Tuesday, January 10, 1922 PAGE FOUR $$ .3. .j. v- THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Dr. iiml well LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4. 4. .j. -j. .J. .J. .J. ! 5 ' Tome unto me, all ye Hint laltnr mil nr lienvv ladened and I ill give you rest." Malli. 11:!2H. Suggested by REV. KH)I1K. C. N. Kridley, of Lexington, was a Visitor in lleppner Monday L. J. Dempsey, of lone, was a guest at Ihp rat rick Sunday. Mrs. E. M. Shutt was a passenger SEWINO done reasonably. Phone Main 43, lleppner. 2G-39 pd for Portland Monday morning. Tom O'Brien, Butler creek stock man was a visitor in lleppner yester day. David llynd, Pand Hollow rancher was in from Koso Lawn, ranch Sat urday. Merrill K. Doble well known fruit, man, of Irrigon was a visitor in Heppner Saturday. It. K. Alstott. was in town from the Eightmile country Friday and registered at the 'Patrick. V. D. Cox and wife returned last week from an extended trip to Sil verton and other valley points. Neil! Dohcrty hoarded the lleppner flyer for liis liome near lone lliis morning alter a few days visit here. J. D. Tohin, bridge builder, return ed from Portland Friday evening alter spending the. holidays with home folks. A. W. Gammell who makes money In the chicken business oil his I. ex ington ranch, was a business visitor J in town Sal unlay. W. JS. Harralf, bTt for Portland Monday morning lo be present at the meeting of Hie stale highway com mission today. Sam Kobard, brakeman on the lleppner flyer has rented tin McMurdo house on S. Chase st is moving in today. Joe Rimas and II. C. Kiley, known residents of the Monument country, were business visitors here over the wee'l; end. A large number of lleppner p oph' went, to lone Friday to attend the smoker and dance given by the lone Post American Legion Saturday even ing. Mrs. M. W. Hammer has so far re covered from Iter serious operation at the lleppner Surgical Hospital as to be able to return to her home last Wednesday. County Commissioner I,. P. Davidson returned to his home ! lone Satur day morning alter attending to county court matters for several days. John V. Kenny took his little daughter, Ilene, to Portland Ibis morning to consult a specialist re garding an injury to her eye received u. few days ago. (ieorge A. ltleakman, county "om inissioner from the llardman dist rict, returned home Saturday morn ing after attending to gounty Imsl Hess for ncvcial days. Dr. McMurdo reports the birth of a lino 9-pound daughter, Saturday veiling to the wile of John Johnson, of Monument. Also the birth of an 8 -pound girl Monday evening to Mr. unit Mib. Homer llreen, of Klghtmlle. Dr. (Ieorge it. Vnn Watcrg will preach In the Episcopal church next Sunday, morning and evening, 11:00 A. M. and 7:I!0 P. M. Evening sub ject Is. "Psychology of Power anil Psychotherapy or Mental Healing." All are Invited to these services. Mrs. J. W. Heymer and Mrs. W. It. Irwin entertained at bridge last Wed nesday afternoon at the licymor home on North Court street. Mrs. It. J. Stone was awarded first honors ! and Mis. Hanson Hughes second lion j urn in the playing. Virginia Harlow, chief clerk in the lleppner poslofllce, held an cxamiu- j ation for postal cletks Saturday at; Which Dorothy Metcalf, Thelma Mil- ler. Hoyd Copenhaver and Charles Harlow ,of lleppner, M. E. Doble, of j Irrlgon. and l.udwig Mstocha, of Wil i lamina, Oregon, took tin' examina tion. A number of p.operty e,v..ers In the John Day district, who are resl dents of llciipner, went down to the Catty ranch today to cast their vote in the election to cIioobo a director for the illslrlct. C. A. Minor was nominated for the place some time US') unit It wiih reported here this morning that S. II. Iloaidman, of lloardmnn, In also un aspirant. I UKPITORS NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned. V P M.ihoney, has been duly appointed ad in inist t ator of the estate of Charles F Williams, deceas eil ami is duly iiualitledd for such trust. All persons hohlini' claims acaili't saul e-;i ale si e net iti. d to pit -v .1 lite 1 1) !:le. ,i u I v , i l li d as r a Ou o'm Van V;..ti Charter Oak A NAME THAT MEANS SOMETHING IN Stoves and Ranges We Also Carry The Howard Combination Coal and Wood Heater If it's a stove or range you need, come in and See Us eooles AVE AIM TO PLEASE AM) OCR AIM IS 'IT! I E S 8 f T Hdw Co The Eats That are TREATS We make it our business to sell meats for eats that are real treats. And we don't comply with the) food laws because it is compulsory we do it because we want, and expect to get good service and fair treatment from merchants and professional men with whom we (leal, and because we know it is our busi ness to sell only the best. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner we can supply your wants, no matter how elaborate or how conservative. We have arrang ed to fill all orders and would li'ke to s-ee your meat order. (A A, rt, rt-) Central Market ... v.; NOW IS THE TIME To get those clothes which were soiled and creased during all the holiday season, Cleaned, Pressed aud Repaired so they will Look Like New Lloyd Hutchinson Tailoring Clean lean6 THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR I.V l.l r.. .if .1 pub nt tin' Kin od !"V ; 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 e , at lb ppni 1 . th IM'M the alien el tii! (he f 1 i'i vel w e ' ' l! U . ..1 lio 10th day of. January, 19:'2. w v , m ' N 1 : Adm iiti- 1 1 a ler of t lie t si ati of Charles 1 Williams, dee. r.i- e,! Reduced Prices on Men's and Women's Underwear CASH VARIETY STORE Whore ou get DIG VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY Program for Jan. 10 to Jan. 17 Wednesday and Thursday: Monroe Salisbury and Jane Novak in THE BARBARIAN, which in its narrative represents the clash of two ideals represented by men brought up close to nature and others'satisfied with the deceits of effete modern business and social! life, and will awaken sympathetic response in every man and woman. Also SKIPPER Has His Fling IEATIRE I " I Frirlav j . . Saturday: Harry Caioj in THE WALLOP. Also Winners of The West. Norma Talniade in THE WOMAN OIVES, from the novel by Owen Johnson. This is the first, time We have had this tal ented star for some time and all will be glad to see her again. ( One Nijj,lit Only. Also Comedy. Sunday and Tuesday: BLACK I!EA I'TV. The picture you have been watching for. It is a story full of human inter est, spectacular situations and love element. It deals with animals and human beings and shows life as it exists in all simplicity and naturalness. A X EXTRA ORDINARY BOOK MADE INTO A MASTER PICTURE , NOTE:- We are riiowng BLACK BEAUTY two days, but as the liigh school has rented the Theatre for Monday for their lyceum number (THE BELL RIXUERS) Black Beauty will be shown .Monday liiinht and Tuesday nilit. Also AViitners of the West When Your Plumbing Goes n Wrong-Phone Us if 1 We make a specialty of quick Repair work, keeping always ready the materials and the men for immediate st rvice. Or if you have new work that you wish us to figure on wc will be very glad to submit prices. Our work is guaranteed to give you satisfaction, and if you are not pleased in every way we will spare neither time nor cost to make it right. Be Your Own "Handy Man" There are many Repair Jobs around your house or ranch that you could do during the slack time if you had the tools. Come in and look our stock over. We can fit you out with tools that will help you save money GUIXIAIVi "We Have it, Will Get it, Or it is Not Made" ii in o - - O CS! )) 0 me I v