1AGE FOUR Ill'.'.JlW':.. 11 v nn HI, mm r J I i I I WW 1 Rtf -r'mfas,i mm THE WPPATn WfrQtWT?t sSTcf -r r ""'mi iiMi i. xm.xv, vuauun j-ucsaay, repniary, 7, 1932 , jt a FEW PLAIN QUESTIONS MN Did it ever occur to you, Air. Everyday Ci tizen, that the only way to have a really good town and community where everybody that tries, including yourself, may have a chance to pros per,, is by doing YOUR part towards making an d keeping them good? . Did it ever occur to you that every Dolla r you send or spend away from home for goods or services, you might secure from your home merchant, tradesman or mechanic is a nail in your own homq town's coffin? Did you ever happen to think that the me n and women who are in business here, merch ants, shop keepers, mechanics, all pay taxes to the county, the city and the schooldistrict; that they help support the churches, lodges, Red Cro ss and other worthy community organizations which make the community a better place for your family to live? How much do the millionaire owners of the big mail order houses and the merchants and artisans of other towns and cities contribute to the support of Morrow county and Heppner institutions? Not a penny. Did you ever think that the dollar sent away from your home town is gone from here for good and that it will then help build up some oth- er town or city, while the dollar spent with your home town business man remains to help make business good here? How many Heppner business men have grown rich during the war period of high prices? can you name one.? "v ''ri'"1-' muviiuuu nuvt iuusiu iu lahjuu cieuii 10 ineir customers dunn" the hard times periods of the past unless forced to do so by their own necessities? Have you ever asked your home merchant to look over an order for goods you have pre pared to send to a mail order house and offered him the same terms demanded by them, viz: cash in advance for goods, freight charges and equal quantity and quality of goods? Try it some day and that piece of money will probably remain in your Home Town. Is it fair to ask your home merchant to pay the freight, sell standard goods in small quantities, extend unlimited credit and then be expected to meet the cash price of the quantity dealer who passes these extra charges on to You C. V. HOPPER TIRE SHOP A Heppner Institution HEPPNER GARAGE MACHINE SHOP HUMPHREYS DRUG CO Purola Drugs WM. HAYLOR Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds G. FRANZEN Merchant Tailor MRS. L. G. HERREN FARMERS & STOCK Millinery and Women's Wear GROWERS NAT'L BANK MORROW CO. CREAMERY Brings Outside Money Home CASE FURNITURE CO. Reliable Home Furnishers PHELPS GROCERY CO. "Good Things To Eat" HEPPNER GARAGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Automobiles and Accessories , If . . 1 ui M J ft? 1 m ( S 7 n iff7 THOMSON BROS. General Merchandise SAM HUGHES CO. General Merchandise LLOYD HUTCHINSON Cleans Clothes Clean 1 lillfifflfliiin'r": - - - - - : yflfii I li'J 6 1 1 f f fl r f p of f f n n f i n n 1 0 1 n n r ' ' " 1 r " V f 1 (1 (1 (1 fl ft l-v 2s 4,