Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 27, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Tuesday, December 27, 1921
Hot Drinks-Sandwiches
Hit the right spot these frosty mornings and
blustery afternoons.
You Get the Best
McAtee &. AiKen
We Sincerely Wish you a Prosperous New Year
To Friends and Patrons
We wish to express our ap
preciation of the patronage we
have received during the
year that is about to dose and
to extend our sincere wish that
the New Year upon which we
are about to enter will prove to
be a happy and prosperous one
for everybody.
Sealed bids will be received until
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. the 6th
day of January 1922. and inimedi
ately thereafter publicly opened by
the County Court of Morrow County,
Oregon, at the office of said Court in
the Conntiy Ctirt House in the city
of Heppner, Oregon, for the purchase
of bonds of said county, issued for
the building of permanent roads
therein. One block of said bonds be
ing for the sum of $70,000.00,
Number 231 to 290 being
for the sum of $,1000.00
each, NumDer 291 to 310 being for
the sum of $500.00 each. One block
of said bonds for She sum of
$40,000.00, same being in denomin
ations of $1,000.00 eacti. Said
bonds to bear date of November, 1st
1919, and to mature absolutely with
out option of prior redemption,
November 1st 1929, said bonds bear
interest at( not to exceed 5 Vs per
cent per annum, payable semi-annually
on May and November first,
principal and interest payable in
The O. A. C. students and alumni
in this community have started the
ball to rolling and are now sending
out invitations for a dance ac the
Fair pavilion Thursday night. The
high school seniors are beng entcr
taned as specal guests.
United States Gold Coin at the oftlce
of the County Treasurer of Morrow
County, Oregon, or al the Fiscal ag
ency of the State of Oregon in New
York City.
Said bids must be accompanied by
a certified check for 5 per cent of the
face value of the bonds bid for and
must be unconditional.
The approving legal opinion of
Messrs Teal, Minor & Winfree, of
Portland, Oregon, will be furnished
the successful bidder.
The Coui tf holds the right ro reject
any or all bids. The assessed valu
ation of the county is $13,356,629.00.
33-36 County Clerk.
7,500 Words an Hour Spoken.
Seven thousand five hundred words
Is the average number spoken by a
public speaker in nn hour.
Drug Co.
Wc wish our many
patrons and friends
Merry Christmas
And A
Happy New Year
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank
WELCOME the good news ! Kedin
gotes are in style again. Just
what is a redingote? Ask
grandma, she knows. It was a treas
ured garment in the wardrobe of her
youthful days.
The dictionary defines the redlngofe
as "A long tout an open dress." This
is a very satisfactory word picture.
For confirmation, behold the frock in
the accompanying illustration. Here
is a Twentieth century redingote in
all the glory of up-to-llie-inoinont in
terpretation of sleeve, cut-out embroid
ery and correct length.
The "open-dress" idea is having a
pronounced vogue this season. It
brings with it an endless trend of
charming possibilities In the way of
"revealing yet concealing" adorable
underslips which may be changed at
random suiting the color and amount
of elaboration to the occasion.
A one-piece frock a la redingote, Is
recommended not only as an Invest
ment In beauty, but of economy as
well. For instance, the handsome
navy-blue trlcotine redingote, which is
pictured here, is worn over a beige
colored cbarmeuse slip. Vision the
same with a petticoat and vestee of
oriental red with Persian designs em
broidered In Paisley colorings Inter
spersed with antique gold threads.
A heavy black satin uudersllp would
not bo amiss with such a redingote,
for practical day-time wear.
Speaking In general of the latest
style tendencies, the frock of autumn,
T.V21, origination records sleeves which
are nothing less than sensational In
their remarkable lines and superlative
Madame Fashion takes the liberty
of almost Ignoring the rest: of thn
dress, as far as trimming Is concerned,
while she lavishes all her gifts of
wondrous embroidery and gorgeoun
coloring on the sleeve.
70 Per Cent of Us
Are Dependent at 60
Are you to be one of the
seven out of every ten people
who, when the shadows of age
creep upon them, must turn to
f r iends or relatives for charitable
j i tenance?
Or, would you rather be one of the remaining three and
enjoy a warm fire-side of your very own in the days
when your fingers are no longer nimble and your being
craves only rest.
A Savings Account in this reliable in
stitution now will make you independent
and assure you of complete Comfort in
your later years. We pay 4 per cent in
terest on the Savings all of which will
add considerable to your funds when
you need them.
?! IF w.
Xfw 1 yours tor a Prosperous Year
hrst National Bank
T3i rp m m art
We Wish You A
Happy New Year o
.et's nail 1 lie hide of old
Man Hard Times on (lie side
of llie house before next .Sun
day morning and start the
New Year Kiht.
Let's join in a united ef
fort to make kjjj a banner
year for Morrow County.
Let's have faith in the fut
ure, faith in ourselves, faith
in each other.
Let's make up our minds
to be Happy and Prosperous.
The two tfo hand In hand.
What better New Year's
greeting can be sent forth.
We wish you all a happy
and prosperous New Year
and want to help you make it
Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co.
Local Manager.
-i '