Tuesday, January 17, 1922 PAGE FOUR : THEHEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON I I II ill v llll) LOCAL NEWS ITEMSv 4 ' Jim Mollahan is a business visitor in Heppner today. Waller Duncan was a passenger tor Condon Thursday morning. Jack Hynd returned to Cecil tins morning to see how deep the snow in Tlnttf.rhv Flats. ut i... t tnhnBon. county health nurse, was an out bound passenger ihiti tnfirninir. Cliff Kugg was in town from the i. ,.i, irtunri v .i I lid T linea tll'irn. l-"u",'W - business. , I, .ml his daughter. nnvnlco returned from Portland ortup !i week's visit in JiiHL I'V' ljlllft, ... --- w... ..-..i n-..rrlu.if.illi returned to Khea this morning alter a rhort visit with her sister, Mrs. Ixdl Ward and tuner remuwr,. m,. n,l Mrs. Floyd Tolleson and i Mr ..ml Mrs. Will Keen- cniMH i-ii ti'i'i , iin spent Sunday as guests at tti -.i V. ........ f'l.fil j I V n ii i an' ii ii' ' 1 . "Heppncr usually feels disposed to boast of her winter climale but. the past week's fog bus made most of us feel different temporarily. if t miriLi eni'ineer for ine t..rti.aiimi Distnel. calm . , ti....mmiiiI ueuienlnv In he OUt. irOIII " HI . . present at the John Day district nK.ct a w Wheelhnuse was here .rom . ..' ... ' ,.,.,,,,iiir iittending a meeting of Hi" board ' '.ll''T,1"ra1?I t !... I e; 1 1 IOII II SI. M I. 1 ne .1 011 11 1 'f- . 1 1. ti.iy iiiorn ni. Teiuineii ii"in' " - , .!.... i.'iLu An ndrnial soc lilHIII""! ,i-,nr.e will be mven at the Mks building Saturday evening, 21st, for Klks and their ladies only. . .. ..vrw.eleil tn littend. All I'. Ilrt ill' ' "I' , .. J ' , ,.,..,u. Ml, -a Marsh, of Baker, who have been visiting at t n v i- m ,. .,n,l Mrs. It. K. Alslott JltJIU'- 1,1 j'li. . .. of Kightmile, for several days, bill, for their bonus Thursday morninc. Klmer and Hurley Matteson. taken before the federal curt at 1-orl and recenllv charged with violation ol I he prohibition law, were discharged by Judge Wolverton and have relumed hUvv Dr.fieorge II. Van Waters de livered an interesting discourse at the Kpiscniial church Sunday evening to a large congregation, his subject, be ing, "Psychotherapy, or Mental Ileav 1U Xr. C. 0. Chick has purchased the John Wlidenan residence on north Court Street and will have Immedi ate possession. .Mr. and Mrs. Wiiden sin will remove to their wheat ranch on Flghtmle. K K. Crego and family returned from Portland yesterday where they visited for somo time. Mr. Crego, -who is chairman of the Legion build ing comitmtee expects to have some j. ...ii,r newu to give out soon. llll'I'niiiiH Miss Odilo Croshen is again at her .1 .... 1. ... u,e erainlv Agent Cal'kln s oei'iv III ii" v.. ........ .rn,.,. n,.i. .1 nionlh's vacalion spent. . ,.ul.. i.',,..ene find Portland. At 311. i.ii'iiiui' . 1. s rouuille, She visited her St 'lei'. Mis ,oraine Vinton. She returned bun ,, , , ,.r lSiilii'r. came in Sunilnv evening on 11 short hi'sines trip Mr (ixniaii, Willi bis nartner m.. u ;,,:, in I101I Hie grading con jiii . 11,11 1 - . tract on I he highway west anil 1 a.-f from lleppner. which was completed Home lime "'' , Kvangelisls Waller K. Ilarmun and V () Dates opened a series 01 " ligious meetings at the Christian , ,'M,rh Sunday which will I 'uum- lor some time. The gentlemen recent Iv concluded a series of meet ings at Lexington which were very successful. (!,; Otto and C I.. Freeman moved to lrrlgon Friday and are Min ing at Mis. Wafkin's. while put "Ung up a temporary bouse on the ranch recently purchased from MeiTll K. noble, at the rerry landing. Mrs. Vreeman and family will move to lr rlgon later. Attention FlUs An Informal so. -lul dance will be given lit the l'.lks building Saturday evening, January 21st. for Klks and their holies only. All Klks uro expected to attend. T J Maboiiev, manager 01 m- - . 4imbia llasln Wool Warehouse Co., of , Voitland. lr. S. W. McClure, of Nam- I im, Idaho, and . K. Flsk, of Parma. Idaho, were here for 11 few days dur ing the week, leaving for Portland Frldav morning. Mr. Mahoney. who is In close touch with the stock busi ness, Is pleased with the favorable mil look for the sheep and wool busi ness for the coming year. A. 1'.. Mall was passing around a inichtv line duality of cigars among bis friends Friday morning but he de flares that the duality of the cigars did not come within a million miles tiT the class and uuality of the eight 11 nil one half pound daughter, whose advent, Thursday evening was being rolclirati'd. "K 11 fellow wouldn't buy good smokes on an occasion of this kind, when would he," asked Abe, as he breezed along. Mrs. Hull and little daughter. iue reported V be dolnt; Ano, iii.i.i:is von 8M.K Two doien 0. Uhod. Island Had pullets. tlG.OORdoten If taken tt ,. Alsl) three K'" wkr.U toiuio breed. A W. C.AMMF.IX, Lexington, Or. ST 59 ' rUFI'irolW MVl'H'K Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned. W P M:ihoney. bus been duly appointed administrator 'f ,h" Mtate of Charles F William, deceas ed and Is duly nualitb'dd for such trust. ens holding claims (eaii'-t . aie n'.lil'n il t pi' ' lit tie Charter Oak A NAME THAT MEANS SOMETHING IN Stoves and Ranges We Also Carry The Howard Combination Coal and Wood Heater If it's a stove or range you need, come in and See Us Peoples Hdw. Co. WE AIM TO PI-EASE AM) Of It AIM IS TRUE! '.it STAR Program for Jan. 18 to Jan. 24 0 & & - The Eats That are TREATS We make It our business to sell meats for eats that are real treats. And we don't comply with thd food laws because it is compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good servlco and fair treatment from merchants and professional men with whom we deal, and because we knov it is our busi ness to sell only the best. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would li'ku to see your meat order. rti pi rtt fti Central Market NOW IS THE TIME To cet those clothes which were soiled and creased during all the holiday season, Cleaned, Pressed aud Repaired sothey will Look Like New Lloyd Hutchinson Tailoring Clean Wednesday and Thursday: THE SPORT OF KINGS, the thrilling drama of love and adventure on land and i greatest racing story in the history of American fiction, by Arthur Somers Roche, and realistic race track scenes ever screened. Also THE SKIPPER'S BOSOM FRIEXIS ea. From the The most vivid Friday ' Gladys Walton in SHORT SKIRTS. The story of a gay little flapper who chafes at parental restraint and labors under the impression that the older generation is in a conspiracy to keep her from en joying life; what happens when she takes the reins in her own hands and how she finds real love and happiness when she is chastened by the sad experiences resulting from her youthful folly. Also 7th episode of WINNERS OF THE WEST Saturday: Louise Gianni in the LEOPARD WOMAX, from the world-known novel by Stewart Edward White. Cairo, the city of subtle mysticism, forms the lair of the Leopard Woman and the trap for her prey. AI-SO "THE TOOXERVII.I-E TANGLE, another Skipper roar. Sunday and Monday: I-ionel liarryinore in THE COPPERHEAD. The story of a patriot who served in disgrace when, he could have served with honor. When this picture came out about a year ago, it was a big drawing card allover the United States. It is truly a picture you want to see. Only by waiting un til now could it be secured at a price that enables us to put it on at the regular price of 20 cents a nd 30 cents. Tuesday Re.ssie I-ove in PEXXY OF TOP ini-L TRAIL. A western picture that is different. A modern ro mance with airplanes and flivers and movies a nd a sense of humor.. A breezy star in a refresh ing mixture of mystery, comedy, drama. One of the most entertaining pictures you have seen re cently. One night only.. 20 cents and 30 cents Also Two-Reel Comedy r ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' y w When Your Plumbing Gee Wrong-Phone Us We make a specialty of quick Repair work, keeping always ready the materials and the men for immediate service, Or if you have new work that you wish us to figure on we will be very glad to submit prices. Our work is guaranteed to give you satisfaction, and if you are not pleased in every way we will spare neither time nor cost to make it right. Be Your Own "Handy Man" j THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR Wild Ivl! by ' t it d.r r-i. lb' il;-.l of I".' 'lie I Hi' t vib'i' '. I I'll of 1' I.l. ) 1 ,' in' .1 .lUU.Il . 1 -' -' v.- iv m iiim: v ri- li .ilor of tin' M.' F. Willl-llllS dW..i: . d. Reduced Prices on Men's and Women's Underwear CASH VARIETY STORE Where you got MG VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY There are many Repair Jobs around your house or ranch that you could do during the slack time if you had the tools. Come in and look our stock over. We can fit you out with tools that will help you save money rn 1 s a Mi I 5i l$15i3E! "Wc Have it, Will Get it, Or it is Not Made" 11 a Q o in- b VI' i I i ' 1