Tuesday, January 17,' 1922 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE THREE "WILL GO AFTER BITTER CREEK BUNNIES County Agent Calkins has arrang ed for another big rabbit drive to be "hold at the Sloan Thompson place on Uutter creek some day this week, the exact date not having been named. While the rendezvous is in Umatilla county it is said that is where many of the rabbts come from that play such havoc with the crops on this side of the county line. People out that way declare there are actually million of bunnies and a record kill is expected to be made. Two drives were held last week near the Kilkneny place and 6500 rabbits were killed. i Arch Barnard went down to the Xexington road camp Thursday on business. FORD FORCES VO LAST SI X. PAY'S SHOOT Rabbit shooting was not quite so good last Sunday as it was a week earlior. The snow was crusted, the rabbits were wild and the weather was cold. Charlie Latourell's party prospered on adversity, however, and won the day with a score of 1072 rabbits to 864 tallied up by Captain Cook's Standard Oil boys. A dinner will b eserved the victors by the vanquished at an early date, the exact time and place not yet hav ing been fixed. NOTICE TO STOCKMEN Notice has been received by C. L. Langdon, from the forest supervisor at Pendleton that all applications for grazing permits must be in his office not later than February 10. It is also stated that applicaions received afer that date will not be considered, unless by chauce there should he surplus range. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce mysvlf as a can didate for the nomination to the of fice of County Commissioner, subject to the will of the Republicans of Morrow County, to be expressed at the primaries in Mav. 1922. G. A. ELEAK.MAX, Present Incumbent. Hardnian, Or. Paid Advt. A. Wilkinson returned to The Dalles this morning after a short vis it with his family here. Mr. Wilk inson, who was formerly on the Heppner branch run, is now on The Dalles-l'matilla local run. TABLE NEEDS How about giving us an order for your table needs for today? You will find us well stocked with Veget ables and Fruits, Package, Bottled and Can ned Goods, Cured Meats and all seasonable commodities in our line. Sam Hughes Co. A BANK DRAFT IS THE SAF EST WAY TO SEND MONEY THROUGH THE MAILS A Bank Draft may be purchased at this bank for less, per hundred dollars, than the cost of either at the post office or express money order. It is not necessary to register the letter containing the draft. If it is lost in transit we issue a duplicate or refund your money as you prefer. Bank drafts are accepted any place in the United States or Canada. Farmers & Stockgrowers 0 National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. We Buy CHICKENS DUCKS - TURKEYS - GEESE In fact, all kinds of poultry are wanted Highest Prices Paid IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII Call or Write ALEX CORNETT, Main 61 5 Or See E. R. MERRIT, . .Heppner, Oregon. A Bargain if Taken at Once 640 acres, every foot in cultivation, all fenced good drilled well with plenty of water to ir rigate garden, four-room house, one-half mile from school, 11 miles from raihoad. Price OInly $20.00 an Acre. $2,000.00 down, Terms on Balance Roy V. Whiteis mm. teMlttiB 5K,Rir llJSIll; m s.j. n ;;K ft. Say this to yourself ai win q 1 n 111 save am 1 Invest" In making New Year's resolutions, don't forget one of the most important re solve to save regularly and invest your sav ings promptly throughout the year 1922. If you keep up the resolution for 1922, the habit so formed will be more than likely to keep the resolution for you for the rest of your life, nad you will build up a small for tune for yourself. Your Savings Account will be an invest ment that pays you a safe rate of interest, and at the same time, your money is always ready for you when you want it. First National Bank of Heppner Heppner Herald Want Ads bring homo tho bacon. Ki ( !S) 1 IiTaII Tin Wullli I : : IMC TY VI 1U ABOUT the advantages of wearing clothes indi vidually tailored by Ed. V. Price & Co. Let them know that your store stands for quality and character in clothes, that you offer far greater variety than any store in town, that you offer clothes made not for the multitude but for the individual, and being for the in dividual, they fit better, look better, wear better. Tell them constantly and you will sell more of 0); ' I l kii-vyivii 1 v 1 uu itii.11 1 hi 11 I : lWIirriir Rr Cn 1 1 1 .J ; a v &&i-i xxt'o i I J . : SAVE ON GROCERIES! There are two ways to save on your Grocery Bill: 1sf--Buy where the prices are right 2nd.Buy where the quality is best Our New Year Resolution is to give you the benefit of both plans during 1922 Yours for a Prosperous year iroccry Company ! w. 1, v