Tuesday, January 24, 19 2 2 PAGE FOUR THEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON .$. 4. .j. .j. j. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4. .J. .J. 4. ! - ! "Jesus nnsweri'd and said unto liiin, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man le Ixn-n ngsiiii, lie nui not see the kiiiKloiu of ,mI-" J(,in 3:3 , sipnod the . II. Coxcn, of the Patrick sons I'ort- Imsi- Guy Chapin was in from Haruman Saturday ami Sunday. W. K. Ahalt, of Ion'? W. O. Dfnnin and I) Echo, were L'uests at. Yiday nit'ht. by Sheriff .McDufffO a few days apo and lias been returned to Cowlitz county. Leslie Malloek left for Portland Monday mornim; heiiip called there by the Illness of a sif ter. Kred Ittiohnnnn, well known lone rancher, wan a business visitor in Heppner r'riilay evenini?. Arthur h ' y wanted in Cowlitz rounly, Washington, on a chain' o: larceny bv bailee, was arrested here Mrs'. Alva Jones and Miss liabe ScoKKin. of Lexington, were end visitors in Heppner. M. L. Case and two yonnp T.nu.'1'ciice mid r.onnle. went to land Friday mornim; for a few days visit. Miss Louvelle Lucas, of Lexington, who spent, the week end Willi Hepp ner friends, returned to her home Monday mornim;. Win. Hemlrix hart a tumor remov ed from his shoulder a few days iiKO J)r. Mc.Murdo periormin the opera tion, which was- entirely successful. .Robert YouliK, former Kifihtmile and Heppner boy now I ravelin man. was here ye.slerday on liess trip. Misses Ruby, Zelnia, and Vera Knuelman and Clara Linn, a bevy of chunninK lone pirls were pnests at the Patrick Saturday ninlit. Mrs. Kffie Kltchcy, of Kreewaler, liend the Christian Kndoavnr societies of the stale, was here Sunday malum; an official visit to the local socieliifl. An InteresliiiK session was held in the Federated church Sunday even int? when a proKram was renderid and rerreshiueiitrt were served. The MIsscb Kllen and Kmma IlerR Btroin and Mrs. Tyndal Itoblnson, or ElKhtmile, returned rrom a couple of week's vacation In Portland Saturday Slight. They remained in town lonR enoiiKh 1o attend the Kilts' danco Saturday nU;ht. Horace Yoakum has returned from n. visit with friends in the Wlllametto valley where he ("pent several weeks. Mr. Yoakum will remain in Heppner until the snow leaves the upper Wil low creek country, when he will re mime work on his coal prospect, which he believes some day will de velop Into a teal mine. (' T. I.'ri.i'iiian and Oscar Olio, who have been at lrrlpon for a week j or so martini; to mane im pi ovi-un ui n on their recently inired ranch on that project, returned to Heppner Friday evening, driving over by learn. They 'have fill acres of Irrinalcil land Willi hall' a mile fmnlni'.c on the Col umbia liver ami exneel to develop Iho tract into an ideal home place. I!. .1. Frye and family, left Satur day mornim; for Cosmopolis, Wash ington, where he has secured a posi tion as tiler in a bis lumber mill. Frank liilliam, veteran hardware man, Is spending a few weeks vaca tion In Portland as Is his usual eii lom about this time of year. When the Shrlner clans nattier and Hie hardware men meet in annual con vention. Mr. tiilliatu may be counted nn as beint; on the job or somewhere around that vicinity. William Wilson nnd son, James, have returned from Portland where the old gentleman recently underwent Hit operation. He returns much Im proved In health. n.ixo Tl ITIOV Mrs. lli ssle llruce Cibb has resuin 1 tcachinp and will he pleased to meet pupils and prospective pupils at the Wattenbi i'K house. 6 -,r.i pu. NOTH i: TO Till'. I.ADIFS I will do shoppinn in Portland for out of town ladies. Thoroughly competent and reliable. Address, NKTT1F KOl.l.F, 12:1'.) Carlleld St., Portland, Ore. 38 40 Phono HT'J when in need of a I'liunU'r ALEX GIBB, Plumber At StuiKej's lOlei Irlinl Stoit All Work Cuaiantccd. Charces Moderate 1TI.MCTS I'OK SALE Two doicn S. 0. Hhodt) Island Had pulleta. $ I 5.00 a doien If taken M once. Alsu three good cockrilU mine breed. A. W. OAMMKLL, Lexington, Or. 37-39 I lU:iITOIW NOTU'K Not loo Ib hereby Uwn that tlll tiudersinned. W P Mahoiu-y, has been duly appointed administrator of the tstate of t'havles F Williams, deceas ed and Is duly iiuaiilledd for such trur-t. All pct'i'iis lioldiiut claims u'-.ainst paid estate are iiotnie.l to present the fame 10 me. d 1 1 v ,i. tied as niuiii'd by law . at l'' i'V'-i e "i I. V ;IUM m . S.mi l: V.-n V.,to! . at 11. ppm r. i rerun, i' 1 i'l t.i month t rem the date o( the 111 t pi i bi n'a I ieu of this In. t ice In w t 1 ii I in s incut Vs f i . ..i Uio loth d.'.y ef .i Mfiaiv, 1?::'. w. P. mahonly Ad in ml II alor of the estate uf Chailcs F. Williams, dccocahcd. Charter Oak A NAME THAT MEANS SOMETHING IN Stoves and Ranges We Also Carry The Howard Combination Coal and Wood Heater If it's a stove or range you need, come in and See Us its vvy M V. AIM TO I'LKASK AM) OLIl AIM IS TltlE! The Eats That are TREATS We make it our business to sell meats for eats that are real treats. And we don't comply with the) food laws because it is compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good service and fair treatment from merchants and professional men with whom we deal, and because we know it is our busi ness to si ll only the best. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would like to see your meat order. uti rti ftt Central Market How You Want Them When You Want Them Clothes Cleaned, Dyed Pressed and Repaired GIVES ADVICE OX EATING In a leaflet entitled, "How to Eat" i reently issued by Dr. G. R. Carson, ! of the Southern Pacific Hospital de- partment at San Francisco, the fol j lowing rather good advice is given: I "When you hare eaten, do not wonder if the food will aggreet with you. When you begin to wonder trouble begins. If you fear it, do not eat it. If you eat it do not fear it. Be cheerful at your meals. A sour contenance will give you a sour stomach." Longest Shakespeare Play. "Hamlet" is the longest of Shake speare's plays, with 3.930 lines, and. the 'Comedy of Errors" the shortest with 1,777 llDes. . i STAR HEATRE Program for Jan. 25 to Jan. 31 Wednesday and Thursday: I'.dith Story in "THE GKEATF:it PKOF1T, a tale of the crooked path that straightened, a gripping story of a woman who climbed up from the depths into the sunshine. Also Comedy Friday: Eva Novak in WOIAICS OP THE XORTH, the story of a young American girl in Alaska, who tries to guago a primitive romance by conventional standards; of a big adventure which proves the error of her judgement and permits her to see the real gold beneath the rough veneer. Also Bth Episode of AVI X. VERS OE THE WEST Saturday: Iuiise (.laiini in I.OVE, the romance of a girl who dared. ALSO THE SKIPPER STRIKES IT RICH Sunday: THE MIRACLE MAN', the message of the century. It inspires, Appeals, Thrills, able and sorrowful in the mere act of living, you find in the "Miracle Man." Cine Night Only 20 & 30 c. Don't Miss It- All that is admir- : - ' use Monday and Tuesday: llabe Ruth, "The Colussus of Swat," in that simple, straight-to-the-heart.. photodrama.. of ..simple folks of laughs, of thrills, and pathos, HEADIN' HOME One and one-half hours of superb entertainment. A play every boy and girl between 6 and 60 should see. ' Coming, "Treasure Island," Watch for it ' With the Creases Where They Belong Lloyd Hutchinson Tailoring Clean Jhes When Your Plumbing Goes Wrong-Phone Us Wc make a specialty of quick Repair work, keeping always ready the materials and the men for immediate service. Or if you have new work that you wish us to figure on we will be very glad to submit prices. Our work is guaranteed to give you satisfaction, and if you are not pleased in every way we will spare neither time nor cost to make it right. Be Your Own "Handy Man" f I Special Bargains At Tfie CASH VARIETY STORE 6 CUl'S AND SAUCERS, plain, white and white and gold $1.25 TUMHLERS. each 05 SUGAR AND CREAM SET 50 Embroidery and Crochet Cotton in all the New Colors BIG VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY There are many Repair Jobs around your house or ranch that you could do during the slack time if you had the tools. Come in and look our stock over. We can fit you out with tools that will help you save money GILLIAM 'We Have it, Will Get it, Or it is Not Made lllh