Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 10, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, January 10, 1922
S. A. PATTISOX, Editor and Publisher
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, I'ostotfice as second-class Matter
Terms of Subscription
One Year S2.00
Six Months $1.00
Three Months $0.50
notice or sherii r's sale
Suit NO. I.
Nolice is hereby Riven (lint under
mill by virtue of a loreelosu r oxueu-
imi mad order of Kale issued by the
rlerk ol' the Circuit Court, of tlie 1
State of OrfRon lor Morrow Oouunty,
Dated December 21, 1921 in a cer
tain Kit it. in said Circuit Court,
wherein Mary I). Mcllaley was plain.
till' and (I. I). Huston, Lottie A. Hus
ton, T. J. Malioney, Trustee; James'
Thomson, Geoge Thomson and
Charles Thomson., partners doing
business as Thomson Urothers; Frank
Gilliam and L. E. Ilisbee, pai tners do
ing business as Gilliam & llisboe;
Carrie Vaughn, John Vaughn and
!hureH Vaughn, partners, doing busi
ness as Vaughn and Sons; T. J. Hum
phrey; Ethel Ashbaugh, Mary Eliza
beth Asbaugh and Ethel Henrietta
.Ashbaugh, heirs at law of Hen
ry Ashbaugh, deceased; and 1). E.
Oilman, were defendants and where,
in said plaintiff recovered judgement
against said defendants! C. 1). Huston
und Lottie A. Huston for the bum
of $4X15.54 with interest thereon at
1he rate of 10 per cent per annum
from the 13th day of December,
M92 1, the sum of $150, attorney's
J'ecs and the further sum of $17.00
costs on the 13lh day of December,
J J 2 1 and wherein the answering de
fendant D . 10. Oilman in said suit
recovered judgement against the said
defendants C. 1). Huston and I.oltie
A. Huston for tile sum of $4270.02;
lor the further sum of $400.00 at
torney's I'eeH and the sum of $12.00
costs on the said 13lh day of Decem
ber, 1021.
Notice is hereby given that I will
on Thursday the 2lith day of January
1112 2 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
Hiiid day at the front, door of the
County Court House in Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, sell at pub
lic and ion to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all the right, tllle and
Interest of said defendants C. D. Hus
ton and Lollio A. Huston, and all of
ihe t ij.il I) title and interest of each and
oil .s,id defend nils in and to the fol
lowing desciibed real property
South li:ilf of Soclion Twenty-one
(21); East half of
. Northwest (luartir; west
half of Northeiist quarter
i i Section 2N, all In Town
ship 2 south Uanre 2 1
Kan. ol' Hie Willamette Me.
mil. in ill Mono'.'.' County
( Oregon.
Taken and levied l'P"il us the pio
p. rl y of Ihe Mid di l i tidalitH C. I).
Huston and 1. elite A. Huston, or so
much thereof .is may be necessary
to r.ili.ly s'lid Judgement ill li'.Mir of
said plaint irr and against Ihe said do.
linlants C. I. Huston and Lottie A.
lluslon to-wit. the sninof $ 1 ,S 1 !. el
with Interest thereon at the rule of 10
pi r lent per aiiiium Iroin the K!h day
of liicember 11121, lor the further
mm of $ i f, 0.00 atlorney'ii I'eeH and
tor Ihe sum ol' $17.00 costs of said
rail together wi.1i all costs and dis
biii semen! s that li:i"e or May accrue.
Also for the purpose of satisfying Ihe
raid Judgement due the said answer
ing d. fondant I). K. Oilman. Iron,
the said (b'lei)d lilts C. I). Iluston and
Lottie A. Huston to wit: The sum of
$1270.02 Willi inleresl hereon at the
I ale ol X per cent per annum from
th Kill day ol' December 11121, t In
fill! her sum of $HlO 00 a llorney's
Iks and the sum ol $12.00 costs, or
ro liiu.'li Iheieol' as may be lie, a saary
to "atisiy said judgement el llhe said
air w ering tl-l emlant , together with
.ill cicts ami disbursements that
li.ie or may accrue.
Sheiilf of Morrow County, Oiegon.
Dated and Hist published this 27lh
day of December, 11121.
Suit No. II.
Notice is hereby given tlhat under
n ml by virtue of a foreclosure exocu
liou and order of sale issued by the
i lei U of the Circuit Court, of the
Stale of Oregon, for Morrow County,
il ued December :'hl. 1921, In tt
mm tain suit In said Circuit Court,
wherein Mary D. Haley was plaintiff
and C. D lluslon and I.oltie A. Hus
ton, T. J. Malioney, Trustee; James
Thomson, George Thomson mid
Charles Thornton, partners doing
business m Thomson llrotheis;
Frank Gilliam and 1.. L liishee. pail
ueis doing business its Gilliam mid
Uishee; Carrie Vaughn. John Vaughn
an. I Charles Vaughn, partners, doing
business as Vaughn and Sons; T. J.
Humphrey; Ethel Astumgh. Mary
Kli.abelh A-dmigh and El hoi llcnri
.li.i Ashbiuigtl. heirs at law ol Henry
Ashhaui'.h, deceased; and D. E. Gil
man. were deteiidan! and wherein
laid pla'litill' recovered Judgement
ng.iin-t nhe s ud defendants C. D. llus
lon and l.otlio A Huston lor the sum
of $2.4u7.7. wn! Interest thereon
u! the late of ciclit per cut per an
num fnmi Hi U lb "' "f December.
1 'i
!. the sum of 23.i al'i'Miex
ami th" further kuui of $17.00
i, on the Lith day of December,
l and wherein the answering de
I i ; j D. K Oilman recovered Jud
. nt
In a certain sui! between no
rues pi.iuitlit and delendaiit
i, en!. -red conleuiooi meou h
, .,!,., ip m, alien, d Judgement.
w I ; '
ii nd
,.i (he com I ih'sir nated
,i I . ,'i -.ltll..t tlx' S lbl delell
D. Ilie.ton and l.ot'i A
11 ii
I'M' I'
iej I
, i., ..,im (f fl.J.l'l,.
furl her sum of "" "'' ;1"
i and Uic sum of $ 12.00 re
on the said lith day or December,
Notice is hereby given that I will
on Thursday, the 2Gth day of Janu
ary, 1922, at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day at the front door of
the County Courli Horse in Heppner,
Morrow County. Oiegon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all of the right, title and
interest of said defendants C. D. Hus
ton and Lottie, A. Huston, and all the
right title and interest of each and
all, of said defendants in and to the
following described real property to
NortheasK quarter, East
half of Northwest quarter
North half of the South
east quarter of Section
Twenty (20) in Township
three (2) South Range 24
east of the Wilaniette Mer
idian. Taken and levied upon as the prop,
erty of said defendants C. D. Iluston
and Lottie A. Huston, or so much
thereof as may be necessary to satis
fy said judgement in favor of s-aid
plaintiff and against the said defen
dants C. D. Huston and Lottie A.
lluslon to-wit; The sum oT $2,407.75
willi interest thereon aU the rate of
10 per cent per annum from the 13th
day of December, 1921, for the fur
ther sum of $23 5.00 attorney fees,
and for the sum of $17.00 costs of
said suit) together with all costs or
disbursements that have or may' ac
crue. Also for the purpose of satis
fying such sum as may remain un
paid on the certain judgement In fa
vor of the answering defendant D.
K. Oilman, in the sum of $4,270.62,
w i (Hi interest at eight per cent per
annum since said date, the further
sum of $400.00 attorney fees and
the sum of $12.00 costs, which said
judgement was made, rendered and
entered contemporaneously with the
judgment above menilioned and de
scribed and wherein the parties plain,
tiff and defendant in the above en
titled suit were identical and which
suit was by order duly entered and
designated by Olio court as Suit No.
1 between said parties, together with
costs and accruing losts and which
judgements were enrolled and
docketed in the clerk's office in said
court in said county on tl'.ie 14lh day
ol' December, 1!I21, or so much there
of as .no v be necessary to satisfy
slid Judgement of the said answer
ing defendant, to-gothcr with all
costs end disburse menlh that have or
may accrue.
Sheriff of Morrow' County
Dated and first published this 27th
day of December, 1921.
Suit So. III.
Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a foreclosure execu
tion and order of sale lus'tieil by tdiu
clerk of the Circuit Court, of the
Stale of Oregon, for Morrow County,
dated December 2st, 1921, In a cer
tain suit in said Circuit Court! where
in Mary 1). Mcllaley was plaintiff and
0. 1). liuslou and Lottie A. Huston, T.
.1. Malioney, Trustee, James Thomson
Georae Thomson and Charles Thom
son, partners doing business as
Thomson Itrothers; Frank IMlliam,
and L. 10. liishee, partners doing bus
iness as Gilliam and liishee; Carrie
Veughii, John Vi'.uirhn and Charles
Vsiiuhn, partners doing business as
Viti"hn "nd Sour; T. J. Humphrey;
Flhel Ashbaugh, Mary Elizabeth Ash.
bauell and Eihel Henrietta Ash
baugh, heirs at law of Uenry Ash
baugh. deceased; and D. E. Oilman,
vei-e del'emhinls and wherein said
plaintiff recovered judgement against
Ihe said (I 'leii'lsuts 0. IV Huston and
Lottie A. Huston for the sum of
'V)07.7r w;lh interest thereon at
the ratio of S per cent per annum
from the Ktth (lav of December 1921.
the rum of $:':i"i.OO aUorney fees and
i the fun her sum of $17.00 costs, on
th Kt'lh day ol' December, 1921 and
!whorrln Ihe answering defendant D.
E. Oilman recovered liulgement in a
Icertiiln suit between the same parties
plaintiff and defendant made and en
tered contemporaneously with the
'above mentioned Judgement, and by
! order of the court designated as Suit
;Ni. I.. Hgainslt the said defendants C.
i). Huston snil Lot ilo A. Huston for
the sum of $ 1,270 (12 for the further
sum of $ 100 00 attorney fees and the
sum of $12 00 costs oil the said KlUi
dav of December. 1921..
Notice Is hereby given that! T will
on Tb'T'day, the 2fiih day of Janu
ary. 1922. lit 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said dav lit Ihe front door of
Ihe County Court House tn Heppner.
Morrow County. Oregon, si ll at pub
lic miction l!o the highest bidder
cash in hand all of Ihe right, titl
mil Interest of said defendants I . D.
Huston and Lottie A Huston, and all
of the right, tllle and inleresl of each
ml nil said defendants In and to
following desciibed leal properly
w it:
North half of Section num
bered Twentv one (21) In
Township Three South,
Kange Twenty tour (241.
Lasi Willamette Meridian
in Morrow County. Oregon.
T.iKen ami levied upon as the pro
'.Mty of s.ud deleiul.ints. 0. D. Hus.
on, and l.o'nie A. lluslon. or so
i.iii Ii t her, of a s m a y b e
lecessary to satisfy said Judgement
ii favor of s.i'd plaintiff and against
le .- I'd del, ndants 0. D. HuMioix and
I oil
. Huston lo w ii : The sum
i" 7 f wnh Interest thereon at
e of I il per c, nt p. r a iinum
e 1 llih ,l.i v of i, cember. 1 '.-' 1.
Mini of $.'". '"' aitoiiiev fees.
M e - mi ef f I 7 no corts o;'
; I loi'etle r wi h all costs a ed
.-iie'ii thai have or may ac
Also lor I lie purpose ot tv.t.s-
1 1
1 lie
i fying such sum as may remain un
1 paid on the certain judgement, in
favor of the answering defendant D.
E. Oilman, in the sum of $4,270.62,
with interest at 8 per cent per annum
since said dalle the further sum of
$ 100.00 attorney fees and the sum of
$12.00 costs, which said judgement
was made, rendered ' and entered
contemporaneously with the judge
ment above mentioned and described
and wherein the parties plaintiff and
defendant! in said suit and in the
above entitled suit were Identical
and which suit was by order
duly entered and designated by the
Court as Suit No. I between said
parties, together with costs and ac
cruing costs, which judgement were
enrolled and docketed in the cleric's
office In said court in said county on
the 14th day of December, 1921, or
so much thereof as may be neces
sary to satisfy said judgement of the
said answering defendant, together
with all costs and disbursements that
have or may acrue.
Sheriff of Morrow County.
Dated and first published this 2 7tlh
day of December, 1921.
Suit No. IV.
Not.ice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a foreclosure execu
tion and order of sale issued by the
rlerk, of the Circuit Court, of the
State of Oregon, for Morrow County,
dated, December 21st, 1921, in a cer
tain suit in said circuit court wherein
Mary D. llc.Haloy was plaintiff and
C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston,
T. J. Malioney, Trustee; James Thom
son, George Thomson and Charles
Thomson, partners doing business as
Thomson Brothers-; Frank Gilliam
and L. E. liishee, partners doing busi
ness as Gilliam and Bisbee; Carrie
Vaughn, John Vaughn and Charles
Vaughn, partners doing business as
Vaughn and Sons; T. J. Humphrey;
Ethel Ashbaugh, Mary Elizabeth Ash
baugh and Ethel Henrietta Ash
baugh, heirs at law of Henry Ash
baugh, deceased; and D. E. Gilman,
were defendants and Wherein said
plaintiff recovered judgement against
tlhe said defendants C. D. Hus
ton and Lottie A. Huston for
the sum of $2,407.75 with in
terest at the rate of eight per cent
per annum from the 13th day of Dec
ember, 1921, the sum of $235.00 at
torney fees and the further sum of
$17. .00 costs, on th 13th day of Dec
ember, 1921, and wherein the an
swering defendant D. E. Gilman re
covered judgement in a certiiin suit
between the same parties plaintiff and
defendant made and entered contem
poraneously with the above mention.
I'd judgement, and by order of the
court designated as Suit No. I. against
the said defendants C. I). Huston and
Loltie A. Huston for the sum of
$ 1,270.02 for the further sum of
$400.00 attorney fees and the sum
of $12.00 costs on tlhe said 13th day
of December, 1921.
Also the further sum of $1,225.42
with interest t hereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum, from Dec
ember 13th, 1921, the sum of $100.00
aiitorney fees; the further sum of
$1,700.01) wilh interest thereon at
the rate of eight per cent per annum,
from December 13th, 1921, the sum
of $175.00 atfiornoy fees and the sum
of $12.00 costs, in favor of the said
answering defendant D. E. Gilman,
said judgement being made and en
tered in the Mist above entitled suit,
designated as Suit No. IV.
Notice is hereby given that I will
on Thursday the 26th day of Janu
ary, 1922, nt 10 o'clock in tho fore
noon of said day at the front door
of the County Court House in Hepp
ner. Morrow Counfy, Oregon, sell at
public auction W the highest bidder
for cash in hand all of the right, title!
and interest of said defendants C. D.
Huston and Lottie A. Huston, and
all of the right llitle and interest of
each and all said defendants In and
to the following described real prop,
erty to-wit:
Northwest quarter of Sec
tion Twenty-two (22)
Soniflienst quarter of Sec
tion Sixteen (16) all in
Township Three (3) South
Hange Twonty-'our (24)
E.W.M. In. Morrow County
Taken and levied upon as the prop,
ertv of said defendants C. D. Huston
and Lottie A. Huston, or so much I
hereof as may be necessary to satis-
fv said judgement in favor or s-aid
plaiirtirr against said defendants C.
D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston to
wit: The sum or $2,407.7 5 wiilh in
terest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from the ISth day of
December, 1921. for the further sum
of $235.00 attorney fees and for the
sum of $17.00 costs of said suit to
gether with all costs and disburse
ments that have or may accrue. Also
for the purpose of satisfying such sum
tis may remain unpaid on the cer
tain judgement in favor of tho an
swering defendant D. E. Gilman, in
Ihe sum of $4,270 B2 with interest
lit the rate of eight per cent per an
num since said date tlhe fuither sum
of $400.00 attorney fees and tho sum
of $12.00 costs, which said judge
ment was made, rendered and en
tered contenmoruneously with the
Judgement above mentl'.onod and des
cribed and wherein the partus plain
tiff and defendant in said suit and
In the above entitled suit was by or
der duly mtered and designated by
the court us Suit No. I between said
Also the further sum of $ 1,22 5 42
with InleresK thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum fimn Dec
ember 13th 1921, the sum of $100.
00 attorney fees; the furtlu r Mini of
$ t. 760. 0i wii'li in'cust th. r, en .it
Ihe rate of eight per cent rev .innu'ii
from December 13th. 1921. ihe sum
of $175 00 attorney fees and :!io S".ai
of $12 0" costs, iii favor of
swering defendant. D. K
said Judgement being mu le
tered in the tiist ;;he e , v : ;
designated as Sun No
with 1 usts 11 nd lorni an;
Judgements were 1 noH.-,!
ed in the elei k's o' !'t e 11
in ; .1 a! (! lv en t!. ! t
Pee. ir ber, 1 " 2 I . or so
as ".'. w be 11. as : v t 1 v
ni.-.ei.ten of C'e . M ;l"
' fell I 'lit. to.-. Ma r , "I. .,
. disbui scan ills rhiit U.ii
.' of
sa '!
or may 110
J -5 "K! i'
Permanently located in Odd
fellow's Building
Telephone 122
Office Patterson's Drug Store
Office Phone Main 643
Residence Phone Main 665
Roberts Building
Office in Court House
First National Bank Bldg.
Successors to
C. C. Patterson
Summer Rates
75c & $1.00
Over Case Furniture Co.
Masonic Building
Sheriff of Morrow County.
Dated and first published this 2'
(lay of December, 1921.
CLOSURE Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a certain power of
sale and authority to foreclose cou
taiued in that certain Chattel Mort
gage heretofore and on the 12 th day
of November, 1920, made and execu
ted by J. E. Craber, as mortgagor to
F. M. Miller as mortgagee, I have
seized and taken into my possession
of the personal property therein de
scribed the following personal prop
erty to.wit: 974 sacks of wheat,
and will on Friday (ihe 14th day of
January, 1922, at Heppner Farmers
Elevator Company's Warehouse in
Heppner, Oregon, at the hour of elev
en o'clock in the forenoon of said
day, offer for sale and sell to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, bo
much thereof as may be necessary to
satisfy the promissory note described
in said mortgage, to wit: The sum
of fl, 550. 00 with interest tnereon
from the 12tJi day of November, 192t?
at the rate of eight per cent per an
num, together with the furlflier sum
of $125.00 attorney's fees and the
costs and expenses o f such seizure
and sale.
Daik-d at Heppner, Oregon, this
27th day of December, 1921.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a certain power of
sale and authority to foreclose con
tained in that certiiin Chattel Mort.
gag heretofore and on the 12th. day
of November, 1920, made and execu
ted by J. E. Craber as mortgagor to
F. M. Miller as mortgagee I have
seized and taken into my possession
of the personal property therein de
scribed the following personal prop
erty, to-wtt: 1 black mure, branded
11-L on tiie left shoulder, nine years
old. and weight about 13Ut pounds;
1 black gelding, three years old,
weight about 1150 pounds; 1 bay
mare, seven yeurs old. weight about)
.1200 pounds.; 1 gray , horse, four
'years old. weight about 1300 pounds.
I Also three sets of work harness; 2
jiow wtuel truck:-; 1 heavy hack; 1
three bottom Oliver plow, and will on
j Wednesday the 11th day of January,
j 1922. at what is known as tlie Tash
! Ranch about 4 miles west of Hard
; man. in Morrow County .Oregon, at
1 ihn hour of eleven o'clock In the fore
I noon of said day. offer for sale and
1 s-'11 to the higho-t bidder for cash in
Ihand. so much thereof as may be
' m cessorv to sutiffy the promissory
' 'note disvr'bod in sa!. nun tirage, to
I w 11 : The sum of JI.'..OP0. with
1 interest tliereon from t'-e 12th d.iy of
I Neve'r. her l',2, ;t th" rale of eight
r ontt per annum, lo-emcr wan uw
titer sum of $r'T0 at'iHT.ey's
s urd 'he costs and exp( ns. s of
. h p. :.-'.! re and s lie.
ihiie-l at H' t'pmr. Pi-eton. th's
h d.iv of Do- nb"r. 1 '21.
Sheriff ot Morrow cuCnty,
i - r
Mis Edith Swick, of Hood River,
resumed her duties at the Rhea Sid
ing school Monday.
Miss Grace Palmiter arrived in
Cecil from' Hood River, Sunday,
ready to open her school at Four
mile, Monday. Miss Palmiter will
reside at Shady Dell during her
Misses Malinda and Sarah A. May,
of Lone Star ranch, left on the local
Sunday for Baker, enroute for their
respective schools.
Miss Georgia Summers, of The
Last Camp, left Sunday for Portland
to resume her studies at the Frank
lin high school.
David Hynd, of Sand Hollow, has
been spending the past week with
his brother, the mayor, at. Butterby
H. J. Smith, resident state engi
neer, and his wife and son, accompan
ied by Mr. and Mrs. Buck, of Boise,
Idaho, were the dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. T. H. .Lowe, at The High
way House Sunday.
Miss Violet Hynd, Miss Doris Lo
gan and brother Keith, were passen
gers on the local for Heppner Monday
ready to report at Heppner high
school' Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott have talt-
! en up their residence at The Look
out, near Cecil.
George A. Miller and J. E. Crabtree
were callers in Cecil Friday.
Miss Eleanor Furney, who spent
her vacation in Astoria, arrived in Ce
cil Monday and opened school Tues
day. George Henricltsen was a busy man
Saturday hauling grain from Minor
& Hynd's warehouse, at Cecil, to
his stock on Willow creek.
, Mrs. Jack Hynd, of Butterby Flats
and Mrs. Roy Scott, of the Lookout,
were calling on friends in Cecil Mon
day. "
George T. Anderson, who has
worketd for Hynd Bros, for sixteen
years is now taking a well earned va
cation for a couple of months, which
he will spend with friends in south
ern California.
C. L. Sweek, Ben Patterson, Harry
Duncan, J. F. Cook and other lead
ing lights from the county seat hon
ored Cecil with a visit of a few
hours Sunday. Bunnies were not so
numerous whim they boarded the
local flyer for' home, for we under-
tand ,ht t w-0 men m,t tho life oof
, ,. . ' , , . .
or 6V) raDDiis. (jome, aim uo u again
Misses A. C. .and M. H. Lowe and
also Robert Lowe left on the local for
Portland, Monday. M. H. and Robert
to resume their studies in their re- 1
spective schools and A. C. to spend
her vacation in the Rose City.
A large and interested party met
at Rhea Siding school Saturday eve
ning to discuss a consolidation of
schools. Tlie mayor was a conspicu
ous person, the deputy second to none
and Constable John was too busy
tracing her tittle footprints in the
snow to be of much use at a ser
ious meeting, but we excuse him this
time and hope at the next meeting he
will ba the right man fn the right
i i
Rubber Stamps
Stencils and Seals
Quick Service - Reasonable Prices
Portland Stamp Co.
; I!
Many rio;de hive commenced to wonder what they are po
ing to pr. p.ne during Ihe holiday season, and the "Do Your
Christinas Sl-.onpirg E.i;'.y," is going to have nore followers
than ever this year.
V,'e do rot anticipate an earlyrush, but we are prepared
.for it. and to those who expect to serve a number of friends
and relatives during the holiday season, we wish to say that
anything in the G HOC BUY line is available here at prices that
please you.
A feature of Farmer's Week, which
closed recently at Oregon Agricult
ural College, was a discussion of
grain grading methods as now prac
ticed, and a request made to the sec
retary of agricultural to make cer
tain changes which will more nearly
fit conditions in the Pacific North
west. Mr. Whitlock, of the federal
supervision board, was present and
took part in the discussion.
The following changes were sug
gested: 1 It is proposed to eliminate the
special or penalty mixtures in the
class Hard Red Spring and Hard Red
Winter. This will permit of a little
mixture of Common White and White
Club and no wheat would be graded
down because of this two per cent
mixture of white wheat unless there
were so much other wheat as to
bring the total amount above 5 per
2. That instead of the class of
Soft Red Winter being divided into
Red Winter and Red Walla on the
basis of variety, that it be divided on
the quality of color and texture. That
any soft Red wheat having 60 or
more percentage kernels, dark, hard
and vitreous shall be graded Red
Winter and any other lots shall be
graded Red Walla. This would have
the effect of throwing a great deal
of Hybrid 123 which is really a sup
erior wheat of the soft Red Winter
class, Red Winter rather than Red
Walla. Otherwsie this change will
not make much differance.
3 Ii is proposed to develop a sub
class of Hard Club corresponding ex
actly to the sub-class Hard White
and that there will be a little more
leniency in the case of mixtures of
white club in soft white, and of com
mon white in Soft Club, allowing in
each case 5 per cent additional mix
ture. 4 It is proposed that better doc'k
age determining equipment be secur
ed, but no changes in dockage are de
sired. 5 The conference proposed no
changes in moisture content, believ
ing it impossible to get such changes.
6 It is recommended that No. 1
wheat in all cases have a test weight
of not less than 60 pounds.
Notice is hereby given that I, the
I "ndersigned, under the laws of the
i tate ot Oregon, have taken up the
animal hereinafter described while
running at large on my premises, in
Morrow, County, Oregon, about
six miles east from Heppner, Oregon,
One sorrel gelding, about five years
old, weight about 600 pounds, brand
ed lazy S on left shoulder.
That I will on
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, in the
forenoon of said day, unless the same
shall have been redeemed, at my
ranch, about six miles east of Hep.
ner, Oregon, in said county; sell said
animal to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, for the pufpose of pay
ing the costs of taking up, holding
and selling such animal, together
with reasonable damages for the in
jury caused by said animai running
at large on said premises.
Dated and first published this 10th
day of January, 1922:. 37-38
Hughes Co.
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