PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 27, 1921 IF- LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE 1'OK Fl BLICATIOV Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. November 12, 1021. Notice is hereby Riven that Ruby A. Coxen, formerly Kuby A. Ayers, ct Echo, Oregon, who, on August 3 4, 1920, made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 01T709, for SWNE, NESWVi, SWUNW14 Section 29, SEViNE, EV4SE4. Section 30, Township 3 South,, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 2 8th day of December 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Her man Young, of Echo, Oregon; Frank J'erry, of Lena, Oregon; Ad Moore, of Lena, Oregon; Aulta Coxcn, of Echo, Oregon. CARL K. HELM, Register. NOTRE FOR I'l BLICATIOV Department, or the Interior, XL S. Land Office at. La Grande, Oregon, November 12, 1921. Notice is hereby given thai. James Daly, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on October 2!!, 1918, made Homestead Entry, No. 017921, for N'NEVt, NNW, NW'lSVY'ii SW'ANWiJ Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 28 Easl, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention, to make Fi nal three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore United Slates Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 28th day of December. 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: J. C. Rharpe, of Lena, Oregon; John Kil kenny, John O'Rourke and James Kenny, of Heppner, Oregon. CARL G. HELM, Register ORDER TO SHOW ( Al'Si: In the Counly Court of (he Slate o' Oregon for Morrow Counly. In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Person and Estate of Bessie "Wiglesworlh, Gladys Wiglesworth tind Walter Wiglesworth, minor heirs of liilha Wiglesworth, deceased. Petition having been presented by W. E. Wiglesworth, Guardian of the person and Estate of Bessie Wigles worlh, Gladys Wiglesworth and Wal ler Wiglesworlli, minor heirs of liilha Wiglesworlli, deceased, from which II iippoarB to (he court, that it is neces sary for the support, and maintenance i'did Illinois that the real estate liereinafler described be sold, and that Ihu same would bo benelicial to said minors. It is therefore hereby ORDERED Hint the neict of kin of said minors it ml all persons Interested in the es tate appear before this court at the Counly Court room In the Counly Court in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, at the hour of two o'clock P. M. on Tuesday the 2 7 1 li day of lc( ihcr, 1921, and show cause if any I here lie, why a license rhotiM not be granted said guardian for the sale of all of the right, title nnd interest of said minors in and to the Southwest, (luiuler of Northwest ipjarler of Section 13; Southeast (Hiarter of Southwest quarter and Nortliwesl iiuarler of Southwest quarter of Section 12, in Township 3, South Range 2tf. E. W. M.. said sale lieiin; Mihjoct to the courtesy Inter est therein of slid guardian. Done mid dated in open mint this Sill day of November. 1921. WM. T. I'AMIT.KM.. (Vti'ity Jnd of Monow Counl.v Ore feu, STATK OF OREGON. ss ('mint y of Morrow. 1, .1. . Waters. CouiiTy Clerk of Mouow County. Otei'.en. and e of hcio flerk of the County Court of !uid County and State, do hereby cer tify that the aboc and foregoing is u full, tin.' and correct copy of the original Order made and entered In Haul matter, :is appears by the records of my office and of said court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto not. my hand and the seal of aald court, this 18th day of Novem ber, 1921. J. A. WATERS, County Clerk of Morrow County OrK'on. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAI.K Hull NO. I. Not is hereby given that under It ml !v wituo of a fonrlosll M'CU Men H id order id sale Issued by the eli 1 k of the Circuit Court, of the Stal. et Oregon lor Morrow t iniunty. Dai. ,d Divi'iuhcr 2 1. 192 1 in a cer tain suit, in said Circuit t out t. hen i:i Vuy l Mellaley was plain 1 iff uiul 0. I) Huston. Lottie A Hus ton. T J. Mahoney, Trustee; James Thomson, Geogo Thomson and I'haibn Thomson, partner doing business is Thomson Brothers; Frank tlilliaiu and I.. E liisbee, partners do ing business Ciillliim Hisbee; Tarrle Vaughn.. John Vaughn and Charles Vaugbn, partuori. doing busi ness an Vuchii and Sons; T. J. Hutu ftury; Ktket Ahlautjh, Mary fcliaa- beth Asbaugh and Ethel Henrietta Ashbaugh, heirs at law of Hen- ; m of MOO. 00 attorney fees and ry Ashbaugh, deceased; and D. K. ,n! sum of J12.00 costs, which said Oilman, were . fondants and where i judgement was made, rendered and in said plaintiff recovered Judgement "ntered contemporaneously with the against said defendants C. L. Huston , judement above mentioned and de and Lottie A. Huston lor the vum scribed and wherein the parties plain, of $4815.54 with interest thereon attilf an(1 defendant in the above en the rate of 10 per cent per annum i,itw fuit Wf-Ie identical and which from the. i::th dav of i suit was by order duly entered and 1921, the sum of $450, attorney's fees and the further sum of $17.00 costs on the 13th day of December, 1921 and wherein the answering (lp-, iendant D . E. Oilman in said suit recovered judgement against the said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston for the sum of S4270.C2- for the further sum of $400.00 at torney's fees and the sum of $12.00 costs on the said 13th day of Decem ber, 1921. Notice is hereby given that I will on Thursday the 2Cth day of January 1922 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the right, title and interest of said defendants C. D. Hus ton and Lottie A. Huston, and all of the riglitl title and interest of each and all said defendants in and to the fol lowing described real property to-wit: South half of Section Twenty-one (21 ) ; East half of Northwest. tiuarOer; west half of Northeast quarter of Section 28. all in Town ship 3 south Range 24 East of Hie Willamette Me. l'idian in Morrow County On gon. Taken and levied upon as the pro perly of the said defendants C. D. Huston and LottSe A. Huston, or so much thereof ;is may be necessary to s.ilisly said judgement in favor of said plaintiff and against the said de fendants C. i. Huston and Lottie A. Huston, to-wit, the sumof $4,815.54 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 13h day of December 1921, for the further sum of $4 50.00 attorney's fees and for Hie sum of $17.00 costs of said suit together willh all costs and dis bursements that have or may accrue. Also for the purpose of satisfying the said judgement due the said answer ing defendant D. E. Oilman, from the said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston to wit: The sum of $4270.62 with interesi hereon at the rale of 8 per cent per annum from Ih l.'lh day of December 1921. ,ne further sum of $400.00 attorney's fees and the sum of $12.00 costs, or so much thereof as may be neces-sary to satisfy said judgement of tlhe said answering defendant, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. GEORGE McDI'FFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 27th day of December, 1921. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Suit No. II. Notice is hereby given llhal under anil by virtue of a foreclosure execu tion and order of sale issued by the clerk of the Circuit Court, of the Slate of Oregon, for Morrow County, dated December 21s;l, 1921, in a certain suit in said Circuit Court, wherein Mary I). Haley was plaintiff and C. I). Huston and Lottie A. Hus ton, T. J. Mahoney, Trustee; James Thomson, George Thomson and Charles Thomson, partners doing business as Thomson Brothers; Frank Gilliam and L. E. Blsbee, part ners doing business as Gilliam and Bisbee; Carrie Vaughn, John Vaughn and Charles Vaughn, partners, doing business as Vaughn, and Sons; T. J. Humphrey; Ethel Asbaugh, Mary Elizabeth Asbaugh and Ethel Henri etta Ashbaugh, heirs at law of Henry Ashhaugh, deceased; and D. E. Gil man, were defendants and wherein said plaint Iff recovered judgement against ilho said defendants C. D. Hus ton and Lottie A. Huston for the sum of $2,407.75 willh interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per an num from Hi 13th day of December, 1921, the sum or $235.00, atlirnev fees and the further sum of $17.00 costs, on the 13th day of December, 192 1 and wherein the answering de fendniiJ 1). E. Gilmaii recovered jud gement in a certain suit between the same panics plaint ill' and defendant made and entered contemporaneously with the above mentioned jn.b'emi et, and by ordr of the court designated as -tun No. 1. against the said defen dants C. D. Huston and l.ottl:e A, Hit on lor Hie sum of $4.270l!2 loi the lurlber sum of J inn ml utter li. I', es and the sum of $12.00 costs on the said I3lh day of December. 1921. Notice is hereby given that 1 wl:t on Thinsd iy. the 2Cth day of Janu ary, D'22. at 10 o'clock in the fore neon of said day at the front door of Hie County Cour.l Horse in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at pub lic miction to the highest bidder for cash in hand all of the righl. title and inKerest of said defendants C. D. lltis lon and Lottie A. Huston, and all the right title and interest of each and nil of said defendants In and to the following described real property to wit: Northeast quarter, half of Northwest North half of the east quarter of East quarter Twenty (20) In Township three (3) South Range 2 4 east of the Wllaniette Mer idian. Taken and levied upon as the prop, city of said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston, or so much thcieof as may be necessary to satis fy said Judgement in favor of suid plaintiif and against the said defen dant C. lv ll'iston and Lottie Huston to wit; The sum of $2,107.75 with interest thereon all the rate of ' 10 per cent per annum from the 13th day of December. 1921. for the fur ! tln-r sum of $235 00 attorney fees, 'and for the sum of $ 1 7.00 - costs of :ald suil together with all costs r ' disbursement that have or may ac . erne. Also for the purpose of satis fying such sum as may remain un i paid on the certain Judgement In fa ior of the answer Ins defendant D. L Gilnian. In the mini of f 4.270 2 wlflh lDtri?t eight per cnt pr annum Bince said date, the further ! designated by tiie court, as Suit No. I1 oeiween said parties, together witn I Hls ana accrunK costs ana which Judgements were enrolled and ! docketed in the clerk's office in said icu,rt in said county n e 14th day ' of December, 1921, or so much there- ; OI as may necessary to satisfy said judgement of tne said answer ing defendant, to-gether with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County Dated and first published this 27th day of December, 1921. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Suit No. III. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a foreclosure execu tion and order of sale issued by (the clerk of the Circuit Court, of the ' State of Oregon, for Morrow County, dated December 21st, 1921, in a cer tain suit in said Circuit Court where in Mary D. McHaley was plaintiff and C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston, T. J. Mahoney, Trustee, James Thomson George Thomson and Charles Thom son, partners doing business as Thomson Brothers; Frank Gilliam and L. E. liisbee, partners doing bus iness as Gilliam and Cisbee; Carrie Vaughn, John Vaughn and Charles Vaughn, partners doing business as , Vaughn and Sons; T. J. Humphrey; Ethel Ashbaugh, Mary Elizabeth Ash. ! baugh and Ethel Henrietta Ash-j baugh, heirs at law of Henry Ash baugh, deceased; and D. E. Gilnian, ! were defendants and wherein said plaintiff recovered judgement against. 1 the said defendants C. I). Huston and : Lottie A. Huston for the sum of $2,407.75 with interest thereon at the ratio of 8 per cent per annum from the 13th day of December 1921, the sum of $235.00 attorney fees and the further sum of $17.00 costs, on the 13 lib day-of December, 1921 and wherein the answering defendant D. E. Gilnian recovered judgement in a certain suit between the same parties plaintiff and defendant made and en tered contemporaneously with the above mentioned judgement, and .by order of the court designated as Suit No. I., against the said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston for the sum of $4,270.62 for the further sum of $400.00 attorney fees and the sum of $12.00 costs on the said 13th day of December, 1921.. j Noliee is hereby given that) I will on Thursday, the 26th day of Janu ary, 1922, at 10 o'clock in the fore, noon of said day at the front door of the County Court House In Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at pub lic auction fio the highest bidder for cash in hand all of the right, title and interest of said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston, and all of the right, title and interest of each and all said defendants in and to the following described real property to wit: North half of Section num bered Twenty-one (21) in Township Three South, Range Twenty four (24), Eastl Willamette Meridian in Morrow County, Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the pro perty of said defendants, C. D. Hus ton, and Lotnie A. Huston, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgement in favor of said plaintiff and against the said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston to-wit: The sum of $2407.75 with interest thereon at the ratle of 10 per cent per annum from the 13th day of December, 1921, for the sunt of $235.00 attorney fees, and for the sum of $17.00 costs of said suit together with all costs and disbursements that have or may ac crue. Also for the purpose of satis fying such sum as may remain un paid on the certain judgement, in favor of the answering defendant D. E. Gilnian, in the sum of $4,270.62, with interest at 8 per cent per annum since said dn'Je the further sum of $100,110 ntternov fees and the sum of $12.00 costs, which said judgement was made, rendered and entered contemporaneously with the judg ment above mentioned and described and wherein the parties- plaintiff and dei'endan'l in said suit and in the above entitled suit were identical and which suit was by order duly entered and designated by the Coiin as Suit No. 1 between said parties, touether wiif'i costs and ac cruing costs, which judgement were enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office in said court in said county on the 14lh day of December, 1921. or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy said judgement of the said answering defendant, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may acme. GEORGE McDI'FFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County. Dated and first published this 27tHi day of December, 1921. NOTICE OK SHKKIKI "S SALE Suit No. IV. Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of a foreclosure execu tion and order of sale issued by the clerk, of the Circuit Court, of the Suite of Oregon, for Morrow County, dated, December 21st, 1921, In a cer tain suit in said circuit court wherein Mary D. McHaley was plaintiff and r. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston, T. J. Mahoney. Trustee; James Thom son, George Thomson and Charles Thomson, partners doing business as Thomson Hrothers; Frank Gilliam and L. K Hisbee, partners doing busi ness as Gilliam and -Hisbee; Carrie Vaughn, John Vauthn and Charles Vaughn, partners doing business us taughn and Sons; T. j Humphrey; Ethel Ashbaugh. Mary Elizabeth Ash baugh and Ethel Henrietta Ash baugh. heirs at law of Henry Ash. baugh, deceased; and p. E. Gilman. were defendants and wherein said plaintiff recovered Judgement against he iaid defendants C. D. Hus ton and Lottie A. Huston tor th uw ot $2,407.S with la- terest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 13th day of Dec- ember, 1921, the sum of $235.00 at - torney fees and the furdher sum of $17. .00 costs, on th 13th day of Dec- ember, ia21, and wherein the an s-wering defendant D. E. Oilman re covered judgement in a certain suit between the same parties plaintiff and defendant made and entered contem poraneously with the above mention, ed judgement, and by order of the court designated as Suit No. I. against the said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston for the sum of $4,270.62 for the further unm r,f $400.00 attorney fees and the sum ui ii.uu uusls un uue saiu i6ia day of December, 1921. , Also the further sum of $1,225.42 with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, from Dec ember 13th, 1921, the sum of $100.00 attorney fees; the further sum of $1,760.06 with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, from December 13th, 1921, the sum of $175.00 attorney fees and the sum of $12.00 costs, in favor of the said answering defendant D. E. Gilman, Raid llirlppmpiit hpinr maHo anft on tered in the first above entitled suit, I designated as Suit No. IV. I Notice is hereby given that I will on Thursday the 26th day of Janu ary, 1922, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day at the front door of the County Court House in Hepp ner. Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction tlo the highest bidder for cash in hand all of the right, title and interest of said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston, and all of the right tlitle and interest of each and all said defendants in and to the following described real prop, erty to-wit: Northwest quarter of Sec tion Twenty-two (22) Southeast quarter of Sec tion Sixteen (16) all in Township Three (3) South Range Twenty-four (24) E.W.M. in Morrow County Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the prop, erty of said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Hustbn, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satis fy said judgement in favor of said plaintiff against said defendants C. D. Huston and Lottie A. Huston to wit: The sum of $2,407.75 willh in terest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 13th day of December, 1921, for the further sum of $235.00 attorney fees and for the sum of $17.00 costs of said suit to gether with all costs and disburse ments that have or may accrue. Also for the purpose of satisfying such Bum as may remain unpaid on the cer tain judgement in favor of the an swering defendant D. E. Gilman, in the sum of $4,270.62 with interest at the rate of eight per cent per an num since said date tlhe further sum of $400.00 attorney fees and the sum of $12.00 costs, which said judge ment was made, rendered and en tered contemporaneously with the judgement above mentioned and des cribed and wherein the parties plain tiff and defendant in said suit and in the above entitled suit was by or der duly entered and designated by the court as Suit No. I between said parlies. Also the further sum of $1,225.42 with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from Dec ember 13th 1921, the sum of $100. 00 attorney fees; the further sum of $1,760.06 wilih interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from December 13th, 1921, the sum of $175.00 attorney fees and the sum of $12.00 costs, in favor of said an swering defendant, D. E. Gilman, said judgement being made and en. tered in the first above entitled suit, designated as Suit No. IV., together with costs and accruing costs which judgements were enrolled and docket ed In the clerk's office in said court in said county on the 14th day of December, 1921, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgement of the said answering de fendant, together with all costs and disbursements tmat have or may ac crue. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County. Dated and first published this 2 day of December, 1921. th NOTICE OK SALE O.N ( LOSl l!E OKK- Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a certain power of Kule and authori.ty to foreclose con. Mined, in that certain Chattel Mort gage, heret.oloie and on the 12th day of iSovember, 1920, made and execu ted by J. E. C'raber, as mortgagor to I-'. M. Miiier as mortgagee, 1 have seized and taken into my possession uf the personal property therein de scribed the following personal prop erty, to-wit: 974 sacks ot wheat, and' will on Eriday tilie 14th day of January, 1922. at Heppner Fanners Elevator Company s i areliouse in Heppner, Oregon, at the hour of elev in o'clock in the forenoon of said day, offer lor sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the promissory note described in said mortgage, to wit: The sum of $1,550.00 with interest thereon from the 12tHi day of November, 192S at the rate of eight per cent per an num, together with the further sum of $125.00 attorney's fees and the costs and expenses o t such sviiure and sale. Datl'd at Heppner. Oregon, this 27th day of December, 1921. GEOUGE McDI'FFEE Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon NUTICK OK SALE ON KOllEl LOl !tE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a certain power of sale and authority to foreclose con tained in that certam Chattel Mort. gage heretofore and on the 12th day of November. 1920, made and execu ted by J- E. Craber as mortgagor to F. M. Miller as mortgagee 1 have seized and taken Into my possession of the personal propertly therein de scrlbiN the following personal prop erty, to-wit: 1 black mare, branded H-L on tlhe left ahoulder, nine years old. and weight about 1300 pounds; 1 black gelding;, tare year old. I 91 j f It A f Rolled Barley I am prepared to furnish the finest quaity Rolled Barley at fair and honest prices. I also handle a complete line of gasoline Kerosine and Lubericating Oils. Satisfac tion to customers is my motto. Andrew Bycrs 1 fl ,n 1 m Case Bus & Transfer Co. We Thank you for past patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. Our best service is for you. Leave orders at Case Furniture Co. or Phone Main 844 BAGGAGE. EXPRESS. FREIGHT, COUNTRY TRIPS & GENERAL HAULING We CHICKENS DUCKS - In fact, all kinds of poultry are wanted Highest Prices Paid iiiiiiiiuhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Call or Write ALEX CORNETT, Main 615 Or See E. R. MERRIT, . .Heppner, Oregon. 25 Cents out of every $1.00 You are now paying for insurance can remain in your pocket when you renew that Fire Insurance policy in the Oregon Fire Relief Assn. F. R Brown Agent For Morrow County Phone Office 642, Res. 29F14. Heppner, Or. CARRYING AN ALLIGATOR Ibis professional alligator hunter ot southern Honda is showing the prop er way to carry a live alligator so that he can do no harm. Fail in Swimming Test. Fifty per cent of the men registered for freshman work In physical educa tion at the 1'nlvorsity of Iowa failed to pass the standard swimming tests given by th- department of physical education In connection with the - physical examinations for nil first-year men. Those who failed are being en rolled In swimming classes, nnd It Is the boast of the department, accord ing to Director E. G. Schroeder, thut It has always been possible to teach any one registered In a swimming class how to swim. weight about 1150 pounds-; 1 bay mare, seven years old, weight about 1200 pounds.; 1 gray horse, four years old, weight about 1300 pounds. Also three sets of work harness; 2 low wheel trucks; 1 heavy hack; 1 three bottom Oliv er plow, and will on Wednesday the 11th day of January, 1922, at what is known as the Tush Ranch about 4 miles west of Hard man. In Morrow County .Oregon, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the fore noon of said day. offer for sale and sell to the hicrhest hi ider for cash in hpn.l, so much thereof as may be ncresory to satisfy the promissory note described in said mortgage, to wn: The sum or 1,550.00, with interest tJiereon from the 12th day of November 1920, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, together with the further sum of 1125.00 attorney's fees and the costs and expenses of such seiture and sale. Dated at Heppner. Oregon, this 27th day of December. 1921. GEORGE McDUFTE. 8herlff of Morrow ooCnty, ri ( I n y 1 Buy TURKEYS - GEESE Stories of Great Scouts By Elmo Scott Watson , Western Newspaper Union. FRANK NORTH, "WHITE CHIEF OF THE PAWNEES" Only once in history did Indians acceed In wrecking one of the "white Bum's Iron horses," and this occurred: In 18U7 when a baud of Cheyennes ditched a freight train on the Union Pacific near l'lum Creek, Neb. A ftrange scene followed. Among the loot which the savages took from the wrecked cars were hundreds of bolts of calico. In a sportive mood, the young warriors tied the ends of the calico to their poines' tails. Then tl.ey went careening over the prairie, the long waves of many-colored cloth billowing, and Hunting behind them. While the Cheyennes were still en joying this sport, from the surround ing hills dashed a band' of mounted Indians led by a white man of sol dierly hearing. When' the Cheyennes saw hlni charging down upon them, they tied In every direction, crying "The White Chief of the Pawnee 1 The White Chief of the I'liwriee!" Mu j. Frank North was the "White Chief of the l'awnees." He had lived among them and they loved him. They adopted him Into the tribe, calling him I'nwnee Ln Sharo. This meant "great chief of the Pawnees" and chief even of the Pawnee chiefs. No other Pawnee and only one white man, Gen. .lohii C. Ftemont, ever held that title. Major North enlisted his first Pawnee scouts In 1SU4. and in every war on the plains thereafter they did valiant service. The scouts were Issued regulation blue uniforms, but they bad their own Ideas about bow to wear them. A full dress parade was an amusing tight Pome wore only the trousers and wer bareheaded; others wore the big black hat, but had a breech cloth In plac of trousers; and others cut out the seat of the pantaloons, leaving onlj leggings. All wore spurs, whethel they had on boots, moccasins or wer barefoot. Put they were good fight erg for all of that. They were with General Carr at th Battle of Summit Springs, Colo., In lSiW. and here Major North killed th Sioux chief Tall Dull, although BuffaU Bill Is sometimes credited with that feat During his scout career Major North became a Clowe friend of Buffalo BUI, and when he disbanded hit scouts Cody and North went Into the cattll business to Nebraska together, an wtrt partners for many years.