. 1'. IIOIM), llermistoii. Ore. Advertisement. I'ltid LEGAL NOTICES v & ! 'l- !- i 2 .;. ?. Mrs. 11. E. Duncan, of IJusy Bee ranch, accompanied by Mrs. George Perry, of Ewing, were calling on their Cecil friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Miller and son of Highview ranch were visitors in lone Saturday. Chas. D. Sennett was a week end visitor among his old friends around Cecil before leaving for his home in Portland. Gene I'enland, of Heppner, arrived in Cecil during the week and is now employed as resident cook and dish washer for Hob Thomson's lambing crew at Shepherd's Rest ranch. Walter Pope left for Arlington Sat urday after spending a few days iround Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. May, of Lone Star rmucli, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Enimett Logan at Cecil Monday. H. Harbison and party of friends from Morgan were chasing rabbits in the Cecil vicinity Sunday. Miss Lena Krebs, of Portland, ar rived in Cecil Sunday and will visit with her brothers at The Last Camp for several weeks before returning to her home. George Perry, of Ewing and also Everett Logan of Cecil and Bob Thomson, of The Shepherd's Rest were all passengers for the county seat Monday. Mrs. Mary Halferty, of Shady Dell was a caller in Cecil Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Wallace, of Con don arrived in Cecil Tuesday and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs at the Last Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Zennith Logan, of Mountview ranch were calling on friends in Cecil Tuesday. Mrs. A. Henricksen, of Willow creek ranch left on the local Wednes day for Heppner. She intends to visit Jier son. Oral at the Hamilton ranch near Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boliey of the j Roselawn Dairy, of Arlington, made j a short stay in Cecil Monday. Jack Davis arrived in Cecil Tues day and is once more at work for Leon Logan at Fourmile. A. E .Nash, who has been spend ing some time among his old friends around Cecil before returning to his home at The Dalles. The mayor and also his deputy left their home town Wednesday for Pen dleton to attend a meeting of wool growers etc. Quite naturally we ex pect to see their names flgnriing in large print of something startling that they will do or at least mean to do in the sheep and wool business of the future. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor left Cecil Wednesday for Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Philips return ed from Portland Friday and wiTI re sume their duties at Willow creek ranch. Ed Martin, who has been working lit Ilutterby Flata was the first party to buy a ticket at the O. W. R. & N. ticket office at Cecil, Tuesday, Feb. 7th. Tickets are issued to all points by the agent, T. H. Lowe. PHONE 872 ALEX GIBB, Plumber At Stai'key's Electrical Store I fix any old thing, Auto radiat ors, Itanges, Heaters, and Tin ware Dirty chimneys cleaned Glazing, etc. 25 Cents out of every $1.00 You are now paying for insurance can remain in your pocket when you renew that Fire Insurance policy in the Oregon Fire Relief Assn. F. R Brown Agent For Morrow County Phone Office 642, Res. 29F14. Heppner, Or. . PROFESSIONAL CARDS V Charter Oa A NAME THAT MEANS SOMETHING IN Stoves and Ranges We Also Carry The Howard Combination Coal and Wood Heater If it's a stove or range you need, come in and See Us Peoples Hdw. Co. 10 AIM TO PI.i: ASK AM) Ol H AIM IS TUCK! ( ItKDITOliS XOTICi: Notice Is hereby riven that the lindeiBigned. W P M;ihnney, has been luly unpointed adnilnlHti ulor of the Mute of t'lmrles K Williams. dece:is d Hiul Is duly uuiillnedd for such trust. All persons holding claims against r;U estate ro notified to present the fame lo me, duly verified us required by law, at the office of my attorney, Sam K. Van Viictor, at Heppner. Oirfon, within six months from the .ate of the first publication of this notice to wit : w iiliin n months fi ..i ho 10th d.ty of Janii.uv, 1'.i;2. w . iv maihm:v Ail mm! 1 1 .tUr el I .' ef t'h.r'l-:. I-', Williams, d. . as.'.l No M.I11 Always Right. "I.e man -!m N nl:is rc'if b'e 5 live. I le is -ill ti e il'.-.t,,, tn,. I i-Hivl ef the il.'Xelnpii cut ef 1 1 i' t-i-eilei. Mven the oee Mini generally llillll.s be Is Ih'lit will be found fie iieiitly li dr.uv wronis conclusions, but he's siller to follow.-(Irit. Soot on Carpet. If you drop. nM on tb carpet cover It with routing of dry stilt before )iu utteuipt ti KWit-p It up. How You Want Them When You Want Them Clothes Cleaned, Dyed Pressed and Repaired With the Creases Where They Belon Lloyd Hutchinson Tailoring Clean Iothes Rolled Barley I am prepared to furnish the finest quaity Rolled Barley at fair and honest prices. I also handle a complete line of gasoline Kerosine and Lubericating Oils. Satisfac tion to customers is my motto. Andrew Byers PHONE MAIN 733 The Eats That are TREATS We make It our business to sell meats for eats that are reat treats. And we don't comply with the food laws because it Is compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good service and fair treatment from merchants and professional men with whom we deal, and because we know it is our busi ness to sell only the best. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would lilte to see your meat order. VAUGHAN & GROVE DENTISTS Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON Centra M SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORN EY-AT-L AW First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FiKE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOUN E YS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNE-R, OREGON EraatflraairajBragr Star Theatre To-night it1 11 Big Reductions For February in Men's Furnishings Pure Silk Shirts Reg. Price $7.50 Feb. Price $5.75 to All I pnfhpr Ointe Root P-,Yo Cur nn mm Feb. Price $25.00 $25.00 Young Men's Suits Now $19.50 All Wool Overcoats Regular Price February Price $22.50 $17.50 $25.00 $1 9.50 $32.50 $25.00 $35.00 $26.50 $37.50 $27.50 Real Low Prices on Boy's a ti oats MINOR & CO. Jlif li Willi 2 1 . r ' -mn m 1