Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, February 07, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, February, 7, 1922
j. 4
4. v
4. 4. .j. .j. .j. 4. !- 4. a '
'Tlinf which is lxm of the flesh is
flesh j anil Unit which is horn of the
hjiirit i spirit." John ::(!
Suggested by Kev. MOORE
J. V. Stevens was in town Saturday
Irani Hardman.
Al Henricksen was up from Cecil
the last of the week.
Charley Dolierty, of near Lexington
was a Heppner visitor Saturday.
If. h. Duvall, who now registers
from Walla Walla, was a guest at
the Patrick Friday.
Frank Oilliam tins returned from
Portland where he spent several
"weekH rusticating.
J. I), liaiiinan and his son IT. A.
Batim.'in, were in from tlieir ranch
liear Lexington Saturday afternoon.
A. J. Fritz well known attorney of
.Arlington was a week end visitor in
H. F. Frazer came over from Pen
dleton Sat 11 1 day, r'turnin;; to that,
city Monday morning.
Utile Miss Betty Cason, daughter
Mr. uu Mrs. Louis Cason, is al le
to be out again alter nil attack of
County Agent Calkins went to Lex
ington Monday to attend the farmers
meeting at which it. V. Gunn discus
sed the cost, of wheat production.
Shelly Baldwin, who dairy ranches
near Lexington, was in town today
mill reports the Chinook very modest
in his section hut that it helps some,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas and
daughter, Miss Luvelle, were up from
Lexington Saturday night to attend
the Hard Times dance at tlio Elks'
Dr. McMurdo reports that Mrs.
Sam Clark who recently fell end in
jured her arm severely is improving.
An ex-ray of the injured member re
Tealed tha. no hones were broken.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones have re
lumed from Portland where they
Went a couple of weeks vacation. Mr.
Jones, who Is manager of the Peoples
Hardware Co., attended the conven
tion of Hardware men while in the
1). K. Stephens, manager of the
Wore Kxperiment slalion, Is here at
tending the farmers' extension meet
ings in session this week at the Star
Trealre. Mr. Stephens is a recog
nized aulhorlly on wheat, growing
and will give the fanners of this
county the henelit of his knowledge.
.Much to the convenience of the
traveling public, the approaches to
the new May street bridge were tilled
in last week so that travel can now
cms the new structure. Messrs.
Toll in & Pierce, the contractors, have
Jiliuut completed the three new brid
ges In lleppner and all are line structures.
Hardman Is a little town,
Just a dot upon the map;
And when people hear its name.
They wonder where it's at.
We have a little high school
And we go there to learn.
We took the job of janitor,
A little money for to earn.
We kids get along together flue.
And do what we think is right.
The old folks don't by any means
They are always in a fight.
The furnace would not work at all.
And they said we made it binoke;
But if they had worked as hard as
They could see it was no joke.
They said we put ice on th ther
mometer To draw the mercury low,
And never get things hot enough
To melt an ounce of snow.
liut the old folks helped us out a
When they got their heads to
gether, And I think we will make it now
If we don't have colder weather.
The girls, you bet are doing line,
And we all work the same,
liut when the old folks get too
They share their part of the blame
We have rented Asbaugh's Hall
Our basket, ball to play.
We think we got it reasonably,
For casli we always pay.
Tiie old folks, though they kicked
at that
They said we had no richt
To spend our money foolishly
Oh, Oee! but they are tight.
When Monument saw this little
Called Hardman on the map
Thoy sent us kids a challenge
Aud thought they had a snap.
We traveled through the mud and
And walked until we were sore,
Aud to their surprise and our de
"gbt '
We made the highest score.
Lone llock is another town,
liut the place is rather small,
And like the other little towns
Can play SOMK basket ball.
When Lone ltock came to meet us
They brought, the best they had,
liut. under such condition.s
We beat tin 111 very bad.
Then when we played with them
Over in their own heme town,
The game was not so easy won,
liut another jewel in our crown.
Now lleppner is a great big place,
Willi hunks and electric lights,
Slate Highway Commissioner W. li
llarralt' returned fro tnPortl.ind Sun
day where he has been r,. rftim lime
attending to iit'llchil dmles. During
his absence Mr. llarralt and Mr. Leon
made a trip to the coast via. the
-.SluHlaw river and sundry roads and
trails to look over a proposed hlgh
way Into that country.
Many water pipes In Ileppnes froze
"tip within the last few days after the
liurd freezing weather was pa.sl,
much to the HUiprise and disgust of
property owners. The solution of
the problem Is said lo be that the
frost keeps going deeper, even after
the temperature rises until a gonei-.il
thaw occurs. W. S. Piuyn rigged a
couple of transformers on a truck ami
by "stepping down" tin- power cur-
lent to the proper voltage and by nu
lling a current of "juice" through
the pipes, soon thawed I hem out.
rinno Tuition Experienced, cap
able tuition by Mrs. llessie lti uce j
Clbh at the Wat teiibei ger bouse, tt'. '
IMIONi: 87'J
ALEX GIBU, Plumber
I fix any old thing, Auto fiul Int
ers, lianges. Heater, and Tin
ware. . Dirty hliiim)H denned
tabuing, etc.
"Mutbercraft, a movement for bet
ter preparation ulrls for mother
hood, hut) within Uie last live yeuii
made remarkable progress In this Hud
other countries," writes Marlon t'hase
linker. In the Serve). "Startlm: in
MiisMichuclts n a delliute standard
lcd course of c.idy fur Mils ami
.voting omen, it a
another been 1hi"i'i
Ih the
. . the
11.. I In '
in cue t'ot 111 or
I 01 nii'-l i f the
m of Ciiii.u!;! mi
fct.-rmi or-
They have played the lest of them
With Btars and banner itiipe?.
The Heprner h:gh school challen
ged us
For a game of basketball,
They may be really high school
Though they are rather large and
When we went out to meet them,
We looked at them with 'Joys,'
And wondered where they got
their men,
IF these were just their boys.
We are all bruised and skinned
and sore,
From sole up to our head.
They even knocked our captain out
And we were sure that he was
And then the umpire said we
roughed them
"You are as rough as you can be,
AVe are not playing football.
But basketball you see."
The Hardman hall is rather small
For guys like that to play in
And when the ball did hit thewall
It is hard for folks to stay iu.
The Chinaman with them did
In all his pride and glory
And from the center or the wall
He'd make a goal, bo-gory!
The lleppner team is hard to beat,
Until we have more practice;
Then just as sure as we live and
We'll keep the ball on its axis.
But if we practice any more
As I can plainly see,
We are sure to flunk in our exams,
And then where would we be?
Now talk about our old folks,
I tell you what's the fact;
Whenever we play basketball,
Sonior English Class
Hardman, Oregon January 31, 1922.
The local high school basketball
quintet captured the game Saturday
night from the Condon hish school
flive by the score of 34 to 21.
Was Almost Equipped.
Wesley had been teasing bis dad foi
a bicycle; his father, thinking him toe
young, refused. Wesley came into the
house one day all excited after be had
been trying to ride bis chum's bicycle
saying: "I can have one now, father
1 know everything there Is to know
about a bicycle and I can do every
thing on one but steer myself."
Sun Grows Five Miles in 100 Years.
The diameter of the sun Increases
five miles in a centurv. Its present
distance in-v Is W1 ooo ,,,ia
' Lincoln said:
"Let u luive faith tuat rlnlit
makes might; and hi tluit
f. nth b I us iliict to do our duty
us we mi icistuml It,"
I low inspiring those words of the
groat cinaneipator. How much
wo ran loam from them. It is
faith that moves mountains ami.
when deeply rooted in the minds
of men, urges them on to a suc
cessful conclusion of the task at
Hence, wo urge you to join the
ranks of scores of satisfied pat
rons who have cultivated an un
shakahle faith in this institution.
They know that tlieir money is
safe in our hands, that it grows
with the 4 jer cent interest we
pay and that the service we give
in the line of our duty is always
prompt and courteous.
Start a Savings Account with
us to day and see for yourself.
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank
I i ..
Kl'ouiiil as
I re Co-N.
and 1 I ; -
8mok Without Fire.
"Smoking strictly prohibited" notices
caught the eye of a commercial con
sultant who had been called in by a
north of England firm to investigate
and report upon the efficiency of its
business methods and to suggest pos
sible Improvements. So soon as he
saw the sign precluding the fragrant
weed he commanded : "Take all those
notices down, paint them out. What
will visitors think?" The factory was
completely occupied for the manufuc
lure of asbestos.
Oely Four 'jff.
Recently lUck, age eight, became
terribly sick quite suddenly, and for
apparently nn reason. His mother
tried every way to learn what he had
been eating that could have caused
his illness. Finally in a faint voice
he said: "Mother, do you suppose
four puffs on a cigarette could make
me this sick?" Indianapolis News.
The Difference.
The young hate work, hut M is the
Inst pride, the last joy of the aged
that they are able to do It. Atchison
Box for Plaything.
When there is no playroom for th
children, take a box any size yovn
want, decorate with cut-oot birds ami
flowers or with the plc'.ure- of a barrr
and animals, making a farm yard.
Varnish ail over. Hinge the cover on,,
partition inside to fit toys and varnish.
Place In son's bedroom and see how
he will keep playthings In place.
A Question for Teetotalerf.
A question that has baffled scien
tists : If tea leaves has coffee grounds
for divorce? Science and Invention.
Program for Feb. 8 to Feb. 14
Wednesday and Thursday:
Coiiilne Griffith in THE BROADWAY Bl'BBIJ
Intense situations.
A strange story of the stage. Beautiful dresses,
Also Lurry Senion in "The Stage Hand, a riot of fun
Wf t'arinel .Myers in THK KISS. An absorbing romance of California in the days of the padres.
0 Monte lilue in A BROKEN' DOIX, from Wilbur Hall's Saturday Evening Post story, "Johnny Cucabod
Tommy had a one track mind, but the track was straight.
0 Also Comedy
Sunday: and Monday
0 Will Homers in THE GUIIiE OP WOMEX. The story of a trusting Swedish sailor ami two girls who
2. played ping pong with his heart A great picture flooded with true-to-life comedy, with Will Roger
f better than ever.
1 Tuesday:
.:. William Desmond in WOMEX MEN LOVE. Not only an unusual story for the screen, but a disclo-
re or real life. Also Two Iicel Comedy
Why Do You K
! 1
eep imcKensr
For the Eggs They Lay?
Or do you just keep them around, like your
canary, for company?
If you would have your HENS LAY EGGS
you must give them the
Wc carry a complete line of the following:
Scratch Food $4.00 100 lb. sk. orsc lb.
Egg Maker 4.00 100 lb. sk, or 5c lb
Chick Feed 4.00 1 00 lb. sk. or 5c lb.
Eastern Oyster Shell . . . 2.25 100 lb sk. or 3c lb.
Coarse Grit 1.75 100 lb sk or 2c lb.
Fine Grit 1.75-100 lb. sk. or 2c lb.
Bone Meal 4.75 100 lb. sk. or 5 3-4C lb
Charcoal Fine 3.40 100 lb. sk or 4c lb.
Charcoal Coarse 3.40 100 lb sk. or 4c lb.
Meat Scraps 7.25 100 lb. sk. or 8c lb.
Chicken Rolled Oats 3.00 65 lb. sk or 5c lb-
Oat Groats 6.00 125 lb. sk. or 5c lb.
5 Per Cent Off Above Trices For Cssh
Don't let your hens waste their time setting"..
Let them keep on laying eggs and use a
Sure-Hatch Incubator
1 70 Egg Capacity $31 .50 220 Egg Capacity $35.00
Less ; Per Cent For Cash