THEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, Januairy 31, 1922 4. .j. jj. 4. 4. 4. .j. 4. 4- 4. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. : : 'Lift up "'" heads; Oh ye Rates: Mid be ye iittoil up, the everlasting doors: and the Ki"B of glry come iii'" Suggested by Evangelist GATES Mr. and Mrs. Ed Uurehell, of Lex ington, were guests ut the Putriek Friday and Saturday. R E. Greco "',;nt to lone this inot- .ini, -u tii.rp Vie ih rioinir some tele- phone inirpovenient work. Father Cantwell was a west hound passenger on Thurwli'.y morning's local. Mrs. C. G. GhifTt went to Portland Thursday morning to visit friends in that city. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. WigtesiworUi, of Hutter creek wen; in town Katur day on a shopping trip. Mr. Wigles worth is a prominent sheepman ol his section. Henry Ktohler, wno rias oeen wiih tiir- Vlrst National Hank of lliii- cily left Sunday morning for Hanks, Ore here he will accept a similar position Willi a hank in that cily. District Attorney Notson and filmrirr MetMill'ee returned from Portland Sunday where they attend- tlm iitnte convention of district jittorneyH and sheriffs in session there last wet k. t'it Neill. well known Tine City nheepinan, was anions the crowd of liiB fellow sufferers in town Saturday. Mr. Neil! still wears the same smile lie did when wool was (it) cents and ewoH $20 and says he looks for hel ler things to come. I .J. ATTENTION II. KS I- Charter Oak A NAME THAT MEANS SOMETHING IN i Stoves and Ranges We Also Carry The Howard Combination Coal and Wood Heater If it's a stove or range you need, come in and See Us I , , trrim winter still holds sway at Cecil I Jack Hynd came up from Cecil Fri- weather prophets that unless they ar ' day evening td attend the woolgrow- ; ranged for a decided change in iers' meeting. Mr. Hynd says that 1 weather conditions by Marh 1st that the Cecil homeguards will resolre themselves into a Klu Klux Klan and hand out a bunch of old-fashioned Texas justice to every sky Gazer from Eightmile to Sand Hollow. & 0 THEATR Program for Feb. 1 to Feb. 7 PeOpIeS HdW. CO. 1 Saturday: i; AIM TO 1'LIOASE AM) Ol'U AIM IS TRUE! Wednesday and Thursday: 1 -ill Williams in IT CAN UK DOXE. The queer narrative of an author who attempted to live one 01 ......... . .. i'i- his improbable stories. Filled with Suspense, Romance, Love, Adventure and Humor. Sure to please you. A1so Jimm' Aubrey in The Nuisance. Friday: Editli lUibei-ts in OPENED SKITTERS, a picture of Love and Life and every woman's magic key to Happiness. Also 9th Episode of WINNERS OF THE WEST There will ho a Hard Times dancu Saturday, February 14, .J. at the Elks' Temple for Klks mill their ladles o.ily. .J. Tickets $1.00 Extra Ladies 50c J. 1" -i- v C. W. McNamer was culled t For wt Grove Thursday morning by a telegram announcing the death of lis brother, John McNamer, an old time resident of that city. Mr. Mc. Namer was well advanced In years j,nd had been In poor health for noun) time. V. W llerrln, president of the "i,.e Const. Wool Marketing asso ciation, was here Saturday attending 11,., meetlmr of sheepmen and was an interesting speaker on. the afternoon program. He explained the woik lugs of the marketing association nhowlng that the members of the as i.e.. n able to secure Hill Hit I". I i Iii X rentH more for their pro ,i,. ilu.n has been paid by outsid. . m.. ii i iu it unlive of uuyers. ni" ...liHim county where he has been en gaged In the sheep business all nts life. He is a member of one of the pioneer families of the county and is a brother of the late W. H. llerrln who was for years at the head of the .leni-.rtment of the Southern FacilU- company. Mr. Henin's home is at Ashland. U. Z. (Trove, who arrived In llepp i,er from Portland recently, has pur chased an Interest in the dental busi ness of It. J. Vaughn and the two gentlemen will operate together in their ofUoes In t he I. O. O. K. build in;:. Dr. Vaughn is at present in Raker county looking after bis ex tensive sheep interests there and will i.i.iv remain until after the lamb- inu m ason. lUiring his absence Dr. ! Cvovc will look after the V. S. pub lic health welfare v.'crk for ex-sch-vieo men and will give them the same careful attention they would receive from Dr. Vanghn, were be here. The Eats That are TREATS Wo make it our business to sell meat for eats that are real treats. And we don't comply with the food laws because it is compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good service and fair treatment from merchants and profesulonal men with whom we deal, and because we know it is our busi ness to sell only the best. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would like to see your meat order. fti rti ri ei Central Market 0 Q 0 Monte Rlite in A l'EREECT CRIME. Brilliant comedy-drama. The romance of a mate-believe bank 1 bbel' , Also TOON IKHVILl.E TACTICS Sunday: and Monday A special including Shirley Mason, Lon Cltaney, Chiw. Ogle and Bull Montana in TREASURE ISLAND, by Robert Louis Stevenson. The tale th at has thrilled the World. A roaring romance lor boys and girls 'twixt nine and ninety. Wicked Pirates and buried gold, Deeds that make the blood run cold; Tallest tale that e'er was told! Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Tuesday: Elinor Field in HEARTS AND MASKS. If you like fun, romanc, thrills and mysteries, capitally - ' ' ' acted, you'll find them all in this jicture. p; Also two-reel Comedy. S Si.tidjy C.-hoo! Cla! WIshlttK lo heeeme iiciiualntod with the metbedi of her preileees-.or, . yminic wuiiinn who te'.'., Ut u Sunday tu-hool chmii for the m t time nuked the group ' InlKl't face,! Fix yeiir-oldn what the lew had he.-n ttm previous Kunduy. Sllem e ulln! fr mo ment. TlM'ii a mum-nosed urchin waved him hand fruntlcally and nen rmnted peruitsMl e eak, uuswered: "It wiih about Imrair the huKi In th ihurch." Cnnvubi'ti-'ii nlih the former ti-aeher Rfterwurd- revealed ttmt th lenDou had lri. ' 'H'.'tiiiug lm'fiiie la Ih Tempi." How You Want Them When You Want Them Clothes Cleaned, Dyed Pressed and Repaired With the Creases Where They Belong Lloyd Hutchinson Tailoring Clean lean63 When Your Plumbing Gee Wrong-Phone Us Wc make a specialty of quick Repair work, keeping always ready the materials and the men for immediate service. Or if you have new work that you wish us to figure on we will be very glad to submit prices. Our work is guaranteed to give you satisfaction, and if you are not pleased in every way we will spare neither time nor cost to make it right. Be Your Own "Handy Man" IMmiiiIh'I AI.EXG1BB. Plunder t M.uki ' l ie. iii. .il Sloie All Wei K C.IMIUIlte. d. Vh.U lies Mo.'.i !.!'' sunt i: it i in i vim s t .!, ; i fe'.l.."d tor nt ot town ti.lie. Tlioioittlil) toinp. l nt ;ind i lintde. Aildi. v. Nt'.rnt'. koi.i.i: I ;:!'.! tlart'e'.d St., rmll.uul. OH'. SS 10 Special Bargains At The CASH VARIETY STORE G CUTS AND SAUCERS, plain, white and white and old $i.-5 TUMULKKS. each 05 SUGAR AND CKKAM SliT 50 Kir.broidory aiul Crochet Cotton in all the New Colors BIG VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY There are many Repair Jobs around your house or ranch that you could do during the slack time if you had the tools. Come in and look our stock over. We can fit you out with tools that will help you save money "We Have it, Will Get it, Or it is Not Made" or V 7 '