Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 17, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, January 17, 1922
vS. A. PATTISOX, Kditor and Publisher
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, I'o: toffice as second-class Matter
Terms of Subscription
One Year S2.00
Six Months $1.00
Three Months $0.50
Knit NO. I.
NoJiro in hereby Kivon that under
11 I'd y virtue of a foreclo.uni: oxeoii-
ion :1 i.l oi-di'i' of .s.'ile iKMn il by the
cl'-rk of dm Circuit Court, of tin;
Kittle of Or Hon for Morrow Counnly,
Da led 1'i-ci-tiibi-r 21, 1!121 in :i rer
1ain suit, in Kaiil Circuit, Court,
wherein Mury 1). Mcllnh-y w:ih plain
till' and C. I). Huston, Lottie A. lius
1 on, T. J. Mahoney, Trustor:; James
Thomson, (ieuKc Thomson and
Charles Thomson., parlnr'i's doini,'
liiisinoss as Tliornson Brothers; Frank
Gilliam and I,. K. Bisbee, partners do
in;; business as Gilliam & liishee;
Carrie, Vaimhn, John Vaughn anil
Charles Vaughn, partners, doinR busi
ness as Vaughn and Hons; T. J. Hum
phrey; Llhel AshbaiiKh, Mary Kliza
ljeth Asbaunh and Klhel Henrietta
Ashhaiik'h, heirs at law of Hen
ry AshbaUKh, deceased; and 1). K.
Oilman, were defendants and whon
in Baid plaintiff recovered judgment
anainst said defendants C. 1). Huston,
iind Lotlle A. Huston for the bum
of $48 15.54 with Inlorest thereon at
the rato of ID per tent per annum
from (ho nth day of December,
':i!)2J, the sum of $150, attorney's
lees and the further sum of $17.00
rusts on (lie 13111 day of Decern her,
11121 and wherein the answering rle
lendant I) . 10. Oilman in said suit
recovered judgement against Hie said
defendants 0. 1). Huston and Lottie
A. Huston lor the sum ol iiitn.tii,
for the furlher sum of $ 100.00 at
torney's fees and the sum of $12.00
rests on (he said mil day of Decem
ber, 1121.
Notice is hereby nivon that I will
on Thursday the 2Glh rlay of January
3 02 2 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of
Hiiid rlay at Hie front door of ,the
Counly Court House in Heppner,
Morrow -County, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all the right, III In anil
interest of said defendants C. I). Hus
ton and Lottie A. Huston, and all of
ihe right) title and interest of each and
all said defendants in and to Ihe fol
lowing desuibed real properly
1o-wit :
Soulh half ol' Seel ion Twenty-one
(21); Kant hall' of
Northwest iuar!'vr; wesl
half, of Northeast quarter
il Hod inn 2X. all in Tinvn
! rhip ;i south li-inge 2-1
j Kasl of the Willamette Mo.
ridian in Mono.v County
On gon.
Tuki n and levied upon as the pro
perly of the mid elond:inlH C. D.
Huston and Lotlte A. Huston, or so
in lit-li thereof as may be necessary
to s.ili!-l suit! Judgement In fawir ol'
B. ild plaintilf and against the said de
f. n Innts C. I. Huston and Lottie A.
Huston to wit, the siimof $4,815.64
with interest thereon at the rale ol' 10
per lent, per annum from the K'.h day
of I id ember 11121, for Ihe further
Mini o $4 50.01) attorney's fees and
tor tin' sum of $17.00 costs of said
null together w il'lt all costs and dis
biirsenienls th.it h i"e oi may 'iccriu'.
Also tor (he purpose of satisfying the
Kaid Judgement due the said answer
ing defendant I). K. Cilmaii, from
Hie uivld defeudiinlH C. U. Huston and
Lottie A. HihUon lo wil: The sum of
$4270.02 with inleresl hereon at. the
r.ile ol' 8 per rent per milium from
Ih IIUi day of lieiemhor li2l, Ihe
furlher sum of $100.00 ailiomey's
lees mid Hie HUin of $ 1 2 00 costs, or
i,o much llKieor as may he necrs.ary
lo salisly said Jiulgeineiit of lil-e raid
nnsweriiig d-H-tnlunl. ("gellier with
nil costs and d isliui sements that
liave or may Hccrtie.
(iXOiUIK MeDl'l'TrHO.
Sheriff or Monow County. Oregon.
Dated and llrst published Ibis 2Vih
(lay of DeC' inher, 1 II 2 I .
NO I K 10 Ol' Mil HUT'S SVI.K
Suit .No. II.
Notice is hereby given Shut under
nnd by virtue of a foreclosure execu
tion and order of sale Issued by the
clerk of Hie Circuit Court, of the
State of Oregon, for Morrow County,
dated December 21 si 1021, In
en-tain suit In said Circuit Court.
wherein Mury D. Haley wan plaintiff dav of December, 1 it 2 I .
on 1 ho said 1 3 th day of December,
Notice is hereby given that I will
on Thursday, the 26th day of Janu
ary, 'I2 2, at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day at the front, door of
the County Courll House in Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all of the right, title and
interest of said defendants C. D. Hus
ton and Lottie A. Huston, and all the
right, title and interest of each and
all, of said defendants in and to the
following described real property to
NorlheasH cpiartor, East
half of Northwest quarter
North half of the South
east quarter of Section
Twenty (20) in Township
three (3) South Range 24
east of the Wilamette Mer
idian. Taken and levied upon as Hie prop,
erty of said defendants C. D. Huston
and Lottie A. Huston, or so much
(hereof as may be necessary to satis
fy said judgement in favor of said
plaint i IT anil against the said defen
dants C. 1). Huston and Lottie A.
Huston to-wit; The sum of $2,407.75
with Interest thereon all (he rate of
10 per cent per annum from the 13th
rlay of December, 1121, for the fur
ther sum of $235.00 attorney fees,
and for the sum of $17.00 costs of
said huM together with all costs or
disburscmonls that have or may ac-
jci'iie. Also for the purpose of satis
' fying such sum as may remain un
paid on the re rt a in judgement in fa
vor of (lie answering defendant I).
10. Oilman, In the sum of $4,270.62,
iwlnh Interest at eight per cent per
i annum Rince said date, the further
'sum of $400.00 attorney fees and
the sum of $12.00 costs, which said
, judgement was made, rendered and
'entered contemporaneously with the
judgment above mentKoned and de
scribed and wherein the parties plain.,
tiff and defendant in the above en
titled suit worn identical and which
suit was by order duly entered anil
designated bv Oho court as Suit No.
I between said parties, together with
costs anil accruing costs and which
judgements were enrolled anrl
docketed in the clerk's office in said
court In said county on t!he 1 4 ( li day
of December, 1021. or so much there
of as may be necessary to satisfy
said judgement of the said answer
ing defendant, to-gelher with all
costs and disbursement!! (hat have or
may accrue.
I ShcrilT of Morrow Comity
Daled and livst. published this 27th
day of December, 11121.
Suit No. nr.
Notice is hereby given (lint under
nnd by virtue of a forecloH-.ire execu
tion and order of sale issued by Win
clerk of the Circuit Court, of the
Stale of Ori'.'on, for Morrow Countv,
dated December 21st, 1121, In H cer
tain suit In said Circuit. Conn! where
in Mary I). Mcll.iley was plaintiff and
C. 1). Huston and Lottie A. Huston, T.
.1. Mnlioney. Trustee. James Thomson
(leorge Thomson and Charles Thom
son, purl ners lining business- as
Thomson llrethers; Frank (Iilliam
and L. 10. Hi bee, partner doing bus
iness as Oilliam and liishee; Carrie
Vaughn, John Vaiichn and Charles
Vaui'hn, nirliiiers d"lng business as
Vanc.hn mid Sum-; T. J. Humphrey;
lOlhel Ashhauch, Mury lOIInbeth Ash.
ha Huh nnd lOHiel Henrietta Ash
biiugh, heirs at law of Henry Asli
baugh. deceased; and D. 10. Oilman,
were defendants and wherein said
plaintiff recovered judgement ii'Tninst
Hie s:iid defendants C D. Huston ami
Lottie A. Huston for the sum of
S" 407 7 5 willi interest thereon at
the ratio of 8 per cent per nnnnm
f'om the llMh dav of December 1!21.
I'"' sum of $21:5.110 nt'orney fees and
the furlher sum of $17.00 costs, on
Hi" Uiilli rlay of December. 1121 and
v herein the answe-lng defendant 1).
10. Oilini'n recovered lodgement In a
crl-il'i suit between the same parties
plaintiff and defendant made and en
tered contemporaneously Willi the
above mentioned Judgement, and by
order of ll'e court designated as Suit
No. 1., against! the said defendants C.
IV Huston and Lottie A. Huston for
the sum of $ 1,2 70 6 2 tor the further
sum of $ 100 00 attorney fees and the
sum of $12.00 costs on the said 13th
1 fying such sum as may remain un
I paid on the certain judgement, in
I favor of the answering defendant D.
1 K. Oilman, in the sum of $4,270.62,
with interest at 8 per cent per annum
since said datle the further sum of
$400.00 attorney fees and the sum of
$12.00 costs, which said judgemenl
', vas made, rendered and entered
contemporaneously with the judge
nirnt. above mentioned and described
and wherein the parties plaintiff and
! dr-fendand in said suit and in the
1 above entitled suit were identical
i and which suit was by order
duly entered and designated by the
Court as Suit No. I between said
parties, together with costs and ac
cruing costs, which judgement were
enrolled and docketed in the clerk's
office in said court in said county on
the 14th day of December, 1921, or
so much thereof as may be neces
sary to satisfy said judgement of the
said answering defendant, together
with all costs and disbursements that
have or may acrue.
i Sheriff of Morrow County.
Dated and first published this 27t!h
day of December, 1921.
nnd C. D Huston and l.ollie A. Hus
ton, T. J. Muhonoy, Trustee; James
Thomson, (ieorgti Thomson and
Charles Thomson. partners doing
1'ustncKs as Thomson llrnlhers;
Frank Oilliam niul L 10. liishee. part
ners doing business as Oilliam and
liishee; Carrie. Vaughn, John Vaughn
and Ch.ules Vaughn, partners, doing
business as Vaughn and Sons; T. J
Humphrey; Kthel Asbiuigh. Mury
lOhzabcth Ashling" and lOthcl Henri
ett.t Ashhaugh. heirs at law of Henry
A hbaugh, deceased; and D. 10. Oil
man, were defendants and wherein
said plaintiff recovered Judgement
ai:a I list t'he said defend. mis 0. l. Hus
ton and Lottie A Huston for the sum
or f2.in7 7 5 Willi interest thereon
lit Ihe rate of eight per cent per mi
lium from th llllh day of December,
I'i-.M, the sum of $21(5. 00. atlirney
t i s and the liirtlu r sum of $17.00
o.ls. mi th. tilth day of December,
T.i 2 I rod wherein the answering de
f iidanl I). 10. Oilman recovered Jud
gment In certain suit between the
Minn partien pluiiilitt and dclVmlunt
made and entered ceuti'iiipornneouidy
villi the nbnto mentioned Judgement,
nnd by ordr of the court designated
lis Suit No 1, against the said defen
dant C. H. Huston and I.nttlie A
Hus-ton fur the sum of $4.27062
for the further sum of $4 00 00 attor
ney fees anil Um uin of $12.00 costs
Suit Xo. IV.
Notice is hereby given that! I will
on Thursday, the 26th day of Janu
ary. 1H22. at 10 o'clock iii the fore
noon of said day at the frjnt door of
the County Court House In Heppner,
Morrow County. Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all of the right, title
and Interest of said defendants C. IV
Huston and Lottie A. Huston, and all
of the right, title and Interest of each
and all said defendants In and to the
following described real property (o
w it :
North half of Section num
bered Twenty one (21) In
Township Three South,
liiinge T rntv lour ( 24 ) ,
lOas Willamette Meridian
In Morrow County. Oregon.
Taken and teied upon as the pro
perly of said deiendants. O. D. Hus.
ion, and Lottie A. Huston, or so
much thereof a s 111 ay be
necessary to satisfy said judgement
in fn or of said plaintiff and against
he said defendants 0. D Huston and
Lot tn A. Huston to-wit: The sum
.f $2407.7 5 with Interest thereon at
'he raid' of 10 per cent per annum
irom ihe Kith day of December, 1021.
'or the sum of $215 00 attorney fees,
ind for the sum of $17 00 costs of
satil suit together with all costs and
disbursements that hue or may nc
ruo. Also for the purpose of uatis-
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a foreclosure execu
tion and order of sale issued by the
clerk, of the Circuit Court, of the
State of Oregon, for Morrow County,
dated, December 21st, 1921, in a cer
tain suit in said circuit court wherein
Mary D. McHaley was plaintiff and
(J. I). Huston and Lottie A. Huston,
T. J. Mahoney, Trustee; James Thom
son, George Thomson and Charles
Thomson, partners doing business as
Thomson Brothers; Frank Gilliam
and I j. 10. Bisbee, partners doing busi
ness as Gilliam and Bisbee; Carrie
Vaughn, John Vaughn and Charles
Vaughn, partners doing business as
Vaughn and Sons-; T. J. Humphrey;
Ethel Ashbaugh, Mary Elizabeth Ash
haugh and Ethel Henrietta Ash
baugh, heirs at law of Henry Ash
baugh, deceased; and D. E. Gilman"
were defendants and wherein said
plaintiff recovered judgement against
tlhe said defendants O. D. Hus
ton and Lottie A. Huston for
the sum of $2,407.75 with in
terest at the rate of eight per cent
per annum from the 13th day of Dec
ember, 1921, the sum of $235.00 at
torney fees and the further sum of
$17. .00 costs, on th 13th day of Dec
ember, 1921, and wherein the an
swering defendant D. E. Gilman re
covered Judgement in a rertliln suit
between the same parties plaintiff and
defendant made and entered contem
poraneously with the above mention,
ed judgement, and by order of the
court designated as Suit No. I. against
the said defendants C. D. Huston and
Lottie A. Huston for the sum of
$4,270.62 for the further sum of
$400.00 attorney fees and the sum
of $12.00 costs on ttho said 1 3th day
of December, 1921.
Also the further sum of $1,225.42
with interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum, from Dec
ember 13th, 1921, the sum of $100.00
aiKorney fees; the further sum of
$1,760.06 with interest, thereon at
the rate of eight per cent per annum,
from December 13th, 1921, the sum
of $175.00 atllorney fees anil the sum
of $12.00 costs, in favor of the said
answering defendant 1). 10. Oilman,
said judgement being made and en
tered in the first above entitled suit,
designated as Suit No. IV.
Notice is hereby given tlliat I will
on Thursday the 26th day of Janu
ary, 1 922, at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said rlay at the front door
of Hie County Court House in Hepp
ner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at
public auction lb the highest bidder
for cash in hand all of the right, title
and Interest of said defendants C. D.
Huston and Lottie A. Huston, and
all of the right lli tie and Interest of
each and all said defendants in and
to the following described real prop. 1
erty to-wit :
Northwest quarter of Sec
tion Twenty-two (22)
Sou!(lieas( quarter of Sec
tion Sixteen (16) all in
Township Three (3) South
Range Twenty-four (24)
10.W.M. in Morrow County
Taken and levied upon as the prop,
erty of said defendants C. IV Huston
and Lottie A. Husllon. or so much
thereof as may he necessary to satis
fy said judgement in favor of said
plaintiff against said defendants C.
IV Huston and Lottie A. Huston to
wit: The sum of $2,407.75 witlh In
terest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from the ll'.th day of
December. 1921. for the further sum
of $2115.00 attorney fees and for the
sum of $17.00 costs of said suit to
gether with all costs nnd disburse
ments that have or may accrue. Also
for the purpose of satisfying such sum
as may remain unpaid on the cer
tain Judgement in favor of the an
swering defendant D. 10. Oilman. In
the sum of $4,270.62 with interest
at the rale of eight per cent per 1111
uum since said date nlie further sum
of $400. 00. attorney fees and the sum
of $12.00 costs, which said judge
ment was made, rendered and en
tered contemporaneously with the
Judgement above metitlioued nnd des
cribed and wherein the parties plain
tiff and defendant in said suit and
In the above entitled suit was by or
der duly entered and designated by
the court as Suit No. I between said
pa nil's.
1 Also the further sum of $1.225 42
with interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from Dec
ember I Hill 1921, the sum of $ 1 1 -.00
attorney fees; the further stun of
$ 1,760 06 with Interest then on at
Ihe rate of eight per cict ht aneuin
troin December 13th. 1921. the sum
,of $ 1 7 5 00 attorney fees and the sum
W $12.00 costs, in favor of said an
swering defendant. D. 10. C'.'man.
said Judgement being made and en
t.-red In the first above entitled suit
designated as Suit No. IV , together
with costs and accruing cosN which
.Judgements Were enrolled and docket
1 ed in the clerk's office in said court
1 tn said county on the 14th day o'
I December, 1921. or so much (hereof
as may be necessary to satisfy said
j Judgement of the said answ ering de
fendant, together with all costs and
1 disbursements (hat have or may ac-
- . ; ,
Mr. and M--S. Alva Jones went to
Portland Ihis morning for a couple of
week's visit.
D. E. Stephens, superintendent of
the farm experiment station at Moro,
was here a couple days last week and
with County Agent Calkins, attended
a meeting of tiie farm bureau at
Morgan Friday. An all day meeting
was held with a fine dinner at noon
and most of the farmers of that
neighborhood were present. Mr.
Stephens made an interesting talk on
wheat farming and improved crop
methods and the meeting was accoun
ted one of the best yet held in the
C. M Williams, deputy collector of
internal revenue from .the Portland
office, will be at tne court, house in
Heppner from February 21 (0 Feb
ruary 2 5 and at lone on February 27
nnd 28 to asist tax payers in mak
ing out their ncome tax returns for
1921. Any information or assistance
needed may be had by applyng to Mr.
Williams on the dates and at the
places above named.
LnRose Kelly trninerl nnrco lino
rived in the city and expects to locate
le-re. win aitena cases in the hos
pitals or in the homes. Residence
at Hotel Patrick. Phone Main 22.
Paid Advertisement.
Permanently located in Odd
fellow's Building
Telephone 12 2
Office Patterson's Drug Store
Office Phone Main 643
Residence Phone Main 665
Roberts Building
Office in Court House
First National Bank Bldg.
Successors to
C. C. Patterson
Summer Rates
75c & $1.00
Over Case Furniture Co.
A l' I'O 1 1 X I . YS-A T-LA W
Masonic Building '
Sheriff of Morrow County.
Dated and first published this 27th !
day of December, 1921. j
No(ioe Is hereby given that I, the
undersigned, under the laws of the
State of Oregon, have taken up the
animal hereinafter described while
running at large on my premises. In
Morrow. County. Oregon, about
six miles i-art trom Heppner, Oregon,
One sorrel g. Ming, about five years
old, weight about 6ml pounds, land
ed lazy S on IC: slirulder.
That 1 will on
at the hour of 10:o0 o'clock. In the
forenoon of said day. unless the same
shall have been redeemed, at my
ranch, about six miles east of Hef
ner. Oregon, in taid county; sell said
animal to the highest bidder, for
cash tn hand, for the purpose of pay
ing the costs of taking up, holding
and selling such animal, together
with reasonable damages for the in
jury caused by said anlniai lutintng
at large on said premises.
Dated and llrst published this loth
day of January, 1922. 37-38
Charter Number 3774
Reserve District No. 12
at Heppner in the state of Oregon, at the close of business on
December 31st, 1921.
Loans and discounts, including rediscounts (ex
cepting those shown below) $S12,192.35
Customers' liability account of acceptances of
this bank purchased or discounted by it 6,761.90
Total loans ' S18,9;4.L'D
Deduct: 1 r--
Notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Re
serve liank (other than bank acceptances
sold " 264.OS7.S3
Overdrafts, unsecured
I'. S. Iovernment HecurttfeH owned:
Deposited to secure circulation ( U. S. bonds par
value) 2i, 000.00
All other United States Government Securities 31,000.00
Total y
Other bonrin, xtockx, Herurltfen, etc.i
(tanking House, J27.000.00; Furniture and fixtures
Jo.f.uO.Ou ,
Real estate owned other than banking house
Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank '
Cash in vault and amount due from nat;onal
banks 1
Amount due from State banks, bankers
and trust companies in the United .States
(other than included in last two items)
Checks on other banks in the same city or town
as reporting bank
Total of last three items 41,590.53
Checks on banks located outside of city or town
of reporting bank and other cash items
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due
from U. S. Treasurer
Capital stock paid In
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Reserved for interest and taxes accrued . .
47,860. SS
33,752.12 ,
4. 095. S9
1,250 00
. 5,465.79
Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid
Circulation notes outstanding
Amount due to national banks
Amount due to State banks, bankers and
trust companies in the United Stales and tor
eign countries (Other than included in last
Certified checks outstanding
Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding
Total of last four items 25,587.31
Demand deponita (other than bank deposits) ulj-
Ject to Heaerve (deposits payable within 30
nays) :
Individual deposits subject to check
Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days
(other than for ni,oney borrowed)
Dividends unpaid
Other demand deposits
Total of demand deposits (other than
bank deposits) subject to Reserve, last
four items , 368,352.55
Time depoHltN aubjert to Iteaerve (payable after
30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice,
and postal savings):
Certificates of deposit (other than for money
borrowed )
Other time deposits
Total of time deposits subject to Reserve,
last two items 163,291 04
Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks, sold for
cash and outstanding
"Acceptances" executed by this bank for cus
tomers, and to furnish dollar exchange 6,701.90
Leas acceptances of this bank purchased or
discounted 6,701.90
Total m 773,690.8
I, V. P. Mahoney, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
, that the above slat.iine.nt is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
W. P. MAHONEY, Cashier.
Correct Atte3t:
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of September,1921
RUBiNA F. CORRIGALL, Notary Public.
My commission expires Aug. 18, 1925
Hot Drinks-Sandwiches
Hit the right spot these frosty mornings and
blustery afternoons.
You Getjthe Best
McAtee & Aihen
25 Cents out of every $1.00
You are now paying for insurance can remain
in your pocket when
you renew that Fire Insurance
policy in the
Oregon Fire Relief Assn.
F. RB.-jwi Agent For Morrow County
Phone Office 642, Res. 29F 14. Heppner, Or.
Roiled Barley
I am prepared to furnish the finest
quaity Rolled Barley at fair and honest
I also handle a complete line of gasoline
Kcrosine and Lubericating Oils. Satisfac
tion to customers is my motto.
Andrew Byers
r m