r JZr -X Tuesday. February THE HEPPKER HERALD. HEPPNER OREGON PAGE THREE Where Your Taxes Go How Uncle Sam Spends Your Money in Conduct ing Your Business By EDWARD G. LOWRY Author "WMhinjton Cloae-Upa," "Bank and Financial Syatemi," etc. Contributor Politick! tod Economic Artteiaa to Leading Periodicals and a Writer of Recognized Authority od th National Government'! BuBineaa Methods. Charter Oak i Ford son Prices Reduced NOW SELLING FOR $495.00 On Your Farm Let a FORDSON do Your Work This Spring We Can Give Terms Let's Talk It Over LATOURELL AUTO COMPANY Heppner Boardman Heppner Herald $2.00 per Year CANADA J- TrV" OREGON .1 NEVADA HF above Picture i . . - ur 1.1 tA the ideal feature Tractor Every Individual. Every Individual has a place to In the world, and Is important some respect, whether he chooses be so or not. Hawthorne. 'V k. V " li h s - r. ouniiij -i ou lancu i photographic reproductwnoCayerJn;e heaFUf lr t.krknn h-iiv it fmhrares at a itUnce bo many for pleasure in Southern California, and a typical of oumberioa iccne atmilai Ul Character. Ktpraemaurei oi me Union: Pacific System Copyright, Wwtern Mewapaper Union IX. OUT-OF-DATE MACHINE A committee made up of three mem bers of the senate and three members of the house is now considering the whole problem of the organization of the executive departments of the gov ernment with a view to finding out how to reorganize them so as to in crease their efficiency, and decrease Iheir cost of operation. It is about time. The great executive depart ments of the government have not been reorganized or greatly modern ized since Alexander Hamilton's day. Representative Iieavis of Nebraska Is one of the members of this Joint congressional committee that is mak ing the present investigation. He put the resolution through the house tnat brought about the appointment of the committee. He is a part of the na- tlnmil government machine and he ought to know what he is talking about when be snvs that "while the gov eminent of the United States is the world's biggest business, It is likewise the world's worst managed business. Thnt Is an Indictment and a state ment of fact that will stand the closest scrutiny and the most unsparing nnnlvsia. lint listen to Mr. Reavls: "Vliv should the Interior department run an insane asylum and a college for negroes and a school for the deaf? How did It get that way Why should one personnel in the pension bureau In the Interior department he caring for the disabled soldiers of the Civil war and the Spanish American war, while another personnel in the bureau of war risk insurance of the treas ury is caring for the veterans of the World war? Why this hodgepodge of totally unrelated purposes which Is re sulting in endless duplication and ap palling expense?" I will let Mr. Reavls go on without further interruption. As a member of (he house he has his share of the responsibility for the conditions he de scribes : There are 39 separate governmental agencies handling engineering, architec tural and public works functions, all of a related kind. There Is no good reason why all these agencies should not he co-ordinated In one department and about 3S of the useless organizations done away with. ; There are id government agencies engaged In surveying ami mapping; mrm mo separate and distinct agencies engaged In public building operations; there are 16 agencies authorized to build roads; there are 19 engaged In hydraulic construction; there are 1G doing work on rivers; there are 10 engaged In public land functions; there are IS doing chemical Investigation connected with public work operations; there are Tl doing engineering and re search. Many of these agencies have been In active for a number of yecrs, but they are keeping up Iheir personnel In anticl n..ttnn of work in the future. We could fill in to save $:,,oo,o'ie,.iHi a yeiir. In my Judgment, by doing away with useless bureaus and duplication of activities. Some of the duplications are ridicu lous and absurd. For Instance, the gov ernment seeks to protect the wild animals In the national parks. If a brown kadlak bear has twin cubs, one brown and one black, as often happens, and one should shoot the brown cub he most make his ooiili.rrn.nr with one department., but If THE" he shoots Its full brother, the black cub, he must settle with another department. If you were to shoot a fox In Alaska your settlement would be wllh the I icpartnient of Agriculture, while If you trapped the same fox you must make your settlement with the ifej. art merit nf f'omnierce. The government Issued hist year through lis several bureaus and depart ments in cookbooks. The last one that was issued was publisher! by the board ....ti.mi location. This Is a hoard organized by the congress for the purpose of rehabilitating crippled soldiers of the World war. to prevent, hh far as possible, their becoming derelicts In life. ... It may he of Interest to state that while the government has been Issuing hi cookbooks and consuming vast quantities of print In these and similar useless publi cations. l,30i country town newspapers have suspended In the last three months because they could not secure print paper. Mr. Reavls and a great many others have sensed the feeling In the coun try and In congress that the time hn er.me to Milt lin Mid tO all tills HOlt of thing. He gives reasons for his belief : One of the reasons is that the people demand thnt their taxation be reduced. For many years we have been collecting the revenues of this government through systems of Indirect taxation. Tb reve nues have been collected, through a pro tective tariff and by ex.-lse taxation on Intoxicating llouors. Indirect taxation or i,ia .troventu the ieoole from realiz ing fully lust who is paying the expenses of the government. There was a time when the expenses of the government amounted to only 12 cents per capita per year Today the annual per capita ex pense exceeds to. This tremendous ex pense has made it tie. eesary to resort to direct taxation, and the people have sud denly become palnrully aware of who pays the expenses of 'tie government. I am very certain that the elimination j....iu..Hnr.. end overmanning In the de- r..,-fm.nt. will result In the saving of millions of dollars. There Is no reason i. rw.t fri drill i- .t,w rann In the ftrnnr of ths strife and turmoil that prevail In this country nd of the unrest on-mmr; .... .v- ki.h t.t the necessaries of life. that the government should b put upon a asJis, efficient and economical sls whoever bv nubile clamor or other .n. ran indue foDfreaa and the- lecutlve departmenti to organlw the routine boalneM of the national go rnmant wfll ba perfn4 fTt hit,. KU tkat 1 T "- A NAME THAT MEANS SOMETHING IN Stoves and Ranges We Also Carry The - ' . Howard Combination Coal and Wood Heater If it's a stove or range you need, come in and See Us Peoples Hdw. Co. WE AIM TO PLEASE AVD OUK AIM IS TUVE! The Eats That are TREATS We make it our business to sell meats for eats that are real treats. And we don't comply with the! food laws becauso It Is compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good service and fair treatment from merchants and professional men with whom we deal, and because wo know it is our busi ness to sell only the bOBt. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can Rupply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would like to boo your meat order. rt ft, ft rti T -5" f Central Market HEPPNER HERALD ONLY $2.00 A YEAP How You Want Them When You Want Them Clothes Cleaned, Dyed Pressed and Repaired With the Creases Where They Belong Lloyd Hutchinson Tailoring 1 Where they c St. Valentine's Day FEBRUARY 14 Uuy Your Valentines at VALENTINE HEADQUATERS CASH VARIETY STORE a ean lothes lean 1 i C-DABMH.