r PAGE TWO THEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, January 24, 1922 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATT1SOX, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postuifice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year S2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 av Asav.u or mi:iu y fendant D . E. Gilman in said suit recoveied judgement against the said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston for the sum of $4270.62; for the further sum of $400.00 at torney's fer-s and the sum of $12.00 costs on the said 13th day of Decem ber, 1!)21. Notice is hereby given that I will on Thursday the 26th day of January 3 0 L' 2 at 10 o'oloek in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in band all the right, title and ! interest of said defendants C. D. Hus-. I he neglecting their duties. Umatilla "n and I,ottie A. Huston, and all of county appears to be full of rabbits the right! title and interest of each and east of Bailey. We have cleaned out the pest there and some action should he taken to compel similar work in adjoining districts. Patrick register Friday evening. J. M. Batty, of Eightmile, was a guest at the Patrick Friday and Saturday. LEGAL NOTICES HOIli:TS MIST HE COTItOI.I,i;i) To make up for protecting r.nd shielding millionaires from the conse quences of their sins, Attorney Gen eral Daugherty has ordered a probe of retailers to unearth petty profiteers and thus divert attention fnfiii the real profiteers who are conducting business as usual at the old stands. Such notoriiis profiteers as the Paci fic coast paper trust, the farm mach inery combine and oil monopoly are passed up 1o admit a grandstand play Jigainst the butcher, the baker ami 1he candle-slick maker for this is an era when we have less government, in big business if not more business in government. When millionaire profilers get in to Hie toils, Attorney General Daugh erty is as solicitous in their behalf :'s he was in behalf of millionaire disloyalists. His "confession of err or." that federal district and circuit courts deny exist, is ever handy to atone and defeat prosecution under taken during the wicked Wilson re gime. Mr. Ilauglieiiy last week interfered in behalf of allege 1 ehip-building prolileers at. Portland, who are saiil to have piled up great fortunes during the war, who refus ed the government access to their books. These ship-builders, A. F. Smith and the Columbia River Ship-lluild- County Agents office, Pursuant, to authority given in Chapter 127 of the 1919 Session Laws, of the State of Oegon, the Morrow County Court has instructed the County Agent to serve notice to ri:i.rtie.i nivniti!.' I ere; ill p oceonvinr- possessing, or having charge of, or Mllu of M50.00 attorney's fees dominion over, any land infested with jack rabbits, that, steps must be taken i in in diatelv to exterminate the same under the supervision of the County Also for thR Purpose of satisfying the Agent. Ra'd judgement due the said answer ing uorenuanr u. r,. unman, irom the said defendants C. D. Huston and all said defendants in and to the fol lowing described real property to-wit: South half of Section Twenty-one (21); East half of Northwest quarter; west half of Northeast quarter of Section 28, all in Town ship 3 south Range 24 East of the Willamette Me. ridian in Morrow County On gon. Taken and levied upon as the pro perty of the paid defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston, or bo much thereof as may be necessary to salisly said judgement in favor of said plaintiff and against the said de. frivlants C. D. Huston and Lottie A Huston to-wit, the sumof $4,815.54 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annuih from the 13h day of Dtcembor 1921, for the further and for the sum of $17.00 costs of said suit together witDi all costs and dis bursements that have or may accrue. docketed in the clerk's office in said ' the said defendants C. D. Huston and court in said conntv on the 14th day Lottie A. Huston for the sum of $4,270.62 for the further sum of $400.00 attorney fees and the sum of $12.00 costs on tie said 13th day of December, 1921. Also the further sum of $1,225.42 with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, from Dec ember 13th, 1921, the sum of $100.00 attorney fees; the further sum of $1,760.06 with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, from December 13th, 1921, the sum of $175.00 attorney fees and the sum of $12 00 costs, in favor of the said answering defendant D. E. Oilman, Notice is hereby given that under said judgement being made and en- of December, 1921, or so much there of as may be necessary to satisfy said judgement of the said answer ing defendant, to-gether with all costs and disbursement that have or may accrue. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County Dated and first published this 27th dav of December, 1921. political announcements I ' NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Suit No. III. and bv virtue of a foreclosure execu tion and order of sale issued by tthe clerk of the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, dated December 21st, 1921, in a cer tain suit in said Circuit Court! where- tered in the first above entitled suit. designated as Suit No. IV. Notice is hereby given tJiat I will on Thursday the 26th day of Janu ary, 19 2 2, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day at the front door in Marv D. McHaley was plaintiff and 0f the County Court House in Hepp C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston, T. ner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at J. Mahoney, Trustee, James Thomson public auction tin the highest bidder George Thomson and Charles Thom- for casn in nanQ all of the right, title son, partners doing business as an(j interest of said defendants C. D. Thomson Brothers; Frank Gilliam Huston and Lottie A. Huston, and and L. E. Bishee, partners doing bus- aIi of the rignt ifjtle and interest of iness as Gilliam and Bisbee; Carrie each and all said defendants in and Vaughn, John Vaughn and Charles to lhe following described real prop. Vaughn, partners doing business as ertv to-wit: Vaughn and Sons; T. J. Humphrey; Procedure, will be as follows: 1. Poison will be furnished free as long as funds voted for th pose are available. Ethel Ashbaugh, Mary Elizabeth Ash baugh end Ethel Henrietta Ash baugh, heirs at law of Henry Ash baugh. deceased; and D. E. -Gilman, were defendants and wherein said plaintiff recovered judgement against, the said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston for the sum of $2,407.75 with interest thereon at the ratie of 8 per cent per annum from the 13th day of December 1921, the sum of $235.00 attorney fee3 and fy sai(j judgement in favor of said the further sum ot l(.uu cosis, on plaintiff against said defendants C. the 1 3 till day of December, 1921 and D, Huston and Lottie A. Huston to wherein the answering defendant D. wit: Tne sum ot- $2,407.75 willh in- ecovered judgement in a terest thereon at the rate of 10 Northwest quarter of Sec tion Twenty-two (22) Southeast quarter of Sec tion Sixteen (16) all in Township Three (3) South Range Twenty-four (24) E.Vv'.M. in Morrow County Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the prop, erty of said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Hustbn, or so much hereof as may be necessary to satis E. Oilman recovered luugemeni. in a. terest thereon at the rate of 10 per T.otHn A Vtiiutnn In wit Tha cum nt A-i,!n ,.,,n Vmtwoon tile K'inie OartieS n,. fr,, llin 19V. Anv f 1-1 $4270.62 with interest hereon at the , plaintiff and defendant made and en- December, 1921, for the further sum r.ltp of R ner cent ner annum from ' torcl ern tpninnrfl npOll si V With the nf 493 00 nttnrna-.. fuca anH fnr fVio 2. Each individual will be re th 13h d,,y 0f December 1921, the! above mentioned judgement, and by sum of $17.00 costs of said suit to tiuired to provide proper bait treat, further sum of $400.00 atftnrnev's rH,,r nf the court designatetkas Suit e-pther with nil costs and rtishiirse- put same out on lands he owns or fP(,s and the fiUm ot j12.oo costs, or so much thereof as may be necessary nig corporation, and Joseph It. Bowles, and the Northwest Steel Co., declined to submit a probe by the special agenfH of the department of justice, oven though ordered to by the federal court. They were there fore held in contempt of court, lined $2!l)0 each and ordered committed until lliey delivered all papers and records In Hie case. Before Hie high est court could act on their appeal Mr. Dallgh'Tty came to their rescue by canning I lie solicitor general to again admit e: ror and dismiss the whole proceeding so ihul the profit. of the patriots are secure from the pryin," eye.- nf Hie public and the pal- controls, which are infested with ,'""mH- to satisfy said judgement of tilie said 3. Poison will be placed in the answering defendant, together with hands of committeemen, in areas that all costs and disbursements that are Infested, from whom It can be have or may accrue, secured. It Is also available at the rvnnn.v MnT-ieieirir' Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 2 7th day of December, 1921. rioln Hu n t ion. If Ibis : ll.lilgh. rt hi I'OMI II'o;.f0tl- oi l of thin'; l;ei ps up, Mr. V '.'I nol Herd lo confess. error for the people i ill hold him in error fur leaking equality before the law a travesty on justice. His pose as an avenging angel chasing Hie poor lit He retailer is a satire on his record as it 11 angel of mercy res cuing millionaire malefactors. Sa lem Capital Journal. IIARDMAN , . .;. .;. ... .J. He- liar h " T b,;ll pbiv tl II : .la 1 . The l.l two (111 lice i I T!i. l' Howl. 1 did ll;e d I .eat hi rs. 1. l'it.a.- liei I Mi ssi s 'i no el s. I all l.i The p., wll hold i tile 1 raiiiin Co' li . and M Ms. i hi.'h school bast: 1 it go to I. on" Itock to rhiiel team tleee S.n- IVm-V. Orchestra played for t week at Monument, from llurdninn atteii t : MSsw"! Jitiinita h IUe;'l:man. ll-i.el 'I'. Viigitna Fit heritor 1 , 1 - !,i ahers. Owen I.ealh I lers and Louis l:il h. li Teachers association 1 : 1 1 entertainment at ! chiiel Friday eseniiu;. ii.tw irhes will lie served. it 1 l ) .hum llilS been I' lt illg 1 11 .id.-s. of near llardniHil i,n 111, star high school lain. Is iecoering It ho basltell from lllne.a. Tom Smiih, formerly of near Hard Mail has gone lo Astoria. IIvRIGON 4.- Prepare poison bait as follows: Dissolve one ounce of strychnine sulphate in one gallon of boiling water and sprinkle on 10 to 12 pounds of alfalfaleaves, last cutting of alfalfa hay, or wheat or rye heads, or short headings. Stir the bait constantly so that all will become thoroughly dampened. 5. Put out in trails In the can yons where the rabbits are congregat ing while the sheep are off of the range. When the sheep are on the range the liens can be used. These must lie baited however before pul ling In the poison lo get the rabbils to feeding there, otherwise tie' pens are absolutely valueless and the poison put in these, practice lly wast ed. 6. In wheat growing sections the wheal headings are much more effective (ban any oilier bail. Alfal fa is bes'l in alfalfa growing seel ions. 7. I'oison pill out by parlies en land which they own or eor.tiol need not endanger stock which will later be pa.-dured on thai range pro filed it is scattered properly. Don't pile i up. Put out a few straws or heads in a place. If put in piles you can fake up what Is left before stock are turned out. The strychnine sul fate is soluble In water and is wash ed oft into flu' ground Willi the rains thai usually come about the time the mow leaves, provided the bait Is not put In piles. H. The law also provides hat unless man shall proceed to net promptly and that this announcement publish ed In the newspapers, gives ruftieii nt 1101 Ice. The law ab'o provides that unless poison is put out as recommended, the court shall hire the work done ami the expense of same shall be as sessed to tlie individuals and the suue collected hi the same manner I lial tuxes 11 re collected. The law is not designed to, and wiM not work a hardship on any lean who ii'ti mpt 1 lo comply yyllh its pro visions. Ilecail'-'e of the great daniave done bv these rodents the court deems it Imperative and conci I'ted licijon be taken nnd If Is expected that every individual ow ning or occupying lands Infested wiih jack rabbits, will com plv promptly to the c,:d that these rodents niav be controlled and exter minated while the conditions ale fav orable. Ground squirrels w 1 1 1 also cone under the provisions of this Act and action expected In season. Published bv order nf the County Court. of Morrow County, Oregon, made January fith, 1922. C. 0. CALKINS, I County Agent. 37 39 ! NOTICE OF SIIIIKII'F'S SALE Suit No. II. No. I., against! the said defendants C. ments that have or may accrue. Also D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston for for the purpose of satisfying such sum the sum of ?4,270.t2 tor tne iunner Bs may remain unpaid on the cer Bum of $400.00 attorney fees and the fain judgement in favor of the an sum of $12.00 costs on the said 13th swering defendant D. E. Oilman, in day of December, 1921.. the sum of $4,270.62 with interest Notice is hereby given thati I will at the rate of eight per cent per an on Thursday, the 26th day of Janu- num since said date tine further sum arv, 1922, at 10 o'clock in the fore. 0f $400.00 attorney fees and the sum noon of said day at the front door of 0f $12.00 costs, which said judge the County Court House In Heppner, nient was made, rendered and en Morrow County, Oregon, sell at pub- tered contemporaneously with the lie auction tto the highest bidder for judgement above mentioned and des cash in hand all of the right, title cribed and wherein the parties plain and interest of said defendants C. D. tiff and defendant in said suit and Huston and Lottie A. Huston, and all jn the above entitled suit was by or of the right, title and interest of each der duly entered and designated by and all said defendants in and to the the court as Suit No. I between said Notice is hereby given tlhat under and by virtue of a foreclosure execu tion and order of sale issued by the , following described real property to- parties clerk of the Circuit Court, of the Stale of Oregon, for Morrow County, dated December 21sll, 1921, in a certain suit in said Circuit Court, wherein M.ary D. Haley was plaintiff and C. I). Huston and Lottie A. Hus ton, T. J. Mahoney, Trustee; James Thomson, George Thomson and Charles Thomson, partners doing business as Thomson Brothers; wit: North half of Section num bered Twenty-one (21) in Township Three South, Range Twenty four (24), Easil Willamette Meridian in Morrow County, Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the pro perty of s-lid defendants, C. D. Hus. ton, and LolHie A. misiou or of $2407.75 with interest thereon at the ratie of 10 per cent per annum from the 13th day of December, 1921, for the sum of $235.00 attorney fees, the sum Of $17.01) costs of so Prank Gilliam and L. 10. Bisbee. pari- i ,,,neh thereof a s m ay be ners doing business as Oil Ham and necessary to satisfy said judgement Bisbee; Carrie Vaughn, John Vaughn ' n favor of said plaintiff and against and Charles Vaughn, partners, doing the said defendants C. I). Husiton and business as Vaughn and Sons; T. J. ! i.ottie A. Huston to-wit: The sum Humphrey; Ethel Asbaugh, Mary Elizabeth Asbaugh and Ethel Henri etta Ashbaugh. heirs at law of Henry Ashbaugh, deceased; and 1). E. Oil man, were defendants and wherein said plaintiff recovered judgement against tthe said defendants C. D. Hus ton and Lottie A. Huston for the sum of $2,407.75 wiiti interest thereon .fying such sum as may remain un at the rate of eight per cent per an num from th 13th day of December, 1921, the sum of $235.00, attorney fees and the further sum of $17.00 costs, on the 3!h day of December, 1921 and wherein the answering de feiidaiin 1). E. Oilman recovered jud gement in a certain suit between the Also the further sum of $1,225.42 with interesti thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from Dec ember 13th 1921, the sum 0 $100. 00 attorney fees; the further sum of $1,760.06 wiPh interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from December 13th, 1921, the sum of $175.00 attorney fees and the sum of $12.00 costs, in favor of said an swering defendant. D. E. Gilman, said judgement being made and en tered in the first above entitled suit, designated as Suit No. IV., together with costs and accruing costs which judgements were enrolled and docket ed in the clerk's office in said court in said county on the 14th day of December, 1921, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the nomination 4o the of fice of County Commissioner, subject to the will of the Republicans of Morrow County, to be expressed at the primaries in May, 1922. G. A. BLEAKMAN, Present Incumbent. Hardman, Or. Paid Advt. PROFESSIONAL CARDS r , .j. .j. .j. .j DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN nnd SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store. HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOKXEV-AT-LAW First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON said suit together with all costs and judgement of the said answering de disbursements that have or may ac- fondant, together with all costs and erne. Also for the purpose of satis- disbursements tlhat have or may ac crue. paid on the certain judgement, in GEORGE McDUFFEE, favor of the answering defendant D. Sheriff of Morrow County. K. Oilman, in the sum of $4,270.62, Dated and first published this 27th with Interest at 8 per cejit per annum day of December. 1921. since said datfe tho further sum of $400.00 attorney fees and the sum or DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON $12.00 costs, which said judgement was made, rendered and entered same parlies plaintiff and defendant contemporaneously with th judge made and entered contemporaneously Ir,Pnt above mentioned and described with the above mentioned judgement. and wherein the parties plaintiff and nnd by ordr of the court designated defendant! in sai(1 suit anJ in t,1P as Suit No. 1. against the said del'en- hove entitled suit were Identical dams C I'. Huston and Lotllie A. Huston for the sum of $ 1.27062 for tho further sum of $400,00 attor ney fees and the Bum of $12.00 costs on the said 13th day of December, 19 21. Notice Is hereby given that I win and which suit was by oruer duly entered nnd designated by the Court as Suit No. I between said parties, together wilfi costs and ac. cruing costs, which judgement were enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office in said court in said county on on Thursilay, the 2fith day of Janu- tne 54,1, day of December, 1921, or so touch thereor as may do iurr sarv to satisfy said judgement of the said answering defendant, together with nil costs and disbursements that have or may acrue. I GEORGE McDUFFEE, ! Sheriff of Morrow County. I Dated and first published this 27Cli ' day of December, 1921. NOTICE OF SlIMKll -S SALE I. vie ami M irgaivt Seninnn enter tain. .1 a nuiul er of young folk a NVed n.sdav eveuh c with games, eontesls and music. Those present were. Snow nnd Mvtlo McCoy. Ouida and Shei lev lien '.- 'k. Gerli ude Graybeal. Winn.ried St -waid. Itnel Knight. Wain Slew I. lshinael lleiuli ic. liel'i.it, W.I m nnd Peter Kni-lit. Pierce, Ira 0 evln'al, l!ov and Kay Deiupsev ad "t irslial Marhhiiin. Miss Snosv McCoy "(HI two pri.es ill the .'oiii 't ' ami M'ltle McCoy, one prize. V! ! .el a he. iv nil" Mr. V t atrial of a I and luoilie 1 Mr. 1. ml V Air ami M' the tie ts .e . I P el' y l.'t II'MH d to ! . a ! 1 tl loo I'h,. tal''. V. at 1 .n's 1; e.ti v a a 1 01 bub all a I' , ii "V led be ami .111.1 - I b. iv in C r tie- di . i'('e . V . ,,. 1 11! !' edncks M repot I" the I- .; girl Saturday. Baby 1 dug tin' . i;ii hiiuMli'W ai d and V nil ho h.i v e been Mr. and Mr Howard t he pa-t w c k or t w o, ir bom e in Touch, t, v. ediieMlay. liners dn'tth ft Mi.; Sunday taib d to lo 1 dddiH. 'The weather ; ir laUdt 1 to IllO'.e i,pe,.ed to be in Ih, II a-.' places if I here lira' ViilUilV The le.l-' how. .!'. pi ov ed to be 1,1 all I1.1.I 11 1 ood nine Suit NO. I. Notice Is hereby given that under nnd by virtue of a foreclosure execu tion nail order of sale Issued by the clerk or the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon tor Morrow Coaunty, Dated Deeeiifhor 21, 1921 In a cer tain suit, in said Circuit Court, wherein Mary H. Mi Haley was plain tiff and C. IV Huston, I.ottie A Hus ton, T. J. Mahoney, Tiustie; James Thomson, Oeoge Tboaim 11 and Charles Tboinsim. pariners doing hie.iiiesn as Thomson Protheis; Frank Gl'.lnm and L. K Pi-bee, p.iitn. rs do in.; business as Ctlliam V ltideo; C.n.e ViMU'bn. John Vau.'hn and l"..a!les Vaughn, pariner-t. doing husi-iii-s as Vstu;!in nnd Sot' ; T. .1 lluie :phr. y; Ethel A.-li baugh. M.n v 1 'd.-.i liei'i A ha ugh and F'b.-I Henrietta ' As'..!i.un;h, hei'S nt law of Hen rv Afhbaurh. deceased; and IV K. Hill; .in. weie ibfiiidanU and where j 111 aul plam'iff lecovered Judgement .11 ;'lst S lid ii. leu, (all's C. P H'.IK'OII nrv, r.122. at 10 o ciock 111 tne lore noon of said day nf the front door of the County Count Horse in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell nt pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in bund all of the riyht. title nnd intierest of said defendan'.s C. D. Hus ton and Lottie A. Huston, and all the right title nnd interest of each and nil of said defendants in and to the following described real property to. wit: Northeasl quarter. East half of Northwest quarter North half of the South east quarter of Section Twenty (20) In Township three (3) South Range 24 eist of the Wllamette Mer- , idian. : : , i tain suit in rti.t circuit court wherein ,,,,,'1 inni,. a Huston or s mnch Mary IV McHaley was plaintiff .1 1 .,i. C. IV Huston and Lottie A. v .aid udgement In favor of said T. J. Mahoney. Trustee; James , Thorn- nli.imiir nnd nealnst the said defeii- Mill, t.eolge 1 Ilomsoil dints C. 1). Huston and I.ottie A NOTICE. OF SHERIFF'S SALE Suit Xo. IV. Notice Is hereby given that under pnd by virtue of a foreclosure execu tion nnd order of sale issued ty me clerK. or tne L trcuii 1 I'uu. m ic Suite of Oregon, for Morrow County, dated. December 21st, 1921. in a cer- and H uston, Hot Drinks-Sandwiches Hit t!ie right spot these frosty mornings and b'ustcry afternoons. You Gct;thc Best 4 At McAtee & Aiken .111 I l.e'tie A. llirion f v the ni'.i ' 1' , I S t 5 M wiih interest th. rem at 1 Hi. I;.t Hi 10 pe d ill per alllUU'l' : 1 1:1 1 ., 1 .'.Hi day of Iv iii!.,-r, . Huston to-wit; The sum of $2,107.75 with interest thereon at the rate ef 10 per cent per annum from the IS'h day of December. i;i21. for the fur ther sum of $235.00 attorney feis. and for the num of $17. 00 co-is of said still together with nil cos's o disbursement that have or may ac crue. Also for the purpose of satis fying such sum as may iv ei n re paid on the certain .imlreiei nt in fa vor of the I'Rswenn; de'iin'a'i' IV V.. Oilman, in the s-:im of $1 270 f, ;, winli interest nt eight per out p. r entrain since sa'd dale, the furlte r sum ef $ 100 t'O at'ernev f 11 and the sum of $12 00 costs, w'mdt s-.:J Judgement w is trade, required and in'ered contCii' povaneou-dv w 11 h the judgment above n:ri'o;i.- ! a ml de s.'iih.d I'l-.d w her. hi the pir'vs plan. ' 'I'an.l di '. t'd.-n' in the a1'. we in. and Charles Thomson, partners doing business as Thorn on l'rothers-; Frank Gilliam nnd L. F. H,boi pirtners doing busi ness as Gilliam and Hisbee; Carrie Vaughn. John Vaughn and Charles 1 Vaughn, partners doing business as , Sj ---s-. A'aughu nnd Sons: T. J. Humphrey; - .' - , Ethel Ash. i" he 1 Marv l- p.zabeui Asn baugh and Ethel Henrietta Ash baugh. heirs nt law of Henry Ash. baugh. deceai-e.'. ; ami IV E. Oilman, were defendant rnd wherein said 'plaintiff rccov -ed mdgement ngslnsl , she said i!oVl".!.ii:i '" I1- " ten and I.ottie A Huston for the sum of $2.1 '7 7 5 wuh in- ' terest at tiie rate of eight p r c nt per annum from the U'.th d iv of Dec- . ember. t"21. the sum of $2"5 00 at torney fees and the f uiJot -urn of $17 00 costs. 011 th 1.1th y of Dec i ember. 1921. end v'er -ia 'he an '.-w.nr.g def t li'i-.t IV K. Ci!i"-in re- ,-ev. red l-.'g r.t ei a 'n suit .etwivit tb.o same pnrHe' 1 'a ntiff am d.-ieii.'.i.nt ' '. in', led cor.'. up 25 Cents out of every $1.00 You are now paying for insurance can remain in your pocket when you renew that Fire Insurance , policy in the Oregon Fire Relief Assn. F. R Brown Agent For Morrow County Phone Office r'vj-'. Kes. J9F14. Heppner Or. i Rolled Barley the finest honest I am prepared to furnish (ua:ty Rolled Barley at fair and prices. I also handle a complete line of gasoline Kerosino and Lubericatinp; Oils. Satisfac tion to customers is niv motto. Andrew Bycrs PHONE 1 Q o 1 it t h H n i idled srt .-i id. :,: a.r I v ln.di j uii . as tiv .e d, r ,-- , . I .'' -n I to- : ' : . -e t No. . I bet" n s.'-.l I ' r w " ' , . -s aed ;ie, !; , ,, v, ;., , ', .iiuli-m.-nt w. ,- , :;, j and : ' 1. it-e urn of I .'. .. !: ''' ,. i .1 I! e ful'llef lie, f t? I'.' e 1 en C ;t(!i day of l.v. I.'.b. r. '.:;) ..' 1 w ! . 1 1 1 .11 1 lie a:u ' ' !' : lie ot .., I; W !- !'... e. e. e , 0 I- 1II..1 s. m to f.r.in. -!v w'-i. " . a' ev 1 . , d j. U- pt ' v e - ' - coin t ii. sin.n d as S,;:l No. I nlion : the ; i:ain-d MAIN 733